The Undead King

Chapter 156: Beauty Light! (!)

"You!" Meier was furious, and this man was so arrogant! What is his identity and what is his identity? How dare you talk to me like this!

"Look at how good those beautiful women behind you are. They don't say anything, but you have a bad temper. It's you who can't get married in the future." Luo Chao's further attack.

Xiao Yao saw that the situation was getting more and more fierce and couldn't help saying, "Okay, don't talk about it. Have you finished eating? Let's go to the room after eating."

Luo Chao was still trying to say something to see that Xiao Yao was a little unhappy. He bowed his head and said, "I know the boss, but I'm not full yet. You're waiting."

'Humph! Rice bucket!" Meier said that Luo Chao was about to refute. After seeing Meier's demonstration, he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know you like you. I'll eat, cut it!"

After that, Luo Chao finished eating hastily, and then Xiao Yao called Xiao Er, and the three of them went to see the room together.

After giving the fixed money, Xiao Yao and the two asked for a room each. Xiao Yao is not short of money now, so there is nothing to save.

When night fell, he left a sigh. Luo Chao took a wine pot and a wine glass and came in. Xiao Yao was not happy today. He knew it, but he just didn't understand why he was like this. However, he found that Xiao Yao was no longer there. "It's so late, why don't you go out for a walk? Humph! Don't take me with you!" Luo Chao hummed.

In the night, a figure flashed by quickly. The man's gray hair galloped in the wind, wasn't Xiao Yao or who?

"Will home still be there? It's been so long, maybe it's gone. Xiao Yao said bitterly in his heart.

At this moment, Yongquan City has fallen into silence. Xiao Yao crossed the wall and quietly entered it. He came to his home, but where is there a house? The ground is full of burned boards and stones. Since the rumor of zombies, this place has been listed as an unknown place, and the house furniture has been burned.

Xiao Yao stood there quietly, without words, no sadness, only firmness in his eyes. I must find out the murderer!

"Wow, wow!" A few dog barks came to his ears, and this place seemed so lonely. Xiao Yao kept recalling his memory of how beautiful the Xiao family was at that time, but now there is nothing left.

He thought that he had entered the night and it was time to go back. Since he came to see it, he felt a little homesick. Although the family had been burned like this, he still thought it was his own home!

Xiao Yao put on one, immediately knelt down and said in a low voice, "I swear! Sooner or later, I will kill my enemy and take the other's head to pay tribute to the dead relatives of the Xiao family. I swear that I will rebuild the Xiao family in this Yongquan City!"

He got up with firm eyes and returned to the inn in Qingfeng City.

He was covered and slept until dawn.

At dawn, Qingfeng City became lively. Xiao Yao opened his eyes, got up and walked out.

A delicate voice sounded, and Xiao Yao looked at the beautiful girl coming out of the next room in her pajamas, and the buttons of the pajamas were still unbuttoned. The snow-whiteness appeared in Xiao Yao's eyes, coupled with her exquisite figure, a little beauty, she yawned: "Ah .." Then he opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Yao and said, "Huh? Why are you in my room!"

Xiao Yao said with a wry smile, "It seems that this girl is still dreaming?" He pointed to Meier's corset with an ugly face and motioned her to wear it.

Meier rubbed her eyes, but her eyes still seemed to be unable to open. She would be wrong. She couldn't help lifting the edges of her clothes on both sides, which made Xiao Yao stunned.

On the snow-white body, the first-scale chest is not small, and the two pink on the top are looking at themselves playfully, and the bottom...

Xiao Yao no longer dared to look at it. As soon as he moved, he picked up Meier quickly, wrapped her in her pajamas directly with his hand, and rushed into the room like a gust of wind.

"Ah!" A beautiful woman in the room was changing her clothes. She was rushed in by Xiao Yao and couldn't help dropping all the clothes in her hand. Everything was looked at by Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao was stunned. The other party was very beautiful, like a fairy. The bright red beauty mole was born in the middle of her forehead, and her figure was even more graceful. It was difficult to find a beautiful woman comparable to her. He found that Lin Yumeng seemed to be a little worse than her.

Mei'er woke up at this moment and was stunned, and the girl was the same.

"Ah!" The girl couldn't help getting into **'s quilt quickly, and her seductive little buttocks were very cute.

"You.. How did you come in! And! Meier, what the hell are you doing!"

"Sister, I, I don't know what's going on! But I know, he! He eats my tofu!" Meier insisted that Xiao Yao was a bad person.

"Don't mind... It's not like that!" Xiao Yao looked ugly.

"Then what do you think is going on!" The other party is aggressive and humane.

Xiao Yao smiled bitterly and said, "It's all her fault. Just now, she seemed to have not woken up and untied her clothes. Seeing this, I will naturally bring her in!"

The girl shouted fiercely, "Beautiful! I will kill you! This is not your first time! If you don't say it yourself, it will affect me!"

"Yes, yes! It's my fault! You put me down!" Meier said. Xiao Yao put her down according to what she said. She suddenly felt that her chest was cold, and her face couldn't help blushing. She quickly buttoned the button, and then she stared at Xiao Yao and said, "Hey! You won't say it!"

Xiao Yao immediately said simply, "Don't worry, never!"

"You swear, otherwise who can believe you!" Meier said. Xiao Yao smiled bitterly and said, "Well, I swear, if I say it out, it will make me die, okay?"

Meier was satisfied and said, "Well, that's it. Now let's talk about compensation."

"Compensation? Compensation?" Xiao Yao laughed. That's right! Can you see our bodies in vain? Naturally, you have to pay for it, or you will dig out your eyes!" Mei'er said viciously.

Xiao Yao said, "I don't agree with the girl's words. I should charge you a protection fee. If it weren't for me, wouldn't it be unlucky if you were rude or did something indecent?" Mei'er suddenly choked when she said this sentence, and she stammered, "That... If you don't compensate me, you will also compensate my senior sister!" She pointed to the girl.

Xiao Yao said again, "That shouldn't be! First, I don't know if there are still people in your room. Second, I became like this to save you, so this compensation should also be made by you and has nothing to do with me.

"But you have seen it all!"