The Undead King

Chapter 104: Evolutionary skeleton at the bottom of the blood pool

After saying that, Xiao Yao followed this person and left.

On a hilly land, Xuanfeng, Qin Yu and Lin Ziyan were all there. At this time, everyone's faces were solemn and they dared not come out.

"Master..." Xiao Yao walked behind Xuanfeng.

"Here you are." Xuanfeng nodded.

Then he pointed to a bloody place and said, "Look at this, what do you think?"

Xiao Yao looked along the place pointed by Xuanfeng, but was slightly shocked.

"Is this human flesh?" Xiao Yao looked at the strip of objects of different sizes and said that these things were not difficult for him to recognize, and even he could see them at a glance, because he saw them last night, and it was the scene of the blood pool.

Seeing his flat face, Xuan Feng couldn't help saying, "Yes, it's really human flesh. Why don't you feel scared?"

Other people looked at Xiao Yao and admired him for his indifferent face. Among the people, there were many people who did not dare to see.

"Oh, why are you afraid? What is this? I've seen it when it was done." Xiao Yao suddenly said.

"What!" Everyone looked at Xiao Yao in surprise and showed puzzlement.

Xuanfeng's face changed and said, "What, have you seen it?"

Xiao Yao nodded and said, "Yes, I did see it and saved a little girl." Then he told what he had seen and heard last night.

Xuanfeng suddenly heard that his face turned purple.

"This is not a small matter. You may guarantee its authenticity?" Xuanfeng said in a heavy tone.

Xiao Yao nodded and said, "I can guarantee it."

Xuanfeng took a look at everyone and said, "Well, let's go now!" Go to the bone mountain!"

"slow! Isn't it too impruly to believe him like this!" Du Zhen sneered beside him.

Xuanfeng raised his eyes and shouted, "Get out of here. You are in our current situation. You have no right to speak!"

Du Zhen suddenly showed a cold look on his face and did not say anything.

"You lead the way." Xuanfeng said to Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao nodded and took the lead.

After a while, the group came to the hill at Bone Mountain.

"Shh." Xiao Yao gave a sign and stretched out his head.

The blood mist is lingering, and the atmosphere of killing is drifting in the space, which makes people's hearts depressed.

Xiao Yao looked at it for a long time and did not find a skeleton.

I couldn't help standing up and saying, "Let's all come out."

Xuanfeng looked at him doubtfully and said, "Is everything okay?"

Du Zhen sneered and said, "Isn't it fooling people like monkeys!"

Xiao Yao frowned and said, "Is there anything I know very well? If I'm not sure, I will bring you here?" And it's very strange here, especially the blood pool. Somehow, maybe they will appear at night and disappear during the day.

Xuanfeng glanced at him and said, "Well, no matter what, let's explore it first!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked forward, and Xiao Yao followed.

This is a huge blood pool. Xiao Yao was surprised to find that it seemed to be a little bigger than yesterday. I don't know why.

The blood pool is about to dry up, but it is certain that it is all human blood, which is beyond doubt.

"That's right, it's a blood pool!" Lin Ziyan looked at the dark red at the bottom of the pool and exclaimed.

"Can you prove that it's all human blood?" Du Zhen sneered.

Xiao Yao looked at him and said, "I saw it with my own eyes."

"Oh? Can anyone see it together?" Du Zhen asked.

Xiao Yao suddenly felt angry in his heart, and Du Zhen was obviously difficult to people!

"Do you still have a part to speak now?" Xuanfeng looked at Du Zhen coldly.

Du Zhen waved his long sleeves and was speechless.

Qin Yu looked at the bottom of the blood pool thoughtfully and said, "If you can go down, maybe you can find the skeletons that your brother said."

Xuanfeng's eyes lit up and said, "Yes, it's a good idea! I'll do it!" After saying that, he flashed and landed in the blood pool.

All of them were staring at Xuanfeng with wide eyes. Xuanfeng looked at the blood under his feet. The air was filled with a fishy smell, which was very unpleasant. He couldn't help frowning and searching around.

There are pool walls everywhere, and there is no place to hide.

Seeing that Xuanfeng couldn't find it for a long time, Xiao Yao suddenly moved his heart and shouted, "Master, maybe they are hidden in the blood under your feet!"

Xuanfeng couldn't help patting his head. He couldn't think of such a simple question. He was still reminded by his apprentice that he was still a master. Now he is ashamed of his family.

He put all his anger on his face in the blood under his feet, and his own weapon flashed out and was held in his hand. The sword suddenly became bigger in the eyes of everyone. Xuanfeng suddenly cut out a gully in the blood water, but it did not seem to reach the bottom!

With a blow, the blood is still the same, and Xuan Feng can't help but struggle. Is Xiao Yao a liar? It's impossible. If it's a lie, what else does he say?

He was still thinking puzzled, but the people on it exclaimed.

"Dodge!" Everyone was shocked. The calm after the blow turned out to be a trace before the storm. With Xuanfeng's thinking, they found the difference little by little. The blood pool seemed to move, and there were many huge bubbles flying up quickly.

Xuanfeng was shocked and couldn't help looking down.

At this glance, I couldn't help but be terrranted.

Wow! A thick thorny arm suddenly rushed to the mysterious wind above it!

Xuanfeng is worthy of being a master. He is not chaotic in the face of danger, and the sword is fiercely resisted.

The prickly arm hit Xuanfeng's sword at once. If this blow is replaced by an ordinary master, it must be blocked by a sword.

Xuanfeng inhaled and exhaled. With a conversion, his body was slanted to one side, and his strength was suddenly removed. Then he suddenly stepped back and removed most of the force by his own body. This blow was very shocking in the eyes of the upper group. If it were any of them, he was not sure to be as perfect as he was.

The old and spicy movements and refined body skills made Xuanfeng not get hurt at all in this hit, but he was slightly shaken back by two or three feet.

"Look! What's there!" Lin Ziyan shouted.

Everyone can't help staring at the past.

In the blood pool, there are red spots, and skeletons show their heads, which is very scary.

"What he said is true. It turns out that there are skeletons!" Lin Ziyan muttered.

Others also agree, but Xiao Yao's eyes were solemn and said, "Be careful, those skeletons are likely to come up."

"Ah!" Lin Ziyan couldn't help covering her little mouth and exclaiming.

Hearing Xiao Yao's words, others couldn't help holding the weapons around them tighter.

Sure enough, with Xiao Yao's words, the skeleton in the blood pool seemed to break free from some kind of shackles and suddenly rose up.

"How did they get up?" Qin Yu's heart was also slightly nervous. At this time, everyone's heart was a little nervous, and the pressure was born from his heart little by little.

"Can they jump up?" Lin Ziyan asked.

"It's not jumping! Damn it! Backward!" Xiao Yao couldn't help shouting.

Sure enough, the jumping skeletons suddenly fell, and there were two bulges behind him, which seemed to be two bone spurs. However, Xiao Yao didn't think so. The bone spurs stretched out little by little, and finally suddenly unfolded, forming a pair of blood wings.

"They have evolved." Xiao Yao looked at these skeletons in disbelief. You know, they didn't have wings when they attacked him yesterday, and in a short overnight soaked in human blood, these skeletons actually had wings! What a terrible existence. If they are allowed to go on for a long time, won't they become the top one by one?

Xiao Yao couldn't imagine it. He shouted, "Pay attention, kill me!" Everyone was hot-blooded, flew up, holding various weapons, and fighting with skeletons.

Xiao Yao's hand turned over, and Hei Lin suddenly appeared in his hand. He dived and fell quickly.

"What does he want to do? Looking for death?" Lin Ziyan's face changed. You know, there was not only a skeleton below, but also the giant monster below. She felt that Xiao Yao was too bold.

Xiao Yao naturally has his own plan. He just wants to help Xuanfeng. The people here