Step by step

Chapter 99 Water Moon Cave

[Why do people need idols? Is it because you can't find a partner? Since there is grass around the nest, there is no need to run around! Therefore, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, but I can't find the Archaeopteryx, just like only you are one foot tall and I can be ten feet tall. Donxu summed up such sentence. It can be said that there is no vulgarity in life, but if there are more people who imitate it, it will become vulgar, just like Master Lu, who has no way out in the world. Therefore, all I want to do is to be in the world, but there is no legend of me in the world. This is the realm I want, and it is also the general outline of becoming an immortal step by step. ——Don't say anything]

Zhong Li opened his hands and pressed them gently, just like countless invisible bubbles being squeezed out in an instant. The oppression created by the three people every day was thus eliminated. Neither the three or the five little and the little shadow women closest to Zhong Li had ever felt the fluctuation of energy!

Tiantian's face suddenly turned pale.

Reading was particularly nervous. He subconsciously pinched the explosive charm that was being painstakingly studied in his hand. The explosive energy contained in the charm loomed in his palm. He knew what amazing effects would have once this seemingly ordinary explosive flame charm was sent out by him. At least this daily isolated spirit bead was released. The quarantine ban may not be able to withstand the terrible energy explosion, which may affect the whole Drunken Moon Tower.

It is not the work of the people who hurt the innocent. Even if the situation is urgent, it is impossible for reading to make such a move.

After Zhong Li easily broke through the encirclement of the three people, Zifeng was the first to relax. At the moment when he looked slightly pale, he suddenly heard a few crisp sounds, and the voice came from the generous table.

Everyone took a closer look. It was true that the big iron pot full of the precious four famous wines and various seasonings was originally burned to the boil, and was suddenly frozen and condensed by the momentum of the three masters. Now Zhong Li's influence of the three masters' oppression of the big iron pot has also been lifted, because the flame charm is still burning constantly. Burning, so fast back and forth solidification, the big iron pot first couldn't help tossing, broke into pieces, and then poured out a pot full of fragrant wine, all over the table.

It was a pity for everyone to scream, especially Tiantian, which was so distressed that his face twitched. Unexpectedly, Zhong Li gently brushed his right hand, and the fragments of the iron pot and the poured wine immediately disappeared clean, which made everyone stunned. This time, the three masters were completely convinced and dared not read it again, even if everyone can't talk about it again today. On the road, it is also a matter for people to raise their hands if they want to get rid of them.

There has never been such a sense of extreme weakness and powerlessness over the three masters who have lost their souls.

In fact, it's not that Zhong Li's cultivation is better than them, but that Zhong Li can perform several small spells after building the foundation.

The hand just now was an extremely simple "carrying technique" combined with "cleaning technique". Of course, people who don't understand the mystery of magic feel that it is like seeing a miracle.

The three people who read silently looked at each other and returned to their seats one after another.

Zhong Li smiled and said, "I originally wanted to take out a set of Kowloon cups to taste the good wine prepared by Master Tiantian. I didn't want to make everyone have no wine to drink now because of my unintentional loss. Fortunately, there is still a pot of private collection here, but I don't know if I can get the eyes of several masters. Don't care about your family..."

Do you care? Just kidding, how to deal with it?

In front of the boss of the god man, the three most famous masters of the six masters who dominate the world eat together in front of the boss. There is nothing that can make Wu Xiaofu more proud than this.

Master Six, aren't the legendary six masters the same in front of the boss?

Apart from Wu Xiaofu's secret complacency, he saw Zhong Li turn his right hand, and a strange thing suddenly appeared next to the nine silver wine glasses.

This thing is like an elixir bottle, but it is much more crystal clear than the ordinary elixir bottle. The whole bottle is transparent, with a piece of paper full of strange words and colorful patterns. The material of this bottle is like crystal, but where does the white crystal come from in the world?

In fact, what Zhong Li took out was just a 30-year-old Maotai treasured in his previous life. The glass bottle is simply a foreign object in this world. Who has ever seen it?

Zhong Li held the bottle and opened the cap with one hand. Immediately, a strong sauce fragrance filled everyone's nose!

For several people who have always been fond of wine every day, this special fragrance has already refreshed them.

This time, Zhong Li did not allow Wu Xiao to pour wine, but personally filled three glasses of nine uniform and unique glasses, and only poured half of the remaining six.

Putting down the wine bottle, Zhong Li gently brushed his left hand. The three full silver wine glasses flew gently and steadily in front of the three people every day. The three reached out to catch the stable wine glass in the void in great shock, but heard Zhong Li laugh: "How about the three masters try this wine?"

With a flash of eyes, Xiaobao, who had been greedy for a long time, came to pick up a cup first with a smile. It was good to have a leading brother, and the other four people came in panic to take their own cups.

Zhong Li just picked up his cup and suddenly looked left and right. He smiled apologetically and said, "Why are you confused? I actually forgot my two good girls who have just finished crying. It's time to be beaten, but fortunately, there are still some private goods, hey..."

In a blink of an eye, an extra cup appeared in front of the little shadow sitting on the left and right side of Zhong Li and Anne. That was two extremely exquisite goblet glasses. When Zhong Li bought these two cups, a set of six spent 40,000 yuan. It is said that it is a limited edition red wine cup made by Italy.

Then, of course, a bottle of red wine with a history of hundreds of years appeared.

Amber dark red red wine is not Lafite, nor is it a French or Portuguese wine, but just a national brand - Zhang Yu, a century-old wine, a fine wine boutique.

Zhong Li patiently taught the two girls how to hold the wine glass in a ladylike manner, how to gently shake the red wine in the glass first, how to take a small sip of the wine, how to learn to experience the unique texture of the wine with the tip of the tongue, and so on.

This speech made the three of them feel ashamed every day, and the unheard-of wine culture made the three masters feel ashamed.

For good, Zhong Li's words solved their embarrassment: "What I drink for the two girls and what we drink are not the products of the world, so it's not surprising that everyone has seen it. Now let's try a glass of wine first, and then speak slowly!"

said, but first raised the glass and sent the glass to his mouth.

Zifeng and reading are still a little hesitant, but Tiantian has long been unable to resist the unique sauce-flavored wine flavor. As soon as he raised his neck, a large cup of refined Maotai was sent into his stomach.

I saw him close his eyes with a look of extreme enjoyment. Reading and Zifeng also raised his glass, but he only tasted a small bite.

Good wine!

Good wine!!

Good wine!!!

The mouth is full of fragrance and the aftertaste is endless. Even the five little children are intoxicated.

This is called Maotai, which is a traditional solid fermentation brewing process with five grains as the main raw material. The packaging is a transparent crystal glazed bottle, which is exquisite and elegant, the wine is crystal clear, sweet and refreshing after drinking, and the aftertaste is mellow and long. It is the top grade of the Maotai series. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry and couldn't prepare a few more boxes. Fortunately, I didn't lack this brewing method, but I didn't have time..."

Originally, he jumped up every day with his eyes closed and roared, "Do you have the recipe for this wine? Oh, my God, I'm afraid that fairy wine is nothing more than that. If Mr. Zhong Li can trust Tiantian, he might as well hand over the recipe. Of course, how about all the income of the wine brewed below?

Zhong Li smiled and said no.

Every day was a little anxious and almost roared, "You don't have to care about anything, you don't have to produce materials, and you don't care about labor. If tens of thousands of pots are brewed a year, it will be a gain of tens of millions. Prince, just heard the prince say that there seems to be some small debts recently. This is a way to make money. Why does the prince have to worry about getting some debts? Please think twice!"

Zhong Li still smiled and tasted wine without saying a word. On that day, he refused to stop and muttered, "A pot can be sold for 2,000 yuan? No, it's too low, three thousand is not bad, no, no, no... Just 5,000, yes, yes, 5,000, the cost should be less than 1,000, net profit of 4,000, 10,000 pots is 40 million net profit, we need 20 million, oh, my God——————"

The little tree beside him couldn't help saying, "Master Tiantian's words are bad. Our boss's wine is not inferior to fairy wine. Such a pot of wine is not worth 180,000 yuan. How can you set such a low price?" After saying this, he looked disdainful of Tiantian's lack of business mind, and Xiaoqiang and others beside him also echoed with the waves.


Every day is about to faint from this group of monster teenagers.

He thought that even a pot of 5,000 gold coins could no longer be afforded by ordinary people, but these guys dared to make such a strange price of 100,000 yuan, and he was not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue. The most annoying thing is that Zhong Li seemed to agree with the words of his unbrained companions and nodded repeatedly.

100,000, how much profit should be calculated by brewing 10,000 pots in that year?

Every day, there is a blackness in front of his eyes, and happiness comes so suddenly that he can hardly withstand such a blow, even if his psychological quality is as good as him.

Sum, he suddenly thought, yes, since such a good wine that has never appeared in the world is comparable to fairy brewing, and it is natural to sell 100,000 to 200,000 pots. Suddenly, he suddenly thought that this item alone could solve all the expenses of the sect for several years. The excitement in his heart was self-evident. Seeing that Zhong Li was still meditating , so anxious that he scratched his ears and cheeks and hurriedly handed his eyes to the two people around him for help.

But who is Zifeng?

This wine has a unique taste and a long tail fragrance, which is the best wine he has ever drunk in his life. Since Mr. Zhongli said that this wine is not from this world, the implication is that she is not a person of this world. How can such a person not think of a way to make a fortune? Why cooperate with Tiantian? Cooperate with Shuilifang?

From Zhong Li's various manifestations of Zifeng, I draw a conclusion that only emotion can have some effect on this teenager.

Thinking of this, Zifeng got up and bowed deeply to Zhong Li, "Mr. Zhong Li, to be honest, the three of us are all from the same school. Our sect and the temple where the little shadow girl is located are dependent on each other and have a great source. I don't know if you would like to listen to me slowly?"

Zhong Li hurriedly got up and returned the salute, "Master Tiantian should not be so polite. I'm trying to ask for advice. He also asked the master to sit down and talk slowly and listen carefully."

With a flash of an eye, Billy King, the most dexterous man today, had long eyes and understanding. He quickly grabbed the wine bottle in front of the boss and walked over to the three masters respectfully, with the image of a good child with low eyebrows.

The libr sighed, "If all of us have such a good talent, why worry about the prosperity of the sect and the great cause?"

His face is full of envy that Zhong Li has so many talented people around him, and he also teaches him so well-informed, interesting and polite. At this moment, he naturally completely ignores the performance of the little tree's rushing every day.

Zifeng was about to speak when suddenly Zhong Li's face darkened and whispered, "No, let's talk in another place..."

The clerk of the drunken moon building originally saw that the generous young man who came with Niuhua Five Tigers actually came to a table with the three people of unknown origin. Suddenly, the table was surrounded by a layer of fog and could not see anything clearly. He was surprised but did not dare to disturb him, but soon saw After a strange twist, the fog disappeared cleanly. Strangely, Niu Hua Five Tigers, the prince, the three guests and the two little beauties disappeared.

Only a money bag was left on the table.

He hurriedly ran to pick up the money bag and looked at it.

Counting the cost of the table and this table of three people, it is less than 4,000 gold coins at most. With the 3,000 gold coins prepaid by the previous rich man, he is really lucky today. He earned more than 1,000 gold coins, which is equivalent to his three years in this drunken moon building.

He hopes to meet such a magical and luxurious guest every day, but he also knows that this is just a delusion.

For the safety of the more than 1,000 gold coins under the greedy ink, he decided that he would not know anyone to ask about today's matter.

So, unfortunately, soon after he finished cleaning up the table, several adults of the Black Knights brought several prominent people upstairs and immediately asked about the guests.

This makes the little guy very nervous.

Is it true that there is no one blessing? What are you worried about? We are just a little guy. How difficult it is to earn some water? How can you bigwigs understand?

The little guy firmed the established policy in his heart and calmed down in the face of Master Wu Na, who was obviously only a supporting role today.

It is said that wine is cowardly. He wonders that he, who is so strong today, can be called Qian Zhuang's poor heart?