Step by step

Chapter 89 Drunken Moon Tower Cooking Wine Hero 3

[It seems that there are only two ways to go in life, one is necessary and the other is what you want to take. We must take a good and beautiful way before we can take the way we want to go. ————Don't]

Longbao and the little wolf, who were complacent because of the blow, did not dare to take it lightly. In the face of the powerful atmosphere of Gilbu Wuchao and others who had been aroused by them, they had to be on guard against Xiaojin, Xiaoshu and Xiaoqiang.

If the other party really recklessly launches enchantment skills, how can they have the power to counter their hands?

The problem is that the only characteristics they show under the cover of concealment are indeed the cultivation of Samsung intermediate martial artists, which is shocking and spoils the rules set by the boss. They dare not easily show their strength in front of outsiders.

The previous fluke between Longbao and the little wolf was entirely due to the ingenuity of the concealment of the two guards. Now the remaining people of the other party have clearly attached great importance to them and even deeply doubted them, which had to make them feel self-defeating.

A powerful air machine directly locked the five people. Suddenly, the strong pressure made the five people have a sense of oppression, and they even knew that this difference in the realm would make the weak one lose the ability to resist.

So, Longbao calmly gave a wink to several other people, which was a decisive wink. Xiaoshu and others all concentrated on competing with those powerful forces of oppression. Only the fat Longbao shouted in a low voice to Qiu Buer, who stood a little closer: "Xiao Qiu, stand away--"

distracted, Longbao immediately paid the price for saying this.

The originally guarded mind was immediately detected by several strong people opposite at this moment of distraction, and Longbao's mind's mind defense was immediately broken by the powerful air machine.

Suddenly, a series of restraints that forced people to give in came and were about to control him and give him an idea of giving up immediately. Under these constraints, it seemed that only by kneeling down and begging for mercy could he be released!

No! Longbao roared silently in his heart!

The hard training of the past few days shows results at this moment!

The clothes on the fat man's upper body suddenly broke apart, which seemed to be torn by invisible strength, flying in the air, revealing that the fat man was no longer a pile of ugly and soft fat meat, but pieces of strong muscles!

Under the flying muscles of Longbao's grave, at this moment, a stream of unknown things are constantly highlighted under the cortex. The fat man's face is flushed and seems to be doing his best to fight against this strand of swimming around in his body, so that his muscles are bulging high one by one, and even let people can see those muscles clearly. The thick pale cyan blood vessels in the meat!

Xiaoshu and others found Longbao's abnormality and knew that he was under the powerful attack of the other party. Unfortunately, several of them are also fighting against the suppression of the other party at this moment. It seems that it will not last long. How can they have enough energy to help Longbao?

Suddenly, the five people felt that the pressure on their bodies suddenly eased until they completely disappeared, just like a person who suddenly took too much load and finally lifted the sense of relaxation, which made several people involuntarily take a long breath at the same time.

Only a particularly beautiful voice sounded: "Come on!——"

It turned out that Mrs. Spring took action!

Longbao and others have always admired Chunyu. Especially when they met an arrogant man in Chunyu Tower that day, Chunyu exposed the means to surprise them. At this moment, hearing Chunyu's shouting, they immediately understood that it was not the Gilbu family who suddenly withdrew their kindness and suppressed them, but that Mrs. Chun helped them.

Therefore, coincidentally, the five little people looked grateful at the spring rain.

And Wuchao and others secretly cried bitterly.

Originally, I thought that this woman who couldn't see her strength was not the same as these evil young people at all. Unexpectedly, when they were about to take down five people, the woman would be in trouble without warning, almost in the same way, and instantly suppressed them by means that shocked Wu Chao's mind.


God, this woman is actually a platinum-level strongman!

Several members of the Gilbu family are aggrieved. No matter how powerful the silver warrior is, it won't help what they do in front of such a woman who is suspected to be platinum perfect.

The tide suddenly wrapped the Wuchao people in an instant. They didn't know how these strong women who helped them would treat them next.

Wu Chao hates the prospective father-in-law lying on the ground like a dead dog at this moment.

As the proud son of the border city college and the heir of the powerful Gilbu family, when did he encounter something that made him extremely aggrieved today!

However, he is still staggering in front of the shackles of senior warriors. What can he do in the face of a platinum woman who may already be a perfect?

The helplessness and grievance are all the feelings of Gilbu Wuchao at this time.

At this time, a man's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears: "Are you guys making trouble again?"

Hearing this man's words, Longbao and others were all overjoyed, and then turned to the direction of the speaker. Several evil young men shouted in surprise at the same time: "Big boss! ··· Boss!——————”

Two pure little girls followed by a cloth teenager. Who else is the smiling teenager who is not the fifth boss Zhong Li?!

Chunyu suddenly withdrew his suppression of Wu Chao and others, but did not dare to look into Zhong Li's eyes.

However, Zhong Li walked straight to her, bent down with his fist and said, "Zhong Li, thank you for your care of the next brothers!"

Chunyu's pink face turned red, especially the little girl standing between the two and couldn't help looking at Zhong Li and her narrow-catching performance, which made Chunyu shy.

stared at the little girl several times in a row, but after the effect was zero, Chunyu had to reply, "I didn't do anything, just slightly prevent both sides from expanding things to a point where it was difficult to deal with. Mr. Zhong Li is polite..."

"You're welcome. I didn't ask the girl's name, and of course, the lovely little sister beside you--" Zhong Li still laughed.

At this time, Zhong Li's three words "little sister" can be regarded as stabbed into Ma Feng's nest. She was still trying to observe whether there was any secret problem between the two. She almost jumped three feet. Her attention was completely defeated by these words and jumped directly in front of Zhong Li and pointed to the tip of his nose and roared angrily. Get up.

"What did you say? Who is the little sister? Tell me clearly. If you don't make it clear, I won't finish with you today! Don't think that my sister Chunyu will protect you. If you don't explain it to me clearly, my sister will not promise to let you go!"

The little girl is completely full of teeth and claws.

Yueying Qingchen took Joanne's little hand and stood silently a few meters away from the bell, signaling Annie not to speak.

Joanne, who was dissatisfied when she saw her brother being scolded, looked helplessly at Xiaoying, who was not allowed to help her, with a reluctant expression.

When Zhong Li heard Wanyu's words, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Miss Chunyu." Unexpectedly, she no longer paid attention to the maidservant who refused to rest, and walked straight to the front of several people in Wuchao, and her face was as heavy as water.

The unrelenting little girl had to come forward to talk to Zhong Li about his ugly appearance. Chunyu grabbed this childish sister. She really wanted to see Zhong Li's real level.

Although on the surface, Zhong Li's cultivation seems to be the same as Longbao and has not been promoted to the senior level, but after the amazing performance of Longbao and the little wolf, it is extremely impossible for Chunyu to believe that Zhong Li is only to see the level on the surface. From the human flesh auction to now, Chunyu has always wanted to see it with his own eyes. To this mysterious teenager, a teenager who aroused her infinite yearning and curiosity, showed her true ability to believe.

How can Zhong Li look like such an ordinary teenager, a teenager who can invest tens of millions of money to buy an elf slave?

Annie and Xiaoying looked very nervous. When Zhong Li came to the group of people, although they had made small achievements after this period of hard training, whether it was mental tenacity or the growth of skills, they had greatly improved, but when they saw that Zhong Li, whom they were most concerned about, was in danger, they would inevitably lose it. I'm nervous.

If you care about yourself, you will be chaotic.

Longbao followed Zhong Li silently with the other four people with a shy face. As long as there is Zhong Li's boss, several people dare to break through even if there is a sea of dragon pool and tiger caves in front of them. There should be nothing in the world that can be afraid of them.

They were ashamed to lose face this time. Originally, I wanted to give a bad breath for Qiu Buer and ask for justice.

Unexpectedly, he met the greedy boss's prospective son-in-law, but several of his men were all silver-class. Longbao, who had never been enchanted, could not be compared with these people at all. What's more, they didn't dare to expose their real level.

Seeing that they were about to show timidity, fortunately, Mrs. Chun helped them. Otherwise, they don't know if they have broken the net with this group of people.

Such a cowardly thing happened to five people who had always had strong face, and were also bumped into by the boss Zhong Li. For a moment, several people were like frost-beaten eggplants, with a sting expression and followed Zhong Li listlessly.

Zhong Li glanced coldly at Wuchao and others. At first, the two guards who were carelessly plotted by the little wolf Longbao have now returned to normal. Seeing Zhong Li bringing people over, several guards surrounded the young master and staring at Zhong Li and others.

Zhong Li did not show salute, and his expression was plain, and his tone was extremely peaceful: "There are two relatives and friends, ordinary people, who were secretly gathered by the tailor's shop owner. Today, I have to give him an explanation. I don't want to know who you are, and no matter how much you have to do with this greedy boss, who stands in front of me can't please you. Several people really want to get involved in this matter, and wait for me to ask the boss a few words first.

The faces of Wu Chao and several people are uncertain. Although this cloth teenager is only the cultivation of the intermediate three stars, this calmness and calmness seems to be the boss of those evil young people, and he must be a great person.

You must not make enemies inexplicably, which is also one of the ancestral teachings of the Gilbu family.

Therefore, Wu Chao and his party did not answer Zhong Li's words, but did not take any action.

With that, Zhong Li ordered, "Xiaobao, go and get that fellow here!"--

The fat man listened to the boss's order and ran like a gust of wind to hold the poor Sumanu in his hand, and another gust of wind returned to Zhong Li like a lamp grass.

I don't know what the fat man did. Sumanu woke up with a painful cry in his mouth.

" Let go of him first..." Zhong Li waved his hand.

Sumanu was caught off guard and fell to the ground by Xiaobao. His legs were weak and he sat on the ground with his buttocks, looking frightened and uneasy.

"Are you the boss of this intimate tailor shop?" Zhong Li's eyes were burning and he looked directly at Sumano and asked.

Sumanu's heart trembled, and the five tigers brought him infinite fear. The teenager who asked him seemed to be still above the five tigers, which could be clearly felt from the attitude of the five tigers to this teenager.

Sumanu was a little afraid to meet Zhong Li's eyes, but subconsciously nodded.

"Qiu Buer, come here!" Zhong Lichong waved to Qiu Buer standing aside.

Qiu Buer was very excited at the moment Zhong Li appeared, but he did not dare to call him. When Zhong Li took the initiative to call him, he hurried over and bowed and said, "Qiu Buer has seen Mr. Zhong Li."

"Qiu Buer, you can say what happened with the boss loudly so that this prince can know what kind of person he is as a prospective father-in-law!"

Zhong Li's eyes were like a knife, and coldly swept past the face of the panicked and helpless Arda Sumanu. The old man, who now regrets that he covets Qiu Buer's money and colluded with Mr. Er, was stimulated by Zhong Li's eyes and almost fainted again. He couldn't help trembling all over and watched him. Qiu Buer unconsciously muttered: "It shouldn't be..."

Unfortunately, no one heard his confession.

So, Qiu Buer stood beside Zhong Li. At first, his voice trembled a little timidly. Later, he gradually stabilized and set a terrible trap in front of everyone. He tried to defraud his money and tried to hurt people and force others. His mother as a hostage and so on were well-organized and heard that everyone changed color.

Even Sumannu's prospective son-in-law, Wu Chao, couldn't help taking a hard look at his father-in-law, who was lying down and seemed to be paralyzed, and his face turned red. Obviously, even he still couldn't stand the fact that his father-in-law was such a despicable, greedy and vicious villain, especially in front of the strength of Chunyu. In front of Gao Qiang's beautiful woman, he apologetically saluted Zhong Li.

"Since this is the case, Wu Chao apologized for the previous misunderstanding with several brothers. However, since this person is the next father-in-law, it's not good to be touched by this matter. Why don't we discuss this and see if there is a compromise? I don't know what the prince wants to do.

Zhong Li replied, "Well, we are not unreasonable people. For the sake of Mr. Wu Chao, if the old ghost takes out appropriate compensation and apologizes to my brother in person, I can consider not pursuing this matter."

Wu Chao's eyes lit up, but any dispute that can be solved with money must have room for operation. A guard next to him asked in a low voice, "I don't know how much compensation do you want?"

Zhong Li's face was embarrassed and he was speechless.

After a while, he sighed and said softly, "Oh, I'm ashamed to say that my little Qiu brother was seriously injured by your father-in-law that day, and his life was almost in no way. Thanks to our master's rescue, he picked up a small life. However, this rescue has cost us extremely heavy..."

While speaking, Zhong Li's tone suddenly became extremely sad, as if he was extremely sad. Hearing this, Sumanu's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and gradually felt that things were getting worse and worse.