Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 11 Golden Temple

Although Xianghan is extremely talented, he is just an outsider in the world of cultivation, with a shallow foundation. What's more, two years ago, she did not emerge in the burning sky cave. She was like a shrimp among the disciples of Yunyun. She couldn't turn over any waves. It was impossible for anyone to trick her from that time on.

If this kind of impossibility is thrown away, then an answer is ready to come out. Since Yang Huang is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, this is an indisputable fact. Then the only possibility is that the person he wants to eat is not Xianghan, but someone else. Xianghan is just a springboard. Even if it's not Xianghan who came here this time, but other people in the burning cave. Then there will still be a good play, so that Yang Huang can openly enter the Burning Heaven Cave and become one of them!

Thinking of this, Xianghan's mouth couldn't help drawing a trace of arc. Originally, she wanted to use an outsider to set off some small waves in the burning sky cave to attract a lot of attention. But I didn't expect to meet such a "ulterior" person as Yang Huang. This is really sleepy and sends pillows. If she doesn't make good use of this opportunity, she will be the real violent thing.

Thinking of this, Xianghan felt that she was a little impatient. She wanted to see what the real purpose of Yang Huang's going to burn the Tiandong Mansion was and what kind of waves it could set off.

Yang Huang naturally doesn't know the heavy thoughts in Xiang Han's mind, and he doesn't know that he has been labeled by Xiang Han with ulterior motives.

At this time, he was in a wide passage, which was about three feet wide and nine feet high Yang Huang was in it, as if a kitten had come to the human street. Moreover, this channel is not made of masonry like an ordinary street. Instead, it reaches out and touches a unique metal texture. Looking at its golden color, it faintly reveals a trace of nobleness, and a name instantly appeared on Yang Huang's head - gold!

As soon as this idea appeared, it was immediately destroyed by Yang Huang. Just kidding, the three-foot wide and nine-foot-high passage is all made of gold. How much gold does it cost? Even the legendary Jinluan Hall in the Yanhuang Dynasty is just painted with gold powder around the walls and piled up with gold are simply two different concepts.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart. Yang Huang couldn't help looking at the end of the channel. A channel is still like this, so what kind of existence does he link to? Is it the world after death?

In Yang Huang's memory, he was originally thinking about how to avoid the must-kill blow of the wind. But when he came to his senses, he was already in this passage. Looking at the construction method of this channel, it is not as good as what the human world can achieve, which makes Yang Huang have this idea. He feels that he has been killed by the wind, and his soul has come to this world after death.

"Let's wait and see!" After taking care of the chaotic thoughts, Yang Huang stepped forward. No matter where this channel leads, and whether he is dead or alive now, as long as he can think and act, there is no possibility of sitting here and waiting.

This golden channel is a straight line, and behind Yang Huang's just standing is a high wall cast by gold. Although he doesn't know how he was thrown in, such a design undoubtedly saved Yang Huang a lot of exploration time. With his footwork, less than one Minutes have come to the end of the passage.

At the end of this channel is a huge golden portal, which blocks the channel tightly without leaving a trace of space. On the door, there are many totems and words. Some giants capture and kill evil dragons, some Buddhas sit and observe, some immortals call for wind and rain, some scorpions and centipede intertwine, and all kinds of demons are devouring people's hearts or having sex, densely and disorderly, but Each one is vivid.

When Yang Huang saw the Buddha sitting, his heart immediately freed up a moment of peace, as if he had a deep understanding. But when he looked at the demon, the fierce ghost was immediately numb by the evil spirit, as if as long as he made a little move, the demon would kill him out and break his heart.

"What a magic work!" Yang Huang took a deep breath and meditated on the Qingxin mantra he had learned in Moyin, which drove away the cold feeling on his body. Fortunately, these paintings are engraved here and have no meaning for anyone. Otherwise, once the artistic conception in this painting is stimulated, Yang Huang, a half-step rookie, can be immediately shaken to death.

Converging his mind and forcing himself to stop looking at those paintings, Yang Huang turned his eyes to those words. At the first sight, Yang Huang only felt a shock, and sweat oozed from his hands. This paragraph of text turned out to be the practice of skills and combat experience!

"The Method of Burning the Heart of the Sky", "The Mantra of Mori Zhitian", "The Mysterious Heart", "The Nine Heavens of Ice Flames", "Stepping on Martial Arts to Break the Void" Yang Huang glanced at random and recited the names of these skills in his mouth. However, Yang Huang did not dare to read more about the content of these skills.

The skill is not a novel, it doesn't mean that you can read it if you know the words, and throw it away if you don't understand it. Cultivate your mind. Once you don't look at your realm enough, you will immediately be disturbed and go crazy. In Moyin's record, one of Xianghan's fellow disciples, ignored the teacher's precepts and read a high-level skill because of curiosity. As a result, his heart became crazy and finally set himself on fire.

With such an example, Yang Huang will naturally no longer try himself. Cultivation requires courage. If you are not bold enough, how can you change your life against the sky? But it's one thing to be bold, but it's another thing to die. If you touch everything regardless of the consequences, you are not bold, but looking for death.

Although Yang Huang has just begun to come into contact with cultivation, he does not know how to distinguish between good and bad skills. But Yang Huang is not a fool. This is a non-human street, and those skills are not the notices on both sides of the street. How can the skill that can be engraved here be an ordinary existence?

He, who has just stepped into the world of cultivation, can only watch some skills in the refining world. When he sees the skills of transforming the virtual world, he will have to qi and blood, and there is a danger of going crazy. And these skills are definitely higher than the virtual world, so Yang Huang dares not look at them at a glance.

"If only Xiang Han was here!" Yang Huang couldn't see the reason for a long time, so he had to shake his head and give up his research. Instead, he turned his eyes to this door.

This door is so huge that I'm afraid it's tens of thousands of catties, and I don't know who can open it. While thinking about it, Yang Huang's hand had put on the door and pushed it with all his strength.

I only heard a loud click, as if the thunder exploded in my ear. Yang Huang made the sound excited and his heart shocked. At the same time, I only felt that my hand was loose, but it was the huge golden door, which was easily opened when Yang Huang first exerted his strength. At this time, Yang Huang seemed to have had enough strength to carry a box, but when he mentioned it, he found that the bag was empty and had a huge sense of wrong force, which made him almost fall down.

"Wow!" The next moment, before Yang Huang came to his senses and stood still, a gust of wind suddenly spewed out of the crack of the door. The huge wind pressure directly blew Yang Huang into the air and glided back hundreds of meters before it stopped. Looking at the golden portal, it only opened a gap wide in the palm. Looking behind the door through the gap, I could only see the darkness.

With Yang Huang's current physique, any glimmer of light can make him see things in the dark, just like day. But now no matter how hard he tries, he can't see everything behind the door, and even the brilliant golden light in this passage can't penetrate any.

After Yang Huang stood for a moment and made sure that there was no other change in the portal, he slowly walked to the portal. No matter what is hidden behind this door, Yang Huang has a reason to see it. Even if there is a demon sealed behind the door, as long as Yang Huang approaches, he will strip Yang Huang alive. Yang Huang must see it. It's better to be happy than to live and die in this channel!

"Cough!" Just ten steps away from Yang Huang's door, a slight cough came from behind the door. Although the sound was slight, like a weak moan of a baby who had been Russian for a long time, listening to Yang Huang, it was tantamount to a muffled bell in his ear!

There is someone behind this door!

"You're really here!" After a few short coughs, a hoarse voice finally sounded. The sound was not loud but fell into Yang Huang's ear, making him hear it clearly.

Yang Huang was slightly stunned when he heard it, but his mind flashed in his mind for many years. Listening to people's tone, he seems to be very familiar with himself, and he used one word after another. Have you been here before?

"Since you are here, it means that you have made a decision. Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person. You really have a restless heart. OK, good! Then I will assist you according to the agreement. Let's break the shackles of the gods and explore our own immortality!" The more he spoke, the more rapid the tone became. In the end, Yang Huang could almost hear the trembling in the voice, as if he had great benefits after seeing Yang Huang!

"Who are you?" It's time for Yang Huang to speak. If he can stay here, his cultivation may be countless times higher than his. Hearing the other party's tone, he has obviously regard him as someone else. If Yang Huang still doesn't confess now and wait for the other party to tell himself some secrets, he may have to die.

"Hmm?" Hearing Yang Huang's question, the sound behind the door was obviously stunned. Suddenly, Yang Huang saw two scarlet lights lit up at the door, as if a person suddenly opened his eyes in the dark.

What kind of eyes is that? Cruel, bloodthirsty, cunning and evil are not enough to describe one or two. Yang Huang just looked at him and felt that a huge pull had grabbed his soul and wanted to pull it out alive.

"Sure enough!" Yang Huang secretly said that it was not good. He once thought that the ability to release more would be very strong, but he never thought that the other party would make him distracted with just one look.

When he was stared to death, Yang Huang only felt that such a way of death could be called the most aggrieved way of death in history!

At this critical moment, the red light suddenly faded, and then a shadow slowly walked towards the door from the darkness.

"What the hell happened to you!" The figure said as he walked, "It seems that I have lost my memory, and my strength has declined so much!"

Yang Huang took a few deep breaths to suppress the vomiting caused by the separation of the soul: "I have lost all my memories before I was 15 years old, and now I come here to explore my memory. But do you seem to know me?"

"Naturally!" With that, the figure has stepped out of the gap opened by the golden portal: "You came to this golden temple six years ago. This gap was opened by you that day. I'm afraid you have forgotten all this!"

"Six years ago, wasn't I only 12 years old?" Yang Huang's mind was in chaos, and he couldn't sort out any clues. As soon as he looked up, he happened to see the figure coming out of the crack of the door, and his whole body suddenly stood on the spot!