bu tian chuan

Chapter 256 Thousands of miles away

Born with the body of water, blue water has the power of extreme cold in the world. Thousands of years of glaciers did not let his cultivation fall, but buried the ice spirit that broke through the original limit. As soon as you take action, it is the chill that condenses the air. Even if you don't do it deliberately, the chill that the blue water inadvertently leaks is enough to freeze the river.

Lin He's eyes greeted him without fear. Bishui suddenly blocked the communication between Lin He and Lin Jietian. After such a long interval between the brothers, they met again. Lin He originally saw the hope of pulling Lin Jietian back, and now all of them became a bubble. The Eight Secrets of Extreme Soul, Feng!" With extreme cold against extreme cold, Lin He came out with all his strength.

In addition to the parties involved, only three people reacted. The magic flame sky demon on the side of the blue water, the forest world sky that was suddenly interrupted, and the other was Hu Ji, a sharp yin and yang master. There was no time to see two blue lights colliding, followed by a crisp cracking sound, like a huge ice falling from thousands of meters high and had a close contact with the ground.

The whole right hand was covered with a thick layer of ice crystals. Even Haoyue Zhenyuan, who was born of Linhe's cold power, could not completely resist it. The chilly life pain penetrated from the bones, as if there was a force pulling his bones back fiercely, intending to break it. But it's just an intention. With the physical strength of Lin He today, even the powerful ancient demon can't easily destroy his physical function.

Bishui was stunned in surprise. Lin He's almost safe and sound made him a little stunned, and his also frozen right hand plunged him into deep surprise. The powerful ancient demon, who was born with the body of Shuiyuan, slept under the extremely cold glacier for thousands of years and was frozen by a human monk. What an irony the result of both defeats.

"Look for death!" As soon as Bishui was about to launch all his strength, he felt a slight pain in his back, just a slight pain, but Bishui did not dare to neglect, gave up the continued attack on Lin He, and quickly retreated. Because he knows that if the tiny destructive power like a thin thread in the body is not solved as soon as possible, that force will soon bring it a very tricky * annoyance.

"How dare you do it to me! I'm an ancient demon, and you're just a demon general just recruited by Baihuan!" Bishui roared hysterically that it was far more humiliating to be plotted by his own people than to be injured by the other party. Bishui sealed off the movement of the destructive power in his body with the power of ice and roared loudly at Lin Jietian.

"I think you have forgotten what Baihuan said. I'm just helping you remember. In my eyes, there is only one person I need to be loyal to, and that person is not you, so I have enough reasons to do it to you. The cultivation of demons is much faster than that of human monks. Constant devouring and refining is the process of their advancement. As the most relied on demon general, Lin Jietian has laid an outstanding foundation when he experienced magic training. His strength is far greater than that of several other demon generals. Although there is still a big gap with several ancient demons, he holds his head high and shouts. He does have this qualification.

Bishui still needs to say something, and the magic flame opened his mouth to stop him. What the fallen sky said is not wrong. What Baihuan said must have his reason. Don't you forget what he brought us together? You should learn to be patient for the sake of your career. If you insist on doing it, I will deal with you with the fallen sky. The magic flame, who used to be the most grumpy, has now changed not only his appearance, but also his inner world.

"Brother, come back. You know it's not only me, but also my parents who are waiting for you to come back. Every time they ask me where you are, I don't know what to say, I..." Before Lin He finished his words, he was blown out by a huge force, from the solemn hand of Lin Jietian.

When Lin He said the word "parents", Lin Jietian trembled again, but this time he did not hesitate, because he knew that the demons around him were very impatient and did not know what would happen. Long pain is not as good as short pain. Now that you have embarked on this road of no return, you should always pretend to be a villain when you should be cruel.

"Get out of here, or you will die here!" The former Lin Jietian is dead, and now standing here is the fallen sky! The leader of the demon generals fell into the sky! If you don't want your parents to be unacparented, you should get out of here quickly and take responsibility like a man!" The indifferent fallen sky started a fire for the first time, or it will be the last time. There are only two words in his heart that maintain his only personality, family affection. Once even these two words are erased, he will become a complete demon.

The sudden appearance of the four people in Lin He made Tu Bailie puzzled. He originally thought that these four people were also the helpers of ancient demons, but the careful Tu Bailie still found that Shi Dahu and Jiang Yuanchen were wearing Shushan green shirts. As the most powerful ghost king of Yinshan, Tu Bailie also has a detailed study of all factions of the right path. The entanglement between Lin He and the ancient demon also made Tu Bailie see hope. In that brief entanglement, Tu Bailie has discussed a countermeasure with the skeleton shelf to retain the inheritance of Yinshan.

The white light lit up without warning, and the thorny ancient demons and the demons could not open their eyes. The strong true element fluctuation also surprises the magic flame and the blue water. If they exert all their strength at any cost, both immortals and demons can exert their strength beyond their existing cultivation, but such consequences are often very serious. The violent counterphagocation force is likely to devour the caster, not even leaving a skeleton.

"Black sickle, live well, wait until the right time, raise the banner of Yinshan again, and reproduce the glory of Yinshan! Everyone, my good brother has been entrusted to you. I hope you don't care about his identity. Even if you can't give him corresponding help, don't hurt him. Tu Bailie and Bai Nao, thank you here. The white light shrouded the black sickle that fell at the end, as well as Lin He's four people. Tu Bailie and Bai Nao's faces were very pale, as if the power in their bodies was rapidly passing.

" boss, don't want to leave me!" The black sickle staggered forward. Before that, he had been seriously injured and killed hundreds of crazy demons with his own hands and paid a corresponding price. The body of the spirit has been stained by the blood of madness and has become dirty. The original strong healing ability has been greatly reduced, but now the black sickle is not as good as an old man.

stopped the black sickle with one hand, and Jiang Yuanchen said to Tu Bailie and Bai Nao outside the white light. Don't worry, the people from Yinshan will only be friends, not enemies. I will definitely report today's events to the leader, and your blood will not be in vain. Lin He could no longer count on it for the time being. He looked at Lin Jietian and his eyes were as dull as a wooden chicken. The closest to the black sickle was Jiang Yuanchen, who stood up without hesitation to stop the weak black sickle from dying.

"With the words of the little brother, the blood of our Yinshan brothers today will not flow in vain! It's useless! You have followed me for so many years, and you have never been in the limelight, and you have to break here with me today. You have regretted it!" Tu Bailie's magnificent voice has a strong sense of penetration, penetrating through the thick clouds and rippled between the vast world and through the long rainbow.

A thin skeleton shelf, the white image seems a little funny from beginning to end, even on this solemn occasion. I really regret that I thought I had died once, and I would have no regrets even if I died again. But now it seems that my idea is a big mistake. I still haven't got a diploma in Cambridge, Oxford, and Harvard for the second time, which really makes me very unhappy! Come on, Motu, let's send this group of children on the road. I can tell you that if you are also reincarnated in the next life, don't be my classmate. You are born with a face that doesn't like to learn!"

Tu Bailie laughed. Bai Nao has never regarded him as the boss for so many years. There are provocation and satire, but Tu Bailie has long been used to it, because he knows what Bai Nao is thinking. Don't say these strange words to me, because I can't understand them. All I know is that I won't be lonely along the way. With you, a nagging person, there will be countless stories on the Yellow Spring Road of Yinshan Brothers. With that, Tu Bailie raised his right hand, and a red light condensed into his hand.

"No, they want to escape!" Succubus said that she was going to come forward. Due to Lin Jietian's strength, even if she had worked very hard, she was still not his opponent. But now it's different. Lin He's sudden appearance scattered her hatred. She wants to kill Lin He with the help of these ancient demons!

A big hand pressed on the Succubus's shoulder, making her unable to move. The chill from her big hand made the Succubus's body tremb slightly and dared not move. She remembered the warning she received after the failure to attack Tiandu Gate that day, which came from the warning of falling heaven. What do you want to do? The absolute gap in strength made the succubus suppress his anger.

"I said that your hatred comes entirely from me. If you want to make trouble, just come to me. Whether it's 100 or 10,000 times, I won't be annoyed. Even if you seriously hurt me, I won't kill you. But if you dare to touch Lin He's hair, I will immediately make her go away!" Lin Jietian's tone is as cold as a glacier, which makes people can't help feeling the piercing chill on it.

"That's right. Some people can't be killed if you want to. The gap in strength between you is not a little bit." An old man somehow appeared beside the succubus, the second-in-command of the demon generals, the ancient demon nicknamed Baihe. His predecessor was Bai Liyi, the elder of Shushan.

"And, it's too late. The two tried their best to exert their superpowers, and even the two adults of Magic Flame and Bishui could not stop them. The thin and ugly man with a camel on his back said softly that his voice was very beautiful, as light and elegant as the wind, in sharp contrast to his ugly appearance. No one knows his origin, only that he is called a madman.

"Big boss!" In the hysterical roar of the black sickle, his pupils expanded to the extreme and fell on Tu Bailie and Bai Nao. The black sickle also clearly remembers how he was picked up by these two people at the beginning, and slowly became like a person under their guidance, eating, sleeping, telling jokes, but now, these will be smashed and no longer exist!

Lin He also panicked, and he seemed to see Lin Jietian leaving him. After the white light, the surrounding scenery changed dramatically, and they were sent thousands of miles away.


Second update, I'll send you away. Thousands of miles away, I'm silent in black and white ~ Tutut, how fast is this time? It's been 3 or 4 years, right? Looking back on the past, things are really human.