Sky Robbery

Chapter 76 Tide

Hearing the fake play, such a strong man asked puzzledly, "What is a fake play?" As he spoke, the man looked more relaxed, because he knew that the young patriarch might not unlock the divine stone and attract the tide of the star sea to flood the human race.

Lie Hufa said: "The reason why our young patriarch wanted to kill Zhang Yuan here was to use the strength of Zhang Yuan and others to destroy the plan to untie the seal stone. As long as Zhang Yuan and others are killed, we will leave here. At that time, if the demon clan asks about the depress, we will say that because of the matter of Zhang Yuan and others, the young suzerain is seriously injured and unable to urge the identification of the seal and the divine stone.

The young patriarch and others want to kill Zhang Yuan and others here, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. They can not only kill countless righteous elites, but also find an excuse to disobey the orders of the demon clan. Although Jianhuangmen is an ally with the demon clan, after all, it is not the same clan, so naturally it will not work together.

After hearing the words of the Martyrs, everyone praised the young patriarch's strategy. The young suzerain also smiled and only heard him say disdainfully, "What is the ferocious demon clan? What is the right to order me to identify the wilderness? When my father gets the original secret of controlling the cold wilderness, it will be their death." In fact, this strategy is the idea of the strong guardian. With the wisdom of the young patriarch, it is impossible to come up with such a profound plan.

Just as the young suzerain was proud, a subordinate ran over in a hurry and said, "It's not good, it's not good, young suzerain, our plan is going to fail."

Seeing the man's hurried look, the young patriarch said impatiently, "What's the panic? What's the big deal? What are you shouting about when the sky falls?

The man said, "Young master, this is a summons to you from the ferocious demon clan." After saying that, the man took out a summoning stone and gave it to the young master.

Holding the summoning stone, the young patriarch's consciousness penetrated through it. His expression gradually solidified and his expression became very serious.

Seeing that the young patriarch suddenly changed color, everyone hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

The young patriarch said with an ugly face, "The ferocious demons summoned me. They knew our plan to kill Zhang Yuan, so they warned us not to take action against Zhang Yuan."

"Why? Why didn't the people of the ferocious demons let us kill Zhang Yuan? Everyone asked puzzledly:

The young master shook his head and said, "I don't know." After saying that, he looked at the protector and seemed to be asking the other party the reason for this matter.

Being so valued by the young suzerain, the fierce protector suddenly became viracious. He held his beard and thought for a long time, and then said, "In the battle outside the wilderness, Zhang Yuan broke through the heavenly demon array of the ferocious demon clan. This matter is definitely not because of the long-standing disrepair of the heavenly demon array. At this time, Zhang Yuan must be a man of the ferocious demon clan, or with the ferocious demon clan. People with deep roots.

A strong man said, "In this case, isn't our plan going to fail?" Everyone seemed very reluctant at this time. Seeing that the plan was about to succeed, who would like to miss it?

The young patriarch said fiercely, "Don't care about the summons of the ferocious demon clan, we will still follow the original plan."

Lie Guardian said, "The young patriarch is right. We can cut down first and play later. At that time, let's see the reaction of their ferocious demons. I don't believe that the ferocious demons will break off their alliances with us because of Zhang Yuan's death."

After flying over the desolate land, Zhang Yuan and others came to Wushan. As soon as they entered Wushan, they felt that this place was full of flood and famine, and the ancient atmosphere of flood and famine permeated the whole mountain. There are countless peaks, heavy rock obstacles and steep mountains. Thousands of tall peaks stand on this desolate land. Although the mountains here are straight and continuous, there are still no trees, flowers and plants on these mountains, and there are countless cliffs.

When I came here, I felt that there was a change of heaven and earth. There was no aura here, and the space exuded the power of destruction. If some ordinary people come here, not to mention survival, I'm afraid that they will be killed by these destructive forces for a moment.

Feeling the harsh environment here, Zhou Tai exclaimed, "Wushan is really different from other places. With these endless destruction alone, it is enough to kill countless ordinary people."

Fu Long nodded and said, "I have heard of the magic of Wushan, but I haven't experienced it myself. It's not worth coming here today."

Seeing that the two were amazed, Zhang Yuan said, "Although this place is very magical and extremely dangerous, compared with the star world, Wushan is much inferior."

"Rumble, roar!"

There are powerful sounds from afar, which are made when the water is surging. Listening to the powerful sound of running water, Xue Furong said, "These sounds are made by the tide of the star sea. A hundred miles ahead is the boundary between the star sea and the cold wilderness. Before ancient times, the tide of the star sea poured into the cold wilderness from here, and then submerged into the divine emperor's continent and affected the three gods of the world. State.

Listening to Xue Furong's statement, Shen Tu said, "I really want to go to see how rough these tides are." In fact, not only Shen Tu has this curiosity, but Zhang Yuan and others also want to witness these surges.

Xue Furong said, "Since you want to see it, I'll take you to have a look, but time is limited. You can't wait too long."

Everyone said, "Fairy, don't worry, we will leave at a glance." At this time, the leader of Xue Furong naturally listened to her.

Flying to a high mountain, everyone stared at the tide in the distance. This mountain is less than 10,000 meters away from the tide in the star area. At such a close distance, people can see the rushing tide.

"Rumble! Rumble!"

I can only see the rushing tide, and the thunderous river is boiling. The boiling and turbulent momentum, the waves are like golden drums, the water is flying all over the sky, and the crazy tide is full of trembling horror and unfathomable mystery.

The splashed water splashed like a storm, and countless raindrops fell on everyone. Zhang Yuan and others hurriedly carried up the body protective light shield and blocked these splashes one after another.

Looking at the stormy tide, everyone has a feeling that all sentient beings are small under nature. The tide that swept up thousands of feet, except for splashing water on the ground, the infinite water flow could never cross the mine pool and flow into the cold and barren land.

The turbulent water flow was suppressed by the divine stone, so no matter how rough it is, it cannot flow out of the star sea.

Looking at the rapid water, everyone sighed and only heard Chu Fei say, "Like the endless turbulent tide, if it gushes out of the star sea, I'm afraid it's really a nightmare for people in the world."

Shen Tu said, "There is one thing I don't know at this time. If the people of Jianhuangmen unprint the divine stone, then the tide will first submerge the cold wilderness, and the place where Jianhuangmen was founded is the depths of the cold wilderness. If the cold wilderness is flooded, then Jianhuangmen will also be affected. Aren't they afraid of facing the end of the migration?"

Xue Furong said, "Shen Daoyou don't know that Jianhuangmen was built in Kunshan, and Kunshan is high. Even if the whole cold wilderness is flooded, the tide will not flood Kunshan."

Looking at the surging water, Zhang Yuan said with palpitation, "Once the divine stone is unprinted, the consequences are really hard to imagine. Thanks to the fairy knowing this time and joining us to stop their plan, otherwise, the world will never be at peace."

Xue Furong suddenly shouted harshly, "Guys, the Wushan Stone is here. In the belly of the mountain not far away, the people of the barren gate are also there to unseal at this time. Now we will kill and stop their plan. Someone will be in danger in this battle. If there are people who are willing to quit, it is not too late to withdraw at this time. Xue Furong said this many times, indicating that she did not want to force everyone to go.

Zhang Yuan said, "The arrow is already on the string. How can it be unreasonable? At this time, we have come here. How can we withdraw? The fairy doesn't need to say much and order to kill Wushan." Some irritable people also express their opinions one after another, absolutely with those who judge the wilderness.

After the heroes were cheered, 35 people quickly flew towards the mountain that suppressed the tide. In fact, there was only one mountain named Wushan.