can shi

Chapter 8 Attribution

The royal weapons of the two factions flew to Yandang Mountain, and the distance of 50 miles was just a moment at their feet.

Soon, everyone came to the top of Yandang Mountain, and everyone stood in the air. Everyone's body is surrounded by energy, floating like a fairy.

I don't know who took the lead in throwing out a breath, like a * that instantly ignited the battle between good and evil.

In an in an air, the sky was full of light, ghosts crying and howling, and the world also changed color.

Look at those moves, all of them want to kill each other. The internal strength emanating from the center of the battle quickly cut off the mountain head of Yandang Mountain, and there were messy branches and leaves everywhere. This situation continues, and trees fall down or even turn into powder every moment.

The top of the mountain is hot, and the foot of the mountain is no less than the top of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, the disciples brought by various sects also followed several people flying in the sky to come here. Due to the lack of cultivation, no one dares to step on the top of the mountain and can only watch from afar. Then, the number of people who came gradually increased, and there was the current scene.

From ancient times, good and evil have been opposed, and the so-called enemies are particularly jealous when they meet. At first, he just squeezed each other in words, but later, the more he said, the more angry he became. If he didn't agree, he would fight. Originally, the cultivation of these people was not very good, but now it is a scuffle. How can that scene be a mess?

However, they started quickly and ended quickly. In less than half an hour, they were both defeated and lay on the ground gasping for breath.

At the end of the foot of the mountain, the situation at the top of the mountain is in a white-hot state. It seems that it won't end for a while.

Two hours later...

The battle on the top of the mountain has disappeared, and the blood-red sky has returned to its original indigo. Several streams of light flew in all directions centering on the top of the mountain, leaving only a mess behind them. And in the ruins, a young man with a long sword appeared at this time. If the people who just flew away are still here, they will definitely recognize this person, Lu Qing, who flew here with everyone.

Lu Qing looked at the people who had run away, smiled faintly and shook his head. The take-off sword flew in the direction of Jinling.

Lu Qing had just left, and a man in a black robe appeared in mid-air out of thin air. If you look deeply at the back of Lu Qing, who has gone far away, and say a word faintly: "Is this boy right? Or is it evil?" Then, just like when he appeared, it disappeared out of thin air.

Jinling City Huangfu Family

Huangfuqing stood at the door with a strong melancholy on his face. Today, he encountered a lot of things and saw a lot of things that he would never see in his life. He also thought a lot. He thought of the future fate of the Huangfu family, the future fate of his son Huangfu Yuran, and... He thought of how the future was not under his control. After all, many things that happened today were beyond his understanding. Now that the sky is getting late, looking at the remnant sun that is about to go down in the west, Huangfuqing's heart can't help but have a sense of heroic dusk.

"Alas..." with a deep sigh, he turned back to the room. Huangfuqing's mind again appeared the sentence he once said to his wife, "Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and their future will be created by themselves." Yes, today's things are something you can't control. Why don't you let nature take its course? In fact, think about it, what if it doesn't go smoothly? Besides, maybe this may really be an opportunity for Yuer. Huangfuqing comforted himself like this in his heart.

Huangfuqing thought about his thoughts and casually returned to the study. As soon as I sat on the teacher's chair behind the desk, I heard a voice floating in from outside the door: "Master Huangfu, what's wrong? It seems that you don't welcome me very much!"

When Huangfuqing heard the sound, a thriller woke up. However, when I heard Lu Qing's voice, I felt much more relieved. Tidied up his clothes, stood up and walked quickly out of the study. As soon as I got to the door of the study, I happened to meet Lu Qing falling from the sky.

When Huangfuqing saw Lu Qing's arrival, he bowed and bowed and said, "What did the immortal chief say? I have been waiting for the immortal chief for a long time."

Lu Qing was not pretentious and casually said, "Well, go into the room and talk about it." After saying that, he walked into the study and sat on the chair that Huangfuqing had just sat on.

Huangfuqing immediately ordered the maid to prepare tea, and then walked in and stood ten feet away.

Seeing that he was so nervous and didn't care, Lu Qing smiled and said, "Lord Huangfu, let's sit down and talk. You don't have to be nervous. I'm not a demon. I won't force you or anything. Let's sit down and discuss it slowly. Do you think it's okay?

Huang Fuqing heard Lu Qing's words, so he cautiously went to the seat aside and sat down. He saw Lu Qing say, "Xian Chang..."

"Lord Huangfu, I really can't bear the title of Xianchang. You'd better call me Lu Qing."

"Senior, how can this be?" Huangfuqing thought that some people who had said that people who practiced could not see their real age, but the other party did not let himself be called Xianchang, so he quickly changed his words.

When Lu Qing saw him like this, he could only smile helplessly and said, "Senior? I'm only 50, and I'm not much older than you. The owner of the Huangfu family looked up to me and called me brother.

Huangfuqing looked awkwardly at the man who looked younger than himself. Although he knew what he said was true, it was strange to call a person who looked younger than himself a brother. But Lu Qing's words have reached this level, and it is not easy to refuse him face to face.

"That...Brother Lu, where are those people?" Huangfuqing suddenly thought of the people who flew away with Lu Qing, so he asked, which also relieved the tension and embarrassment just now.

Seeing Huangfuqing asking about this matter, Lu Qing no longer cares about the title and said, "They are all injured and went back to the sect."

"Oh." Huangfuqing nodded as if he didn't understand.

"However, I'm afraid they didn't let go so easily. It is estimated that it won't be long before a master above the infancy will come to your Huangfu family. Lu Qing then said this sentence again.

Huangfuqing didn't know the various stages of cultivation at all, so he asked with a little confusion, "Yuanying period? Is it more powerful than Brother Lu?

Lu Qing took a strange look at Huangfuqing and then understood that Huangfuqing was just an ordinary people. How could he understand the cultivation of things? So he explained: "The owner of the Huangfu family also thinks too highly of me, Lu Qing. Lu Qing, is stupid and has been practicing for more than 30 years, but his cultivation has only reached the late period of Jindan. There is still a long way from the Yuanying period. The golden elixir period is above the spiritual silence period, and then it is the Yuanying period.

"Oh...ah?!" Huangfuqing listened to Lu Qing's explanation with a thoughtful sound, and then stared at Lu Qing in surprise. Then Lu Qing is so unfathomable. How will a person two stages taller than him be fascinated?!

It's not surprising that Lu Qing looked surprised and nodded and said, "Well, that's it, so I can't play a role here. And I have also told the owner of the Huangfu family about the purpose of my visit this time, and the owner of the Huangfu family should have also figured it out, right?

Huang Fuqing heard Lu Qing say that this matter came up, turned his head to look outside the door, took another look at Lu Qing, and said with an embarrassed face, "It is a blessing for Yuer to be valued as a disciple by the nobles. Naturally, my husband and I will not object. But... Yuer has just turned one month old. If she leaves now, I'm afraid Zhuojing will disagree. In addition, I am also very reluctant to give up. Brother Lu, do you think you can take Yuer away after a while?

Huangfuqing's meaning is already obvious, that is, our Huangfu family promised to hand over the child to your free school. However, you can't take it away now. You have to wait for the child to grow up.

Lu Qing naturally understood the meaning of Huangfuqing's words, so he smiled and said, "Why not? It is human nature to have a deep love, which makes him stay with his parents for a long time. How long will it take for the head of the Huangfu family? I also report to the leader."

"This... six years, Brother Lu, do you think it's good? At that time, Yuer also understood something, and we could also be psychologically prepared.

"No, it's been too long, a year."

"I'm afraid I can't accept it if the time is too short. Five years."

"Master Huangfu, let's not bargain. I'll send a message to inform the leader about the matter here, and let the leader decide." After saying that, Lu Qing did not wait for Huangfuqing to object. As soon as he turned his hand, there was an extra jade charm in his palm. Lu Qing urged Zhenqi and sent the incident of Huangfu family and Huangfuqing's ideas to the head of Xiaoyao.

After a moment, the jade charm emitted light and a crisp sound, and Lu Qing took the jade charm and looked at it for a long time. During this period, his eyebrows frowned and stretched, and Huangfu Qing's heart also beat and accelerated.

After reading the jade charm, Lu Qing said to Huangfuqing, "The leader said that you can only give you three years at most, because three years old is the youngest age suitable for cultivation. The leader doesn't want to delay... Er... Has your child named it?"

"Oh, it's called Huangfu Yuran."

"Well, the leader doesn't want to delay every moment that Yuran can practice. In addition, the leader said that those who are coming will come in person to inform them that Yuran has joined the Xiaoyao faction. And in the next three years, six elders will take turns in your Huangfu family. Now the owner of the Huangfu family can rest assured that the head of the family is in the later period of the disaster, and it is not far from flying to the fairyland. Even the six elders are all cultivated during the combined period. With them, the Huangfu family is safe and sound. Lu Qing continued the topic just now and finished what he wanted to say.

When Huangfu Qing heard that the Huangfu family was fine, his suspense was relieved. But then I thought about what to do in three years? What should I do as soon as the elders of the Xiaoyao faction leave and those demons come back? But he just thought about these in his heart, and he didn't dare to ask.

Huangfuqing smiled and said, "Then there will be elders of the Laogui faction. Brother Lu, how about living in my small courtyard these days, so that I can have a little landlord friendship."

Lu Qing was also in a good mood when he saw that Huangfu Qing had accepted it. He completed what the leader told him. When the leader was happy, he might pass on some spells or something. Hearing Huangfuqing say this, he replied with a smile, "Then it's better to obey than to obey. I'll wait here for the leader to come."

"Well, I'll ask the servants to prepare the room right away. Brother Lu, wait a minute." After saying that, Huangfu Qing turned around and walked out, but was stopped by Lu Qing: "Lord Huangfu, this matter is not busy. Can you take me to see Yuran first?"

When Huangfuqing saw that Lu Qing wanted to see the child, it was not easy to refute, so he said, "Well, okay, Brother Lu, please come with me."