Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 74 Doubt

Surprisingly, although those ghost hands completely suppressed Yang Huang's ability, Yang Huang had no room for resistance at all. But he didn't mean to hurt Yang Huang. He just kept dragging him through one passage after another, as if he was going somewhere.

Listening to the wind blowing in his ear, Yang Huang felt that he had been dragged by this ghost hand. In just three or four minutes, he was afraid that he would travel thousands of feet. The owner of the ghost hand seemed to be very familiar with the passage. He turned left and right, but the speed did not slow down at all.

Gradually, Yang Huang began to adapt to this speed, although his body was pulled. But his consciousness became clearer and clearer, and his body recovered from the ** numbness just formed by excessive panic. Although the spiritual power still can't be mobilized at all, it is much better than just now.

Yang Huang immediately calmed down and looked around, trying to find some clues from the passing passages around him to find out what kind of situation they were going to face at the beginning.

Yuan Chaofeng fell into the black fog earlier, even if he was also caught by the ghost hand. It should also be near him, but now, suddenly there is no news, not even a sound. It's really weird, unless there is more than one owner of this ghost hand, and there is someone else who caught Zhou Yuan Chaofeng!

"Xuanying, have you ever inferred the source of this ghost hand?" Yang Huang looked at it for a moment and still didn't see Yuan Shaofeng's figure, so he didn't bother to search. Now he is a mud bodhisattva who can't protect himself when crossing the river. He must first save his life before he can consider the safety of others.

"I can't find it!" Xuanying stood still in Yang Huang's sea of knowledge, wearing an immortal robe. Commanding Yang Huang's aura, he turned into a sword, a gun drill, and a grinding disc kept washing the layers of black seals around the sea.

These seals are the source of Yang Huang's inability to use spiritual power. It was the moment the ghost hand put on Yang Huang's shoulder and directly entered Yang Huang's body. This ability alone must at least be able to be achieved by a master of Kaiguangjing cultivation. This is why Yang Huang calculated that there was more than one ghost master hidden in the black fog, and he was particularly worried.

Leaving Yuan Chaofeng, who was captured by one move, and the Kaiguangjing master who followed Xianghan, there were only He Wei and Sun Hao. Sun Hao will never put himself in danger in order to save Xianghan. So the only thing Xianghan can rely on is why. I'm afraid the situation is not much better than them!

As Yang Huang expected, Xianghan and his party were also in crisis at this time. The sudden disappearance of Yuan Chaofeng and Yang Huang caused great panic among the group. Yang Huang has nothing to look at the cultivation of the Dharma realm. No matter how talented he is, his cultivation is there after all. However, Yuan Chaofeng is different. With the real cultivation of opening the light realm, even he was subdued with one move and dragged into the darkness, so that these inner disciples who turned into a virtual world could not be nervous.

"What the hell just happened!" Everyone's eyes turned to the disciple closest to Yang Huang in an instant.

At this time, the disciple was pale and sweating all over, as if he had just fished out of the water. As soon as Yuan Shaofeng disappeared, he saw clearly that a three-meter-tall giant appeared in the black fog. The giant was thin, as if there was no flesh and blood at all, with only a hard skin wrapped around the skeleton. But its head is extremely huge and ferocious, with three eyes, each the size of a fist, emitting scarlet red light.

He just stretched out his hand and pulled it, and Yuan Chaofeng was immediately dragged into the black fog by him. There was no resistance at all, and Yang Huang did not seem to find the giant. Unexpectedly, he wanted to reach out to get Yuan Chaofeng, and then he was caught by a giant who came from behind.

All this happened between lightning and sparks. He didn't even have time to scream and inform everyone that everything had happened. If Yang Huang hadn't stepped on the channel violently before he was caught, and he hadn't even come to his senses, maybe he would have been involved in the black fog.

"Yes, there are monsters!" This disciple Doli pointed to the black fog tremblingly, and then immediately rolled and crawled into the crowd in fear.

Why did he frown and jump straight to the place where Yang Huang had just disappeared? The light ball in his hand shook slightly, and the smoke immediately retreated dozens of meters, but at this time, there was no shadow of Yang Huang and Yuan Chaofeng! This channel is straight, surrounded by stone slabs, and it is impossible to go to heaven and earth, but without the shadow of the two of them, the two of them seem to have disappeared in plain.

"It's weird!" He Wei turned his head and looked at Xiang Han, and both of them saw the shock in their eyes. If they are all ordinary people, in such an environment, they will definitely push all this to ghosts and gods. But now they are practitioners. Even if a ghost runs out, they can only be killed by them with a sword. So they all know that the smoke is not a ghost at all, but a higher level of existence than them, teasing them.

I want them to enjoy the horror of being forced into despair step by step.

"Don't look for it!" Seeing that He wanted to further expand the scope of the search, Xiang Han raised his hand and stopped him: "The two of them will be fine. Let's move on and find clues before we talk!" Although Xianghan said so, anyone can see the solemnness on her face.

These inner disciples are even more panicked, but there is nothing they can do. However, Xianghan's order obviouslyzheng zheng their wishes, and neither Yang Huang nor Yuan Chaofeng had anything to do with them. Both of them have no effect on whether they live or die, especially Yang Huang. It's better to die. Invisibly, it means that they have completed the task secretly assigned by the president, which is simply killing many birds with one stone!

"This is not good!" Just as everyone was ready and wanted to continue to start. Sun Hao suddenly said, "Lost your companion and run for your life like this? In particular, Yang Huang is the latest rising star among the sect, and may be the hope and pillar of the sect in the future. And he is your fiance. Are you really willing to dump him? Sun Hao's words were full of ridiculs, and his eyes were even more flickering. He didn't know what he was thinking!

"Genius?" Xiang Leng snorted: "The only one who can survive is a genius. If he is the only one in our 30s, it only means that he is unlucky and not a genius at all!" Speaking of this, Xianghan suddenly sneered: "And Sun Hao, I'm the captain. Don't you want to disobey me?"

"What about the captain!" Sun Hao suddenly raised his tone: "Even if I don't do this task, I won't give up my companions. Now I'm going to find Yang Huang and Yuan Chaofeng and take them out of here. Is there anyone who wants to join me!"

Sun Hao's sudden trouble surprised everyone. Even He looked at Sun Hao with an incredible look on his face, and the rest of the people were even more confused.

What happened in front of them suddenly gave them a very strange feeling. Xianghan, as Yang Huang's fiance, is anxious to lead everyone out, even regardless of his fiance's life or death. Sun Hao, who had always been true to Yuan Chaofeng and Yang Huang before, advocated looking for Yang Huang and Yuan Chaofeng. Even if you don't hesitate to sacrifice your adventure mission, you have to find it!

How can they understand the truth?

"I'm willing to follow Brother Sun Hao!" At this moment, three people suddenly came out of the crowd. The three people came together and said loudly, "Brother Sun Hao is right. Since we are together, we have to go out together. If you lose it in a while and your peers will abandon you directly, what will you think?

As soon as this man's words were spoken, the rest of the disciples immediately shivered. Yes, I don't know when this passage will end. If the monster appears later, take them away. The rest of the people will definitely not agree to the rescue. If it goes on like this, they will die.

Seeing more and more people wavering, Sun Hao showed a proud look: "I'll ask again, and if you are willing, just stand over. Let's count the number of people and set off!"

"I do!"

"I'll go too, fight!"

"You can't discard the same sect. It is clearly written on the door rules of the sect."

For a moment, seven or eight people walked to Sun Hao. Their faces were full of righteous indignation and seemed to despise the people who were still standing beside Xianghan. Instead, Sun Hao smiled meaningfully, reached out to summon a light ball, forced away the thick fog, and chased him towards the way he came.

"What on earth is Sun Hao playing!" He couldn't help but sulk: "When did he have such a good relationship with Yang Huang!"

"Don't worry about him!" Xiang Han smiled at this time: "If we continue to move forward, we may find anything!" After saying that, Xianghan didn't say anything more and walked forward.

The rest of the remaining inner disciples couldn't help shrinking their necks to follow. Even if they are not smart, they faintly smell a different smell. Compared with the sudden disagreement between Xianghan and Sun Hao, the monster in the fog was not so terrible.

Because they already know that they seem to have been involved in a great spiral nest. What you need to do now is to shut up and don't talk too much nonsense. Otherwise, even if you go out, you will definitely end up miserable.

Yang Huang will naturally not understand the changes that have taken place in Xianghan. But now, he is also facing new encounters. Because the ghost hand dragging him suddenly stopped, and the smoke around him became extremely faint. Yang Huang could vaguely see that he was now taken to a ten-foot-high door.

This gate can be described as rich and powerful. The ten-foot-high door is densely inlaid with various gems, and even spiritual stones are confused. But when it comes to aesthetics, it is really not flattering.

Because these gems are really ugly enough, as if they were pasted randomly with their eyes closed.