bu tian chuan

Chapter 201 Joining

Elder Qingyue is a famous magic doctor in the world. There are not a thousand or 800 monks pulled back from the ghost gate after his wonderful rejuvenation. There are few holy doctors in the world of cultivation. First, the study of medical skills inevitably delays the improvement of their own cultivation, and secondly, it is too difficult. Mortal injuries in the human world are limited to physical injuries, but monks are not as serious as mortals. They may also suffer all kinds of injuries, soul wounds, blood wounds, pulse wounds, and heart injuries that are far more troublesome than physical injuries.

So even if Elder Qingyue puts aside his identity as the third elder of the law enforcement department, he is still sincerely respected by the monks. This seemingly ordinary old man is very popular in the whole world of cultivation. The white robe is much worse. He has always lived a simple life and has not many friends. However, from his known friends, they are all famous people from all sides, which is not simple.

The other two teams of six people from the Law Enforcement Department also met several times in the month when Lin He recovered from his injuries. They are not as cold as rumored by the outside world. They are not much different from ordinary people in their spare time. They play chess, fish, raise flowers, and their living habits are not much different from retired veteran cadres. Only the mysterious second elder, the dead moon, has never appeared, mysteriously like a lone traveler.

It's getting colder and colder, and the sad cold wind roars in the mountains and forests. Rows of neat forests in the snow-free Tianshan Mountain can often see the messy and swaying leaves. Just looking at it from a distance, you can unconsciously feel the piercing chill. In such a particularly cold season, Lin He sat naked in a bucket of warm medicinal wine in the middle of the open space.

This is a medicinal wine specially prepared by Qingyue for Lin He, which can help Lin He relieve his muscles and activate the wine and help him penetrate the broken blood as soon as possible. Originally, Qingyue estimated that a month should be enough for Lin He to recover. Unexpectedly, Lin He's injury was far more serious than what he saw on the surface. The degree of internal vein damage was difficult to undertake in a short time, and he could only slowly complete this difficult task with the medicinal power of medicinal wine. In this way, the January rehabilitation plan originally planned was temporarily stranded. In order to ensure that Lin He returned to its peak state, Qingyue added another month of treatment time for him.

The cold wind was like a sharp knife blowing on Lin He's face, but he couldn't use Zhenyuan to resist the cold wind. In the words of the white robe, Lin He was born with the body of the bright moon, with the pure bright moon power flowing in his body, and the cold veins penetrated his body. It was almost impossible to be killed by the gloomy and cold magic in his life, so he specially took care of Qingyue not to let Lin He use Zhenyuan, and felt the generous gift of nature while soaking medicine and wine to heal his wounds.

In fact, the white robe is not just as careless as it looks in the past. On the contrary, it is his diligent efforts that he can sit in the law enforcement office. In the eyes of outsiders, Qingyue, the three elders of the law enforcement department, are proficient in medical science, but few people know that all the medical skills mastered by Qingyue came from the teaching of the white robe. At the beginning, Qingyue was seriously injured and hung on the line. It was the white robe that showed his amazing medical skills and pulled Qingyue back from the ghost gate alive, otherwise the head of the law enforcement department today. There are not three, but only two.

The white robe deliberately let Lin He not use Zhenyuan to resist the cold wind, and hardened the cold wind with his injured body in order to disperse the excess heat in his body. Qingyue's medicinal wine bubbled for Linhe is yang. It happens to hedge against Linhe's cold body. No matter what method is used, it is impossible to accept all the medicinal power. On the contrary, it will cause Linhe's injury due to the attributes of the hedge. Qingyue didn't think of any other way to cure Lin He's injury. At this time, the white robe came up with an idea for him.

"Lin He's physical attributes have been fixed and can't be changed, and only the medicinal properties can be changed. Put the wooden barrels filled with medicinal wine in the cold wild and let the most natural wind and cold force remove the heat on it. Although it will damage some of the medicinal effects, it is also a good way.

If Qingyue is a strategist who is more than enough to defend the city, then Baipao is a ** and creative military man. Every time he opens up his territory, he is full of new ideas, but whether the enemy or someone on his own side can never catch up with his footsteps and understand his unscheming thinking. Therefore, over the years, Qingyue has been learning humbly and learning every advantage of the white robe. These inconspicuous details in Qingyue's eyes are likely to save many innocent lives.

So there was a previous scene. Everyone would go to their room to warm up, rest, or talk to the mountains and talk about the family. Only Lin He suddenly soaked in the barrel, alone in the middle of the open space. ** the upper body trembled, and half of his body was covered with big beads of sweat. The other half's body is frozen red. It can be imagined that without the whimble creativity of the white robe, Lin He's situation would have been many times worse at this moment.

"Eat grapes without spitting grape skins, and spit grape skins without eating grapes. Ten is ten, four is four, fourteen is fourteen, and forty is forty. Lin He kept repeating the same tongue twister in his mouth. Lin He polished most of the month in this boring way. Although he looked a little naive, Lin He also practiced a flowing speed and deft tongue.

"Lin He, how is the injury recovering?" Ye Shaoqing came out of a dense forest in a sweat. Looking at his dirty face and the fragmented clothes on his body, it made people feel as if they had just encountered *. At this time every day, Ye Shaoqing always comes out of the dense forest on time.

Lin He looked behind Ye Shaoqing warily. At this time, the white robe would suddenly appear from behind Ye Shaoqing like a magician, and then scared Lin He fiercely. What on earth are you doing every day? Your injuries have recovered more than ten days faster than me. You don't have to be so fierce. Lin He has reason to suspect that Baipao and Ye Shaoqing have an improper male relationship. Thinking that Ye Shaoqing used to be a good young man, Lin He couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Hey!" The white robe rushed out from the other direction, really scared the careless Lin He, and then laughed stupidly. This is the white robe, a cynical old man. I'm afraid that people who don't know him can't associate him with the elder of the law enforcement department when they see his behavior.

"Haha, let's see how scared you are. In the past few days, Shaoqing's body has recovered, and I took him to see the sword tomb of Tianshan. The white robe did not intend to hide it from Lin He from the beginning, otherwise he would not have taken Ye Shaoqing to swagger in front of Lin He every day.

Sword Tomb? The place where the sword is hidden? Lin He asked curiously, if you just go to visit the sword and don't have to sweat, there must be something fishy in it. Lin He's deep eyes immediately fell on Ye Shaoqing. In Lin He's eyes, the man who was more than ten years older than him was better than the short old man with a white beard on his side.

Lin He's malicious eyes looked at Ye Shaoqing and had no choice but to succumb to his ** power. The sword mound is not only used to hide swords, but also contains the swords of the predecessors of Tianshan. Among them, there are many flying swords with killing spirit and sharp spirit, so a huge array is added over the sword mound to suppress the restless breath of the sword. And everyone who enters the sword tomb needs to experience the baptism of the sharp sword spirit. Only when it is recognized by the flying sword hidden in the sword tomb will they let you in.

With great interest, Lin He became more and more interested in this mysterious sword tomb. Unfortunately, he could not leave halfway when brewing medicinal wine, otherwise the medicinal effects of this day would be lost. If not, Lin He would like to go to the sword tomb immediately. However, as the secret existence of the mysterious organization of Tianshan, Ye Shaoqing is about to join the white robe of Tianshan Law Enforcement Office to let him know that this existence is still mentioned. Why did he say it to himself? Lin He was a little puzzled and embarrassed to ask directly.

With a smile, the white robe seemed to see Lin He's confusion and said carelessly. The most well-known cold weapons in the world are swords, and most of them have been famous since ancient times. The monks who use flying swords are also the most in the cultivation world, but few people really know swords. I can see that your boy has a lot of connections with the sword in his life, and his origin is very comparable. When you recover from his injury, he will take you to the sword tomb with him, which is also a repayment of the debt to old man Nie.

Nie Yunyi's appearance came to his mind, and Lin He found that there were many similarities between the white robe and Nie Yunyi. He did things that ordinary people could not do, regardless of trifles and strangeness, but under a cynical appearance, he carried the heaviest burdens in the world. Then please be the elder in the white robe." Lin He said respectfully that this was the first time he had spoken to the white robe so seriously since he entered Tianshan, which also originated from the similarity of the white robe to Nie Yunyi.

He brushed his white beard with satisfaction, and the white robe turned away with a smile. He really likes this boy. If Lin He hadn't been deeply branded by Shushan, the white robe would have included him in Tianshan by all means and let him join the law enforcement office. The turbid atmosphere between heaven and earth has become more and more chaotic. The rare gap before the storm needs to be done to replenish strength. Linhe is undoubtedly one of the best choices.

After the white robe left, Lin He frowned at Ye Shaoqing for a long time. It was not until Ye Shaoqing was about to break out. I can't see that you are so hot with these old guys in the law enforcement department so quickly. Originally, I wanted to introduce you to the seniors of Shushan, but now it seems to be useless.

After listening to Lin He's words, Ye Shaoqing understood the origin of his strange expression and said it in a funny way. After the master died, I began to be confused and didn't know where to go. I couldn't change anything in this troubled world alone. Until I came to Tianshan and met several elders and a group of monks in the law enforcement office, I finally found my future, which belongs to my fate.

Although he is still complaining, Lin He is still very happy that Ye Shaoqing can find the direction of his life. Just like him, he has been trying to do what he should do.

The cold wind moved the corners of Ye Shaoqing's clothes. In the cold winter of this year, another tough general was added to the law enforcement office. Several years later, it was this person who maintained the bloodline of the law enforcement department and allowed the organization to continue to pass on.


The second update, I don't know when the list is refreshed from the beginning of the week. Looking at the rule, it seems to be Thursday. When did you recommend it? When did you start the outbreak? Don't be too shabby when you recommend it. The outbreak of a week is also my best.