Step by step

Chapter 82 Xiaoxiangshuai

The blue boundless sea of knowledge suddenly surged. Just as the star of consciousness bloomed a dazzling light, Zhong Li felt that his whole body was full of infinite vitality again.

The divine star seems to be exhaling, but it is echoed by the inhaling blue sea of knowledge, which constitutes a great mystery.

Under this mysterious traction, Zhong Li felt a huge stream of breaking the dike from his mind and rushed to the originally dim and vague air elixir in Dantian, and the air elixir began to rotate and expand violently in an instant.

Without the sound of spiritual power rushing in his body, Zhong Li could no longer hear any sound, and his world disappeared in silence...

At that moment, he felt that the membrane that had been bothering him to improve his cultivation had suddenly disappeared. At this moment, the world was suddenly full of infinite vitality again, and his strange eight veins and limbs glowed ten times more power!

The foundation has been successfully built!

Unexpectedly, at this time, he inexplicably succeeded in building the foundation. Zhong Li couldn't believe all these incredible changes that had happened to him!

You can successfully build a foundation without building a foundation elixir. I'm afraid that there has never been such a precedent in the world, but Zhong Li did it. What an unbelievable scene!

Unfortunately, no one except himself knows what happened at this moment of lightning.

The two strange butterflies full of extinction power suddenly stopped half an inch away from Zhong Li's chest. Zhong Li flicked his fingers and gently bounced. The two butterflies suddenly gushed out dazzling colorful lights on their wings, protecting their bodies layer by layer.


As if countless heavy hammers suddenly fell on the thick giant bell, the power of Zhong Li's fingers collided fiercely with the layer of colorful defense on the surface of the two butterflies, making a dull sound!

These sounds are like a breathtaking muffled thunder blowing in the void, imprisoned in the square of several meters and did not affect the surroundings, but like Xiao Wufang and others still sensed what an earth-shaking collision of power is taking place in the fantasy created by Durdes.

It's like a heavy hammer falling on a thick shield, and the attack and defense are being staged **.

They are all horrified with the terrible energy that can destroy everything in the void. At the same time, Fang and Xiao Wu rushed over at the same time without warning and disappeared into the nothingness together!

A strange worry flashed in Barge's eyes, and the shabby but particularly clean robe on his body was windless and automatic.

One quasi-gold cultivation, two platinum perfection, and a reasonable siege at the same time, who can compete?

A voice sounded repeatedly in Barger's heart: Should we take action or not? ...


There is a saying that Yueying Qingchen has never understood what this sentence means.

Are we guilty in this world? Perhaps when we are used to seeing good people do bad things and bad people doing good things, we don't know whether we are guilty of what we have done, and we don't need to remember. Whether we go to heaven or hell in the future, it is not God's arrangement, but our own plan. We just need to remember this.

and supporting Zhong Li's unwavering in the face of pressure is the essence of this sentence.

When three completely different suppression forces suddenly surrounded Zhong Li, he felt as if he were in an extremely huge pressure whirlpool and would face the danger of being torn to pieces at any time.

His spiritual platform is extremely ethereal, and in an instant seems to be integrated with the world. He can communicate with them, and they discuss together how to deal with the crisis in front of him.

"Break and stand behind, separate without separation, break without connection, turn without turning. Let it be surplus and shortage, let it increase and damage, and when it is complete, it will be the road.

This passage was suddenly recited silently in his mind.

He suddenly felt that he seemed to have grasped a mysterious mystery that he had never experienced before, and a feeling that was almost blessed to drive him to make several strange movements.

He stretched out with ten fingers in his palms, and each time he could always bring gorgeous arcs. These arcs built an extremely gorgeous net around his body in a thousandth of a second, and his body shone with some extremely mysterious and secret rhythms in this net.

The step-by-step method is by no means the most unrivaled martial arts secret, but a peerless skill that is most suitable for Zhong Li.

At this moment of life and death, his skills finally broke through a realm again and reached the realm of "disconnection".

It is said that when Chu Xiangshuai cultivated this skill to this level, he could already convince the world's first fast sword "a little red in the Central Plains" within three moves!

Its power can be imagined.

It's just that the two world patterns are so different that Zhong Li really can't find a suitable reference to compare. In the end, there is the kind of quantitative or qualitative change between the cultivation of martial arts in this world and his own cultivation.

However, as long as it is strong enough, it is enough.

Three destructive forces acted on Zhong Li's body at the same time. The seemingly dense but slightly thin gorgeous light net suffered a huge blow of tens of millions of pounds at that moment, and it was a multi-directional blow!

A force is restrained but has enough sharp and destructive spiritual power, which is an all-pervasive spiritual power. At that moment, Zhong Li knew that this spiritual power came from the little fox Fangyi's special envoy. It seems that this man actually cultivated a single-attribute water spiritual power.

The five characteristics of clarity, strength, meekness, tolerance, purity and water spiritual power have included at least three of them, which shows the depth of its cultivation.

Another metallic spiritual power is more violent. Zhong Li knew that this spiritual power came from the arrogant prince Xiaowu.

Like the characteristics of metals learned in the last life, it is resistant to oxidation and corrosion, and its biggest feature is its unique increment. This is an element that can play a great role in the oxidation and reduction of matter. When its energy layer increases to a certain extent, the huge destructiveness or reduction is unmatched by other elements. This is also what Zhong Li later learned about why the royal Flamenco has always chosen to practice metal work. The root cause of the law.

Metal skills have always ranked first among all kinds of skills in the five basic five elements in the Qingxi divine world.

This small five attack is like a condensed powerful golden light wave, and it is also a superimposed form layer by layer, and the surging band is at least seven!

Later, Zhong Li learned that this Xiaowu used a powerful secret skill that had been almost lost for many years in the world - Jiu Youjin!

The seven-wave band means that this Xiaowu has now cultivated this skill to the realm of seven levels.

The color of the two yellow and white butterflies, which kept making waves under the powerful attack of Zhong Li, was no longer the previous gorgeous and dazzling luster, and gradually became dimmed, but the strong corrosive toxicity that penetrated silently from them began to produce a faint on the surface of Zhong Li's skin. At the effect, a slight burning, tingling and itching sensation began to spread around to his body on the surface of Zhong Li's skin!

The elixir-shaped air mass at Zhongli Qihai rotates more sharply and gradually shrinks to the size of only rice grains. The protective net that keeps its spiritual power consumption continues to increase.

ca ca......

Dozens of inaudible tearing sound in a row spread into Zhong Li's consciousness. It was terrible. That was the sound of the broken spiritual network he laid. It was completely unable to resist the joint attack from Xiao Wu and Fang Yi. In a blink of an eye, it was broken clean. The powerful attack of the two young heroes was unimpeded**, fierce Hit Zhong Li's chest and vest!


Although the spiral spiritual power in Zhong Li's body quickly prepared for the front chest and back at the moment when the defense was broken, the two forces were so powerful that Zhong Li could not compete at this moment. Suddenly, he felt that his body was hit hard by two million pounds of hammers at the same time. At that moment, the destructive force caused fatal damage to most of the meridians in his body. He even clearly knew that at least fifteen heart roots were broken, seven ribs in the chest were broken, and countless blood vessels burst and meridians were broken. His brain suddenly became extremely dark, and he didn't even know that he had been at that moment. He opened his mouth and sprayed a few mouthfuls of black blood!

He doesn't know why many secret techniques can't be used, otherwise he will not suddenly fall into such a miserable dangerous situation!

Is this the only way you died this time?.......

This was the last thought before Zhong Li's consciousness fell into chaos. In the confusion, he faintly heard a familiar panicked voice roaring something in his ear, and then he felt that the terrible pressure around him suddenly disappeared, and the space seemed to have been forcibly changed by a strange tearing force. And his body, which lost its master, floated like a cloud, and he lost his last consciousness...

A battle in nothingness finally settled after a drastic change without seeing the smoke.

People saw that the battle place that sent out a lot of terrible power suddenly appeared in front of them again, but three people stood on their feet.

The plain young scribe with a calm expression.

The young man in a white brocade robe and his cheeks were flushed. He clenched his fists and had not let go for a long time. His expression seemed that he had not relieved his mood from the battle just now.

The short and fat Durdes became ragged and almost showed his underwear, but his eyes were extremely calm. After all, he could do his best to make a good explanation for the death of Li Chuan Qijie.

The scar-faced man who was most concerned about disappeared without a trace, leaving several large pools of black blood on the empty bricks between the three people, which seemed to prove how majestic the man had come.

It turned out that this man didn't even have any scum left under the siege of Boss Durdes and the three of them!

The crowd of onlookers has not dispersed for a long time...

This is a big event that will make them talk about for a long time.

Next, Lord Barge, who looked a little gloomy, explained some things about Wu Nashi of the Black Knights, and went with the special envoy after the scribe. However, before leaving, he also looked deeply at the little fifth prince and the beautiful Nana, with meaningful eyes.

However, the girl Nana secretly showed an expression of incomparable worship and attachment to the little five prince around her. The big eyes under the little white rabbit mask never moved away from Xiaowu's body again.

Nods slightly, Xiao Wu put his arms around the waist of the hot beauty around him and walked into the door of the Golden Cave.

Then, people gradually dispersed one by one, leaving only a group of people who cleaned up the blood stains and cleaned up the broken meat bodies in front of the golden cave.

No one noticed that somewhere on the street corner, a pair of seemingly cloudy old eyes dripped a few turbid tears.

He and none of them have found that on the plaque of the golden cave that was erased, several large characters that people could not remove later tried their best to appear.

The little fragrance is handsome.


The secret room of the mayor's mansion.

The two sat opposite each other and were speechless for a long time.

Lord Barge and the owner of Yipintang Kakki.

For a long time, few conversations between the two came.

"What do you think is going on with my boss?"

"It seems that there are no bones under the siege of the three masters, but..."

"What do you mean?——————

"It is likely that he used some secret technique to escape proudly. I always felt that he was full of vitality. At that moment, he suddenly lost his sense..."

"Of course, there are too many unsolved mysteries on my boss. I won't be surprised how strange it is. I hope he can solve this disaster. By the way, two days later, the auction trading conference is still..."

"Of course, it will be held as scheduled. This time, I heard from the special envoy of the party that he was very interested in dozens of sets of armor. Maybe it will bring you a large order. Don't let your boss down."

"The current situation is, how can we explain to the anxious young master of your family? Is he and Kiki's son still waiting for the boss's news? How to save people? And what did the people around the three bosses say? I have a headache when I think about it..."

"Don't worry about this matter. You can go back and prepare for it. I will deal with these things myself."

"Then be careful..."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I don't care about those people. I will find a proper statement to stabilize them for the time being. Go ahead."

The two said goodbye.

Balger muttered, "It seems that I really failed. Can the years really erase all my sharpness by requiring a young man to do what he should have done?"

After saying that, a powerful look suddenly flashed in his eyes that only the world-class strong man has.

At night, two major events suddenly happened again in the golden cave that suffered heavy damage during the day.

One thing is that a woman who was secretly imprisoned in a secret place was silently rescued by a mysterious master without shocking anyone or leaving any trace.

The other one is the plaque of the golden cave that has been erased. The original wood master's calligraphy suddenly appeared in the place where the calligraphy of the five dragons and phoenixes suddenly appeared, and the elegant and handsome light purple characters with a light tulip fragrance.

No one knows what this means.

The people who sell the Golden Grottoes can't eliminate it. Even if the big boss of Durdes, who is in the quasi-gold realm, personally takes action, there is no way.

This is like a magical handwriting flying from the sky. Is it a miracle?

Is this handsome little handsome the elegant name of the majestic scar-faced man?

Many people speculated that within three days, the whole Qingxi divine world knew about the shocking thing that happened in Niuhua Town, a remote town in Lefozhou, Lichuan County, the empire. The death of Lichuan's seven mice, the god-like scar-faced man, and of course, this legend of this small and handsome man.

Tulips, vertical and horizontal Xiaoxiangshuai, an invisible violent shock quickly swept through every class of the divine world!