Immortal Dragon

Chapter 599 Qualified Father

"Who should I tell? Will anyone believe it?" Feng Luan said strangely, and his words were very close to sarcasm.

Long Tian glanced at her. Long Tian was full of disgust for the woman in this deep city and immediately said disdainfully, "Believe it or not, it's your business. I'm just telling the truth again! And besides Ruoyun and I, Long Yun is afraid to know about this! Because he came out of Xuanyuan Valley, he will believe what I said!"

Long Yun remembered the scene he saw when he was in Xuanyuan Valley, that is, the baby lying in the peach forest. If it is really like what Longtian said, then the baby should be himself.

It is said that Longtian and Feng Ruoyun once fled to the demon realm under the pursuit of Shenlong Island and Phoenix Pavilion. In this way, he should have also entered the peach forest, and it is likely to be there to take himself out.

No wonder he would watch Long Xuan and others extract their blood power and be silent. It turned out that he was not his own son.

A self-deprecating bitter smile flashed on Long Yun's face, but everything doesn't matter. Now he is still living so well, and because the entanglement between himself and Feng Qingyan is no longer there.

Because he saw the concerned eyes around him, the Wolf King, Hai Wuya, Ying, Yun Zun, Chu Xuan, Qiu Yunze, etc., all of them came one by one.

"Longyun, thank you for coming here and supporting Longyun. Thank you very much. In the future, if there is a place where you can use Longyun, Longyun will die!" Long Yun did not answer Long Tian's words, but looked at everyone gratefully.

"Father!" Long Moling finally couldn't help shouting Long Yun.

Long Yun smiled faintly: "Mo Ling, come here!"

A trace of joy flashed on Long Moling's face. He shuttled to Long Yun in a few steps, threw himself into his arms and cried, "Father, Mo Ling misses you so much!"

Long Yun stroked Long Moling's head and spoiled him, saying, "Father also misses you so much. This time I saw that your cultivation has improved to such an extent. My father is really happy, and I would like to thank Hai Lao!"

Hai Wuya laughed and said, "It's Mo Ling's very talented, but I'm just a little bit!"

Feng Qingyan's eyes fell on Long Yun's face and looked at the pink and jade-carved Long Moling. His heart was as if he had been bitten by thousands of ants. He was sad for a while, and his mood became heavier again because of Long Tian's words.

"Sure enough, there is no good thing. It doesn't matter if you are pregnant with his child. In the future, you will take your child and live with your mother. Your mother will not let you be wronged!" Feng Ruoyun stared at Long Yun fiercely.

Long Tian smiled and said, "Long Yun, you are very fast. The child is so old so fast. Shit, my daughter has become a little wife!"

Long Yun did not answer Long Tian and Feng Ruoyun's words, but said to Long Moling, "Mo Ling, remember, I am your father, and she is your mother!"

After saying that, he stretched out his finger to Feng Qingyan!

"Mother!" Long Moling obediently called to Feng Qingyan. Feng Qingyan's delicate body was shocked and looked up at Long Yun incredulously. He suddenly found that Long Yun's eyes contained many things.

seemed to understand, and a blush flashed on Feng Qingyan's face.

"Hey, you wild child, who do you call mother? Let me tell you, there is a child in my daughter's belly, but it's not you. Don't scream!" Long Tian pointed to Long Mo Lingdao.

"Longtian, you have no right to say that about my son! He is a spiritual baby condensed by the yin of heaven and earth. I am the first person he sees when he opens his eyes, so I am his father, and I have to take away today. No one can stop me, and only she deserves to be Mo Ling's mother!" Long Yun explained faintly, and his voice was extremely firm.

Everyone finally got a clue. It turned out that this little boy was actually condensed by the qi of heaven and earth. They had heard the legend of demons, so they were also convinced of Long Yun's statement.

"You unfilial son, at least I have supported you for so many years, and you don't even call your father. In this way, how can you educate this little demon?" Long Tian scolded Long Yun.

Long Yun snorted coldly, "Although you have nurtured me, that day, when you extracted my blood, I had already returned it to you. Now I have nothing but hatred for you, nothing else!"

"Do you think you are enough to repay everything I have done for you?" Long Tian's voice gradually turned harsh, and everyone familiar with him knew that this meant something a little angry!

"I have changed all my blood strength to you. I don't think I still owe you anything? If you still think that it's your own business, it has nothing to do with me. As long as I leave today, you can't stop it!" Longyun is tit-for-tat.

Long Tian sneered and said, "Don't think that your cultivation has improved a little, and you are invincible in the world. With me, you are not qualified to say such a thing, otherwise, you can have a try!"

"Young Lord!" Long Wu suddenly flew between Long Yun and Long Tian's father and son!

Long Yun knows best about the things between the two father and son. Seeing that the war between father and son is imminent, Long Wu immediately ran over and said to Long Yun.

"Young master, you really blame the master!" Long Yun actually fell down and turned back to Long Tian and said, "Master, I don't want you to continue to bear it yourself like this. Please forgive me for being rude. If the master blames me later, even if I kill the old slave, I will never regret it!"

After saying that, without waiting for Long Tian to speak, Long Wu said to Long Yun, "Young master, the master has long known that you are a hidden dragon bloodline. Extracting your bloodline is also to stimulate the hidden dragon bloodline in your body. Although the master doesn't say anything, he is the greatest father in the world. Young Master, old slave, you still don't know each other. Do you believe it?"

Hearing Long Wu's words, Long Yun's heart suddenly moved. Once upon a moment, he also had such a guess, but when he saw Long Tian afterwards, he was provoked by Long Tian's squeezing and completely forgot this idea.

Now Long Wu actually said it, which made Long Yun couldn't help but be stunned.

Long Wu continued: "After the master extracted your blood, he threw you into the mass grave. Secretly, he sent me to the mass grave to save you. It took three days and three nights to help you reorganize the bloodline and stimulate the power of the hidden dragon bloodline! And turn it into a hidden dragon and seal it on your arm!"

Long Yun frowned, and the little dragon on his arm actually came from such a history.

"Later, the master asked me to send you to the Jade Sword Gate, which is why the young master woke up and found yourself there! It is because the master knows that the dragon gate pine of the mountain gate of Yujianmen is a dragon tail that the creation dragon god was cut down by the demon god. The master asked me to send you there so that one day you can get the recognition of the dragon tail and get the real inheritance of the creation dragon god!" The five words of the dragon are amazing.

If Long Yun had not fully believed Long Wu's words before, then at this moment, he had completely believed it. If he hadn't really known, Long Wu would not have told Longmen Song so clearly.

"The master has been ordering me to protect you secretly, including the time when I stopped Chen Tianyi to make him change his mind. When I finally saw you, I taught his son a fierce lesson without causing you trouble. In addition, the real hegemon behind Xuantianyu is the master, which he gave you The prepared gift, but I didn't expect that you were more powerful than he thought and took away most of the people, which the master never thought of!"

Long Yun paused and continued, "The master is paying attention to you every day, including the time when Fengyun's mother-in-law wanted to kill you, it was also the master who appeared to save you!" Another time, you were trapped in the demon realm. I have been searching for your news. Later, I learned that the master secretly sneaked into the demon realm and secretly protected you!"


Long Wu talked about everything endlessly. Long Yun was stunned, and an unprecedented feeling suddenly surged into his mind. He was extremely smart and had his own judgment ability. Of course, he knew the truth of what Longwu said!