Sky Cultivation

Chapter 48 Storm

Chapter 48

Miao Yun thought for a moment and saw Zhao Tian's helpless face and asked softly, "Is it true that you saved me?"

"That's still fake! You women are really kind-hearted. You don't thank me and say I'm a bad person. Zhao Tian opened his eyes wide and said sincerely.

Miao Yun looked at Zhao Tian and frowned and asked curiously, "How old are you today?"

"Fifteen years old!" Zhao Tian said casually, but then said, "Why are you asking this?"

"Hmm! How dare you lie to me. In your teens, you can defeat a four-level mercenary. Even I'm not sure I've hit Yuguang, let alone you. Miao Yun put his sword against Zhao Tian's neck again and said with a cold face.

Zhao Tian sighed helplessly: "Miss Miaoyun, if you hadn't been from the Yang family, I wouldn't have saved you!" I won't talk to you so much here now."


When Miao Yun was about to speak again, he suddenly heard a sound of running outside and frowned and looked outside. Even Zhao Tian's face has changed.

Li Tianba walked around the hall with his hands behind his back. Suddenly, he looked serious and said, "Now I order that the second brother takes a small team of Li soldiers to stay in the family, and the third brother takes other family members with me to go to the Drunken Fairy Tower. I'd like to see how the Yang family took the boy back in front of me."

"Yes," Li Tianbao and Li Ying shouted at the same time.

"Phil, you will follow your father to the Drunken Fairy Tower later." Wang Yuntian looked at the group of people in front of him with a solemn face and said seriously.

"Father! Wait," Wang Yufei reacted immediately after hearing her father's words.

Wang Yuntian looked at his daughter doubtfully and asked, "Why Feier, what else?"

Wang Yufei lowered her head and took a deep breath and said, "Father, we seem to have received a letter from the head of the Yang family saying that we would not participate in this operation, otherwise it would be their enemy of the Yang family."

Wang Yuntian waved his hand and said patiently, "I already know this. How can you be so sure that our Wang family went this time to compete for that boy!" Or don't you want me to hurt him?"

"Where is it! I'm just thinking about the interests of the family. When Wang Yufei heard her father's words, her face immediately turned red and her voice was much lower.

"Haha! All right, don't worry! This time, our Wang family did not target anyone, just to make friends with that boy. Besides, I'm not worried about which family that boy will join. Wang Yuntian saw his daughter's appearance and couldn't help smiling and said mysteriously.

Wang Yufei's face was full of doubts and asked curiously, "What? Doesn't Dad have any interest in that genius?

Wang Yuntian shook his head and denied, "How come, how can I not be interested in such a powerful genius!" It's just that not everyone can get such a genius. Besides, you see, that boy is not very old, but his strength is almost as good as the elites of our Wang family in their 20s. How can there be no power behind him? How can he be willing to succumb to others!"

"What! Dad, you said that Zhao Tian already had power to support him. Wang Yufei's cherry-like mouth couldn't get on for a long time and said with a surprised face.

Wang Yuntian nodded and said with a faint smile on his face, "Okay, Phil, you go and prepare first!" After watching it, the good show will be there soon.

"There are several people outside, as if they are driving away the guests!" Zhao Tian's luck sensed the movement downstairs, and his face was full of doubts.

Miao Yun swept Zhao Tian with his eyes, and a pair of Liu Mei were about to turn upside down because of their thinking. They muttered, "Is it the people of the Li family who know and come to catch us? If that's the case, then this guy is true." Miao Yun removed the sword from Zhao Tian's neck and stared out.

This time it was Zhao Tian's turn to understand. He was pointing at himself just now, and now he immediately changed his mind. I really don't understand their women.

"What! The Wang family also went there. A middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe with a little scar on his face said in surprise, and as he spoke, he kept walking around.

"What should we do now, Lord?" A soldier-like man said anxiously.

The city owner, also known as the middle-aged man, drank with a solemn face, "What should I do now?" That's good. These are the three giants in Gallo City. How dare I, a small city owner, offend them!" After a while, he shook his head and sighed and said, "Forget, let the defenders of Gallo go over to maintain the scene first. After a while, I will take the army inside, as long as nothing important happens.

"Ye, I know."

"I don't know who can make the three giants in the city appear for them at the same time." After the soldier left, Zhou Tie, the owner of the city, stood alone in the room and said doubtfully.

After hearing the noise outside, Zhao Tian ignored Miao Yun's opposition and hurriedly took Miao Yun's hand and ran to the house. After closing the door, Zhao Tian made a gesture to Miao Yun forbade speaking. Then he lay on the door and listened carefully to the movement outside. After a while, the noise outside became less and less: "Strange, isn't it for the guests? Why is no one coming in the room? Are these people coming for us?

"Miss Miaoyun, have you offended anyone recently?" Zhao Tian turned his head and looked at Miao Yun with a serious face.

Miao Yun originally wanted to attack Zhao Tian, but when he saw Zhao Tian's serious eyes, he couldn't help answering, "No! Recently, it's Yu Guang."

Zhao Tian shook his head: "It can't be him. You are thinking carefully about whether there are other people." Miao Yun lowered his head and thought for a moment, shaking his head.

At this time, Zhao Tian didn't understand: "It's strange that who else wants to deal with us?" Humph! Who made you so stupid to enter this inn behind my back and not be found out! It is surrounded by secret whistles of the three families. I guess it should be them.

After listening to Miao Yun's words, Zhao Tian looked happy: "That doesn't mean that the Yang family will send someone to pick you up!"

Miao Yun looked at Zhao Tian helplessly, with a rare smile on his face: "Do you think the other families are all decorations! But I can't make them attract so much attention at all. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said, "It's you!"

When Zhao Tian saw Miao Yun's charming smile, he was not only a little fascinated, but his mind was in a mess and said confusedly, "What is me?"

"Stupid! I said that their target is very likely for you." Miao Yun saw Zhao Tian's naked eyes and said coldly, but then looked at Zhao Tian again and asked doubtfully, "Who are you?" Why do you disturb so many people?"

Zhao Tian scratched his head and said with a doubtful face, "I'm an ordinary person!" I don't know why so many people came. I guess I'm looking for you!"

"Hmm! Forget it." Miao Yun snorted coldly at Zhao Tian, then turned his head aside and didn't talk to Zhao Tian.

Now the room is very quiet, and Zhao Tian and Miao Yun have their own ideas, but at least there is no embarrassing scene.

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly appeared outside the door. Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up and surround this drunken fairy building."

"The owner, according to the detective's report, the soldiers of the Wang family and the city owner's mansion have sent a large number of soldiers to the left and right sides of the Zui Fairy Tower." A soldier of the Yang family half knelt on the ground and said.

"Oh! Wang family, the city owner doesn't know what they are going to do. I hope they won't destroy our affairs. Otherwise, even if the Yang family dies, he must take them together!" Yang Xiao clenched his fist tightly and said fiercely. Let everyone move forward quickly and try to arrive before they arrive.


After about a period of incense, "I didn't expect the Wang family to arrive here so soon, but they are ready to see the play." An elder of the Yang family said with a beard.

Yang Xiao frowned: "For good that the Li family hasn't come yet. Hurry in and invite Miss Miao Yun and Mr. Zhao out."

Zhao Tian listened to these words in his ears, and his expression changed a little: "Is that Yang Yun's father? Why did he come to me?

"So your name is Zhao Tian! Unexpectedly, Uncle Yang came to pick us up in person. Let's go!" Miao Yun looked at Zhao Tian and said lightly that there was no change in his language. Zhao Tian smiled bitterly and followed Miao Yun.

"Hello, Uncle Yang!" Miao Yun still said to Yang Xiao in his ordinary language.

Zhao Tian stood aside and looked at Yang Xiao without saying anything. Ha ha, little girl, I haven't seen you for several years and you have become much more beautiful. How are your parents?

Miao Yun nodded: "Blessings, my parents are well."

When Yang Xiao turned his eyes to Zhao Tian, he laughed and said, "Okay! What a young hero, he is indeed a talent. Yun'er and Li'er often praise you in front of me, and even our family's elite guards praise you."

"Uncle Yang, you're welcome. The younger generation is just a civilian. How can He De bear your praise!"

Yang Xiao smiled and keptlooking at Zhao Tian, and suddenly smiled and said, "Ha ha, it's good for young people not to be proud!"

"The owner should not stay here for a long time. Let's go back first and talk slowly." An elder of the Yang family hurriedly said to Yang Xiao anxiously.

"Ha, you see, I forgot. If Mr. Zhao Tian comes to our Yang family first with interest, the two little ghosts Yang Yun and Yang Li are talking about you every day. If you don't, I guess they can remove all my bones." Yang Xiao made a gesture to Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian quickly replied and said respectfully, "Ha ha, then I'll disturb Uncle Yang."

Just as Zhao Tian was about to leave, a group of people in black suddenly appeared from all directions of the inn, about 20 people. One of them said, "Well, I'd like to see if you can reach the Yang family safely today."