The Undead King

Chapter 101: Bone Mountain Blood Pool to Save People.

"Ah..." The black bone saint's fierce arms vibrated, and the magic sound of the road was suddenly broken by him.

Phu.. A piece of sword tip passed through his forehead, and he lay down straight down.

A section of bloody demons emanated from his body and was accepted by the black sword. The black bone saint trembled all over and gradually became silent.

Xiao Yao looked at the black bone saint lying down and couldn't help shaking his head and secretly said that it was a pity.

Hei Lin's cheerful Qingming sounded, and his sword body trembled. It seemed to accept a powerful force, but Xiao Yao's pity that he absorbed few magic elements, almost none. Is it the reason for Hei Lin?

After secretly affirming in his heart, Xiao Yao's mind moved, and the black sword flew into his hand.

Xiao Yao took a look at the bones of the Black Bone Sage and turned around to leave.

"Gugu Gugu." A horrible voice came over, and Xiao Yao was shocked and couldn't help listening carefully.

"The direction of this sound..." Xiao Yao looked at the direction of Bone Mountain and said to himself.

"What happened there again?" Xiao Yao thought to him if he wanted to explore. It's so late now, isn't it?

"Help.. Ah..." A weak female voice sounded, and Xiao Yao's heart was shocked. Someone!

Xiao Yao couldn't help skimming in the direction of Bone Mountain.

Although it has completely turned into night, it has almost nothing to affect Xiao Yao, and the darkness is almost non-existent in his eyes.

"Gugu Gugu." Along the way, the sound of drinking something sounded from time to time, but the voice of the person calling for help was completely gone.

Xiao Yao was anxious, and the speed of his body became faster.

Wow.. The strong wind moved his hair, and the forest looked a little wet and cold.

After Xiao Yao returned to the hill again, he felt that there must be an extremely terrible event behind the hill.

He stretched out his head.

Maybe he will never forget this scene.

White bone skeletons are walking one by one, looking so dazzling in the night.

This group of skeletons was busy. Xiao Yao looked carefully and couldn't help but be shocked to exclaim!

These skeletons have a clear division of labor, as if someone is in command, and what these skeletons have done shocked Xiao Yao the most.

They are dragging a person's body, then dragging them to a blood pool in the middle, their claws cut their bodies, and then take out their internal organs one by one, put all the blood into the blood pool, and suddenly emit bursts of coo. Gu.. Goo! The sound.

Xiao Yao was shocked to see it.

However, a more terrible thing appeared in front of Xiao Yao's eyes. Several skeletons actually scraped off the flesh on the bodies one by one with white bone knives.

Xiao Yao looked at it with creepy hair. In a short time, a skeleton had been formed, and then the skeleton threw the skeleton into the blood pool, and then scraped another.

Xiao Yao looked at the blood pool that appeared in an unknown time. It seemed that it was not there in the daytime, and the blood in it was probably half a pool. How many people's blood can have half a pool deep! Xiao Yao's heart was heavy.

"Help..." Xiao Yao's eyes condensed, and his body turned into a black light. Under the cover of the night, he swept towards the ground where the sound sounded.

He slipped in front of some skeletons, and all the skeletons did not feel a person quietly dive into their hinterland.

Xiao Yao was also slightly nervous. If he was found, it was difficult to escape. His spiritual knowledge dissipated and vaguely felt that there were many masters here.

If you want to save people, you must approach each other, and then quietly take them away. Any carelessness will cause disaster.

He held his breath and carefully avoided one skeleton after another. If it emitted the breath of strangers, it might be found by these skeletons in an instant, because they are very ** for the gas exhaled by strangers.

Xiao Yao secretly hid under a low rock on the other side. He saw the person calling for help. She was a little girl who was avoiding several skeletons in a panic. Whenever they wanted to approach the little girl, they would be resisted by the light emitted by a jade pendant on her chest. It seemed amazing. They have been anxious for a long time. The little girl's tears are blurred, pear blossoms with rain, a little cinnabar between her eyebrows, and the white skin of lotus root, which makes people feel a feeling of love in an eye.

"Go away.. Go away! Don't come here. My sister is very powerful. She will come to beat you. You strange things, go away!" Although the little girl is afraid, she is not so scared that her legs are weak, perhaps because she is young, about eleven or twelve years old.

Xiao Yao felt a feeling of love and pity in his heart. He felt that the little girl was very cute, like a porcelain doll.

He made up his mind to get her out.

"Sister, Grandpa, Xixi is afraid, come quickly! Ouch..." The little girl was caught off guard and tripped over a stone behind her.

Those skeletons can't help but want to grab them.

Xiao Yao looked at these skeletons and found that the other party was more and more afraid of the light emitted by the little girl's jade pendant. If it goes on like this, the little girl's end will definitely be the same as those corpses.

Xiao Yao felt that if it went on like this, there was no time at all, and these skeletons had no wisdom. If they did something, they would all carry out well.

Since there is no opportunity, create your own opportunities!

Xiao Yao made up his mind, carefully picked up a stone, and suddenly hit it. The stone rushed to one of the skeletons with the sound of breaking the air, crack! The skeleton was hit accurately.

Those skeletons suddenly turned around.

Xiao Yao quickly withdrew his head. If he was seen by the other party, he would definitely not be saved.

These skeletons couldn't help turning around when they saw nothing.

Xiao Yao picked up a slightly larger stone and threw it at the spine of the same skeleton.

Bang! Incomparable accuracy.

The skeleton suddenly reacted, turned its head and roared.

Suddenly, most of the skeletons were attracted attention. The hit skeleton looked around for the traces of the originator, but nothing was found.

Xiao Yao was attracted by many skeletons and couldn't help but be happy. His method is really effective. Now the little girl is only three feet away from her. As long as she flashes, she can pick her up and run for her life. However, the consequences are naturally clear. With so many masters and skeletons, it is difficult to escape.

"Little sister..." Xiao Yao sent a voice to the little girl.

The little girl suddenly became confused and looked around, "You... Who are you? Are you talking to me?"

Xiao Yao continued, "Yes, I saved you. Don't retreat. Do you see a rock on your upper left? You come here."

The little girl was extremely intelligent. Xiao Yao just looked at the skeletons, and then carefully aimed at the rock where Xiao Yao was located, and retreated to the edge very carefully.

Xiao Yao watched the little girl rush towards him and couldn't help but feel nervous. If the other party found out, it would be difficult to do.

The little girl walked two feet towards Xiao Yao's place, and succeeded. But at this time, the empty eyes of the skeletons narrowed again. The little girl was also worried that the other party would see something, but fortunately, the other party was a skeleton, and there was almost no wisdom.

The skeletons did not doubt the little girl's attempt to run to the other side. They were ordered to grab her and pull her out to release blood! Fill the blood pool!

"Don't come here, don't come over!" The little girl screamed in panic.

Xiao Yao turned his head, and it was not a good thing for the other party to go in his direction. He pinched the stone he had just picked up. If he really couldn't do it, he would do it again. After that, he would seize the opportunity to suddenly take the little girl into his arms.

"I'm going to save you later. Don't talk. Do you hear me?" Xiao Yao sent a voice to tell him.

The little girl was extremely intelligent. She knew that it was a critical moment and didn't even nod. She was very cautious.

Xiao Yao sat down and prepared, shook his hand and hit the stone in his hand. The stone bullet fell behind the back of a skeleton's head, bounced back, and hit the skeleton just now.