Sky Robbery

Chapter 53 on the earth

At this time, standing on the edge of the blood pool feels completely different from before. Standing on the edge of the blood pool before, people feel the smell of blood coming to the nose, and the evil spirit is born. At this time, the two not only did not feel any smell of blood, but also disappeared without a trace.

In the confusion of the two, a pure spirit permeated. This pure spirit is neither aura nor the air between heaven and earth. But it is a very pure yin qi. This yin qi seems to have been purified by people, getting rid of the palpitations.

Under this very pure yin qi, both of them have an indescribable pleasure, just like a newly sprouted grass, moistened by the spring drizzle, and every inch of muscles and hair are slowly growing.

Under the moisture of this yin qi, Zhang Yuan felt that the airflow in his Dantian was slowly growing and clear. The originally looming airflow is gradually becoming a prototype at this time. With the change of airflow, Zhang Yuan clearly felt that his strength had improved a lot.

In the blood pool, the blood gradually disappears. The speed of disappearance is so fast that it can be seen with the naked eye. No one knows why these disappeared blood, and no one knows where he disappeared.

Around the space, there was no sign of blood when it disappeared. Looking at these disappeared blood, Zhang Yuan wondered, "It's strange that these blood hasn't dived into the soil below or evaporated in the air. Where on earth did they go?"

With the disappearance of blood, the pure yin qi around it is getting thicker and thicker. In this dense yin qi, both of them have a joy of rebirth.

The blood water finally dried up, and many green trees of different sizes stood at the bottom of the pool. These green trees turned red without being affected by the blood water. Secret lines are painted on each green tree.

Under the three bronze monsters is a half-foot-high spiritual platform. On the spiritual platform, there is a big lock. The three strange feet are just stepping on the lock cylinder. It seems that these three weirdos are the keys to this big lock. The green wood standing around the spiritual platform seems to guard the spiritual platform according to some kind of formation. The pure yin qi seems to overflow from the lock core.

In the depths of Zhang Yuan's soul, he is very eager to get this gloomy bath. Zhang Yuan was shocked and said, "What's wrong with me? How can I long for this evil yin? Is this an illusion again?" Zhang Yuan even doubted whether he was not worthy to be a righteous person, otherwise he would have a strong sense of desire for this yin qi.

Thinking of this, he shook his head secretly and said, "This is impossible. How can I not deserve to be a righteous person?" He, who is right and proud of the sect, absolutely can't accept this fact.

Zhang Yuan operated his own spiritual power and rejected all these yin qi, but it seemed that another person controlled him and let the yin qi enter his body smoothly.

Seeing these yin qi rushing towards himself like a tide, Zhang Yuan wanted to leave here immediately, but his feet were uncontrollable and did not listen to his command.

"Suck it quickly... Hurry up and attract these yin qi." In Zhang Yuan's consciousness, a strong voice sounded;

" I want to stay away from this evil yin, I'm the right way... I'm the right way..." Zhang Yuan struggled in his heart.

After Yi Yun's face changed uncertainly, sometimes doubted, sometimes thought, and sometimes rejected several changes of expression, Yi Yun suddenly showed a happy expression and said, "Little brother, we are lucky."

Zhang Yuan was struggling. Hearing Yi Yun say that he was lucky, he asked in an uneasy voice, "What's the luck?"

Yi Yun said; "We met the earth spirit. This pure yin qi is actually not yin qi, but the earth spirit."

Zhang Yuan asked, "What is the earth spirit?" He hasn't been practicing for a long time, and he doesn't know a lot of things.

Yi Yun said; "The so-called aura refers to the spirit of heaven and earth, that is to say, the combination of heaven and earth to produce aura. But there is a very special metamorphic gas in the earth, called the earth spirit. Earth Spirit is very rare. I have practiced for many years and have seen the earth spirit once. But compared with this time, the spirit I saw was simply a drop of water in the sea. I thought that the spirits in the world were probably little and few, and I had never had a chance to meet them in my life. But today, I not only see the spirit again, but also the spirit like the sea. Using the earth spirit practice, it will take you into a new peak period. But this effect is only once, and if it is used again, it will have no effect.

Zhang Yuan was surprised; "That's great." After the surprise, Zhang Yuan was worried again, "You once met it, isn't that brother using it for the second time?"

Yi Yun laughed and said, "Although I used it once last time, it was too little to be ignored directly." Speaking of this, Yi laughed and attracted the spirit. He originally wanted to jump off the pool and go to the spiritual platform to sit down to practice, but on second thought, he finally sat by the pool to practice.

Zhang Yuan was full of excitement in his heart, as happy as getting an amnesty. It's like an honest man killed someone by mistake. When he was in fear, the government suddenly said, "This person should be killed. You are not guilty, but meritorious."

At the time of joy, Zhang Yuan left all his mind behind. He sat down directly cross-legged and attracted the spirit crazily.

Before, I tried my best to suppress and reject the spirit into the body, so I didn't feel the real specialness of the spirit. Nowadays, it attracts spirits and finds that great changes are taking place in every part of the body.

The veins not only changed more tenaciously, but also became deeper. In the past, Dantian felt like the sea and could accommodate endless sea water. At this time, I feel that Dantian is like the sky and can bloom the galaxy of stars.

In Dantian, the airflow began to rotate, and the rotating airflow was harmonious with the spirit outside. Under the influence of the airflow, the earth spirit entered Dantian directly without going through the veins.

The soul consciousness is also undergoing earth-shaking changes. At this time, the pleasure is as if it has been baptized by heaven, and the whole person becomes full of endless vitality and vitality.

The domain of ideas has become, and as the will of the mind becomes stronger, the unique skill that I use most often becomes more powerful. Within 100 meters, you can not only clearly feel everything.

Zhang Yuan even felt that the dust floating in the air was slowly falling, and the speed of decline was very slow. Slow enough to be ignored, so slow that it can be said that the dust is still.

The density of the earth suddenly soared, like a flood, washing down all the river embankments, and then surging. If the previous earth spirit is like a vast ocean.

Then the earth spirit at this time is the chaotic sea of stars. Countless earth spirits suddenly surged without any warning. The three strange people on the spiritual platform were shaken by the soaring earth spirit, because the earth spirit gushed out from his feet.