The Undead King

Chapter 16: Black Devil Feather

Xiao Yao was overjoyed, grabbed the magic elixir and put it away.

"It's not good!" Xiao Yao only cared about being happy. The mysterious man fell from such a high place. It's strange that he didn't fall to death!

Xiao Yao accelerated his speed and dived down, holding the mysterious man with both hands. The cloak had fallen off, revealing half of his peerless face. However, when Xiao Yao looked at her other side of her face, he was stunned.

This half of her face is scarred. I don't know how long ago it was left behind. Compared with her other side of her face, it is simply a big difference.

Four eyes relative..

"Ah..." The woman screamed strangely, pushed Xiao Yao away, covered her face and dodged a few times, and her figure disappeared.

"Oh..." Xiao Yao stretched out with one hand.. Pointing to the place where the girl disappeared, I suddenly felt a little sorry in my heart.

"Wo!" The king of pythons was angry.. Holding the magic elixir in his mouth.. The place where it is located is being covered with frost visible to the naked eye, and an unusually cold wind blows from its mouth.

"Brother Long.. OK.. It's so cold." Li Wudao.

"strong.. Hold on.. This python king is already the end of the crossbow, and this ice wind has passed, so we are allowed to slaughter it..." Fan Long was surrounded by fire, but he still couldn't resist the cold of invasion. Several other disciples were not as good as his, and even felt despair. I want to give up my life.. Cold, too cold enough to freeze people's brains and destroy people's minds.'

"Brother Long.. I.. I support it. I can't stop..." One man trembled and said that this man was not a Huoyuan monk, and his resistance was much worse. His feet were frozen. He could see that he was up from his feet. A trace of frost was like a spider weaving webs, forming a layer of ice in circles. The angry blow of the python could actually seal people, which was enough to see the horror of this blow!

"Amu, hold on.. Just hurry up.. It's almost done..." One person trembling and encouraging, but he couldn't support it in an instant and turned into an ice sculpture.

"Akang! Damn it!" Fan Long shouted!

"Brother.. Send.. Send a signal.. We can't stand it anymore..."

"No, uncle said... Our mission is in the east, but now we are in the south, and the military order cannot be done. If he knows, we will be finished. Fan Long said with a gloomy face.

"Brother, you... You go.. No, leave us alone." Li Wu also felt that he was stiff and unable to move. It was only a matter of time before the cold air invaded the internal organs and turned into an ice sculpture.

"Li Wu.. What the hell are you talking about! To live together, to die together! You go! Let me cover it!" Fan Long scolded! But there is no trace in his eyes. Now the situation is compelling, and this evil is so powerful that even the cold wind blowing out is so powerful! But he still stood up and stood in front of Li Wu.

"Wo!" As if he felt provoked, the king of the python suddenly stopped blowing the wind, twisted his body, and rushed over to Fan Longfeng.

"Brother! You.. Hurry up!" Li Wu said in a trembling voice.

Five feet.. Four feet.. Three feet.. Two feet! Before his body arrived, the fishy wind came first. Fan Long was shocked. He felt that even the fishy wind was very poisonous! Smelling a mouthful of dizziness, he held his breath and turned his back to the brothers, showing a strange expression!

"Ah!" Fan Long pulled back with his right hand, and Li Wu was suddenly caught by him and toss him fiercely at the incoming python king! Then go back!

All the people were stunned. They didn't expect it to be like this! They don't believe their eyes. This scene was so sudden that Fan Long threw Li Wu into the bloody mouth of the python king like throwing chickens.

The python king bit Li Wu with his mouth open, but his body speed did not slow down. When the blood splashed, Li Wu was swallowed by it.

The blood deeply stimulated the Python King, and it began to become excited and faster and faster!

Fan Long's face looked hard. He found that his speed was not as fast as that of the Python King. If it goes on like this, there is only one consequence, that is, he will die!

What should I do?

"Brothers! I'm sorry!" Fan Long smiled cruelly at the corners of his mouth.

After that, he actually wandered around where his brothers were, so that the end of these people could be imagined!

"Dangdang!" A young man holding a long sword was held by the cold mouth of the python king. He showed desperate fear and instinctively waved the sword. Unfortunately, it was useless. The sword cut between the teeth of the python king and left no mark.

"Puff!" A large amount of blood spewed out from the broken blood vessels and their surroundings.

Blood flowed between the corners of the mouth of the python king, but it seemed to be a big stomach king, and its stomach seemed to be filled forever. It swallowed two people in a row, and several people did not eat, and their mood became more and higher.

When Fan Long saw this, he smiled and flew across several trees like a light swallow. Several bursts of treetops sounded and disappeared, leaving bursts of cruel howling.

"This person is so deep! This kind of method can be done by extraordinary people!" Xiao Yao looked at Fan Long's departure and the scene of the python king swallowing the rest of the people.

He doesn't want to save him, and he doesn't have the ability to save him. In this complex area, friends are just an eternal joke. If you saved him today, maybe you will stab him in the back tomorrow.

He looked at it for a while and felt that he had realized a lot. Then he quietly lowered his body, wandered away from the ancient trees and left.

In the cave, Xiao Yao sat cross-legged and held the blue lion roaring magic elixir between his hands. The attribute of this magic elixir is water attribute. It is quite troublesome to refine and remove the water attribute. It is not comparable to Xiao Yao's use as the fire attribute magic elixir, but note that it is just not comparable, but it still has a great effect. He has to absorb the magic element in it. Take this opportunity to break through to the magic soldier period!

In the period of magic soldiers, he is no longer a monk without the power of binding chickens, but also a master among ordinary monks.

The magic elixir of the blue lion roar is precious and rare. It can compete with the king of pythons. Xiao Yao is not sure how deep its role is.

The smoke rose between the hands, and several flames rose between the red palms, burning the magic elixir. The magic elixir slowly melted, and time slowly lost. A trace of murderous pure magic yuan penetrated into Xiao Yao's body, and Xiao Yao's sitting body also had a great change.

Boom! Countless flames revealed from his whole body, his tongue flew around, his clothes instantly turned black and gray, his white hair danced wildly, and his face became more and more strange, as if there was something more...

The lotus wheel on the forehead slowly rotated, as if it had been activated, and a small wiel of red flame marks swayed on it.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yao opened his eyes and everything returned to nature.

"Hahahaha.. Two magic soldiers! Ancient magic.. Ancient magic dark camouflage.. Haha, there is another life-saving skill. It turns out that the magic sound of the road is also ancient magic. This dark ancient scripture is so magical..." Xiao Yao laughed, but then his face became gloomy and said to himself, "The sea of blood is deeply vengeful! I must report it! No matter who you are or how powerful you are, sooner or later I will find out the truth. Those involved will die! Just wait!"

"Gaga.. gua gua.." The wild and harsh voice spread all over the world. Xiao Yao got up. On his forehead, the lotus wheel turned gently, and he had a snow-white dress on his body. He glanced at the sleeves on his arms and wrists, and then walked out of the cave with his sword. Xiao Yao had not yet looked at the black sword and did not intend to integrate into the magic pool to be his own demon soldier.

Outside the cave, the sky was overwhelmed by black clouds. Xiao Yao looked carefully and said to himself, "Black demon feathers, there are so many winged warcrafts in the demon period. What happened in the central region...?" Countless 'black devil feathers' in the sky came everywhere, like dark clouds, covering the sun.

Xiao Yao looks solemn, and the central region is not as dangerous as here. The masters of the demon master period may not live. Now the black demon feathers are gnawed and migrated in large groups, which seems extremely abnormal.

I'm afraid it's more dangerous. Xiao Yao bites his teeth, even if he makes a decision.

Turn around and walk towards the middle of the forest.

"Roar!" The beasts were afraid of roaring and shocking, and Xiao Yao's expression became more and more solemn.

Now that he has gone deep for 30 miles, Xiao Yao has seen hundreds of fierce beasts higher than his own cultivation.