bu tian chuan

Chapter 277 Wind and Rain Zhaoling Mountain

The dark transitioned to dawn, and the morning sun sprinkled through the thick clouds. Zhaoling Mountain is maintaining an unprecedented strange tranquility. It has been a long time since Linhe and Hanks left. The roar of the fierce beast hit the hearts of the monks like a heavy hammer, and with the passage of time, it became stronger and stronger. It seems that at least the fierce beast has not solved their opponents by now.

What is interesting is that not only the direction of the fierce beast comes, but also a violent true element fluctuation in the opposite direction. That kind of strong true element fluctuation must be at least two monks above the divine period to fight against each other, and the sound happened to appear after Yi Qingtian's departure, which makes people can't help but Guess whether Yi Qingtian met a monk with the same cultivation and fought for some unknown reasons.

In the period until dawn, they left some monks one after another. Perhaps they noticed the dark tide surging under the calm appearance of Zhaoling Mountain. After thinking for a while, they finally chose to give up. Seeking this idea in wealth and danger is an idea between mainstream and non-mainstream, and they can't come up with a specific target. Accurate to define. However, there are always people who are afraid of death. Although there are fewer people who go up the mountain than those who leave, the four people in black robes still attract the attention of the monks.

The large black robe completely enveloped the four of them. This kind of dress can be widely seen in magic cultivation, but the righteous monks disdain it, because black plays a negative color most of the time, and most of the monks still like white clothes or blue shirts. If it can be confirmed that these four people are magic practitioners, the monks on Zhaoling Mountain may join hands to remove the evil way first, but the breath of these four people is very well controlled, without a trace of leakage, and even the only two monks in the divine period on the mountain can't find any clues.

Curious, after looking at the four people in black robes for a while, their attention returned to the huge red cloud that gradually became red. That was their goal, and this trip was the wealth they sought by committing danger. I don't know if it's a special omen. Today's red clouds are much more red than in the past, and the warm enthusiasm warms the hearts of everyone present.

"Look at the vision! The red clouds dispersed, and there were five flames burning in a circle, and there were many wings!" I don't know which monk shouted first, and everyone turned their eyes to the vision. Sure enough, as the monk shouted, the red clouds were gradually dispersing, and several strange wings were flapping with each other, making the hanging fire burn more and more, almost burning the sky into a big hole.

The vision made this red cloud that had been quiet for a long time become the focus again. The whole Zhaoling Mountain fell into a noise. The monks looked around, but they wanted to see the treasure land referred to by the vision at a glance. People pushed people and crowded people. The order was doomed to be broken as early as the moment the vision appeared. Human nature was bad. The roots are evident at this moment.


The two monks in the distracted period have released hidden pressure. If they want to win the first place, this downside must be fierce enough! The strong wind blew off the towering trees, and the pebbles scattered on the ground also became hurtful weapons. The small stones hit those weak monks with shocking blood stains, and even fell directly from the hundreds of meters high Zhaoling Peak, rolling down like a snowball.

The fallen sky shrouded in the black robe did not show any emotion, but walked forward without saying a word. I don't know when there was a black blade in his hand and sent it to the back of a monk at a speed that could not be seen. The poor monk did not know what had happened. What, I didn't even have time to make a sound and was burned to ashes by a black fire. The ghostly speed moves, and every place where the sky falls, there will be a life and death.

Succubus showed her peerless face, and her amazing and charming face was like a meteor in the night, dazzling the whole audience. Unfortunately, the bloody fog did not leave her a chance to attract attention. Can't this guy even be angry? It seems that he is less and less like a person, not long before he is completely enchanted, right? Ha ha, who can stop me from killing Lin He at that time? Succu did not think that she would not be Lin He's opponent at all. In her heart, as long as she wanted to, she could do this through many ways other than a head-on confrontation.

With the sudden action of the fallen sky and the succubus, the bloody smell of the air could no longer be hidden. Many monks reacted, but in the face of such a close fight, they had no time to deal with it. And after falling into the sky and the succubus, the other two people shrouded in black robes also showed their faces. A white-haired old man and an ugly young man, the four-person phalanx was as difficult to break as a basal, and the bodies fell under their feet became higher and higher.

The two monks in the divine period finally reacted. One of them shouted loudly, and the Zen stick in his hand instantly rose dozens of times, turning into a golden giant, pressing the demon generals with the momentum of Mount Tai. In addition to falling into the sky, the cultivation of the other three demon generals did not break through the divine period. In the face of the full bombardment of the monks of the divine period, they could only retreat temporarily to avoid the edge. Only then did the monks who were closer to the demon generals take a chance, either drive the true shield, or drive the escape technique to distance themselves from the demon generals, or join the wave of counterattack like the monk in the distracted period.

"It's too reckless. It's completely unnecessary to do it so early." The old man called Baihe said with a long beard and a smile. He was not worried about the anger he was about to bear. It seemed that in his eyes, the monks from Zhaoling Mountain were not enough to pose a fatal threat to him.

"Now that you have started, don't waste time and start killing! As long as that person doesn't come back, it's only a matter of time to kill these people. Don't forget that we still have helpers. Ha ha, he came as he was talking. The madman's tone changed slightly when he said "that man", but he was not noticed by the people around him because it was too subtle.

"Oh, there is a powerful demon future." Hu Ji's face changed slightly, and a faint dark shadow in the distance was approaching Zhaoling Mountain at a very fast speed, and the powerful breath had even surpassed the Lin River!


First update, hangover, headache, powerlessness, very unloaded consumption in the manuscript...