Sky Robbery

Chapter 30 Gathering

A huge touch moved across the air, and an unparalleled attack came to Zhang Yuan. Zhang Yuan made a Taiji pusher in the air with his left hand, and then a golden spiritual boundary flew out. The huge touch attack was on the boundary, and the boundary was suddenly scattered and broken in an instant, although this move failed to resist the rampant touch. Attack, but at least it gave Zhang Yuan a chance to breathe. After taking a deep breath, the lightning danced, and the sword instantly came out, and several other huge feet that were rampant were also killed at the same time. The sharp sword light cut off a touch with a powerful force.

With a cry of pain, it touched a few giant feet and hit it desperately. Although it broke one foot, there were still fifteen. Zhang Yuan's protective light mask was broken in an instant, and a burst of blood surged up, and he almost spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The murderer was also crazy at this time, and the broken tentacles kept spewing out the black **. 100 meters away, Zhang Yuan marveled that the murder was really powerful. He was not only powerful, but also dared to fight with his opponents. He would rather break his feet than hurt his opponents. When he met such a murderer, anyone would have a headache. The three murderers standing in the distance were ready to move at this time, as if there was a move to besiege Zhang Yuan.

He roared and then approached Zhang Yuan. At this time, Zhang Yuan knew that it was not appropriate to fight for a long time and must kill one as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the other three came forward, it would be more difficult for him to deal with it. If the four touched them attacked together, Zhang Yuan wanted to believe that he had no chance of survival.

The powerful divine consciousness silently bombarded the rampant consciousness. As soon as the divine consciousness entered the rampant sea of knowledge, Zhang Yuan felt that the sea of knowledge of this murder was very strange and deep, and even more not afraid of his divine attack.

The murderous thing knows that the sea is deep and boundless, which does not mean that it is as deep as the ocean. This depth is an indescribable realm of perception. Although the murderer is not afraid of Zhang Yuan's divine attack, it still brings some pain to it. The murderer's red eyes suddenly shot out two shadows. The shade shone on Zhang Yuan, which made him immediately drowsy and his whole body was weak.

Seize the opportunity, and the four feet hit Zhang Yuan at the same time. The space fluctuated, and the powerful four feet came with the power of destroying the sky.

Zhang Yuan panicked. He had never seen such a strange shade. Although the power of this light was not as good as the nine shade light of Boss Shang, this light can be fascinating and make people fall into fatigue.

In a short thought, four huge tentacles came to him. Zhang Yuanqiang calmed down and split it with one palm. The golden palm print drew a incomplete fish tail. Then the fish tail quickly expanded, and the wide golden fish tail map blocked the attack of the four feet.

Before the collision, Zhang Yuan dodged forward and boldly stabbed the rampant body with a long sword. As soon as there was an explosion behind him, Zhang Yuan's spiritual sword was half a foot close to the murder.

Although the murderous object touches a lot, it is too long, so it is not conducive to close defense. What's more, Zhang Yuan came unexpectedly and came too quickly, making the murderer more defenseless.

The golden light sword came out, and a sword killed several inches into the murderous object. The body twisted in pain, and the murderous object stretched out a touch roll to Zhang Yuan, hoping to entangled him.

pulled out the long sword, and before the foot of the murder was close to him, Zhang Yuan turned over in the air, a few meters away from the murderer, and touched and swept into the air. Then ten giant touches irregularly attacked Zhang Yuan. The strong wind of the strong neck also came with the indignation of the murderer.

Looking at the almost crazy murder, Zhang Yuan said fiercely, "What a beast." After saying that, he danced with his long hair, his spiritual sword was angry, and the golden light of the meridians around him flashed. Countless golden thin lines wandered around the meridians. Finally, they gathered on the top of his head and suddenly turned into golden light. The golden light clashed, and then rolled down like the Milky Way. The dark space was illuminated by the golden light. In vain, the golden light that came down from the sky changed into a golden light sword. Zhang Yuan's sword spirit was integrated into this golden light. After the combination of the spiritual sword and the light of true qi, it became more powerful.

Under the golden light comparable to the sun, the murderer finally showed a trace of fear. He reluctantly let out a cry of destruction, and then planned to burn the jade and die with Zhang Yuan. The murderer touched a violent dance, and the several feet tall body became dozens of feet in an instant. The powerful pressure was comparable to Zhang Yuan's endless golden light, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes. Zhang Yuan rose up in anger, his hands split down, and the golden sword in the air was also killed with the explosion.

The extremely powerful golden sword finally penetrated the body of the murderer. Dozens of feet tall and the murderer suddenly dried down. Although he died, his countless tentacles were still squirming.

As soon as he took a breath of relaxation, the three columns of water hit Zhang Yuan like lightning. The speed was indescribable. The coldness of the column was a hundred times stronger than the previous cold air.

Fee the danger, Zhang Yuan still had time to fight back, and the space around his body was frozen one after another. He also turned into a big ice hockey in an instant. The space was frozen, but the three attacking columns of water still came with lightning speed. Seeing that the water column was about to hit himself, Zhang Yuan couldn't move a half.


Three powerful attacks hit the ice around Zhang Yuan at the same time. At that moment, Zhang Yuan and the ice were blown away 100 meters and fell heavily on the ground. The blood he spit out stained the white ice, and his lungs were seriously frozen and squeezed, and he could not breathe. Most of the blood he spit out choked back to his body. Inside.

Although the Yunxiao-level strongman does not need to breathe in a short period of time, when they are attacked, they need to exhale and expel the remaining energy from the body, otherwise it is easy to cause internal injury.

The three-headed touch roared and rushed to Zhang Yuan at the same time. Although these murderers had a low IQ, they also knew that fighting alone was not the opponent of the other party, so they had to unite to attack together.

His body was wrapped in thick ice. Zhang Yuan could not move. When his life was in danger, he forcibly operated the true qi and reported his spiritual power. With an explosion, the ice flew one after another, and the flying ice quickly shot into the three heads. The thick ice hit the murderer and immediately made a sound of intercourse.

The three murderers completely ignored this attack power. Countless touches were bombarded like a hammer at the same time. Before Zhang Yuan stood up, he rolled on the ground and rolled out dozens of meters away.

The hit ground broke countless cracks. The three murderers opened their mouths and continued to spit out the water column. The three water columns attacked. Because the murderer's size was tall, these water columns were a condescending attack on Zhang Yuan.

If you are not prepared to suffer a loss before, Zhang Yuan will naturally not make the same mistake at this time. As soon as the golden light sword came out, the light burst and shouted loudly: several golden lights suddenly scattered from the top of his head, limbs, front chest and back, and the light was gorgeous and changing. The right fist rushed out to the sky at the same time, and the finger pinching formula changed. With a bang, the golden true spirit was like a halo, flying around his arms layer by layer. In an instant, it burst out of his fist and turned into a huge golden dragon, roaring and shooting three murderers.

"Boom!" The golden light was furious, and the golden dragon broke into and hit a murderer like lightning. With a loud thunder, the dragon of golden light burst! It turned into several pieces of light. The murderer roared violently and was beaten to the sky. Pieces of flesh and blood burst out and danced in the air with a lot of blood beads.

The murderer who was hit jumped and roared, rampaging with pain and blood. The other two murderers did not shrink back because of Zhang Yuan's strength, and the column of water they spit out still attacked Zhang Yuan. After repelling a murderer with one move, Zhang Yuanzhen turned around, and the golden dragon dragged his huge body out. After a shocking sound, the drops of water splashed and scattered water splashed down.

With an outbreak of full power to defeat the attack of three fierce beasts, Zhang Yuan is already a strong bow and the last crossbow, with a pale face and lack of spiritual power. The three murders did not retreat and continued to roar. Looking at the desperate murders, Zhang Yuan had no choice at this time, because there was a cold pool everywhere, and he could not fly in the air near the cold pool. If he chose to escape, it could only be useless and consume his true anger in vain.

It's not that the murderer dies. Zhang Yuan's arms are raised together, and his whole body is suddenly golden. Countless golden lights shot away. As soon as the royal god comes out, the spiritual sword automatically flew out in vain. The sharp golden sword seems to feel Zhang Yuan's state of mind. It shines the most dazzling and strongest light in history and brazenly kills a murderer. The spiritual sword with speed beyond lightning sank into a fierce object.