Step by step

Chapter 124 Spring Rain vs Cao Wei

[Why do people always feel tired and want to close their eyes when they are tired? - Don't worry]

In Cao Yu's consciousness, there is absolutely no word "pity and jade".

His brain only responded to the instructions of Marquis Lee Si.

No matter what the marquis asked him to do, he will implement it. No matter who he wants to kill, he will not blink, whether the target is male or female, old or young, and the marquis has been constantly instilling a code of conduct for Cao Yu in order to make Cao Yu act more decisive.

In the mission, the god blocks and kills the god and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha.

For a long time, Cao Yu has implemented this principle into his actions, so he never takes action easily. Once he takes action, he will never leave a backhand. If he does not achieve his goal, he will never stop!

Since this rich-looking woman is the same as the marquis, now she wants to take away the old man in the auction house before him. How can this be?

Cao Yu angrily put out his sword.

With a sword, the sky and the earth change color, and the ghosts and gods are shocked.

However, Cao Yi did not go with the purpose of hurting this sword. The marquis did not let him kill the person, he would not move easily, and the marquis and the female military god did not look so simple. He did not want to kill the woman in front of him with a sword to cause a dispute between the marquis and the female military god.

This sword grabs the aura of heaven and earth just to force the spring rain.

The feeling of spring rain in the sword spirit is by no means this. She never thought that a person could practice swordsmanship to such an exquisite level!

What Chunyu has learned is all from Yangying.

This is a secret, a big secret.

Even the sisterly sister don't know the secret.

Chunyu's business of fireworks venues such as Chunyu Tower is not what she wants.

In fact, Chunyu is only the most aura among the nine disciples of Yangying.

Her other eight sisters are now scattered in the major counties of the empire, making a living like spring rain.

However, this is just an appearance. Each of them carries a task on their back.

Nine of them are all orphan girls. Since childhood, they have been adopted and raised by Yang Ying, and have been passed down by the female military gods, and then they became the hosts of the nine Yanyu Towers of the empire.

In their life, their lives are not given by Yang Ying, but for Yang Ying. No one cares how their lives begin, but the path they take is arranged by Yang Ying.

They only live for the shadow of the sun.

As for why the most capable spring rain, the most capable of the nine people, was sent by Yang Ying to such a border town. Chunyu never asked Aunt Ying. Aunt Ying would naturally say what she should say to her. If she didn't explain, it means that the time had not come. This is the place where the spring rain sleeps.

Do what you should do well and don't ask yourself questions that you shouldn't ask.

bury your head in eating, bow your head to work, and work conscientiously.

Until she met Wan, Chunyu did not realize what happiness is and what makes her really happy. She felt that she was like the exquisite and flexible dolls made by the masters of the auction house every day, but there was an empty body without soul thought, like a walking corpse, almost mechanically according to Aunt Ying's instructions did not dare to disobey at all. She has been careful and step by step. She was afraid that she would accidentally make a mistake in Aunt Ying's big event.

Anyone who delays Aunt Ying's big event will never end up, even those who are spoiled by Aunt Ying.

These things have become commonplace and accustomed to spring rain over the years, so she became more cautious and quieter and lonely.

For good, she received spring mud in the past few years, which brought a lot of fun to her life.

Until she met the girl, for some reason, there were some extremely vague shadows in Chunyu's heart. Just like this girl had known her for many years, this girl seemed to be the only one of her illusory relatives who had been lost in the world.

Of course, I was introduced by Aunt Ying herself.

Chunyu knows the origin of this girl*, and even knows some reasons why the rebellious Jin Zhiyuye ran away from home, but he doesn't know what kind of relationship there is between the girl and her shadow aunt.

She has always been very happy with her, together with Chunni.

If she hadn't suddenly known that Wanwan was going to participate in the sacred conference that the imperial people were looking forward to next year, she would definitely be much lighter.

I don't know why, when they knew the news, Chunyu felt very frustrated and couldn't describe the deep sadness. Once they were selected, they would never see each other in this life.

However, she vaguely looked forward to the selection of the woman, because at that time, countless people had dreamed of an opportunity for thousands of years.

It has nothing to do with wealth and glory, money and power, but only two words, which have been pursued by people for thousands of years, and countless people have made countless efforts and attempts for it.

Long life!

Two simple words, but two words that can make people crazy.

Long-term survival and never aging, this is the basic explanation for immortality.

A lifetime of water, man is the same as nature, and the kidney is the hub of the Arctic. It is full of food, nourishes hundreds of bones, and depends on eternal life.

This is the so-called long life.

As a relatively advanced existence in biology, human beings have been tirelessly pursuing immortality, and countless people have successively tried to embark on that glorious road.

Unfortunately, throughout the Qingxi divine world, there are few legends about immortality or immortality. Chunyu has carefully read the hundreds of Ten Thousand Years of the Qingxi Continent History several times, and has never found some useful information.

The Holy Conference is a selection of mainlanders who are qualified to become immortals jointly organized by the divine religion and the messengers of the fairy world. This selection is only held once in 18 years.

The people who get the opportunity to be selected are all excellent children of big families or big forces. One of their basic characteristics is that they are under the age of 18.

Chunyu has not met the requirements for next year's selection. She earnestly hopes that she can seize the rare opportunity to become a member of the long road to cultivate immortals, even if she will never see each other from then on.

I don't know why, since she saw Zhong Li a few days ago, Chunyu's almost dead heart suddenly came to life, and she couldn't explain the reason.

This mysterious teenager who made Niuhua Five Tigers bow down, this teenager who has thrown tens of millions to buy a few slaves but has always been dressed in cloth. This teenager who is about to become sanctified in the mouth of Niuhua Five Tigers seems to have a lot to do with it. This teenager who always makes her completely lose herself by gently projecting his eyes into her eyes. The teenager who forgot his worries, Chunyu didn't know what kind of affection he had.

Several times noticed that she had some unusual spring mud quietly joked, and the spring rain did not say anything. She looked at the mysterious forest she had been waiting for for seven years countless times, and thought of the ancient legend that had been circulating for thousands of years, but she dared not think about it. Even if she wanted her, she could not pay attention to it. Clear head.

As Chunni quietly questioned, is Zhong Li the man who is willing to incarnate a lonely forest for him for thousands of years?

Is that right?

Isn't it?

Chunyu can't see her tomorrow and her future. She has always felt that she only lived for Aunt Ying in her life. Aunt Ying wants her to live, and Aunt Ying wants her to die. She never thought that one day, like those girls in Chunyu Building, she would secretly worry about a man, secretly rejoice and secretly. Crying, secretly melancholy, three points of silent concern, seven points of tenderness.

At this moment when the sword spirit hit, Chunyu suddenly felt so tired. She closed her eyelids and let the sword gas rush to her limbs and bones. In this way, in this way, in this way, she had no distracting thoughts in her heart, but silently recited such a sentence.

The fierce sword spirit invaded her body, and she could not feel pain.

Can you fall asleep?

Before she lost consciousness, she asked herself gently like this...


Cao Yu didn't expect that the woman beside the female military god would ignore it. When he sent out such a powerful sword, he closed his eyes calmly and looked happy to die.

Cao Yi can't take back the sword momentum he has sent out with all his strength. His swordsmanship has always been fast and fierce, pursuing extreme speed and efficiency. He never drags with mud and water, and never gives up halfway. Today, this is just a sword used to force.

However, Cao Yu clearly calculated that with the cultivation of this white-dressed woman, there are at least six ways to avoid his sword. The purpose of this sword is not to take his life, but just a forced sword move.

No matter how early Cao Yu saw the opportunity, the sword had already been released, and it was difficult to recover the water. He could only try his best to recover the spiritual power of the sword after being devoured by his sword spirit!

Even so, he still felt very clearly that the terrible sword on his sword poured into the woman's limbs and bones.

In the lightning, Cao Yu recovered at least 70% of the sword spirit with all his strength. The fierce sword spirit violently attacked his body with the rusty sword in his hand. His face changed from red to white and then from white to purple. He tried his best to suppress the sword spirit that penetrated into his body. Suddenly, his throat was sweet, and his chest was tight. He knew that he had hurt the inner government. Heavy hit!

Kiki stood between the two people with sword spirit, only ten feet away from the auction table. Most people were just watching the little fox Fang Yi wearing a full set of greedy wolf costumes in front of the master on the west side of the painting building. It was not until the sword spirit rose to the sky that they noticed the change here!

From Cao Yu's sword, Chunyu begging for death, Cao Yu's sword spirit was injured, the whole process is only two or three seconds at most.

Unfortunately, many times, a second has become eternal, such as regret.

Just as the spring rain was soft and about to fall, Cao Yu collected his sword and healed himself. When Ka Qi was ignorant and unconscious, a long golden whip came across the air, like a flying dragon dancing straight down to the mortal world in nine days, opening his teeth and claws, taking the key point of Cao Yu's throat, which was overwhelmed by himself!