Immortal Dragon

Chapter 559 Burial Buddha Cave

When it comes to the Buddha sect, the Polo Monk and others were also moved. This time, fortunately, Long Yun also followed him. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the words of the Lord of Tianji City will affect the emotions of the masters of the Buddha Sect and affect the acceptance of the living Buddha's inheritance!

"In this case, we will say goodbye and visit Lord Qiu again another day!" The Polo monk put his hands together.

Qiu Yunze also returned a gift. The reason why he did not continue to leave the Buddhist monk and Long Yun was that Long Yun brought him too much information.

From the scene when he first saw Long Yun's deduced, Qiu Yunze has gradually woke up from that ecstasy. Long Yun's deduced this time can be said to have helped him open this road.

He can't wait for the monks to leave and gather 108 days of machine guards to follow the trajectory of Longyun's evolution. First, in order to verify Longyun's evolution, and second, he also want to see how big this line of vitality is, or continue to deduce some detailed things. .

Under the leadership of the Polo monk, everyone went directly to the direction of the burial cave. Qiu Yunze originally wanted to send several masters as guards, but he thought of accepting the inheritance of the Buddha, which was the top priority of the Buddha sect.

They can believe in Longyun, but it does not mean that the Buddha can believe in Tianji City, so Qiu Yunze did not insist on this, but only saw everyone from a long time before returning to his city master's mansion.

"Call the 108-day guard immediately!" Qiu Yunze said to the left and right. Usually, 108 days of machine guards are retreating in their respective mansions. If there is nothing important, they will not appear.

At this moment, Qiu Yunze issued a summoning order again, which made the heavy responsibility of Tianji City gradually worry and didn't know what happened.

"Fate is in the world, Lord God, I seem to understand that the power of heaven and earth can be derived, but only fate cannot be derived. It is not that the disciples have not been deduced, but that disciples can't be derived at all. The root of this line of vitality is likely to be the young man!" Qiu Yunze seemed to have figured out something and said to himself.

However, Long Yun and his party finally entered the foot of the mountain where the burial Buddha Cave was located after half an hour.

I don't know how far this mountain has stretched, and even at a glance, I can't see where that side leads to, and this mountain is not in the shape of a straight line or a curve.

But it goes back and forth, as if it were a top, constantly entangled landform, which is also an extremely surprising existence in the mountains. Therefore, Long Yun couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this scene.

"The burial cave is in the center of the whole gyro mountain range. It is said that this gyro mountain range is the invincible force emitted when a thousand Buddha guards sat down, which changed the surrounding landform and turned it into the shape of a gyro!" Polo Monk said slightly that some allusions were the most persuasive from his mouth.

Long Yun was stunned and was able to change such a huge mountain form and change with human power. It can be seen how powerful the so-called Buddha guards were during their lifetime.

"Let's go!" The Polo monk took the lead and flew towards the center of the top, while Long Yun felt Chu Xuan beside him and suddenly tightened his little hand.

His eyes couldn't help falling on Chu Xuan's face and found that Chu Xuan's face was a little worried at this moment. He immediately said to Chu Xuan, "Xuan'er, why do you have such an expression? What are you worried about?"

"I'm afraid that if I can't successfully accept the inheritance, I will disappoint my brother!" Chu Xuan's voice was quickly transmitted.

Long Yun stroked his little head with a smile and said, "Xuan'er will always be the best in my brother's heart. No matter whether this acceptance of inheritance can be successful or not, this will never change, so Xuan'er should not have any pressure, because this is your thing. You came here just to Take it away instead of waiting for its call. Xuaner, only by controlling everything can you really gain the power of control!"

Chu Xuan nodded and said, "Brother, I understand that I will succeed, because I want to be a good helper of my brother. I don't want to live under my brother's protection all the time. I will be strong and protect my brother!"

"Good boy, I believe you can do it!" A trace of gratitude surged in Long Yun's heart. Xuaner's ability to say such words was the most gratifying thing for him.

"It's here!" With the Buddha's name, the crowd stopped. Long Yun raised his eyes and saw a huge cave in front of him.

The mouth of the cave is ten feet high. I'm afraid this burial cave is named after it. The cave is at the bottom of a cliff, and in addition to this cave, it surrounds the entrance of the cave.

There are also countless small holes, which can only be passed by one person. Under the details of Long Yun, there are more than a thousand. I can't help but know that this thousand small holes are likely to be the residence of a thousand Buddha guards.

The monk shouted at the Buddha's name: "Disciple Polo, bring the little living Buddha of the world and come to worship the Buddha Lord, and ask the Buddha Guard to give way!"

The voice of the Polo monk was full of air and quickly passed away, and the sound was transmitted throughout the valley, echoing for a long time!

The sound of clothes breaking through the air kept coming, and the monks couldn't help looking up. They finally saw the most heartfelt thousand peerless strong men of the legendary Buddha sect.

At this time, they stood on the top of the cliff, arranged word by word. Their eyes did not have a trace of brilliance, just staring at the crowd without moving.

"Ving Buddha, please verify with blood!" The Polo monk said slightly.

Chu Xuan nodded and flicked his fingers. A drop of blood flew out of his fingertips and flew towards the cliff. Among the thousand Buddha guards, the leading man mechanically poked out his arm and took this drop of blood in his palm.

Immediately, a golden light flashed out of his eyebrows, and this drop of blood automatically floated in his palm, especially the golden light emitted from his eyebrows.

directly shone on this drop of blood, making this drop of blood begin to emit a group of enchanting light, and a pure Buddha power emitted from this drop of blood.

In the burial cave, there was a wave of swaying, as if to inspire the power of Chu Xuan, rippling layers of light waves. Chu Xuan's effect was the most obvious, because he seemed to feel that a wonderful force from the huge cave of the burial Buddha cave was constantly summoning him.

"Puff!" A thousand Buddha guards knelt on the top of the cliff at the same time, slowly lowered their heads and were extremely respectful. The Boluo monk was overjoyed, which means that Chu Xuan had passed their test.

"The disciples followed me into it and protected the living Buddha to accept the inheritance!" The monk Polo said slightly, and there was also a faint light on his face.

With the sound of clothes, including Long Yun, hundreds of powerful Buddhists shuttled through the cave at the same time. The cave was covered by golden light, as if it was covered with a layer of golden sand!

The whole cave is also surrounded by Buddha power, and you can feel that the pure Buddha power is beginning to pass through.

Under the leadership of the Polo monks, the monks walked towards the depths of the cave. Chu Xuan held Long Yun's hand and began to ooze a little sweat.

Long Yun also felt Chu Xuan's tension, and his arms couldn't help tightening, which made Chu Xuan calm down a lot.

The cave is not long. After walking for a cup of tea, it has come to an end. In front of them, there is no way to go. It is a smooth stone wall.

It's so smooth that it's like a mirror, and even the shadow of everyone clearly appears on it!

"Buddha wall without words!" Polo monk said slightly, "The living Buddha, through this wordless Buddha wall, that is, the Buddha's own space, the Buddha's bone reli, is there. Whether you can get the Buddha's inheritance depends on you and Long Yun's donor!"

Long Yun put his hands together and nodded, "Thank you for your trust. Long Yun will definitely live up to his trust and do his best to help Xuaner get the inheritance of the Buddha's bone relith!"

"In this case, let's not delay. Let's take action together, open the wordless Buddha wall, and send the living Buddha and Longyun donor in!" The monk said slightly!