The Undead King

Chapter 14: Beast Wars

"Wo..." The sound of breaking the sky is clearly audible, and Xiao Yao's face is difficult to see the extreme.

"If you want to fight, then fight. Let's see if you ate me or I destroyed you!" Xiao Yao also aroused blood and no longer retreated.

"ka.. Ka.. Ka..." There were several sounds like cutting vegetables, and the two demon wolves were divided into two halves by Xiao Yao's sword.

The blood rain is falling, and the wolf corpses are getting more and more.

"Hahaha.. Sure enough!" Xiao Yao laughed, and all the injuries on his body recovered, and his cultivation was still a hundred feet, one step closer! The slaughter of nearly a thousand demon wolves actually made him add more than 100 magic yuan and reach the magic pool five times. At this moment, he is energetic and energetic.

Wolf corpses piled up, and all the blood were pumped away, leaving only a skin and bone.

"Xuanling Dance! I'll cut it!" Xiao Yao said with red eyes.

"Go to hell!" He picked up a demon wolf that tried to pounce on him.

"Deadly..." Hei Lin's sword swun into a circle and killed more than a dozen demon wolves.

There are more and more demon wolves, such as locusts crossing the border, completely surrounding Xiao Yao, as if they are going to grind Xiao Yao to death with wheels.

"Xuanling Dance Steps!" Xiao Yao's feet were three minutes away from the ground and rotated. Hei Lin kept swiing the circle in his hand and killing a piece of demon wolf.

The corpse mountain piled up, and Xiao Yao didn't know how many wolves he had killed or how long he had killed.

He only knew the five-fold cultivation of the magic pool, which grew to the ten-fold magic pool and was also the peak of the magic pool.

Plastered blood on the earth, Xiao Yao half knelt on the ground and supported his body with Heilin.

Surrounded by hell on earth, Xiao Yao was covered with red wolf blood. He licked the wolf blood on his lips like a demon coming to the world.

The wolves finally became timid, retreated step by step, whined in a low voice, clamped their tails, and fled one after another.

Xiao Yao breathed a sigh of relief and killed so many red-tailed demon wolves. The loss of the mind is immeasurable, and even with the auxiliary support of the remnants of the Dark Demon Classics, he is almost unable to hold on at this time.

He took a jar of wine from the bag, took a few sips, sat down and practiced. The wolves around him have not dispersed. It can be concluded that the wolves absolutely dare not attack him again. On the territory of the red-tailed demon wolf, some fierce beasts are also quite scrupulous, so Xiao Yao is still quite safe at this moment. However, he did not take it lightly and constantly felt what was going on around him.

The blood dissipated into pieces and turned into magic elements that penetrated into Xiao Yao's meridians. The demon wolves gathered in the magic pool have dispersed. A moment later, Xiao Yao opened his eyes and showed joy in his eyes.

"Wine really has a great effect on absorbing magic elements for me!" Xiao Yao muttered that he didn't know why. After drinking, the speed of practice was accelerated by one-third, and he didn't know why it was like this.

"It's really dangerous here. It's better to find a safe place to stay for one night." Xiao Yao looked at the sky, and night had come.

Xiao Yao picked up some dead wood and found a hidden cave. The cat's waist went in and covered the hole.

In the cave...

The bonfire is cracking..

Xiao Yao squatted on a stone, looked at the bonfire, held a branch, slowly fiddled with the fire, and thought, "Why did my Xiao family become zombies and become nondescript beings?"

"What does the word 'heaven' mean? What is the origin of the things delivered before death? That picture scroll is mysterious and abnormal. Could it be because of that picture scroll that our Xiao family was destroyed? No, although the picture scroll is mysterious, after all, he has communicated with me, helped me, and can leave at any time. No one can stop it. Is it the jade box?

He immediately took out the jade box from the bag and observed it carefully.

The appearance of the jade box is very rough. If you look carefully, there are almost invisible cracks on it.

"Is it because of you, my Xiao family, that you have come to this end?" Xiao Yao's voice was cold, and he broke up and down, left and right. He didn't know why, and he felt that it was quite worthless.

"You are useless and can't open it. What's the difference from these stinky stones!" Xiao Yao dropped the jade box fiercely.

"I must find out the truth, find out the murderer, and give an explanation to the innocent dead." Xiao Yao's eyes are firm.

He stretched out his palm and sucked, and the Taoist demon swept it, and the jade box that he threw on the ground was tightly squeezed in his hand again.

"Hmm?" As soon as Moyuan didn't go back, he was sucked in by the jade box. Xiao Yao was surprised.

Unbelievingly, he separated ten magic elements and rushed to the stone again, and the result was still the same, like a stone sinking into the sea.

This time, he really paid attention to the jade box and spread out his palm. The magic yuan in the magic pool rushed to the stone for free. The stone floated and bathed in a ball of blood. When it was probably injected with hundreds of magic yuan, the change occurred.

Several 'words' made by blood-colored magic floated out and penetrated into Xiao Yao's mind. Unfortunately, Xiao Yao did not know it.

Xiao Yao didn't know why he increased the injection of Moyuan..

A line of unknown 'character' floated into Xiao Yao's mind.

Xiao Yao was shocked, and a scene appeared in his mind.

A huge bloody tomb floats, tearing apart the space and covering the sky and the sun.

The special feature on the tomb is that it is full of unknown plants, and the blood that surged out of the grave immediately burned. Countless planets were burned into nothingness. There is a tall crystal tablet in the southeast of the blood tomb. Inside the crystal tablet, an evil face is floating ferociously, trying to break the shackles. Lock..

"Puff!" Xiao Yao spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the jade box fell to the ground. He was stunned. Only then did he feel that his mind was almost sucked in. He forcibly disconnected the contact and suffered a lot of trauma.

"What is that blood grave! Those ghost faces... actually want to eat me!" Xiao Yao was shocked.

"Ancient! It must be ancient!" Xiao Yao said in scongrin.

But after that, he stared at the jade box and said sadly, "What about the ancient things! I would rather exchange it for my dead family, but none of this is possible! Impossible!"

After a while, Xiao Yao packed up his mood, put the jade box back into the bag, and meditated to heal his wounds.

The sound of birds is crisp, the sun is rising, and the soot is sinking.

Xiao Yao opened his eyes and recovered from his injury. He got up and grabbed the Heilin sword, opened the hole to cover the grass, and walked out.

This ancient forest is extremely dangerous, and a trivial detail can kill people. Xiao Yao walked with his breath.

After more than a hundred feet, there was no movement, but after that, several subtle salsa sounds attracted Xiao Yao's attention.

One.. Two.. Three.. Ten articles! This is a small branch of the Python tribe. Xiao Yao clenched the hilt of the sword and slowly glanced up and down.

"You still need to be careful. These ten pythons are weak and dare not act like this. Is it possible that some of them have restrained their cultivation?" Xiao Yao became more and more vigilant.

"Sasha..." The sound of the scales wiping the ground was clearly visible, and ten pythons surrounded Xiao Yao.

"It's so big..." Xiao Yao's pupils shrank, and he saw ten snake heads slowly standing up, each of which was the size of a basin, three feet long letter, staring at Xiao Yao telescopic.

Xiao Yao took two steps back slightly, jumped up and waved to one of the snake's heads and shouted, "Dead!"

Snake blood splashes.. The snake's head was cut off, and the other nine pythons waiting to be attacked suddenly retreated, as if they were afraid of Xiao Yao.

"Roar!" A loud noise came, and Xiao Yao flashed to a tree branch. He was shocked, and the surrounding mountains and rocks were shaken down a lot.

A blue lion the size of an elephant roared and rushed out. Its blue light was dim, and blood covered his body, depending on the injury.

The blue lion roared in front of the pool under the cliff not far from Xiao and roared.

"Blue Lion Roar, the Warcraft of the magic elixir period, this beast has been seriously injured. If I get its magic elixir, I will definitely make great progress in magic skills. Unfortunately, I'm not its opponent now, but it's not that I don't have a chance. This beast is so anxious that it must be looking for healing. Let me see!" Xiao Yao is determined to pay attention.

"Roar!" The blue lion and tiger kept slapting the ground with its claws, and the ground began to vibrate.

"Wo..!" A white practice swayed up from the secluded pool, with its head showing its two horns. Between the triangular head, two lantern-sized blood-red eyes stared at the blue-haired lion and roared viciously. This was a python king who was about to become a dragonfly.