bu tian chuan

Chapter 35 Chaotic Night

The clock at 12 o'clock rang slowly, and the school gate was slowly closed. If you go back to school now, I'm afraid you will have to climb over the wall, and you are likely to be caught by the student management teacher. Finally, Lin He decided to take Zhuo Xuaner to the seaside to see the early sunrise together.

In a commercial metropolis like Minghai, there is no shortage of many things, and transportation is one. Lin He easily stopped a taxi and sat in the back seat of the taxi with Zhuo Xuaner. The atmosphere became a little delicate for a while. Lin He broke the layer of window paper and said his intention first. Although Zhuo Xuaner did not answer, her reaction at that time should have accepted Lin He's confession.

There is no one on the beach quietly. Maybe a few couples will occasionally play romance and watch the sunrise like Linhe during the year, but the span of a year is too long to collide with Linhe. During the day, the lively barbecue stalls and ice cream stalls have all been closed, and the two temporary stores are standing in the night like two big monsters.

The coconut tree trembles slightly with the cool sea breeze, like a big man who can't dance looking for the beat of music. There are also some unknown tropical tree species that are bought by the government from distant exotic countries. They have slim figures. Compared with the bulky coconut trees, they are like beautiful girls, stepping on the nodes of music to show the charm closest to nature.

The waves gently hit the beach and then retreated in time. Like a passer-by walking between heaven and earth, their hurried steps are unwilling to stay for the scenery around them, and what they pursue is invisible or touched, let alone understood by the world. The only thing that can represent them is the ethereal wind, which is the same illusory and always uncontrollable, freely going to the ends of the earth, the mountains and rivers.

The two sat on the beach, and every time the incoming waves could just submerge their knees. The cool feeling dispels the irritation that Xia Japan should have, making people feel as if they were at the bottom of 30,000 feet. When the waves receded, the two returned in their wonderful imagination and stared at the quiet but energetic ocean again.

Lin He wanted to hold Zhuo Xuaner's hand, but after saying that confession, his courage seemed to have been used up. He secretly leaned his hand several times, and finally he didn't dare to hold Zhuo Xuaner's little hand. I don't know where the courage to face the gang alone has gone.

"This is my first time to see the sea. There is no sea in my hometown. After coming to Minghai, I have no opportunity to walk around every day except for classes and part-time jobs. Thank you, Linhe. I like the feeling of the sea, just like the feeling you gave me. Tolerance and shy. Kindness, harmony, and an unshakable firmness. Opening her hands, Zhuo Xuaner felt the sea breeze blowing on her face, and the itchy feeling made her giggle. At this moment, the world seems to have the meaning of existence only because of these two young people.

I didn't expect Zhuo Xuaner to use so many positive words to describe it. Lin He scratched the back of his head embarrassedly. Before junior high school, he was an introverted child. After junior high school, he made a lot of new friends and began to become lively and cheerful. But every time he meets a beautiful girl, he will unconsciously escape, which makes many people mistakenly think that Lin He is tall and unwilling to contact him.

"Thank you too, Xuaner. I thought I would never get praise from girls in my life. Your words made me find confidence that I haven't seen for a long time. Lin He rarely said what he wanted to say without any nervousness and took a deep breath. He felt that the sea was really a wonderful place. He gave people courage and great enjoyment. The fresh air was sucked into his lungs, and Lin He felt that his body had regained energy.

"You have always been excellent." After saying this, Zhuo Xuaner quietly snuggled in Lin He's arms and smiled faintly in Lin He's slightly flustered eyes. I'm sleepy and want to sleep for a while. Remember to wake me up at sunrise. At this moment, time stopped for Zhuo Xuaner and put aside the heavy burden that had been pressing on her body. For the first time, she fell asleep with a smile.

If Zhuo Xuaner's performance made Lin He not very sure before, then Zhuo Xuaner's behavior has made Lin He fully understand what she means. He brushed away Zhuo Xuaner's beautiful hair covering her face, smiled and stared at Zhuo Xuaner's exquisite and flawless face. Lin He whispered to himself. Go to sleep. No matter what happens, I will face it with you.

In this quiet night, Lin He chose to spend time at the seaside with his favorite girl, and because of this choice, the ordinary night was given a new meaning. The sea, which symbolizes freedom, made another guest appearance as a witness. Under his witness, Lin He and Zhuo Xuaner became a couple.

The mobile phone suddenly rang untimely. Lin He picked it up quickly, but he could feel that Zhuo Xuaner had been woken up. If it were someone else, Lin He would definitely press the phone and turn off the phone immediately, but the name of the caller is the person Lin He wants to see most at this moment.

"Principal Wang! Where are you! How's it going!" Although he tried his best to control his emotions, Lin He was still somewhat out of control. Wang Benchu had disappeared for more than a month, and he could not find any news about him for more than a month. After seeing Wang Benchu's great power, Lin He naturally knows his ability, and it must be very difficult to pester him.

The familiar but powerless voice came from the other end of the phone. Lin He, come back to school. I want to see you. There are some things that need to be explained. When Wang Ben first spoke, there was a fierce fight next to him, and it seemed that he was in a very bad situation.

decisively hung up the phone, Lin He said to Zhuo Xuaner, who had already sat up. Sorry, Xuaner, I'm going to stand you on the first date. I have to go back to school right now. I'm afraid I can't watch the sunrise with you. Lin He is very contradictory. At this moment, after all, he is facing a choice. Both sides are very important to him, but under reason, Lin He still chose to go back to school first. He felt that the current dangerous situation for Wang Benchu was because of Lin He's previous recklessness.

There was a understanding smile on her face, and Zhuo Xuaner put down Lin He's rolled up trouser legs. I'm not the daughter of a big family. I have to hold it and coax it. If you have anything, just do it. Remember to make me up for a sunrise when you have time in the future. With that, Zhuo Xuaner made a cunning face on her face.

After getting the support of Zhuo Xuaner, Lin He nodded firmly. Sure, call me if you need anything. I'm leaving. At this moment, Lin He has unconsciously used the true power of the operation in his body. The endurance between the meridians has far exceeded the scope of human beings. Every step is to exert his power to the extreme. Several breaths have disappeared from Zhuo Xuaner's sight, leaving only one by one. Such as footprints forced into the beach.

Zhuo Xuaner, who was a little funny, stared at this amazing scene and even began to doubt whether she had not woken up yet. After pinching herself hard, the real pain entered the nerves of the brain, and the painful Zhuo Xuaner shouted. Lin He, he also ran a little too fast, didn't he? If what she just saw is true, Zhuo Xuaner has no doubt that Lin He has just exceeded the speed of four-wheeled sports car, and the terrible explosive power is really shocking.

At a time when most people should have begun to sleep, there is a group of "people" who are as awake as Lin He, and the degree of excitement is no less than Lin He. At this moment, they are concentrating on the campus of Minghai University and besieging a black young man with curly hair.

"Cough, I haven't seen so many high vampires act together for a long time. Old man, what on earth did you do to provoke their anger?" Almost with the falling voice, George emitted a dazzling white light to repel a vampire with bad intentions.

Opposite George stood thirteen count-level vampires, five marquis-level vampires, and two grand duchy vampires, who surrounded George and the dying king behind him in a dark corner. In the face of vampires who are good at speed, it is almost impossible to escape by speed. There are only two ways to leave. One is to kill them all, and the other is to wait for rescue. Obviously, both are not difficult.

"I know that you are the paladins that the Holy See has been training in recent years, and we don't want to see a large-scale conflict with the Holy See. As long as you leave the old ghost behind you, you can leave now." The speaking vampire's name is Gott & Tinsley. At this moment, his eyes are shining with angry red light, as if he has an feud with Wang Benchu.

With a helpless shrug, George said with a wry smile. This request is so rude to me. Even if you have an absolute advantage now, do you think it is possible for a devout believer bathed in the glory of the Lord to send innocent human beings to you dirty blood? The leaders of the two families, if George does not die today, you will be severely hit by the Holy See!"

George saw a trace of wavering in Gott's eyes. Although the bright Holy See and the dark parliament were on the surface, both sides were in a delicate balance. Just as the righteous path of the Eastern world of cultivation has not fought against demons and evil for many years, whether it is mortals or practitioners, they will kill the enemy and lose 800 yuan when they fight, and they need to pay a huge price.

"Kid, do you think we are so afraid of the Holy See!" Another grand duchy vampire beside Gott opened his mouth, Phil & Aden, the vampire leader of the Aden family. Since you don't want to be handed over, I'll send you to meet your most beloved God, huh?" Phil's nose moved and smelled a stranger.

"Are the reinforcements here?" George, a paladin of the Western Holy See, is very clear that there is also a well-disciplined organization in China, and their existence is also to restrain the recklessness of the dark forces. At this moment, George has also noticed Phil's abnormality. However, when he saw the human who came, there was unbelievable on his face. Lin?"


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