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Chapter 110 Amazing Sword VS Mandarin duck*

[Some truths that the fisherman competed for profit and the mantis catching the cicada yellow finch later thought of. Things between heaven and earth are too mysterious, and there are mysteries hidden in the mystery, and there are changes in the changes. How small people are. There is nothing worth showing off or relying on the so-called wisdom. This is the reason for natural creation and incompetence. ——Don't talk about other things]

I don't know how many masters in the nine days of phoenix dance. Zhong Li asked himself that he could handle freely among these masters, not to mention retreating his whole body. At least no one can boldly claim that he can stay "never give up". For Zhong Li, even if the presidents of the four major fairs work together, he will not let him lose. Go to square inches, lose your claim, and be controlled by whom.

Murong Qiushui, the handsome man who used to be popular all over the world, is also Brother Qiu, met Zhong Li by chance, and the two had a bad fight.

However, from beginning to end, Zhong Li only made three moves, and Brother Qiu had to run away in confusion, which was the greatest shame in his life.

However, at that time, Brother Qiu had endorsed the products of several large listed companies in the world. Because his reputation directly involved more than his own interests, he never mentioned this great shame.

Brother Qiu, who is in the middle of the day, was defeated by three moves under his unyungible sword. Naturally, he did not say a word about it to Brother Qiu, who cherished his reputation more than his life. Although the blow to him was very heavy, it was not important compared with a series of far-reaching negative effects caused by reputation damage. Brother Qiu naturally knows more than anyone else's trade-offs.

Of course, Zhong Li will not mention this matter to anyone. Although the world media has raised the limelight of Brother Qiu for a while, in his eyes, this guy from a big ups and downs very similar to him is just acting as a pawn for some large group companies to seek greater benefits. What's more, in the nine days of the talented phoenix dance, there are many masters and capable people. Mo Rongqiushui can get to this point, which has nothing to do with his own indignation.

Zhong Li will never deliberately destroy the results of a person's hard work. Although Ah Qiu's billion-dollar fortune is nothing to Zhong Li, in terms of skills and equipment, Rong Rong Qiushui is just a little lucky in the nine days of Fengwu. This guy has never been Zhong Li looked at it.

It can be said that except for a few big bosses in the nine days of Fengwu, Zhong Li, who has the exquisite divine ring, almost no one has really scared Zhong Li, let alone stage fright.

But after coming to this Qingxi divine world, everything seems to have completely changed.

First of all, it is Barge, the slightly mysterious mayor of Niuhua Town. Longtu has always made Zhong Li unpredictable.

This guy not only didn't show his water, but also saved Zhong Li in danger. It was that Zhong Li was in danger on Li's Nest Street. Zhong Li was plotted to be murderous in his body. Zhong Li always felt that there was some unknown secret in this matter, but he had never asked about it carefully. Balger's image always gives him a sense of admiration for Zhong Li. In the world, this is called a high demeanor.

Zhong Li has his own conclusion on whether Barge is a master or not.

As for why such a master has such a useless young master Longbao before, Zhong Li feels that this has nothing to do with the mysterious strength of this man himself.

The second is the arrogant male five.

It is a strange superimposed attack method, but it looks like an intermediate martial artist, and it looks very suspicious. It is obvious that he is not rich. This guy actually had a lot to do with Liu Chen, the god of Li Chuanle Buddha, which made Zhong Li more vigilant.

The last time, when the elf princess Xue Bu Yue and the barbarian ten generals were auctioned, Zhong Li was lucky to see the strength of this arrogant man.

A powerful move hurt people invisibly, and directly bombarded the silver-level strongman Araki, the captain of the guard, and opened Zhong Li's eyes.

Zhong Li was overwhelmed by the fierce and brutality of this rough, arrogant and almost ignorant little five-year-old man when he dealt with the little Jiao and those bald men in the Bainan swamp in the Wulan Valley. It was not until Zhong Li at the gate of the Pinjin Cave that he really saw the power and domineering power of this guy.

Later, the three Shuilifang masters led by Zifeng did not bring too much pressure and urgency to Zhong Li. After all, they did not have the extent that Zhong Li had a strong sense of crisis that his life was threatened.

But this young man's sword directly subverted Zhong Li's idea that there is no master in Qingxi.

This sword is like a sky, wonderful to the top, completed in one go, without a sense of dragging and water.

This sword is like an antelope hanging horn, but it is traceless and natural, giving people a sense of powerlessness that can't be resisted.

This sword is as fast as a meteor chasing the moon, and it is like a flying fairy in the sky. It is fast and slow, which makes Zhong Li amazing.

If you want to practice such swordsmanship, it has nothing to do with qualifications, skills, or skills. What Zhong Li can be sure about is that this person has definitely endured many years of boring to extremely boring years of hard practice. He must have practiced thousands of identical sword movements with his eyes closed in the dark, and must practice with his eyes open to the morning sun. After tens of millions of this action, he must have practiced this sword tens of millions of times without fear in the scorching sun at noon. It must have been the same practice that has never stopped in spring and autumn.

Tens of millions of exercises, day after day and year after year perseverance, finally gave birth to this simple and magnificent sword!

This shows that this person's mind should be as firm as a stone.

Only after such arduous practice can this sword wash away all the lead and gorgeousness, leaving only ordinary and practicality, so that the aura of the world can be gathered in a sword, the spirit of heaven and earth in a sword, and a sword without fearless. How can such a sword that makes people feel alive can exist between this world?

Only immortals in the ethereal sky are qualified to use such a sword. How can they be issued from the hands of a mortal?

The shock in Zhong Li's heart is beyond words.

Originally, he just wanted to capture Zhongli, the nine-tailed fox He Fan, who tried to kill Chunyu and Chan, and imprisoned him in the cave. How did he know that the young man who followed He Fan would use such a shocking swordsmanship?

This also made Zhong Li determined to put aside worldly affairs and devote himself to practice for a period of time.

In the blink of an eye, he had drafted no less than 36 plans to deal with the man's sword, but they were not ideal, and even immediately overturned them, because there was only one result of these countermeasures.

pierced in the throat by this sword!

What a move to pierce the throat sword!

In a hurry, Zhong Li desperately squatted down and closed his eyes, instantly releasing his consciousness. Since this world is only a world of pure martial arts, I believe that few people can detect the exploration of his powerful consciousness!


He Fan was angry and anxious. He didn't expect that this expressionless young man would act directly in such a domineering and arrogant way.

There are no unnecessary words, just a sword strikes like lightning.

Because of the previous amazing legend, it can be said that He Fan's momentum weakened three points before the war.

The man did not say a word and sent a sword directly to him. He was fierce and domineering. Originally, he was caught off guard when he wanted to make several words to negotiate with this person. He was slow to deal with it, and his mind was affected again. The overall momentum was only half of the heyday!

In the blink of an eye, this sword light has reached He Fan's front!

Wh, not to mention that he has experienced hundreds of battles, not to mention that he has met countless people, who has always been the only one who has never been calculated, has ever encountered such an embarrassing and dangerous scene?

Since being punished by the female army Shenyangying, he almost died

After the chance to be rescued by the president of the Dark Association, He Fan understood the truth that men and women in this world must not be fooled.

Until he received the careful guidance of the president and practiced "Yin and Zen", as the gold medal killer of the dark guild that the president relied on, he was always cautious and never despised any opponent, which made him complete all his tasks extremely beautifully.

Among those who died in his hands, there are many strong people whose cultivation level is much higher than him, but under He Fan's exquisite design, no one can escape smoothly after his detailed plan.

He has always been unlikable in the guild. Although it is related to his annoying identity as men and women, as well as his personality that he does not easily socialize with people, but to a large extent, it is the result of He Fan's deliberate intention.

Because he understands that if you want to protect yourself to the greatest extent in this world, the less the cards are known, the better.

One more card is equivalent to an important means of life-saving.

If he doesn't socialize with people, others will know less about him, and on the contrary, he can calmly hide in the dark to look at others coldly and gain insight into each other.

This is He Fan, the nine-tailed fox He Fan, a madman killer with two more hearts than seven exquisite.

Facing the young man's sword, He Fan knew that he had suffered a dark loss in momentum and mind first. This amazing sword was as fast as a meteor, and he could not avoid it at all.

This is a sentence that many martial arts students often say, but few people can apply the true meaning of this word to the enemy. He Fan happens to be one of these talks.

The life-and-death test experienced for many years has been transformed into the most appropriate response at this moment.

He Fan scolded softly, and his leg retreated quickly and slightly bowed forward. He sank his waist and squatted. I don't know when two more exquisite golden knives had come out of his hands.

Butterfly Golden Knife!

is also known as the mandarin duck knife.

A layer of vigorous waves surged up on He Fan's body like ripples one after another. These layers of air waves directly turned into two strong strands, one yin and one yang, the color left black and right white, through his arms to get into the butterfly golden knife.

Suddenly, just when the sword light was less than seven inches away from his throat, the two butterfly golden knives suddenly burst into a dazzling black-and-white blend of light, faintly transforming into a strange pattern.

He Fan's whole body seemed to disappear at this moment, and he could not see the two mandarin ducks*, and the young mysterious man's shocking sword penetrated into the strange pattern like a dragon into the sea.

There is a dull thunder between heaven and earth.

From time to time, strange electric arcs splashed around the place where the sword light and the air mass met, and there was a buzzing sound in the falling place. The trees and grass near the mountain depression all turned black!

Suddenly, there was a muffled hum, and the pattern was gently shaken like a few times and disappeared. At this time, a black figure rose to the sky and quickly flew northwest.

Where the energy dissipated, the figure of the young man appeared. He held the sword in his right hand, the tip of the sword drooped to the ground, and the other hand was behind him, and his clothes fluttered, like the birth of a sword fairy.

In front of him, a black blood line is as thin as a tadpole, winding northwest.

It seems that the nine-tailed fox was hit hard in this fight.

Zhong Li's consciousness was released, his mind was extremely calm, and he saw the situation of the war between the two sides at a glance.

Suddenly, the man's eyes were like electricity, shooting straight at his hiding place.

Zhong Li felt awe of heart.