Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 273 Reversion

The two calculated all the way and carefully calculated all the changes they might encounter. However, the big bird leading the way in front of him swam deeper and deeper without any sign of stopping.

Follow the big bird through the cracks in the depths of the canyon. Only then did the two find that there was another huge water after the crack.

Even if it comes to a brand-new water fish, the big bird has no intention of exploring at all, but just dives.

According to the speed of several people, this distance of more than ten minutes. But at least it should have dived to the bottom of tens of thousands of meters, but the water under your feet is still empty and you can't see the bottom.

"How on earth did you find out here!" Taoism couldn't help muttering, "Any normal person shouldn't have slipped here!"

"Just be careful!" Yang Huang also showed a look of doubt: "Everyone's encounters are different. Maybe he also encountered something and was inadvertently involved here!"

The two were talking when they suddenly saw the big bird in front of them stop. Looking around, he said, "Be careful here, especially in this realm of yin and yang. The things below are very powerful!"

"Things?" Taoism was stunned: "What is it, you big bird, don't play tricks with us!"

"What a big bird!" The big bird king was stunned by the evil call, and immediately realized that he was talking about himself.

Suddenly, I saw him say unhappily, "You have to call me master, call me master." Don't forget that you followed me!"

"Hum!" Daoxie sneered: "I haven't seen the mineral vein yet and got the crystal. You want to collect us so soon. Do you think you are the king's body?"

The big bird was whitened by the Taoist evil, and complex emotions immediately appeared in his eyes. Yang Huang subconsciously felt bad and thought that the big bird was going to be angry.

But the big bird was really good-tempered and saw him wave his hand: "Yes, I'm in a hurry. However, don't call me a big bird. I'm already a spirit beast like you, but I just lack some heat. You'd better call me Huang Ge!"

Dao Xie wanted to say something again, but was stopped by Yang Huang: "Oku, just do as you say. When you really lead us to find the vein, we will naturally fulfill our promise and call you the master. Now our peers are all called by name. My name is Yang Huang, and my brother is called Dao Xie!"

"That's good, that's good!" When the big bird Huangge heard the meaning of Yang Huang's words, he vaguely felt loyal to him. There was joy in his eyes.

The spirit beast is still a beast, and it is extremely difficult to have its own expression before it is transformed. Therefore, their joys, sorrows and joys are all reflected in their eyes, and this emotion is generally very specific.

On the contrary, it is not like human beings who sometimes laugh, but in fact they are crying. Never know which is true or false in the heart or on the surface.

"But Huang Ge, you just said that there is something below, do you know what it is?" Yang Huang saw that Huang Ge was in high spirits and asked directly.

Huang Ge thought for a moment: "It's indescribable, but you can know that there is a very strange existence. Like a huge eye!" Huang Ge waved his wings and said, "That thing sometimes wakes up, sometimes sleeps. The last time I came here, it was because I was pulled over by those eyes!"

Sure enough, the two looked at each other and said so. It's reasonable. If you want to say that the big bird found it by itself, it's impossible. But if it is forcibly brought here, things will be much smoother.

only heard Huang Ge explain: "This matter has to start from 30 years ago. At that time, I had just given birth to wisdom, so I had an idea. I want to fly away from the territory where I am and take a look at the outside world!"

Yang Huang couldn't help nodding after hearing this. I'm afraid that the spiritual beast that was born intelligent at the beginning would have this idea. I always feel that I am different from beasts and should have a higher and farther pursuit.

So they can always be their first thought to leave their inherent life territory and take a look at the outside world.

"Unfortunately, as soon as I left there, I was plotted!" A trace of fear appeared in Huang Ge's eyes: "Not long after I flew away from the territory of our family, I came to a strange black water tan. The black water tan belongs to the dead, on this ice field, and does not belong to the forces of any race. So I want to rest there, but unfortunately, the black water is far from as simple as I thought.

"Don't tell me that the black water tan is actually connected with here!" Taoist evil interrupted Huang Ge impatiently and seemed not to be interested in listening to his boring story.

"But I'm afraid that's the case!" Huang Ge said patiently and was not angry because of the interruption of Taoism: "That black water tan is not very big. Now I think it's just two or three kilometers. But the lake was dark and refreshing. Now that I remember, wisdom was really born at that time, and I didn't know anything about fear.

If it were me now, I would definitely escape far away from that place.

"What did you see?" Yang Huang wrinkled, and the idea of the spirit beast was very simple. They will not repeat an irrelevant thing aimlessly.

The reason why Huangge emphasizes these things so repeatedly is definitely related to the "thing" that will happen next!

"I saw myself!" Huang Ge said that he couldn't help shivering here: "I stood by the black water Tan and saw another myself through the black water!"

"Nonsense, that's a reflection!" Taoist evil didn't want to think about it, so he immediately replied to Huang Ge. But as soon as he said the words, he was stopped by Yang Huang, signaling Daoxie to stop talking nonsense and listen to Huang Ge's words.

Huang Ge continued to say, "That's not a reflection, that's indeed another me!"

"Of course!" Huang Ge thought for a moment: "At first, I also thought it was a reflection, but later I was surprised to find that the reflection was not consistent with my movements at all. Perhaps, he tried very hard to be consistent with my movements, but it was always a little worse!"

Huang Ge fell into memory, and the language began to be chaotic.

However, Yang Huang and Dao Xie still heard clearly the consciousness he wanted to express.

but said that after he found something wrong that day, he immediately wanted to escape. Unfortunately, things did not fulfill people's wishes, and the dark shadow in the black water Tan finally showed his ferocious side.

Huang Ge, who was scared and wanted to escape quickly, would not have thought that he had been attacked by his reflection.

Unprepared, he was immediately hit. He was imprisoned by the reflection and dragged into the black water.

Only when he entered the Yellow Pavilion of the Black Water Tan found that the black water was only a layer on the surface. Under the black water, it is no different from ordinary waters, and there are no toxins in the water.

But the reflection dragged Huang Ge all the way down and did not mean to stop at all. I don't know how long it has been, Huang Ge suddenly found a large area of bright light in front of him, and he turned his head and was almost stunned.

The bright light turned out to be a vein of time crystals, which belong to millions of time crystals are quietly placed there, as if waiting for the rich fruits of people to reach out to pick.

If he hadn't been dragged by the reflection and imprisoned, Huang Ge would have thought he had made a fortune.

However, this vein is obviously not the destination of the reflection. He dragged Huangge and continued to swim to a deeper place, where.

He finally saw what he had to face.

There are really no words to describe in Huang Ge's mind. What is that? If you have to say it, he will say it is a huge eyeball.

An eyeball with hundreds of kilometers long, the bottom of the whole abyss is shrouded in a layer of red light. The red light is the color of the eyes.

And Huang Ge was even more frightened to find that his eyes were still slowly turning. The eyes are covered with the bodies of various beasts, which may be hundreds of thousands of them.

"Wait!" Huang Ge said that this place was interrupted by Yang Huang: "You mean, you can see the body of the beast?"

"That's right!" Huang Ge nodded affirmatively: "Those beast corpses are still very fresh. Some have begun to decay, and some have long turned into black powder.

"That's strange!" Dao Xie and Yang Huang looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Especially Taoist evil, I don't know how many beasts have been killed in this year. But every time the beast is killed, the bones of the beast will disappear after a period of time.

The same is true of the beast that Yang Huang killed, so at first glance, the bones of the beast killed by the giant eye will not disappear, and I can't help but be a little surprised.

"Then how did you escape at that time!" The evil went on to ask.

"I'm lucky!" Huang Ge breathed a long sigh of relief: "I haven't been captured in front of the giant eye by the reflection, but the giant eye slowly closed, and even the reflection that bound me disappeared! My first reaction after recovering my energy was to escape, and I didn't even think about the mineral vein at all. After I escape in a panic, I will feel a pity when the mineral vein rings!"

Huang Ge sighed leisurely: "I haven't mentioned this to anyone. He was even regarded as a nightmare until the last time the Black Fish King found a time crystal here. When I went to survey the terrain, I was surprised to find that the crack was the one I escaped from that year!

"So, now we are going to look for the vein you saw back then?" Yang Huang and Dao Xie suddenly understood.

"That's right!" Huang Ge's eyes showed rare shrewdness: "We are now here to determine the existence of this vein. As long as we are sure, the city owner will give me one-tenth of the time crystal according to the estimated value. Then everything here has nothing to do with us!"

"Are you not afraid of the revenge of the city lord?" The Taoist evil couldn't help sneering twice.

"Don't be afraid!" Huang Ge smiled and said, "I have told him these, but he doesn't believe it at all. If something really happens at that time, he will bear the consequences by himself. I have decided to go to other cities to seek asylum after getting the spiritual stone. At that time, even if he was the owner of the city, he couldn't help us!"

"You're not stupid!" Dao Xie laughed and didn't know whether to say anything about Huang Ge's plan. Immediately patted Huang Ge on the shoulder: "Hurry up and lead the way. Let's finish early!"

After Huang Ge's self-expression just now, the relationship between the several people has become much closer. Although this yellow pavilion is a big bird king, it has little contact with the kings of other ethnic groups because it has not been transformed and rarely has been infected with kings of other ethnic groups.

They have questions and answers to Yang Huang and Dao Xie, spit out everything they know.

In this way, not to mention Yang Huang, even the evil face can't hang up. I can't bear to bully him too much, otherwise I feel like I have bullied an honest person.

Thanks to Huang Ge's great luck, he met Yang Huang and Taoist evil and replaced them with others. I'm afraid I've been cheated and sold for a long time, and I'm still counting money for people!

But this water is really too big, even if Huang Ge has been here once. But after all, it is the memory of 30 years ago, not to mention that there is a huge eyeball to know this abyss. The three were even more arrogant enough to carry out a search for divine knowledge, so they had to observe with their naked eyes.

There is no doubt that the speed will be much faster, and a full hour has passed, but there is no result!

"There is no way to find it like this!" Yang Huang thought for a while: "Can you remember the location of the black water Tan you were arrested that year? If you start to recall from that position, will it be faster?"

Huang Ge's eyes flashed with horror: "I remember, but I think it's too dangerous to do that."

"What are you afraid of!" Taoist evil has long been impetuous. As soon as he heard Yang Huang's words, he immediately felt that what Yang Huang said was reasonable: "Don't talk nonsense and take us there quickly. At worst, it's up to me to test it, and you and your brother will respond!"

also seems to feel that it is too time-consuming to continue to look for it, and the battle between their clan and the Black Fish clan may end at any time. The Black Fish King will definitely come down at that time, and maybe he will follow up.

Huang Ge simply gritted his teeth: "Okay, follow me!"

After saying that, his wings spread and fluttered. Unexpectedly, it slipped thousands of meters away in the water, just like flying in the sky. Seeing Huang Ge's performance, he knew that this might not disturb the giant eyes at the bottom of the lake. The two were also relieved and their ability to operate followed.

In less than half an hour, the two people behind Huang Ge immediately found that they could see light above their heads.

Knowing that the two have escaped from the abyss at the bottom of the lake and are swimming towards the water.

This tour may span thousands of kilometers of underground water, but there is still no land around. This makes people wonder whether the whole ice field is built on a huge ice floe.

Such an idea just flashed in Yang Huang's mind, and the next moment he found that Huang Ge had stopped. He reached out and pointed to a shadow above his head: "That's there, that exit. It's the black water Tan. Look, the water there is all dark, and Yang Huang can't shine in!"

The two looked at it carefully for a moment, as Huang Ge said. The black water, like a huge gel, fused together, accompanied by water waves, but there was no sign of separation.

"Yes!" At this time, Daoxie suddenly said for no reason, "Is the reflection you mentioned the same as the ontology, but the eyes are dim?"

"That's right, how do you know?" Huang Ge tilted his head and looked at Dao Xie curiously: "I didn't tell you!"

"Well!" Dao Xie suddenly stopped talking and winced at Yang Huang.

Yang Huang only felt a chill on his back, and the next moment he immediately understood that he was tricked!

At this time, behind Yang Huang, a man who looked exactly like Yang Huang was standing there silently. There is no expression on his face, but the action is consistent with Yang Huang.

The most eye-catching thing is his eyes, in which the pupils are gray and not mixed with any feelings.

"Damn it!" At this moment, Huang Ge suddenly screamed, "That's it, that's the reflection I'm talking about!"

"Shut up!" The Taoist quickly stopped, but it was too late. The reflection was stabbed by Huang Ge's voice and was shocked. The next moment, he wrapped Yang Huang like a water snake, and the next moment he directly pulled Yang Huang to the water!

"It's been 30 years, and the giant eye is still alive!" Huang Ge shouted in horror.

"Nonsense, you're still alive, why don't you chase me quickly!" After saying that, he immediately chased Yang Huang directly. Action saw that the power of Dongtian had been unfolded, and he wanted to work hard and directly involved Yang Huang's reflection into his cave sky.

At this time, Yang Huang only felt that his hands and feet were cold, and a stream of cold air invaded his body. It seems that his whole body has been frozen from the inside.

After all, Huangge is a spiritual beast, and many details cannot be described at all. Now Yang Huang has been in personal contact with him, and his feelings are naturally much deeper.

I don't know what kind of power the cool air comes from, and even the spiritual power will be directly frozen. No wonder Huang Ge can't resist at all.

But he can't, but it doesn't mean that Yang Huang can't.

Yang Huang had already understood the way of yin and yang, but was separated by the vegetarian girl, transferred the power of the yin attribute to Xianghan, and turned Yang Huang into a pure yang body.

Although this cold power is strange, it is not wrong with the yin attribute. Since it is a yin attribute, it is almost useless for Yang Huang.

Sure enough, the power of pure yang in Yang Huang's body shook. Those cold forces dissipated, and the spiritual power returned to work.

Looking up at Dao Xie and Huang Ge, who were chasing with their lives, Leng Yao raised his finger and made a gesture.

Taoist evil immediately knew what Yang Huang was paying attention to, so he stopped Huang Ge. The two were no longer anxious, but followed behind to see where the reflection would take Yang Huang.

Among the three, Yang Huang's cultivation is the lowest, which naturally became the first target of this reflection. But I'm afraid I won't think of the reflection. Yang Huang's energy is just enough to restrain him.

If you change to Taoism, if you don't use the power of the soul, it may be difficult to get rid of this prohibition.

Don't forget that when Huangge came here 30 years ago, it was already the cultivation of Dongtianjing. At that time, it was easily subdued face to face, and I'm afraid it's not much better now.