Sky Robbery

Chapter 70 Meet Fu Long again

Two soul attacks, one is mainly killing, and the other is mainly summoning, killing, summoning, and holding each other. Zhang Yuan's attack made the other party's sea suffer a devastating blow, and the other party's call made Zhang Yuan's soul feel detached from himself. Under the deliberate suppression, Zhang Yuan felt that his soul was weakened by suppression.

With a loud shout, Zhang Yuan's mind became, and the space was instantly distorted. In the distorted space, countless black lines and thousands of lines appeared, forming a dense network. If it is covered by the black line of this space, it will definitely be smashed.

The bald man knew the power of Zhang Yuan's soul, so he raised his right hand and a canopy appeared in the space. The canopy blocked the black lines, causing countless black lines to break.

Zhang Yuan had no reservation, and all the soul attacks brazenly and forced to attack. The powerful soul power, like autumn wind and leaves, broke the sky and bombarded into the sea of knowledge. The bald man stepped back a few steps and spit out a mouthful of blood. Then he split it out with one palm. A crescent-shaped knife gas bombarded into Zhang Yuan. The strong knife gas and the afterglow of the surrounding trees drifted out one after another.

The other party was injured by his own soul, but Zhang Yuan was also uncomfortable. The powerful summoning skill also depleted many of his soul origins. His pale face was really mobilized. In the sky, the colorful light appeared out of thin air.

"Green, red, yellow, black, white," five kinds of qi, forming five giant swords, plus the golden light sword in the hand, a total of six long swords hit each other in an uproar.

The golden light sword hit the other party's crescent knife, and the other five swordsmanships rolled up the powerful spiritual power. After fighting with a bald man for a long time, Zhang Yuan has never used the secret of the object. At present, no one knows the secret of the object. He wants to wait for the critical moment in the future before using this killer.

With this colorful six-sword attack alone, you can fight against the peak of the strong spirit, and you can save your life under the strong in the early stage of the nihilistic world. The bald man felt the power of the six swords, so he didn't want to compete with it. The field came out, and the bald man disappeared out of thin air. When he appeared, he was 10,000 meters away.

Zhang Yuan's mind field and the Tianling field are displayed at the same time. In the field, there are spiritual constraints of the strong spirits and the destruction of soul attacks. No matter how the other party avoids, he can't escape his soul attack. In the field of ideas, there are attacks of the soul.

In the combination of six swords, the spiritual field binds the other party's actions, the mental field consumes the other party's spiritual power, and then the strong sword spirit comes out.

"Kid, you are really awesome!" The bald man opened his mouth and said: He fought fiercely with Zhang Yuan for a long time. This was the first sentence he said. After saying that, the other party's field suddenly disappeared. After everything calmed down, the bald man did not know where to go.

In Zhang Yuan's perception, the bald man disappeared with the field. The bald head is a deserter, so he escapes quickly. There is a kind of magic skill in Jianhuangmen, which is called "at the end of the world." If this magic skill is used to save lives, it is absolutely invincible in the world.

Such a powerful magic skill at the end of the world will naturally not be easily taught. Many people who know this magic skill only know a little bit and really get all the secrets. In addition to the door owner, there are only the young suzerain and Yu Li.

After finally defeating the other party, Zhang Yuan naturally would not let him escape easily. His thoughts unfolded. He followed all the way. Not far ahead, a figure appeared in Zhang Yuan's consciousness. Looking carefully, it turned out that this person was Fu Long.

Fu Long also seemed to have found Zhang Yuan. He accelerated his speed and quickly flew to Zhang Yuan. Seeing Fu Long flying towards him, Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "Why did he appear here?" Zhang Yuan has no good impression on Fu Long. Although everyone has experienced the deserted battle together, Zhang Yuan feels that Fu Long's people are a little narrow-minded.

"Zhang Yuan, why are you here?" Fu Long said in consteration: From his expression, it can be seen that Zhang Yuan's sudden appearance brought him a great surprise.

Zhang Yuan said, "I came here very early. When I see you here, I also want to ask you why you are here. Unexpectedly, I haven't spoken yet, but you opened your mouth first."

Fu Long smiled and said, "On the streets of Raze Town, I suddenly found that many souls were summoned by mysterious forces. In order to save these souls and destroy the evil summoners, I followed them all the way here, but I never thought that I would meet you here." After saying this, Fu Long seemed to be very happy to meet Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan didn't care about Fu Long's happy expression at all. He would not believe that Fu Long would really be happy when he saw him. But regardless of the evaluation of dealing with the dragon, Zhang Yuan will not ignore the right side. He smiled and said, "Like Fu Long, I also wanted to find the mysterious summoner, so I came to this forest. I didn't expect to see Brother Fu Long here. Fortunately, I haven't seen him for a year. I don't know how Brother Fu is doing?"

Fu Long smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern. Over the past year, I have been doing well. Not only has my cultivation broken through to the middle of Tianling, but also been vigorously cultivated by the valley owner." Fu Long was vigorously cultivated by the owner of the valley. As early as Zhang Yuan expected, because Zhenling Mountain's theory of swords was about to begin, many sects had already vigorously cultivated disciples at this time.

"Congratulations on Brother Fu becoming a strong man in the middle of Tianling. I hope Brother Fu can win the championship in Zhenling Mountain." Zhang Yuan said: Although he said so, Zhang Yuan didn't think so. As long as Yi Yun was there, Fu Long would never win the first place. With Zhang Yuan's own confidence, he did not have the confidence to defeat Yi Yun. At the beginning, when Yi Yun used the field, it could stop time and space for a short time. Zhang Yuan could not do this.

Fu Long said modestly, "Brother Zhang is flattered. As long as there is the existence of the Yi Yun brothers, it is impossible for Fu Long to win the championship. What's more, on the swords in the temple, there are many righteous geniuses in the world than me. It can be said that there are countless. It's not so much that Fu Long won the championship as that this is Brother Zhang.

Fu Long's sudden appearance disrupted Zhang Yuan's mood of chasing the bald head, because he didn't want to chase the other party with Fu Long. As long as he chased the bald head, Fu Long would definitely go together.

"Brother Zhang, what did you find here?" Fu Long asked: He stepped forward and approached Zhang Yuan in no hurry.

Zhang Yuan glanced at him and then smiled and said, "I came here and saw a bald man summoning his soul. This bald man has a very strong soul power. I have been fighting with him for a long time before I can defeat him."

After pondering, Fu Long said, "Is this bald man holding a bronze hammer in his hand and a large snake head on the ground?"

Zhang Yuan said, "Exactly, does Brother Fu know this person?"

Fu Long said, "If I guess correctly, this person should be a person from the wilderness. His name is Putuo. Putuo is a spell master. He is very good at soul summoning. Brother Zhang can defeat him and prove that your strength is comparable to the general nihilistic world." Speaking of this, a trace of jealousy flashed in Fu Long's eyes. His slight eyes could not be hidden from others, but he could not hide Zhang Yuan's perception.

Zhang Yuan said, "I have never heard the name of Putuo, but from now on, I will always remember this person. Brother Fu, what did you find when you came here?

Fu Long shook his head and said, "I met you as soon as I came, so I didn't find anything. Since Brother Zhang found Putuo, why don't we join hands to pursue it? Maybe we can still pursue it."

Zhang Yuan said, "No, the distance of the wilderness is not within our reach. Besides, I have a few friends in this forest, and I'm going to look for them."

"I don't know who they are. Why don't I go and Brother Zhang to look for them?" Fu Long said: Zhang Yuan naturally had no reason to refuse Fu Long's request. He nodded and said, "One of them also knows Brother Fu. This person's name is Zhou Tai. Since Brother Fu is willing to look for them with me, it's worth it." Zhou Tai and Fu Long not only know each other, but also fought with Boss Shang, so the relationship between Fu Long and Zhou Tai is still very good.

After hearing Zhou Tai's name, Fu Long smiled and said, "In the battle outside the wilderness, I once joined hands with the Zhou Tai brothers to fight against Boss Shang. I wanted to go to Huang Tuzong to learn how to fight and change the stars, but there were a lot of trivial things, so I have never had no wished."

The two turned around and left. As soon as they walked not far, Zhou Tai hurriedly flew towards Zhang Yuan. Zhou Tai was also stunned to see Fu Long walking with Zhang Yuan. Like Zhang Yuan, he did not expect Fu Long to appear here.