bu tian chuan

Chapter 304 Immortals

"Baihuan, I began to feel something wrong. The Lin River doesn't seem to be as simple as it seems. Even if you help the flames in the dark, his cultivation should not rise so much." The tall man who appeared outside the ground group that day leaned against the bluestone and said lazily that his eyes wandered from the vast sea, and there seemed to be no place for him to focus.

"Lord, everything is still expected. As long as there is no accident when "that day" comes, even if there is another member of their immortals, it will not change the whole direction. At that time, the four demons will gather together, and the three great sages who really resist the tripod may be injured or nowhere to be found, and they are unable to compete with our ancient demon camp at all!" Hearing the question of the handsome man, the fantasy demon quickly explained that the fantasy demon seemed to be very afraid of the weak man in front of him.

"In anticipation? I don't think so. Even if I think it's right for you to sacrifice blood thunder and flames for the sake of the great cause, I don't think you have calculated this at the beginning. As for the three people you mentioned, I don't think they died so easily, at least I saw one of them not long ago. The handsome man still said lazily, with a faint helplessness in his words, but there is a deadly murder hidden between this indifference!

"What, one of them!" Although Baihuan said before that the possibility of the three people appearing was very small, he has been cautious over the years to prevent him from being locked by the rumored still alive. Originally, I thought that the man had not heard anything for so many years, but now I suddenly heard it again. Even with a hundred illusions, I couldn't help but feel nervous. Are you sure you won't see it wrong? They..."

Waving his hand impatiently, the handsome man said with a little disgust. Now do you want to question me like a general? I don't want another time. I'm getting less and less patient with you. Look at this scar. This is what I left when I competed with him. How many people in the world besides him can leave me such an exquisite "gift"? A trace of murder flashed in the handsome man's eyes, which moved a hundred illusions.

Fuxi! He is really still alive! Where did the Lord see him? In order to divert the attention of the handsome man, Baihuan Tianmo quickly changed the topic. As Baihuan expected, although the handsome man looked wise and calm, he was still no match in front of his calculating ancient demon.

"Just as you went to grab five fires and seven bird fans, in order to prevent the boy Lin He from finally destroying the overall situation, I wanted to catch all his family, but I didn't want to meet the old guy Fuxi. Ha ha, he has disappeared for thousands of years. His strength has not only not regressed, but also increased a lot. I think I was not his opponent in those years, and I still can't change after such a long time. When he spoke, the handsome man's indifference could not hide his anger, and his eyes turned from blue to blood red.

Although the handsome man calls Fuxi an old man, Baihuan knows best that the handsome man is not much younger than Fuxi. This name is completely due to his envy and hatred. Lord, it seems that Fuxi Laoer has also noticed our movement, and we should also hurry up. In recent days, the gloomy atmosphere has soared, and I estimate that "that day" will come within a month at the latest, and then we have to prevent those trouble-maker in the righteous world.

"Those guys will give you the newly received demons to deal with Bishui and Ming generals. If Fuxi also comes "that day", that's the real * annoying. I have to give him some "surprises" anyway, otherwise I'm too sorry for these gifts he gave me." Touching a shocking scar on his arm, the handsome man smiled evilly and could easily erase the scar with his strength, but in order to always remind himself of his hatred for Fuxi, the handsome man did not do so.

"Yes, Lord, I'll go down and arrange it." After getting the permission of the handsome man, Baihuan bowed and retreated. After disappearing from the sight of the handsome man, a chill flashed in Baihuan's eyes that no one noticed. Jiuyou, one day I will show you how powerful I am!"

It was late at night when I returned to the ground group. Only Niu Ren's room was still lit, like a lighthouse on the sea. Although there was only a faint light, it lit up the nearby land. Lin He didn't talk much all the way, and the general did not disturb him. Although Lin He didn't say anything, he could see that Lin He was not in a good mood, and even a little bad. The general was not a good drought. He could only silently accompany Lin He back to the ground group. He believed that someone was more suitable for this than him. Work.

In the flower garden outside the restaurant, two dark shadows are standing silently in the night. Their bodies are not strong, but they give people an unshakable feeling. The mysterious man wearing a bamboo hat and Zhu Rong have been waiting for Lin He for a long time.

"What is the way of heaven?" After meeting, Zhu Rong, who asked Lin He's first question, was speechless. Zhu Rong didn't know why Lin He asked this question, just like he didn't know what had happened in the past few days when Lin He left. However, he believes that the man in the hat behind him can give the answer Lin He needs.

"No joy, no sadness, no joy. Don't be shocked by favors and humiliations, and you won't change for ten thousand years. Heaven is illusory, and no one in the world can understand him. After living for so long, I just realized these words. The way of heaven is ruthless, and what it does is not mixed with any selfish desires, no matter whether it is good or bad, it must be reasonable. The bamboo hat man said and did something that no one expected. He silently took off the bamboo hat on his head and revealed his true face.

The original long hair fell down, and the black hair of the shawl made him look a little more elegant. A pair of deep eyes made people unable to see the end at a glance. The sword-like edges made him look resolute, and his thick eyebrows showed his uprightness. Lin He, I hope you are not scared. I am Fuxi, the emperor of the three great sages, and the only one who survived the ancient war.

If Lin He was entangled in heaven and fate before, is it stunned that Lin He's mood can no longer find suitable words to describe it at this moment? Or is it unbelievable? Emperor Fuxi? The legendary figure suddenly stood in front of him, and Lin He didn't know what to say. People, the emperor?" Linhe stammered and asked that although he had experienced many ups and downs, Linhe, who knew the concept of this title, naturally could not accept this fact very calmly.

With a simple and difficult smile on his face, Fuxi nodded. I think you should have been more or less psychologically prepared to make the god of fire and the earth god respectful. There are few people in the world. Lin He always thought that Fuxi would not joke, but at that time he did not know Fuxi's identity.

Fuxi grabbed Lin He, who was about to salute, and his smile did not diminish. Don't be so polite, we don't care about this set of gifts. Tell me, what have you gained on this trip? I really want to see if the way of heaven really knows everything and arranges everything in an orderly manner without omission.

Lin He looked at Fuxi in astonishment, and he heard some meanings worth pondering from Fuxi's words. I'm curious why you told me your identity at this time, and it seems that you know some heavenly arrangements. Can you tell me what's going on? These days, my brain is about to explode. There are too many doubts bothering me. I have been trying to find someone to answer for me. Now I think you are undoubtedly the best candidate.

"I didn't want to tell you that I didn't want you to be burdened. I didn't want to see a submissive Lin He, but after getting along with me, I found that my worry was completely unnecessary. As for Tiandao, after living for such a long time, we have more or less figured out some rules, combined with our speculation, and came to some uncertain conclusions. Emperor Fuxi, a fairy immortal without any airs.

"Big, big, big, adult! You are still alive!" The immortal in the book who had been staying in the space of Linhe Xumi suddenly felt the familiar smell and quickly came out in a panic. It turned out that Fuxi had been restraining his breath before, and it was impossible to detect his true identity except for the Four Magic Lord. Now that he has identified himself with Lin He, Fuxi naturally doesn't have to worry about anything. Anyway, his identity has been exposed in the previous war.

"Immortals in the book? Ha ha, it seems that Nuwa's arrangement is really thoughtful. At that time, I have been wondering why she wanted to seal you up if you made a small mistake. It turns out that there is still for this reason. In terms of wisdom, we are not her opponents. Fuxi shook his head and smiled bitterly. Obviously, it was difficult to accept Nuwa's careful arrangement for a while.

Why did the immortal appear in the book when Zhu Rong and the generals appeared? It's very simple. Although the power of these two immortals has been restored, they still lack something. For some reason, some of the yuan gods were taken away by Nuwa. Only after this part of the yuan gods return to the body will they restore the complete power of the ancient immortals, and then the special breath will be restored. Fuxi is different. He has been living in a complete state for thousands of years, so as soon as the fairy in the book felt his breath, he immediately came out.

"What the hell is going on? Don't you know that the fairy in the book was arranged by the Empress Nuwa's side? Lin He asked doubtfully that he had always thought that the three great sages had done everything. Is there any gap between them, or any problems, and the plan did not inform each other?

"It's not what you think. Among the three of us, I was the best to fight, so my main task was to kill the enemy, and the mental work was given to Nuwa and Shennong, so I don't know much about their arrangements." Fuxi said helplessly that he really didn't know how the wisdom of Nuwa and Shennong had become when the most unscheming people had such a city.


In the second update, the structure of the second book has been roughly completed. X, the protagonist who joined a special organization, responded to the supernatural events that happened under his eyelids. He could also travel through time and space to catch the people who accidentally traveled. Ximen Qing flirted with Diao Chan? You must send Ximen Qing back under Lv Bu's anger. Alas, I'm just an otaku.)