Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 160 Each has its own calculation

Before the thunderbolt fell, the skeleton of the giant leading the skeleton horse had hit the thunder head-on. The huge force oppressed the air above the thunder and made a whining sound. Heng Lei still did not dodge and raised his knife to meet him.

That * weighs hundreds of catties, and it is a famous soldier blade. It has been sealed for many years, because no one in the world is no longer worthy of his use of military blades. This time, it coincided with the chaos, and all the thirteen euns were dispatched, so * was brought by him, and now it finally has a place to use.

With a sound, the steel front of * crossed the skeleton war horse, and the skeleton war horse was directly cut into two without shaking.

This sudden knife made the tall giant stunned on the spot. With a stunned expression, he put the remaining half of the skeleton war horse in front of him. He didn't seem to understand what had happened. He didn't know why his horse was suddenly missing.

"Dead!" However, Henglei would not waste any opportunity. He shouted angrily and made a sudden advance under his feet. The seemingly heavy * is not much different from the paper knife in his hand. A silver light passed, and the giant was immediately split in half, and the thunder then made up a foot. The remnants of the giant were kicked back into the deep pit by him.

"I can't stand it!" The thunder looked up at the sky and roared: "Black-robed man, you are confusing the emperor. Is this the only ability? Hurry up and break out your ability to fight with me. Don't let me down too much!"

The man in black did not reply and responded to the remains of five giants crawling out of the deep pit again. The preservation of the bodies of these giants is obviously much better than that of the first giant to crawl out. The broken armor was even faintly visible on them, and they held a well-preserved stone axe in their hands.

As soon as the five giants came out of the pit, they immediately made a strange cry and rushed to the thunder. The stone axe in their hands is double-sided, with the size of the wheels of a carriage on each side, but in their hands, it is like a rattle played by children, swinging at will.

The horizontal thunder still did not dodge, but launched a charge again. He raised his knife and cut at the five giants, when something unexpected happened.

The five giants unexpectedly changed their normality and did not continue to rush towards the horizontal thunder. Instead, they shook left and right, formed a cloth bag array, and directly circled the horizontal thunder.

"Ding!" Hearing the doctor's crisp sound, the thunder* had fiercely cut at the giant closest to him. The giant's eyes had already rotted, and were replaced by two terrible voids, which surprised him. Unlike other bones, there is a black gas in the giant's empty eyes, and there is a little red light in the black gas.

Everyone is very familiar with such a weapon. It is clearly the black fog on people in black robes. It seems that these five giants are much higher than other skeletons, which are personally supported by the black-robed man.

Heng Lei and the giant's stone axe opened at a touch, and immediately took a knife flower in his hand and put it on his back at a strange angle, where the stone axe of the other two giants had been smashed.

only heard a bang. Although the horizontal thunder had completely blocked the attack of the two giants, it could not withstand the power of the stone axe itself. Suddenly, the thunder's knees were pressed directly into the ground.

The other three giants were able to take advantage of it. With a wave of the stone axe in their hand, they took the upper, middle and lower three roads of the horizontal thunder respectively, and the cooperation was seamless.

But they forgot that they have five. But Henglei is not alone in the battle. The three giants who took the opportunity to sneak up waved the stone axe in their hands and hit the horizontal thunder fiercely, but unexpectedly. As soon as the stone axe waved away, a long black whip had swung around their arms.

Looking down, this long whip is also wrapped by wire, and the whip is still densely distributed with serrated teeth, more like a thin saw. The next moment, the whip was fierce, and the three giants held the arm of the stone axe and were sawed down together.

"Bang!" Three muffled sounds, but it was the stone axe of the three giants, and the arms holding the stone axe had fallen heavily to the ground.

Heng Lei doesn't need to look at it at all, and he knows that the owner of this whip is undoubtedly the red fox. Such a steel whip can't dance at all without a golden body. Thousands of thin diamond wires are wrapped together. How strong it is. Ordinary people want to swing it. Before they hurt others, they will be torn by the twisting strength of the diamond wire. But there is no problem for the red fox, especially now that she has entered the realm of peeping at the Dharma, and it is even more flexible.

"Good!" Heng Lei exclaimed, turned his hand and cut directly towards the two giants behind him. The two giants had no time to resist at all, and were immediately cut into two. They fell to the ground with a fluttering sound. The upper body was still struggling freely. They wanted to wave the stone axe in their hands to attack the thunder, but they were struck by a knife by the thunder, and two big heads were cut down.

"It's still too weak!" Heng Lei glanced at the red fox, and his eyes revealed rare tenderness. But he laughed wildly: "You are really weak and pitiful. No wonder you will make this big array a few months in advance. Otherwise, I'm afraid you can't even defeat us, let alone fight against our eldest brother!"

Heng Lei's words killed his heart. Up to now, people in black robes have emerged one after another, but they are all like children's family and are easily defeated by Feng Lei. Yang Huang stood aside from the beginning and had no chance to take action at all.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The voice of the man in black became more and more sharp: "I originally wanted to condense the formation and kill you in one fell swoop to give you a pleasure. Now that I have changed my mind, I want to tear you alive one by one, so that you can experience what it is impossible to survive and die!"

"You have said two changes in this sentence!" Feng Xiang shrugged his shoulders and said, "You should be honest, otherwise, we will go down and fish you up!"

As if in response to Fengxiang's ridiculing, he didn't wait for Fengxiang's voice to settle down. The earth suddenly trembled, and then the ground near the deep pit began to rewind, and bottomless cracks spread, as if some ancient demon was about to awaken from the deep pit.

"What kind of play!" Zhao Bai snorted disdainfully: "I completely understand that this confusing Tianjun is simply a fancy shelf. The thunder and rain are small, and I don't have any ability. I think we can join hands to catch him from the ground. It's a hundred!"

The man in black robe had no sound, but the trembling of the ground became more and more violent, and the cracks became more and more. Yang Huang, who stood aside, couldn't help frowning. Now even an ordinary person can see that what will appear from this deep pit is definitely a giant.

Bang! Before Yang Huang reminded him, the ground was suddenly rolled up by a large piece, and the next moment a bone claw two or three feet wide was the first to poke out of the ground. The bone claws are white and look like stone. Yang Huang immediately thought of the word fossil recorded in the book of Rantiandongfu.

It is said that after some animals die, their bones are buried in the ground. After years, the bones will turn into jade-like existence, which is very hard. I'm afraid that the bone claw in front of us has completely evolved into fossils. And just one claw is two or three feet in size, so how big is its real body?

Thinking of this, Yang Huang turned his eyes to the surrounding barracks. In accordance with the previous agreement, the Sanyu Shenhou has begun to organize the transfer of soldiers as soon as the battle begins, especially those soldiers who are stupid or do not have time to learn the mental methods taught by Yang Huang, which are the priority transfer objects.

However, millions of troops and their huge size, even if they are well trained, it is impossible to completely evacuate in this short hour. Yang Huang's estimate, if they can walk one-tenth, it is enough for him to take a high look.

However, he said that as soon as the bone claws poked out, he immediately patted at Zhao Bai, as if he was venting his anger for the man in black robe and punishing Zhao Bai's sarcasm!

Zhao Bai turned around and ran away, a joke, although he thought that even if he was hit by bone claws, he would never die. But if you resist directly because of this, you will be called a fool. Fortunately, the action of this bone claw is not fast. Zhao Bai has dodged for a moment, and the bone claw can be photographed.

"Bang!" Everyone only felt the earth shaking under their feet, and their bone claws hit the ground, immediately stirring up a large area of dust. And the speed of the land leaving became more intense, and in a few breaths, another bone claw poked out. There are also flesh and scales hanging on this bone claw. It's just that those flesh and blood scales, and even the blood vessels and veins in them, have all been petrified and have become much harder than before.

"Try it!" Heng Lei made a color to the red fox beside him. The red fox nodded, and the steel whip in his hand had poked out, twisted directly to the bone claw, and then pulled it suddenly.

The serrated teeth on the steel whip immediately raised a large area of bone powder. But looking at the bone claws again, there was only a small trace that was not obvious.

"Good boy!" Fatty Zhou also walked to Henglei: "There is some fun now. I'm afraid that the man in black is really angry. How much spiritual power does it take for him to summon such a big thing?"

Zhou Pangzi's eyes were already looking at Yang Huang, who had been standing aside. However, Yang Huang has begun to walk towards the deep pit and seems to be ready to join the war.

The black-robed people have their own plans, and Yang Huang and others have no plans. Several people have discussed it before. No matter how powerful the black-robed man is, his strength will not exceed the virtual world. Then the problem is much simpler. No matter how clever the means are and how exquisite the ability is, there is only so much spiritual power for a real person who peeps into the realm of law. It is impossible to be too rebellious.