Sky Cultivation

Chapter 465 Gift

A thick golden sword spirit, like lotus petals, sprinkled like June snow, cut through the air and went to the ground.

"Going in the sky, has he broken through to the realm of King Wu!" Yang Lao was shocked by Zhao Tian's hand and exclaimed that he could no longer care about his identity.

He Ting had been stunned for a long time. She looked at Zhao Tian's figure standing in the sky, and her beautiful eyes showed a trace of excitement and expectation.

hong hong hong....

Dozens of golden sword gas rushed down and made an earth-shaking sound. The ground was full of yellow sand, and soil flew, and countless sand and scorpions broke their tails. They were scattered all over the ground. Looking at the power, it was no less powerful than the bomb.

These dozens of swords alone killed dozens of sand scorpions and crushed the sand scorpions that rushed to the forefront.

When he turned around and saw the two people who were still in a daze, he calmed down and shouted, "Mr. Yang, Miss He, retreat quickly! Don't delay!"

At this time, the two reacted and saw that Xiong Ba had already rushed behind Zhao Tian and was ready to rush out with Zhao Tian.

His face remained unchanged at all, and he also rushed up and followed Zhao Tian. Since he knew that Zhao Tian's strength was still above their imagination, he naturally completely believed Zhao Tian's words.

"Fight!" Seeing the three people behind him, Zhao Tian gritted his teeth and his golden body rushed up again.

Although Zhao Tian's sword intention is not high, it is still more than enough to deal with these sand scorpions. As for the toxins of those sand scorpions, Zhao Tian completely ignored it. With the powerful body protection energy of his body protection, even if it is touched by toxins, it can't erode his body protection aura.

At this time, Zhao Tian was like a dragon going to sea and turning over the river into the sea. Where he passed, countless swords were excited and killed all the approaching monsters around him, and even none of them could stop Zhao Tian for a moment.

The three followed Zhao Tian and had a strong output power of Yang Lao. Those sand scorpions that wanted to get close to several people were blown away by Yang Lao's palm, which made He Ting and Xiong Ba more relaxed.

Thousands of sand scorpions have lasted for several miles. For practitioners like Zhao Tianyang, it is an instantaneous thing, but the obstruction along the way also abruptly blocked several people in these miles.

The sand scorpion is also not afraid of death. When it sees the death of its companions, it doesn't even look at it. It even steps directly on the body of its companions and desperately surrounds Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian frowned. These sand and earth scorpions don't want their party to go there. Even if they fight hard, they won't let them go. Is there anything strange about this? Or...

'There is something in front that they don't want us to touch, or even let us see it!" Such a sentence suddenly appeared in Zhao Tian's mind.

Thinking of this, looking at the action of the sand scorpion is obviously trying to stop himself, which makes him more sure of the speculation in his heart.

Between thinking and Ming, Zhao Tian's whole body's momentum soared a little again. The Xuanyuan sword in his hand was like a deadly sickle, almost madly harvesting the life of the sand scorpion. In just half a column of incense, several people passed hundreds of meters. At this time, the number of dead sand scorpions had also exceeded 300. And most of them were killed by Zhao Tian.

"Little brother, the sand scorpion behind is also getting closer and closer. Our situation is not good!" Just as Zhao Tian tried his best to clean up the obstacles, Yang Lao's anxious voice came to his ear.

Zhao Tian was also stunned. In his spare space, he glanced back and saw that in the distance, there were earth waves all over the sky. The earth waves were several feet high, with a thunderous momentum, surrounding his back.

"It's not good!" Zhao Tian's face is also changing dramatically. If he doesn't break through as soon as possible, he will really be regarded as the food of sand scorpions.

In a hurry, Zhao Tian's face was fierce, his legs were slightly bent, his left hand was negative, and his right arm was straight. He stood in a strange posture. The golden aura in the meridians of his whole body slowly injected into his arms. The five spirits were connected, and a golden ball appeared on his right arm, and he shouted "silent finger!"


The golden ball dragged a long tail flame and exploded in the most concentrated place of sand scorpions.

The strong momentum suddenly moved around like a wave of water, and everywhere it passed was a mess.

At the center of the explosion, dozens of sand scorpions died in an instant.

With this spare time, Zhao Tian and the three people behind him rushed out. Before the sand scorpion just surrounded could contact several people, another golden ball with the roaring wind suddenly exploded in countless small green eyes.

Another loud noise, and the powerful fluctuation made the sand tremble slightly,

Six people once again rushed out of thousands of meters with the help of strength. At this time, the outermost encirclement was still thousands of kilometers away,

Zhao Tian, who made two silent fingers in a row, was already a little pale and his breath was extremely unstable.

took a deep breath, and several elixirs in his mouth were also swallowed into his stomach, turning into a pure aura and pouring into the body.

Feel that there are many empty meridians in the body, and a feeling of fatigue sweeping the whole body.

Originally, after the fierce battle with the Red Devil Tiger, the recovered aura was not fully recovered, and the slight shock injury was not taken seriously, but I didn't expect that the feeling was so obvious at this time.

took a deep breath, and the three elixirs also restored Zhao Tian's two layers of aura, which was enough to send out another silent finger.

Sure enough, as Zhao Tian thought, dozens of sand scorpions surrounded him, ignoring the bodies of his companions, and ran wildly towards several people with fierce eyes.

Zhao Tian did not dare to hold it big. Looking at the approaching sand scorpion army behind him, he gritted his teeth and used the silence finger again. However, this silence finger was obviously insufficient. Compared with the previous one, it was much darker, and even the power was much worse. However, it was enough to open up a road.

The golden air wave spreads in mid-air and finally turns into a little starlight and disappears into the air.

And the dozens of sand scorpions were also bombarded by Zhao Tian, and an unimpeded road appeared in front of several people.

"Go quickly, I'll break it!" Zhao Tian shouted at the three people weakly.

Zhao Tian's power on the way was so powerful that he had been completely impressed by several people for a long time. There was no hesitation. He directly turned into a shadow and disappeared into the air.

Looking at the back of the three people leaving, Zhao Tian smiled. Hundreds of sand scorpions saw the gap and wanted to support, but it was too late. Their anger was all focused on Zhao Tian, the culprit who caused those people to escape!

The madness of the sand scorpion was seen in Zhao Tian's eyes, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth, but he was thinking of leaving them a big gift in his heart.

The thoughts in my heart moved, and the jade pendant in my arms suddenly trembled. The air within dozens of feet around me was drained in an instant, and a feeling of fear spread to the hearts of those sand scorpions. Suddenly, all the sand scorpions became restless.

Two huge pliers pierced the ground fiercely, and the thief's little eyes showed fear.

At this time, the weak Zhao Tian shot two substantial beams from his eyes, as if they could pierce people's hearts.

"Look at how busy you are, I'll give you something!" Zhao Tian's face showed a trace of coldness, and his arms were in front of his chest, forming a false situation. At the same time, the clear sky actually emitted a crisp thunder.

The slowly drifting clouds actually covered the sun. With the emergence of the golden light in Zhao Tianling's place, a huge whirlpool appeared in the whole sky, greedily absorbing the surrounding aura.

The aura became stronger and stronger, and finally the clouds in the sky formed a cloud palm, which slowly formed, showing his mountain-like oppression, making those sand scorpions who want to rush up more impatient and uneasy.

"The palm of the cloud, fall!" Zhao Tian roared softly.

At the same time, its body is also like a teleportation, passing away.