The Undead King

Chapter 67: Hanging corpse on the mountain wall

Zhou Hong regrettedly, "Yuan elves are the darlings of heaven. They can't be transformed into human beings. Do you think they can still hide like this?"

Li Siru said, "What are you talking about!"

Zhou Hong took a look at her and explained, "The meta elves are a special group. They are very small, with a group of wings, and look like human beings. What kind of light will they emit? For example, if your water attribute is water, it will emit blue light, and they When they fly up, they look particularly good.

Li Siru is a girl. As soon as she heard that the Yuan elf was so cute, she immediately felt distressed and said, "Oh, I don't know if there is any more!"

Everyone looked around, hoping to find the figure of the meta-elf, but unfortunately they couldn't see anything.

After an hour, the mountain stream became narrower and narrower, gradually forming the shape of a river valley, and the whole space was also full of blue, which was a kind of miasma.

A plant of different shapes appears in front of everyone.

Zhou Hong said solemnly, "Brothers, don't touch anything, do you know?"

The group looked at the blue miasma and immediately felt depressed.

Xiao Yao nodded and said seriously to the little stammer next to him, "Don't move these things. Do you hear me?" He motioned at the flowers and plants around him.

The little stab nodded and didn't say anything.

"This is the Valley of Burial God, and I don't feel anything terrible!" Luo Chao didn't care.

After a little staggering, he suddenly looked back, and Xiao Yao's heart also jumped inexplicably.

"What's the matter, little stag?" Xiao Yao asked.

Shaking his head doubtfully and said, "No... No.. Nothing."

Xiao Yao looked back thoughtfully.

"What's wrong with Brother Li?" Li Siru asked doubtfully.

Seeing Xiao Yao's inexplicable behavior, the group looked at Xiao Yao, especially Zhou Hong, and his face became nervous.

"Oh. Nothing..." Xiao Yao's face immediately returned to normal.

Zhou Hong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and said, "You should always pay attention, otherwise a small oversight will cause an irreparable accident, okay? I know better than any of you about the horror of this mango forest! Once it comes to life and death, whoever can escape will escape. Don't worry about anyone, do you hear me?

Luo Chao said angrlessly, "What did Brother Zhou say? I can't do such a thing!"

Yue Jian also said, "Yes, it depends on friends when you go out. If Brother Zhou said, not all friends can't be trusted?"

Some others also refuted his claim.

Zhou Hong was so angry that his face turned black and said, "Listen to me!"

Xiao Yao also felt that what he said was a little inappropriate. He nodded and said, "Anyway, I can't do such a thing."

Zhou Hong's voice was slightly louder and said to Xiao Yao, "Brother Li, you are so confused! Do you think I don't want to save? Do you think I feel good when I look at my brothers? Let me tell you, if you save it here, your life will be put in!" As he spoke, he pointed fingers.

Everyone heard it and was a little silent. Zhou Hong's words had a great impact on them and were difficult to accept for a while.

Xiao Yao looked at the crowd and said, "Don't think nonsense. If you encounter an invincible existence, you can run away. Don't look forward and backward, you know?"

Zhou Hong nodded and said, "It should have been like this."

Xiao Yao looked at the depression in everyone's hearts. He smiled and said, "Well, this time the forest is a little special, and there must be no big danger. We have been here all the way, and we haven't encountered any special trouble, have we?"

Everyone thought about it, and the smiling faces hung back on their faces one by one.

Xiao Yao said, "Brother Zhou, lead the way."

Zhou Hong's face improved a little. He nodded and didn't say anything, so he took the lead and walked forward.

Xiao Yao said thoughtfully, "Brother Zhou, do you think other people will find this road?"

Zhou Hong wondered, "Then who can tell the situation in this forest? Why do you ask this?"

Xiao Yao's head turned slightly, his eyes turned slightly, looked at the rock behind him, and then he said, "Oh, I'm just asking!"

There are gorgeous flowers and plants all the way, which are particularly special in the blue miasma.

Zhou Hong said, looking around and said, "Turn left in front of you, there is a one-foot-wide cliff road. As long as you pass there, it will be very close to the end."

Everyone listens carefully. Every adventurer must master these roads. The more familiar the better.

Sure enough, after turning left, a cliff road appeared

Xiao Yao told him, "Be careful."

No one knows why, but they are also more aware of it.

"What a steep cliff!" Duan Wen was relatively timid. Looking down at the cliff below, the bottomless abyss said in horror.

Luo Chao laughed and said, "What is this? You boy forgot that you can fly!"

Duan Wentou shrank and said, "What's this going on! It's so high that I haven't flown. What if there is no Lingyuan and it falls down?

Luo Chao curled his lips and waved his hand, indicating that Duan Wen was not good.

"Okay, let's go. This cliff is relatively narrow. Be careful." Zhou Hongdao, he just said to give it to some team members with weak cultivation.

This cliff road is about dozens of feet long, and everyone has spent it in the tea room.

This is a platform between mountains, which seems to be man-made.

Everyone didn't pay attention at first, but when a team member exclaimed, everyone was shocked.

"Oh, my God! What is that?" Zhou Hongli, a younger teenager, pointed to the mountain wall above and exclaimed.

Xiao Yao's eyes shrank violently, and above the mountain, it was like hanging pork! Five people are hanging neatly!

These five people have unified clothing and seem to be disciples of a certain sect.

Xiao Yao stepped on the ground, and his elegant body rose.

Luo looked at several people and followed.

These are five men!

Xiao Yao carefully observed the costumes of the five people and the expressions of the other party. He found one thing in common, that is, the five people's faces are flat, there is no blood on their bodies, neat clothes, and no fighting at all.

"What do you think?" Xiao Yao did not look back.

Luo Chao frowned and said, "It's strange that these people seem to die willingly. No, they seem to have been confused and hung here like this."

Xiao Yao turned around, looked at him and said, "Yes, your analysis is very accurate. They were indeed confused and died here, and they died for less than three days."

Yue Jian looked at the five men and said, "Well, the skin on their faces is still a little shiny. They should have died not long ago."

When the rest of the people heard this, they couldn't help but get up and fight with fear.

"It's dangerous ahead. Let's not move forward!" One person in Zhou Hong's team said that he looked nervous and scared.

As soon as he said this, some people showed hesitation. Money is important, but it can't beat people's lives after all.

Zhou Hong shouted, "Everyone be quiet and don't listen to his speculation! These people have either offended others and are killed here. Everyone has no grievances, and I don't think he will come to us.

Seeing that everyone's faces were a little relaxed, he said, "Think about it, you rarely came out once and didn't get anything. Are you willing to go back like this? How can you support your mother-in-law and old parents?

He used his tongue well, and after a few words, everyone's faces became firm again.

Seeing that the situation stabilized, his heart couldn't help but feel relieved.

Xiao Yao's face was solemn and said, "We don't know who killed them, but the only thing that can be concluded is that these people were killed by a master, which can be seen from their way of death."

Luo Chao said, "Hum... The logo of this sect is very familiar!" He pointed to the other party's chest.

Yin Yuan opened her eyes wide and slowly spit out word by word: "This is a disciple of Wan Jianzong!"

Xiao Yao was shocked. He didn't know the symbol of Tianjianmen. What he knew was that Ling Hanyue was one of them!

"Tianjian Sect?" Everyone was surprised that the Tianjian Sect was the top sect in Manglingxing. No one heard who dared to fight with the Tianjian Sect. Unexpectedly, who had the courage to kill the disciples of the Tianjian Sect.