The Undead King

Chapter 94: Crazy Du Zhen!

Listening to everyone's words, Du Zhen snorted coldly.

Xuanfeng suddenly looked at him proudly.

"Quiet! Whatever you say, hurry up, hurry up!" Du Zhen is very unhappy now, and it has been like this since Xiao Yao appeared.

The scene seemed to freeze suddenly and became silent.

"Little fat man, who provoked you?" Xuanfeng hummed that he naturally knew that the other party could not eat grapes and said that the grapes were sour, so he couldn't help saying.

"Hmm!" Du Zhen stared at him, then strode away and shouted, "Go forward! Go ahead!"

Xuanfeng sneered, looked straight at Du Zhen's figure, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"This fat man knows how to scream..." Lin Ziyan looked at Du Zhen with dissatisfaction.

"Let's go too!" Xuanfengdao.

Du Zhen's heart was cold and he didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't look back and said, "How long will it take to arrive?"

The young man said hurriedly, "It's almost time. If there is no accident, it will be enough to walk for another half an hour."

Du Zhen nodded and said nothing more.

"Roar!" A huge figure stood up in front of him, opened his mouth and devoured several young disciples who could not react!

"It's not good! Hurry back!" Du Zhen roared.

A huge figure appeared, and everyone couldn't help but be stunned. This is a huge animal like a dinosaur, covered with colorful dragons and two triangular giant eyes, looking at the crowd greedily.

"What kind of monster is this!" Qin Yu said in a daze.

"You retreat, this monster is not something you can deal with!" Xuanfeng shouted loudly, moved his body and turned into a virtual shadow and left.

Du Zhen looked at him coldly. This damn Xuanfeng came up every time it came to grab the credit! No, I can't let him take the lead!

He shouted and opened his hands. Unexpectedly, a wing condensed with magic yuan appeared behind him!

"Who is the evil that still can't die!" Xuanfeng shouted coldly and flew up. The sword box behind him vibrated violently, which was very flexible. After the vibration, a epee shot out. Xuanfeng pinched the hilt of the sword and waved it at the giant lizard.

On the other side, "It's really strange that this giant lizard is not far from the three-eyed monster. It's impossible not to hear the sound." Qin Yu said strangely.

"They are all smart and intelligent." Xiao Yao looked at the giant lizard.

"No way!" Qin Yu showed a look of disbelief.

Xiao Yao looked at him: "Believe it or not."

Lin Ziyan said, "Yes, my uncle has said that these monsters are very strange."

Li Bing looked at the giant lizard, and her eyes were a little more solemn.

"Oh, by the way, this is for you!" Xiao Yao took out the soul beads of the bone scorpion.

"No, this... This is what you hit, brother. How can we..." Qin Yuyu choked.

The value of this soul bead is very high, and the most conservative estimate can be sold for more than 2,000 crystals. He looked at Xiao Yao and gave it to them casually. He couldn't help but be surprised. Even if he helped a little favor, it would never be worth a moment. Li Bing also stared at him and looked embarrassed.

"Take it! Do I look like a person who lacks this little money? Xiao Yao threw the spirit in his hand.

Qin Yu took it in a hurry, but he was not pretentious and said cheerfully, "Okay! Then the two of us will be cheeky and impusable!"

Li Bingzou frowned, then stretched out and nodded.

On the other side, the battle is still in full swing. Xuanfeng is extremely fierce. During the opening and closing of the heavy sword, several terrible wounds have appeared on the body of the giant lizard beast. Although the speed of the giant lizard beast is very fast, it is limited by its body shape. Xuanfeng only turned slightly and hides in the dead corner behind it.

Roar! The giant lizard roared loudly, and the pores on his body slowly opened.

This makes Xuanfeng feel very shocked. It's not good! White slurry ejected from the body surface of the giant lizard beast. Xuanfeng hurriedly dodged and was not be poisoned by him. On the contrary, Du Zhen, his strength was much worse than Xuanfeng. He suddenly couldn't dodge. The slurry shot out by the giant lizard touched the arm. Suddenly, his white eyes curled, and his skin was visible to ulcerate with the naked eye.

"Ah, damn it!" Du Zhen shouted miserably and immediately raised the machete in his hand and suddenly cut it off the wound. Suddenly, a terrible wound appeared. He was lucky enough to stop the bleeding and his face showed anger. As soon as he turned over his right hand, there was an extra thing in his hand.

This is a blood-red thunderdan, which is glowing, and the feeling of depression emanates from it, which makes people feel shocked.

"Du Zhen, you are crazy!" Xuanfeng shouted.

"I want it to die, you know, I want him to die!" Du Zhen's face turned red and his eyes were full of madness.

"Get back! Back off!" Xuanfeng shouted, moved his body and rushed to Du Zhen. He had to do this. If Du Zhen really detonated, many disciples here would have been killed and injured. This is a big deal. If the door owner asks, no one can afford it!

"Take it back!" Du Zhen shouted and raised his hand to grab the red Lei Dan in Du Zhen's hand.

When Xiao Yao and his party heard Xuanfeng's loud shout, they couldn't help but be surprised. When Xiao Yao saw Lei Dan in Du Zhen's hand, his face suddenly changed greatly.

"Quick! Come with me!" As soon as Xiao Yao waved his hand, several people felt as if they had been imprisoned and could not move at all. Among them, Qin Yu's feeling was even stronger. He immediately felt shocked. This little brother was so terrible that he did not have any resistance. How powerful is he? He didn't know and didn't dare to think about it.

Li Bing and Lin Ziyan's heart was also shocked. Li Bing's heart was full of bitter smile. After all, she had fought side by side with Xiao Yao before, and she had confidence in her heart, but Lin Ziyan's feelings were different. Xiao Yao actually caught herself like catching a chicken, and she couldn't move. She didn't dare to put it. The look of the letter.

"No, put it away!" Xuanfeng felt that the giant lizard behind him had rushed over. Although the giant lizard was strong, he still didn't pay attention to it, and he had not used a unique move. Naturally, he could not let Du Zhen, a bastard, be such a bad thing.

Du Zhen looked at the giant lizard and shouted, "Death!"

Xuanfeng's face changed, and he immediately felt that the blood thunder revealed amazing pressure, which was a sign of the start of the blood thunder. Xuanfeng sighed, waved his big sleeve, and a white curtain wrapped around the body of the giant lizard beast, connecting it with the two of them, and then the white curtain flew again. Rotation forms an impenetrable boundary.

Everyone fled for their lives quickly. No one was as indifferent as just now, and the power of a sentence was so powerful.

Boom! The white boundary suddenly exploded, and Xuanfeng and the two were blown up.

The giant lizard was tossed like this and completely disappeared without the initial arrogance. It fell to the ground and wanted to get up, but it was no longer powerless and had to struggle and howling.

Bum! The two fell to the ground heavily.

"Puff!" Du Zhen sprayed blood in his mouth and was seriously injured. After such a violent fall, his injured arm suddenly broke, and he shouted in pain.

The storm did not leave and moved around. Xiao Yao and others looked at the storm and immediately waved their hands. There was a blood-red curtain in front of them.

He stood firm. Wanting to deal with this storm with all their strength, because they dodged in time, they are now quite far from the center of the storm. However, even so, many people still can't dodge and are hit by powerful forces and howling for a while.

"What should we do? We can't stop it!" Lin Ziyan covered her little mouth and said in horr astonished. A bloody cloud appeared in front of her, which was coming quickly with shocking power, shockingly.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it! Why don't you help quickly!" Xiao Yao shouted coldly, and several people reacted and condensed a layer of colored light outside, trying to resist it slightly.

Xiao Yao's face was solemn and he was also a little worried. Du Zhen was too reckless, and he didn't know what kind of crazy he was!

Suddenly, a huge force came, and several people suddenly felt that their hearts were tight, and the aftermath of the explosion came!

The first layer of broken is Lin Ziyan's cyan light curtain, and she is not enough to resist!