Sky Robbery

Chapter 24 Error

The young patriarch walked towards the hall with Yuli. There was no fallen leaf on the flat road. On both sides of the road were all kinds of rare ancient trees. These ancient trees are eternally green, and even a leaf rarely withered. The scenery here is very beautiful and the scenery is novel. Compared with many sects, the scenery of the wilderness gate is beyond the best. Soon the two came to a square. There was an eight-legged ancient tripod dozens of meters high in the center of the square. Their ancient tripods were four-legged, but the barren gate had to be different and make an eight-legged ancient tripod.

On the surface of the ancient tripod, countless vertical patterns are intertwined with each other. From afar, they are like patterns. Above the ancient tripod, four ferocious humanoid holy beasts are carved. The bodies of these fierce beasts are the same as human beings, but their heads are represented by four holy beasts respectively.

After walking through the ancient tripod, the two entered the hall. As soon as they entered the hall, Yuli suddenly had a chill, and even almost stood unsteadily. After standing firmly, she lowered her head and walked forward trembling.

Fee Yuli's fear, and the young patriarch is also very sad. If outsiders dare to do this to their little sister, he must try his best, but the other party is his father, and he can only love him. After a few quick steps, the young patriarch walked side by side with Yuli. He smiled at Yuli and signaled not to worry. Yuli looked up at him, and then nodded gently to show that he was not afraid.

The closer you get to the hall, the stronger the invading chill. This kind of chill is that a good person is forgiving his fire.

Fee the forgiveness in the cold, Yuli lowered her head a little more. In this way, she lowered her head and walked towards the cold forgiveness uneasily. How many times has she thought about leaving here and never coming back, but where can she go after leaving here? Besides, although the father was very strict with himself, at least the father still looked at himself in front of his daughter, but he made his father angry again and again.

In the hall, the door owner stood with his back. The cold forgiveness caused the space to condense. If there is a large hall, it is very quiet. Even the sound of a drop of water can quickly spread inside and outside the hall.

The two couldn't see the face and expression of the doorkeeper, but could only see his back. Suddenly, Yuli felt that his father's figure seemed to be very lonely. For 20 years, his father had been living alone. No one could bring him laughter, and no one could bring him joy.

"Father, I'm back." Yuli said reluctantly in an uneasy mood: After saying that, she stood quietly behind the door owner, waiting for her father's words.

The doorkeeper stood on his back like this, as if he had not heard Yuli's words. His cold forgiveness also intensified with the arrival of Yuli. Feeling that her father was trying to suppress forgiveness, Yuli's body trembled slightly. The reason why she was afraid of the door master was not that the door owner was strong, but an innate fear. This fear had already taken root and always followed herself.

After a long time, the doorkeeper said angrily, "Do you know why I'm angry?"

The father finally asked himself, and Yu Yuanxin relaxed a little. She said respectfully, "My daughter hasn't returned for a long time and has left without permission, so it makes my father angry."

"Well," the doorkeeper snorted unhappily, and then he said coldly, "Do you really don't know the reason?"

Yu Li tried to recall what she had done recently, but she did not find anything wrong. Although she "awakened Zhang Yuan, who was unconscious in Lingshan City, Zhang Yuan also caused a heavy damage to his consciousness for himself. Even if his father knew about this matter, he would not be so angry, because he was repaying his kindness." Yuli recalled whether she killed "countless people in Lingshan City, which made her father angry." Thinking of this, Yuli felt that it was impossible, "because the more people he killed, the happier his father was." After thinking for a long time, Yu left and said, "My daughter doesn't know what has caused her father to forgive. I hope my father can listen to my daughter so that I can repent in the future."

The doorkeeper said angrily, "Zhang Yuan killed my clan, Yun Xiaoqiang. Not only did he not kill him, but he was also not allowed to take action against him. Is there such a thing?" The doorkeeper's voice suddenly increased. As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and looked at Yuli with cold eyes.

Yu Li suddenly fell into an ice cave, and her whole body was extremely cold. She knelt on the ground in a hurry and said, "I have nothing to say about this. Please punish my father." Yu Li is a strong-hearted woman, but she is always afraid of her father.

Looking at Yuli kneeling on the ground, the doorkeeper said coldly, "Since Zhang Yuan appeared, you have changed. I have painstakingly taught you for more than 20 years. I didn't expect that it would not affect you as much as that boy."

Yu left and said, "I have never disobeyed my father. In my heart, you have always been the most important person."

A guardian came in and then said respectfully, "Master, the origin of the wilderness is probably about to condense, but a lot of souls are still needed now."

Hearing the news, the doorkeeper said, "Have you made any fierce moves recently?" The guardian said, "With the condensation of the source of the wilderness, the ghosts are more and more crazy to rush to the living hall."

Hearing the fierce behavior of the ghost, the door owner obviously said with some worry: "Although the source is about to condense, I still lack the secrets of the next volume. Now the only way is to condense the source first, and then get the secrets of the second volume. Before everything succeeds, don't let the ghosts enter the Hall of Life. If the ghost enters it, the source will be polluted, and it will be difficult for me to control the original power of the cold and famine.

The guardian said respectfully, "Please rest assured that we will not allow ghosts to enter the wilderness, but the Rebiring Hall is understaffed. Please send masters to continue to capture a large number of souls to integrate into the wilderness."

Looking at Yu Li kneeling on the ground, the doorkeeper said, "Would you get up?" Yuli stood up and stood respectfully in front of the doorkeeper. It's up to you to catch the soul this time," the doorkeeper said to Yu Li:

After a moment of silence, Yu Li said uneasily, "I'm sorry, I won't go."

"What? How dare you disobey my order?" The doorkeeper said angrily: His powerful breath came to Yuli like a stormy waves. She felt that her body was hit by an invisible spiritual power. Yuli was immediately thrown a few meters away and fell to the ground heavily. After falling heavily, she hurriedly knelt on the ground and asked for her father's forgiveness.