Immortal Dragon

Chapter 565 One Cause, One Fruit, One Cycle

The words of the Buddha beads fell, and Long Yun also felt that his body was light and landed on the other palm of the Buddha Lord!

"Little benefactor, you have also realized a trace of causality. Now you tell the poor monk what is cause and effect?" The Buddha said slightly.

Long Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "One cause, one result, one cycle. A flower, a leaf, a bodhi!"

Buddha's bodhi represents a world, one flower and one world, one leaf and one bodhi. It is all about the way of the world. It is to stand on a macro standpoint and watch the world.

Hearing Long Yun's words, the Buddha nodded, and a trace of relief flashed on his face: "Cause and effect cycle, there must be cause and effect. Similarly, there must be consequences. In terms of cause and effect alone, what cause and what effect you get, you can only see through half of the cause and effect. However, you don't know that when you think about it, you will know what kind of fruit you have. What kind of reason, little donor, do you understand?

Long Yun nodded: "Cause and effect are boundless. It is integrated and forms a cycle. It is indispensable. Only through the cycle of understanding can we truly understand cause and effect, understand and live endlessly!"

"Yes, it's just endless! The way of cause and effect is to live endlessly, the cycle of facts, and the achievement is immortal!" The Buddha smiled slightly, and his face was full of relief.

He finally knew why the creation, reincarnation and even fate chose him. His understanding can be described as horror. For such a person, he does not need any explanation at all, but with a little dial, he can understand everything.

In the Buddha's laughter, he seemed to strengthen his mind. Another eyeball slowly fell down, and his eyes suddenly became empty, like two huge black holes.

This eyeball, suspended on the top of Longyun's head, gradually shrank, turned into an ordinary fruit that could no longer be ordinary, and fell into Longyun's hand.

Long Yun stretched out his hand and found that whether it was the texture from above or the heavenly Tao contained in it, it was an ordinary fruit.

"Little benefactor, tell the poor monk, what is this?" The Buddha said slowly.

Long Yun frowned slightly. He always felt that it was not that simple, but no matter how he searched, it was just a fruit.

"This is a fruit!" In desperation, he had to answer according to the facts.

The Buddha nodded, and a light flashed in the palm of his hand. The fruit in Longyun's hand suddenly turned into golden light, and the light went straight through the sky. A pure force seemed to escape through the heavy void and towards the unknown distance of the sky.

Long Yun did not move, as if he was thinking about it. His eyebrows began to gradually stretch out and nodded, "Thank you, Buddha for your enlightenment. I understand!"

Yes, when the fruit transformed in a moment, Long Yun's heart was crystal clear. He understood that the fruit was not actually an ordinary fruit, because its interior was a world.

Once the world is full of power, it can turn into a supreme Buddha fruit that is enough for the world to grab the head.

However, it is only an ordinary fruit, because you just look at it with ordinary eyes, just like your own body. If you have never seen through yourself, you will never know that your body is actually a world.

"The children can be taught, and the little donor has a very high understanding. That's all the poor monk can do!" The voice of the Buddha gradually disappeared, and at the same time, the golden light in the sky, like a meteor chasing the moon, once again returned to the dragon cloud.

Long Yun reached out and took it. With a faint golden halo on his arm, the fruit appeared there again. This time, it was no longer an ordinary fruit.

It is a golden fruit. Long Yun knows that this is also a Buddha fruit, but unlike the Buddha fruit condensed by the Polo monk at the beginning, the Buddha fruit of the Polo monk was formed by condensing spiritual power and sealing it with his own Dharma.

But the Buddha fruit in front of him is the Buddha's real perception of the way of cause and effect after endless years, which he passed on not only to Chu Xuan, but also to himself.

However, in addition to cause and effect, there is also his lifelong cultivation, but the way of cause and effect also ends in his own original perception and cannot be expanded.

But what is passed on to himself is an endless way of cause and effect, which is a way of cause and effect that has no edge at all. It is the Buddha fruit that condensed by forcibly removing the causal power that concealed his heavenly purpose before the Buddha's fall.

This Buddha fruit can be called the supreme Buddha fruit, not only because it was handed down by the Buddha, but also because this Buddha fruit represents a hope and an expectation that covers the way of cause and effect.

Long Yun put his hands together, put the supreme Buddha fruit between his palms, and sat cross-legged on the palm of the Buddha's hand. His eyes were slightly closed, and this Buddha fruit slowly melted in his palm.

formed a golden stream of water, which penetrated from his palm. Several bright lights suddenly lit up in Longyun's body, which belonged to the power of creation, reincarnation, fate, killing and moonlight.

At the same time, they felt the invasion of the power of cause and effect, and all of them gathered, but this time, unlike before, there will be some fights between them.

The power of fate has already included all the forces in it. He is like a child king, leading every child and living in peace. Under his coordination, all the forces begin to gather.

At the same time, another force suddenly lit up in Long Yun's sea of knowledge, as if he had just woken up. That was his long-sleeping sword.

When Longyun was on Shenlong Island, he realized the supreme sword through a quick glance with the dragon tooth sword. From the sharpness of the dragon tooth sword, he clearly understood the fundamentals of the sword.

His kendo, together with the sea of endlessness, can be called the ancestor of kendo, admiring that this power will not lose to any force in Longyun's body.

However, later, with the convergence of various forces in his body, his own sword spirit began to appear weak. In fact, Long Yun also knew that this relatively weakness was completely because he did not have time to continue to understand the sword spirit and feel the realm of sword heart.

What he has learned is extremely complicated, but only the sword is really created by himself. After the continuous addition of several forces, the power of kendo is also constantly covered up.

But now, with the arrival of the power of cause and effect, the power of kendo, which has always been hidden in the dark, actually emitted an unyielding will at this moment, which is the will of the sword.

The sword is the king of soldiers and the breath of the king. It does not allow its status to be threatened, but at this moment, every force is on it.

But he will not be afraid, because he is a sword, the way of sword, indestructible and unjust. Even if heaven and earth merge, I will open up the world with one sword, and I have no regrets.

The flash in the pan of Kendo shocked Long Yun's heart, and at the same time, a trace of guilt surged in his heart. He almost forgot this old friend who had been with him for many years.

smiled at the same time: "Don't worry, you won't be lonely. Although they come, you won't leave, because you are me, and I am also you. The two of us are one!"

Kendo seemed to understand the meaning of Long Yun, and the light gradually faded away. At the same time, the power of cause and effect set off a stormy wave in his body.

Long Yun fell wholeheartedly into the cultivation of the power of cause and effect. At this moment, three days and three nights have passed since the outside of the wordless Buddha wall, and everyone's faces have shown anxiety.

Together with the Mituo monk, he also opened his eyes several times. Without the calm of the past, he kept looking at the Polo monk and saw that the Polo monk did not have any emotional fluctuations, so he continued to close his eyes.

And the tantric monk's face was with an imperceptible smile. He sat next to the Polo monk and said to himself, "You may not know that after two thousand years, the remaining willpower of the Buddha has long dissipated. If the willpower of the Buddha does not appear, they will always look for If there is no Buddha bone reli, this Buddha bone reli is destined to be mine!"

After saying that, he glanced at the passage behind him and couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly: Is it time to come?