bu tian chuan

Chapter 268 Attack

In the middle of the night, the originally noisy urban nightlife no longer existed. With the influx of rural residents, pressure from all sides was exerted on the mayor. In order to prevent chaos, the troubled mayor finally promulgated an interim rule and imposed a curfew after 11 o'clock. In peacetime, this move may attract criticism from M, but at this special jure, neither the people nor the forces of other parties will do such a stupid thing. Who knows that the next round will not be them?

The cool breeze blew through the street corner at 11:30, and almost no one could be seen except for some homeless people wandering on the street. A black car stopped under the second tallest Longqiong Building in Minghai, reflecting the moonlight seemed to have an unusual meaning. At this time, there were three people sitting in the car, and they gathered in the Longqiong Building with the same goal.

The middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat has a pale face because of excessive anger, and a heart eager for revenge under the black suit. His name is Tang Qiang. Now he is the largest leader of the underworld forces in Minghai City. He has a supreme position and has squandered endless money in his life. He should have been immersed in a life, but something happened made him completely crazy. Someone killed his brother, and he looked at his brother who was heavier than his life. Brother.

Tang Hua is a gangster. Even if his eldest brother tries his best to help him on the table, it is futile. At best, he has become a gangster under the banner of high-level gangster. The reason why Tang Qiang's power improved rapidly was that Tang Hua should have respected them, but he hated the beautiful white woman because of some trivial things, so he finally embarked on the road of no return after a drunkenness.

Maybe Tang Qiang is still useful for those two foreigners, and they don't know the feeling between brothers, the kind of family affection whose blood is thicker than water, so they let go of Tang Qiang, but only sucked Tang Hua dry with only a pair of skins. They never expected that Tang Qiang, the smart man in their eyes, would ignore their own interests. It is because of their carelessness to find someone to deal with them, and the heavy price will follow.

"That black man likes to go out for a drink at this point. Although he gave a death order, there will always be some bars to commit crimes. I think he won't come back before 1 o'clock if there is no accident, so you have an hour and a half. Tang Qiang, who witnessed his brother's tragic death, has lost interest in any gangster hegemony. There is only one thing he wants to do now, that is, revenge. Neither the black man nor the white man can be spared!

Tang Qiang's indifference made Lin He a little unhappy. Although it was his responsibility to deal with demons, didn't he help Tang Qiang revenge from another level? Compared with Tang Qiang and Linhe, he hates his younger brother more. The gangster with yellow hair does not feel anything wrong with his dead Linhe. This kind of scum is not expected to be transformed in his life, and it is also a disaster for others. But from the perspective of a brother, it is indeed very painful to die the last relative in the world. Lin He thought of Lin Jietian, so he did not refute Tang Qiang.

Sprinkle some green juice on Hanks' body, Lin He ordered it. Apply the juice evenly and try to cover every piece of your skin. The one in the building is likely to be the vampire. The two of us can only try to launch an attack undetected, and maybe there is a chance of winning.

Hanks nodded and began to wipe the cool juice on his body. As Lin He said, Hanks found that his original breath was completely covered by the juice, and even he himself could hardly perceive his existence. He didn't understand why there were always these strange things in the eastern world, but when it came to the magic of these things, even his well-informed paladin couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

Two dark shadows slipped down from the car and quickly got into the Longqiong Building. Taking advantage of the gust of wind, they seemed to be like ghosts that they did not attract anyone's attention. The cool breeze dissipated, and the street returned to the purity of the night. Except for the drunk who collapsed in the corner, there was no sound.

White people have a beautiful name, basil, the sacred vanilla in the eyes of Indians, and the grace given to mankind by God. White people like this. Although he knew from the beginning that those gods did not exist, he still liked elegant things, such as violets, such as tulips. This is contrary to his nature, but it does not affect his style. He will never hesitate when he needs to kill, but he will choose a relatively gentle way to show his uniqueness.

Basil also likes drinking, but he doesn't like noisy environments. He refuses to go to bars. He prefers to stay alone in the room tasting mellow red wine and swaying the bright red ** in the glass, just like the kind of thing he wants most in his nature. Living overseas for a long time has gradually forgotten some habits, and he speaks and behaves like a native M. Even if he can't help swearing sometimes, he will choose those short and capable words.

There is a picture of the hero Lin He repelling the monster on TV, stopping the pace of countless monsters with his extremely thin body. With the exciting music, I'm afraid that even people who are indifferent will be infected by Lin He's heroic image. Basil scratched a sneer at the corners of his mouth and gently walked to the balcony. The feeling of overlooking the ground from a high place has always been very enjoyable for basil.

Perhaps because of the curfew, many night owls can't go out at night, and their energy is strong but nowhere to vent, which leads to the bright lights of every family. Basil looked at the scene of the lights of thousands of families, but did not feel warm in his heart. He knew his identity and what he wanted. Soon, such a warm scene would cease, and he would appear in front of the world with his original appearance and stand on the spire of the pyramid again.

The door moved gently, but Basil didn't notice it. Maybe it was the coincidental wind on the balcony that distracted him for such a moment. His back faced the door of the room, and his eyes fell coldly on the lights under his feet. Basil never thought that someone would come to kill him, or at this coincidental time and place.

Cold, a thin chill is esoteric! The red wine in the glass is still shaking, but the basil has gone. Without the power of support, the wine glass fell down with the red wine carried. At the moment of touching the ground, it exploded into pieces, and the splashed red wine wet Basil's trousers. He didn't disappear! He just staggered slightly at the moment when he foresaw the danger.

Basil's eyes like the real frost fell on the forest river, and even after more than a dozen steps, he could still feel the chill on it. Interestingly, Lin He's eyes were the same, like a thousand-year-old glacier, which locked the basil and no longer gave him any chance to escape.

"I know you. You are a popular paladin in recent years, and there is another one who is simply a paladin of the East. I think you must have found something when you came to me? Let me think about it, that bastard Tang Qiang betrayed me? Basil's pupils contracted rapidly, and the familiar black car appeared through dozens of layers of eyes. Sure enough, he is, ha, human beings are greedy. I have given him so many benefits, but he is still insatiable.

"You are wrong. It is precisely because of the emotional cells in human beings that Tang Qiang came to us. No matter what kind of person his brother is, he should not die in the hands of demons like you. Right, the blood thunder demon. Lin He's last sentence was very plain. He thought that the housewife was asking the vegetable dealer how much a catty of cabbage was, but the dark aura forced the basil into the corner.

A strange figure flashed on his face, and Basil covered his mouth and smiled gently. With his handsome appearance, I'm afraid that many people will still be fascinated by him even if he knows his gender. I remember that you are the funny boy who almost died in the battle with the general. But the last time someone guaranteed you, do you think you can be equally lucky this time?

Basil, whose real identity is one of the ancient demons, is the same level as the blue water, magic flame and the underworld general. However, compared with the other three, the strength of the blood thunder demon that has been completely sealed so far is at the bottom. Obviously, Blood Thunder did not think of this. He naively thought that Lin He's cultivation was still the last time he met the general, and the paladin Hanks was just a rookie.

Hearing the tone of Xue Lei's mouth, Lin He was not in a hurry to take action. He still had enough time, but some arrangements had not been completed, so he still needed to delay some time. Did you get angry after being exposed by me? I really don't know what you would look like if I said something more about you and the generals. The meaning of disdain is very obvious, and Lin He is trying to arouse the appetite of blood thunder.

"Tight talk about it! What else do you know?" He suppressed his anger, and the blood thunder said in a low voice. Lin He saw through what he thought in his heart, which made the arrogant blood thunder unacceptable. Blood Thunder has always believed that the noble man should be the perfect combination of wisdom and strength. He does not believe that an ordinary human can uncover all his arrangements.

"Vampires and werewolves are actually two races that do not exist at all, right? The reason why it appears is also because of your relationship with the general. After creating these two races, you sneaked in and try to confuse everyone's eyes with the identity of an ordinary vampire and werewolf. Although I don't know what your purpose is, you have laid the foreshadowing so long ago, and you can indeed get my respect. "

The preparations have been made. Taking advantage of the blood thunder and anger, Linhe sprinkled some colorless powder in his room. These powders are worthless among ordinary monks, but in Lin He's hands have become a key factor to change the outcome of the battle.

"What else do you know, say it!" With angry red light in his eyes, the blood thunder roared loudly, and the roar like a beast shattered the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony, and the glass was broken.

Dark clouds enveloped the sea.


The second update, my friend, is a valuable wealth. Please be tolerant, please cherish it, and treat it well.