The Undead King

Chapter 1: Zombie Xiao Yao

Early morning, Xiao family!

In a side hall of Xiao's house, the slightly shaking pale yellow curtain was suddenly pulled open, and then a teenager jumped out.

The young man's surname is Xiao Mingyao, and his eyebrows are beautiful and handsome, but he is born with a pair of rather deceptive eyes, which makes people feel a little cynical and a sense of unbred ruffian.

"Hee, mother, I specially invited you, but I don't know why... Today I... I really want to go out with you. How about it? I promise you! Never make trouble, make trouble, make trouble again, and never pick flowers... cough... make trouble...!" When he talked about provoking grass, his voice rose, his face bulged, and became a little strange, and his eyes suddenly moved left and right, looking a little naughty.

"Huh? What about people?" The teenager straightened his body in surprise and leaned his head in, scratching his head with one hand and his waist in the other, and his face was full of puzzled.

"Drink..." A sharp and harsh sound suddenly came out, and Xiao Yao saw a green figure coming out before he understood what was going on.

The green shadow flashed quickly and immediately stopped in front of Xiao Yao. She was wearing loose, red eyes, with two large jagged fangs, and her ferocious face kept swinging slowly, like a peerless madman, which was very terrible.

Xiao Yao's pupils suddenly condensed, as if he had seen something incredible, and he was extremely shocked. The stubborn and hippie nature disappeared in an instant. Instead, he gradually showed extreme panic.

"Mother--" In the shock, the original loud voice was hoarse like a fish bone. Just when Xiao Yao was frightened, the strange woman he called his mother waved her slender claws with sharp blood-red nails straight into the bloodline of Xiao Yao's neck.

In an instant, Xiao Yao is like a petrochemical.................................

"Bum!" A transparent curtain automatically popped up on Xiao Yao's body. He was immediately hit by a huge force, hit the wall fiercely, and fell down again, spitting blood in his mouth.

A strange ptunshaped pendant on the chest has disappeared and turned into powder.

He woke up like a dream.

"Ah! Mother, mother! You...what's wrong with you!!" Xiao Yao sat back in fear and said with a pale face.

But his mother turned a deaf ear, shook her hands, and the green light flashed, and it stretched several times longer! Catch Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao panicked and immediately rolled over.

Boom! The claws suddenly raised the board and blew a big hole in the ground.

"Drink..." A whisper came from his mother's mouth again, and his arms swept to Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao was shocked.. In such a small place, there is no way to avoid it with long arms!

In an emergency, he patted the floor and floated three feet, which was easy to avoid.

But his mother's arms trembled violently and grabbed him!

The long arm contracted, and Xiao Yao shouted and was caught. He is now less than a foot away from his mother. His mother's red eyes and trembling fangs can be seen clearly!

"Drink..." Mother firmly grasped Xiao Yao and opened her fangs to bite Xiao Yao's neck.

Under the blood, Xiao Yao's mother bit the blood vessels on Xiao Yao's neck and sucked blood.

"No! Mother! Why did you bite me? You.. Your eyes! Ah... Dad.. Ah!" The severe pain hit, and Xiao Yao shouted in panic.

Xiao Yao called his mother again. His mother reacted, and her body was full of blood. She had to let go of Xiao Yao and spit blood. This is parent-child blood. She couldn't absorb it, but with this blood, she vaguely remembered something, but every time a picture flashed, Then she hugged her head and shook it violently, and her hair was pulled off a lot by her!

Xiao Yao took this opportunity to escape, covered his injured shoulder, and panicked... Stepping on the 'Xuanling Dance Step', he fled quickly.

"Ah!" Xiao Yao's mother was still unconscious. Seeing the prey running away, she instinctively suddenly screamed, and the harsh sound waves spread out.

The people in the hundreds of houses around suddenly turned red and their long arms stretched out. They got up, smashed the house and flew out!

The study..' Buff!' The door was violently pushed open by Xiao Yao.

He covered his neck and cried loudly, "Ah! Dad! Dad! It's terrible. Something happened. Something big happened! I saw my uncle, aunt, second sister, little sister, and mother, they... It's everywhere.. They are all biting people.. Ah! Dad! Dad! You.. What's wrong with you? Don't scare Xiao Yao!"

A middle-aged man in blue, sweating heavily, leaning against the pillar, standing motionless, the red spiritual power kept burning, emanating from his chest, as if he was suppressing something with all his strength.

"Dad, you... Your hand!" Xiao Yao's eyes widened and was stunned!

Xiao Yao's father's fingernails have become purple and longer, his face is also a little twisted, and his eyes are gradually red from time to time..

He seemed to know his own situation. Seeing Xiao Yao coming in, he simply did not suppress it. He hit a spiritual decision with both hands and rumbled... The wall vibrated and slowly moved up, and a stone door appeared. He then hit another spiritual decision, a palm-sized jade box, and a roll of square painting shaft, which appeared out of thin air. He pointed to Xiao Yao a little, and two things flew to Xiao Yao and were hugged by him.

"Drink.. Ah..." The voice is small and greedy.

is coming!

Xiao Yao's father's expression changed and pointed to Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao suddenly felt that he was thrown into the entrance and fell to the ground.

“.. God.. God..." He opened his mouth and his head waved gently. After saying a vague word to Xiao Yao awkwardly, his big jagged fangs immediately stretched out! By this time, he seemed to know that it was time to end! Taking advantage of his consciousness, he hit the spiritual decision to close the stone door, and slowly raised his hand with long purple nails and put it on his neck. The blood flashed. At this time, the stone gate had slowly fallen. He looked at Xiao Yao, and there was determination in his eyes... Have pity.. There is hope..

"No! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!" Xiao Yao roared.. Poo! A head flew out, boom! The stone door is closed.

On that day! The news spread overwhelmingly, and Yongquan City became a city of zombies for a day!

I don't know how long it has been, maybe one day or two days... Three days!

"I can't die! I.. Can't die!" Xiao Yao, who was confused and climbed out of the secret road behind his mountain, shook his body, walked and stopped, closed his eyes and shook his head violently. He wanted to completely wake up. However, there was a pain like a thousand insect bites in his head. He kept warning himself to hold on, hold on, and not to die!

Strangely, every time I think I can't stand it, there is a small heat flow in my heart, which restores my mind and strength.

He opened his eyes, the sky was red, wandering with desolate clouds, and the wind on the mountain road was blowing a kind of sadness.

"I... What's wrong with me? I didn't have it just now! How can it be... Become like this!!!" Xiao Yao was excited when he saw his rotten arm and the long purple nails on his fingers.

This is not a human arm, and pieces of corpses are covered with it, constantly nibbling, and some places even reveal the bones that have been drilled out of the hole, emitting a stench.

And as he spoke, there was a sticky stench** dripping between his big jagged fangs, dripping on the corpse of his arm.

"Ah! Not me! This is not me! Why is this so! It must be dreaming, right! It must be a dream!" Xiao Yao covered his swollen face and roared. Unexpectedly, when he pressed his face, he felt like pressing on a ripe persimmon. There were also bursts of squirms on it. He wanted to cry helplessly, but there was a drop of corpse flowing under his eyes.

"Brother Xiao Yao doesn't know what's going on. We've been looking for so long... Could it be..." Above the sky, there were two women, and the girl in white dress frowned.

"No, Sister Yumeng, don't think so much!" The girl in pink skirt is obviously smaller than the girl in the white dress, and she comforted her at this moment.

"Ah! Sister Yumeng! There is another zombie there!" The pink skirt girl suddenly screamed and immediately hid behind the white skirt girl, pulling the white skirt girl's clothes, and spoke with a hint of disgust.

When Xiao Yao heard the sound, he found two beautiful girls with floating clothes falling from the sky. He saw the people clearly and was stunned: "How could it be her! She.. Why did she come, I... How to see her! No.. No way! I can't let her see me!" Xiao Yao stepped back a few steps and was a little panicked.

Lin Yumeng's eyes were cold, nodded, raised his softness, and a wisp of light came out of his fingertips and shot at Xiao Yao, which required the cultivation of the spiritual era to display the spiritual meaning.

"Don't.. Don't kill me.. Let me go, cough.. I.. I know you..." Xiao Yao suddenly said with a little hoarse sound in pain, and there was a faint red light in his eyes.

The brilliance suddenly stopped two feet in front of Xiao Yao. Lin Yumeng was surprised and said, "Can you speak? Do you still know me?"

"Sister Yumeng, it's strange that he is still conscious!" Lin Xiaoyu also felt incredible.

"Then who do you think I am?" Lin Yumeng said in a clear voice.

"You.. You are the Lin family of Jianzhong.. Miss Lin, Lin Yumeng, I... Am I right? Xiao Yao's heart trembled and smiled bitterly. His heart seemed to have been pricked by a needle, which was very painful.

"Hey, you really know me..." Lin Yumeng withdrew his rhinoceros finger.

"Oh, no, no, there is no one in this Yongquan City who doesn't know Sister Yumeng. Not only that, my sister is also famous in the whole Mangling Star!" Lin Xiaoyu pulled the corner of Lin Yumeng's clothes.

"You... Why... Come here?" Xiao Yao was uncomfortable, and his bloodthirsty thoughts boiled up in his mind after seeing people at this moment.

"You zombie is really inexplicable. What do we care about you here?" Lin Xiaoyu couldn't stand the smell of Xiao Yao's body. He covered his mouth with one hand and pinched Qiong's nose in the other.

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