bu tian chuan

Chapter 149 Lingyao Pavilion

Xifang is just a square city. In the eyes of many powerful monks, such a square city is so weak that they can destroy such an existence by raising their hands. Even if it is one of the three largest square cities in the cultivation world, even if he has two monks in the late Yuanying period, it is still not enough to see.

On the contrary, the fact is that behind these square cities are not just a few people in their infancy. If you have a sufficiently sensitive sense of smell, the smell of various sects after these cities will rush into your nose. This is the world of cultivation, which seems to be irrelevant, but it is secretly closely linked because of a common goal.

So under the seemingly weak appearance of Xifang, there is a strong heart. This big heart beats vigorously and powerfully, and only it knows its own strong vitality. There are dozens of stores, large and small, and together with roadside vendors, there are hundreds of stalls every day. These not-looking stalls are the lifeblood of maintaining the vitality of Xifang, and their rent and taxes are unknown to many monks in front of and behind the stage.

The Lingyao Pavilion is one of the most typical. The two largest medicinal materials stores in Xifang, and Zhenyao Pavilion, the largest competitor of the Lingyao Pavilion, is less than 50 steps away from the Lingyao Pavilion. Xifang has been passed down for more than 100 years, and the two pharmacies have been competing for more than 100 years. The same time-honored pharmacy does not have any tolerance and courtesy. It is enjoyable to fight with Zhang Daji.

However, the deadlock has been broken a few years ago. Zhenyao Pavilion exchanged a mysterious middle-grade flying sword for a large pile of spiritual stones, plus a precious and abnormal split cloud grass. Rift Cloud Grass is a wind, which is a rare spiritual grass that can increase the qualification of the monk's wind. Although this Rift Cloud Grass is not long, its reputation alone is enough to exchange for a mysterious-grade flying sword.

The monk who exchanged the flying sword went out of Xifang and was submerged in heavy killing. Whether it was Sanxiu or disciples of various schools, he was very greedy for this mysterious middle-grade flying sword, and he was blindfolded and threw himself into killing and treasure. Finally, dozens of corpses were left on the hillside not far from Xifang. From the Jiedan period to the Qi practice period, there were any level of monks, but the flying sword was gone and I didn't know who took it away.

Qiu Li, the clerk of the elixir pavilion, is a clever young boy. He has been influenced by these elixirs all day long. Coupled with the intentional cultivation of the shopkeeper, Qiu Li now also has the cultivation in the middle of his practice. Today's business is not very good, and Qiu Li's face has become a little gloomy. Unlike those playful and lazy guys, he knows that the business in the cabinet is not good, and he will be implicated in the end.

"Damn Zhenyao Pavilion, curse you to close down early. What a flying sword is not a gimmick made by you. I think the last flying sword still fell into your own pockets. Fortunately, so many people have died, but they have made a loud reputation for you, which has made our business miserable these days, and few people have come to our house.

With one hand leaning against the counter and the other hand drawing circles in the void, Qiu Li secretly cursed the Zhenyao Pavilion. From the shopkeeper to the clerk, he wrapped the sect behind the Zhenyao Pavilion, and did not let go of any of them. Because of Qiu Li's distraction, he rarely missed the three guests who entered the door and changed the position of the Lingyao Pavilion in the West Square in the future. But fortunately, when luck comes, even if you push it out desperately, it will not leave.

"Man, do you have a elixirs or ready-made elixirs suitable for the native family?" Jiang Yuanchen stepped into the elixis pavilion and felt a burst of fragrance of medicinal herbs. This elixir pavilion is really good. Although it is only a store in Xifang, the medicinal herbs stored in it are about to catch up with the medicine factory in Shushan.

Sheng He's heart moved. Obviously, Jiang Yuanchen has seen that Sheng He's system is biased towards the native family. When he comes in, it depends on the medicinal herbs of the native family. Nine times, he wants to make some blood to buy some suitable elixirs for Shenghe. Touching the splintered pocket, Sheng He smiled helplessly. Although Jiang Yuanchen was also a goodwill, it was a pity that as a monk in the Jiedan period, his expenses would certainly not be small. What kind of medicinal materials can be bought for an effective family?

"You can take a look first. We have a wide variety of medicinal herbs here. If it's just native medicinal herbs, I'll prepare a list for several people for you to check." Qiu Li looked at a clerk beside him as he spoke. This guy was also of different sizes. For example, Qiu Li was the master of the elixir Pavilion. The other guys not only had to listen to the instructions of the shopkeeper, but also had to be as effective as Qiu Li's orders.

Qiu Li's little movements all fell into the eyes of the three. In addition to Sheng He, who had no hope but some expectations, Lin He and Jiang Yuanchen smiled at the same time. There are sayings such as "smart is mistaken for being smart" and so on, but smart people always live better than simple people. As for the result, it is a later story.

Soon a list of native medicinal materials was sent to the three people. Lin Heyi pushed the list to Jiang Yuanchen without hesitation. Although Sheng He was trying hard, the one who took the initiative among the three was always the new celebrity from Shushan.

Jiang Yuanchen did not reject it. He took the list and looked at it carefully. While looking at the list a few times, he looked at Sheng He a few times, as if he was screening the medicinal herbs and elixirs suitable for him. Brother Shenghe, can you alchemy? The meaning of Jiang Yuanchen's words was very obvious. He saw the right medicinal materials, but it is useless to have a panacea alone, and there should also be suitable elixirs and refiners. Although Kunlun is big, there may not be predecessors who are willing to be prosperous and alchemy. The qualifications of the same generation are still shallow, and it would be a pity if the elixir wasted.

Sheng He frowned and thought about it. All kinds of people in his mind went through it, but never thought of a suitable alchemist. Just when he was a little desperate, an old face quickly flashed from his brain. My alchemy is limited, and I don't have a suitable alchemy furnace. However, I know a senior who lives in this West Square. If he wants, I believe he can refine the elixir no matter how difficult it is. It's just that his temper is a little strange, and he may not be willing to help.

Speaking of Sheng and he couldn't help but be a little discouraged at the end. Is this God's will? Even if someone is willing to help and pick up a good elixir for free, there is a lack of suitable alchemists. The hope in his heart has become smaller and smaller, and Sheng He has made up his mind to refuse Jiang Yuanchen's kindness. Jiang Yuanchen's spiritual stone, in the end, if only the elixir has not been refined into elixir, eating raw will damage most of the effect, Shenghe believes that he absolutely can't do such a thing.

Qiu Li's curiosity suddenly stopped listening. For the first time, he heard that someone was afraid to buy medicinal materials, but there was no suitable alchemist and hesitated. No wonder Qiu Li is strange. Although Sanxiu is alone on the surface, he will always have a few friends. Friends help each other, and he can always find someone to help alchemy with several layers of relationships. Therefore, the practitioners are not worried about the source of medicinal herbs that have nowhere to be refined and make them more annoying.

The disciples of the gate school are different, although there are teachers who rely on behind, and there are many advantages when they act. However, the precepts of the gate school are strict and focus on self-reliance. Many times, if they want to seek the help of teachers, they will be reprimanded by senior teachers. Just like Sheng He, although he is also a disciple of Kunlun's inner door, he has no designated teacher. Several young disciples who have friendship with him in Kunlun are still shallow young disciples, hoping that their alchemy Shenghe would rather come by himself.

"I don't know which medicinal material the guests like?" Qiu Li asked curiously. In fact, Qiu Li had guessed who the senior master Sheng He said was, but Qiu Li still decided to ask Jiang Yuanchen which medicinal herbs he like first. If it was a valuable medicinal material, Qiu Li would help the senior for help. If it was just ordinary low-level medicinal materials, Qiu Li would be lazy.

Jiang Yuanchen's slender fingers pointed to the fourth flavor of medicinal herbs on the list, and the helplessness on his face was very obvious. He really wants to buy this medicinal material and take it back to Shushan to seek the help of the teacher to refine a panacea for Shenghe. However, he knew that this idea was too illusory. Not to mention the price of the elixir in front of him, the difficulty of the teacher was comparable to that of ascending to the sky.

Seeing what Jiang Yuanchen pointed out, Qiu Li was secretly shocked. The order of this medicinal material is arranged according to the degree of value, and the price of the fourth place should be very high. If the other party can really pay enough, what about helping them? Thinking of this, Qiu Li quickly changed into a serious look and said slowly. In fact, I also know the senior master mentioned by the guest, and he still owes me a favor. If I go to him, it should not be a problem to refine the elixir, but..."

Sheng He seemed to see hope again, and the light in his eyes flashed and asked excitedly. It's just something, say it quickly." After several visits to the elixir pavilion, Sheng He also recognized this big man and forgot to maintain his proper manners in a hurry.

Jiang Yuanchen didn't say anything, but he was a little helpless. Sheng He was also too anxious. Obviously, Qiu Li was waiting for the fish to be hooked and appetizing. Sheng He didn't see it at all and rushed up with his heart. This newcomer in Kunlun is really far away. The big man of the Lingyao Pavilion, we can see your cleverness, so we won't go around with you. Tell me the price of this elixir. What if I can buy it?

Qiu Li was shocked by Jiang Yuanchen's words and looked left and right to see that the shopkeeper was not there. The shopkeeper said about him more than once and asked him to restrain his sharpness and not to show off his little cleverness. Qiu Li always disdained it. Now he is following him in front of the smarter people, which can't help but make him break out in a cold sweat.

"Wood pulp grass, hundreds of high-quality spiritual stones, or equivalent medicinal materials and magic weapons can be exchanged." Qiu Li obviously had a trill when he said this. It seems that he has not recovered from being so scared by Jiang Yuanchen. At least the natural look just now has completely disappeared.


The second update, Fangshi, see Fangshi again, the real people were businessmen in their last life~