The Undead King

Chapter 26: Counter-bought

"Bear is lazy, that's right! Haha, you talk about it. I left in advance." The flower fairy laughed.

"Oh, sister!" If you can't shout, the figure of the flower fairy disappeared.

"This ghost girl!" Hua Yu said angrily.

Xiao Yao also looked at the back of the flower fairy speechlessly.

"My sister has been spoiled by us since she was a child. Please don't mind." Huayu said shyly.

"It's okay. My sister's personality is very cheerful. It's very good!" Xiao Yao said.

"It's noon today, sorry to trouble you." Hua Yu said.

"It's just a small matter. By the way, after this matter, I have to leave, and there are still a lot of things to do." Xiao Yao thought for a moment.

"Oh? Why don't you stay for a while and leave in such a hurry? Hua Yu said.

"There are indeed urgent things to do. We will meet again one day, won't we?" Xiao Yao said.

"Ha ha, that's right!" The flower language finally showed a charming look.

Unconsciously, the two sat down and chatted. Many of Xiao Yao's previous events were mentioned by him. He felt that a friend was listening to him, which was a very pleasant thing. Hua Yu kept comforting him, which made his heavy heart and lightened a lot of burden.

Time passed in the conversation between the two.

"Little stale, who got your name? Why is it so unpleasant!" The flower fairy didn't know how much damage she had done to the little stag before waking him up from her dream.

The little stammed and rubbed his eyes and yawned. Seeing that it was a flower fairy, he clenched the bag and said cautiously, "Father... Father.. Father.. Take it! Difficult.. Is it hard to hear.. I.. What about me? Why didn't I.. I didn't feel it."

Hua Xian sensed its distrust of herself, and then turned her eyes and said, "That's your ignorance. Hey, can I discuss something with you?"

The little stagger looked at him and his eyes became more cautious, and he shook his head repeatedly and said, "No... Not good!"

The flower fairy looked at the little stable speechlessly and wanted to beat it hard.

But her smile remained unchanged, so she had to change her tactics and said, "Sister will take you to eat a lot of delicious food. Do you want to go?"

A trace of eagerness flashed in his little stammel's eyes, but between the character problem of the flower fairy, he shook his head decisively and said, "No!"

"You! I want to fight, don't I?" The flower fairy condensed with a smile, holding the bear's ear, and said viciously.

"Woo-woo, you.. You bully.. Bullying, negative... Negative.. Negative to me!" The little stammered in pain and quit. He broke away from the flower fairy's hand, sat on the ground and cried.

"Hey, do you really think I'm afraid of your move? You hold it! Don't cry! I'm crying. I'll throw you outside to feed the Warcraft!" The flower fairy said angrily.

"Hm..." The little bear covered his mouth and was so scared that he didn't dare to cry again.

"Small sample, I can't cure you!" Huaxian put her hands on her chest and said proudly.

"Woo-woo..." With tears streaming down, he choked and got up and walked out of the door.

"Hey, you.. You.. You.. Where are you going?" Huaxian said anxiously. After saying that, she couldn't laugh and cry and found that it was really not a good thing to be with it! Even the sting was transmitted to himself.

"Wow, you.. You bully.. Bully me.. I.. Tell.. Sufu.. Father.. Father!" A little stam.

"Oh, come back. If you don't come back, you will die!" Hua Xianqi stamped his feet and chased after him.

"Brother Xiong, I know it's my sister's fault. My sister apologizes to you. Can't you apologize? What my sister told you is true. There are really delicious food, delicious food. You follow your sister to the kitchen and I will make it for you, okay? The flower fairy whispered.

"Really, really?" I stam and doubted.

"Deception.. Cheating.. You.. You are a puppy!" The flower fairy's eyes narrowed into a crescent.

"Good..." The little stammed, and as soon as it heard that it was delicious, its mouth unconsciously flowed down.

The flower fairy proudly led the little stag and walked to the kitchen.

After half axiang.. The fragrance came to my nose.

"Okay, it smells good.. What.. What is this.. So fragrant!" The little linger is itchy, and he keeps scratching the hair on his head.

"This is Jiuxiang Xianxun, which is my sister's specialty dish. You will never forget it. It's a good and delicious dish." The flower fairy's eyes turned smartly.

"Look.. Just look at it.. Very good.. Delicious.. What it looks like!" Huaxian felt a little tired when she looked at the little stamming.

"Give it to me..." The problem of small stab is committed again.

"That won't work! Do you know how expensive this dish is? If you want to eat, you have to take out something equivalent to exchange!" The flower fairy laughed.

"Good...I... Me and you.. Change!" A little stably said.

Hearing this, Huaxian smiled more brightly and said, "Can you have anything good to exchange for my nine fragrance fairy incense!"

"There are.. Yes.. This is... Yes.. One.. Blue crystal.. Spirit.. Lingguo.. Eat.. It.. It.. Skin.. White!" A little stam.

"Really?" The flower fairy was surprised and laughed in her heart. This dead bear really has something good!

"You.. You change.. Don't change!" The little ling looked at the nine-xiang fairy incense and swallowed the saliva.

"Change, why don't you change!" The flower fairy pushed this dish called Jiuxiang Xianxun to the little stammor, and took the blue crystal fruit by the way. She was ecstatic. Did the girl not love beauty? Even if you do everything, you should decorate yourself as perfectly as possible!

"Good, delicious!" The little stern ate with relish, and his tongue was about to swallow it.

"Do you think this fruit really has such a great medicinal power?" Hua Xian looked at the inconspicuous blue crystal fruit and asked from the side.

"Hmm, uh-huh!" The little stab is full, and it's a little inconvenient to speak.

With the skill of tea, a little stag will sweep away this dish!

"Good.. Delicious.. You.. Later.. Do it later.. I.. I also... Still want to." After saying that, he got up and wanted to leave.

Hua Xian looked at the little stammed figure and smiled.

"Dead bear, there must be a lot of good things!"

Father.. Father.. Dear!" The little stab went to Xiao Yao and found that the two were chatting.

"Oh? What did you eat?" Xiao Yao looked at a little stam and said.

Flower language also looks at it.

"Oh... Flower.. Flower fairy.. Sister.. Do it.. Nine.. Nine fragrances.. Xianxun.. Give.. Give stag.. Eat!" A little spag with a happy face.

"She made food for you? Have you asked for anything?" Xiao Yao was surprised.

"I want to.. I want it..." A little stam.

"What's the matter? Did you give it to her?" Xiao Yao said strangely.

A little stab and nodded.

"Do you think your sister cooked this dish for you?" The language is strange.

"Uh-huh...!" A little stadding nodded.

"Jiuxiang Xianxun, I heard that it is a fairy grass, which is rare in a thousand years. She is so clever that she lied to you again! What did you take? I'll ask her to return it to you later!" The flower exhaled.

"No.. No need.. No, okay.. Delicious..." He shook his head with a little staggering eyes.

"Ah, you stinky bear, I'm going to kill you!" I saw Huaxian rush out with a kitchen knife.

The little stagnated and quickly hid behind Xiao Yao and dared not see anyone.

"Flower fairy girl has something to say!" Xiao Yao looked at the flower fairy road.

"Sister, it, it, it's a dead thing, it kills me, itchy, itchy!" The flower fairy was in pain all over her body and grabbed it in a panic.

"No, you can't catch... Grab it.. Caught.. Just... There is a scar.. Scar!" The little stab laughed and became happy.

"You.. What did you give me?" The flower fairy couldn't help scratching, especially her face. She felt that her body was extremely itchy, like thousands of small insects crawling.

Blue.. Blue crystal fruit..." A little stam.

"You lied to me, you're looking for death!" Hua Xian wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Xiao Yao again.

"None.. I didn't lie to you.. Straight.. Eat directly.. Will.. It will itch..." The little sluggish is not afraid of the flower fairy. With Xiao Yao covering it, it is very reassuring.

"You dead bear.. Why didn't you say it earlier! I'll make delicious food for you! And what about you! How dare you do this to me!" The flower fairy did not dare to scratch her face and roared uncomfortablely.