can shi

Chapter 35 Copy Cheats

The voice was very weak again, and only a faint voice in my mind said, "No, I don't belong to the right way, and I'm not the devil's way. I don't belong to any sect. I'm a free practice. It can also be said that I am both good and evil, because I do things according to my personal preferences.

Huangfu Yuran clapped his hands and said, "I like the character of my predecessor. In fact, no one is right or wrong. As long as I feel at ease, that's right. OK, senior, I will accept your skills. Thank you here.

"Okay, that's good. But don't thank me. It should be me to thank you so that my skills will not be followed.

Huangfu Yuran asked again, "Senior, are you a man or a woman? Why can't I hear it at all?"

The owner of that voice obviously didn't expect Huangfu Yuran to ask this question. Obviously, he said faintly, "The voice of the Yuanshen can't be heard by men and women. It's okay to tell you. I'm a woman."

Huangfu Yuran didn't expect that he was a woman who gave his skills to him, or a woman 400 years ago! Thinking about it, he said, "The senior passed on the credit, and this kindness can only be rerated in the afterlife." The implication is that I'm afraid I can't find a chance to repay kindness in my life.

The voice didn't care about what Huangfu Yuran meant in his words. He said faintly, "My yuan god is about to dissipate. Before that, I will tell you some of my feelings over the years and you may be helpful to your cultivation in the future. Cultivation does not have to stick to a certain form. No matter what skills are practiced, it is just a road. What is important is the heart. As long as the mind is good, it is naturally the right way. Even if the heart is evil, what can be done? It's not a devil, it's just a devil in the coat of the right path. You should think twice about what you do, and you should be able to endure everything. It's casual..."

The sound became softer and softer until it was finally unheard. Huangfu Yuran shouted a few times in his heart. Seeing that there was no response, he thought that the yuan spirit should have dissipated. Silently put the book The Heart of Tao back on the bookshelf and stepped back a few steps to bow to the book. Huangfu Yuran also didn't understand why he did this. Maybe it was out of respect for the woman who passed on to him, or maybe...

After doing this, Huangfu Yuran called Linger and Lu Qing and walked downstairs. What he needs most now is to find a quiet place to digest everything he has encountered today.

Linger and Lu Qing didn't say anything to follow behind when they saw this. They all saw that Huangfu Yuran was worried. As for what was on their mind, neither of them was that kind of curious person, so naturally no one asked.

Several people came downstairs and went straight to the old man who was still lying. Huangfu Yuran just wanted to wake up the old man. The old man had opened his eyes, stared at Huangfu Yuran and said with a smile, "Little baby, how's the harvest? Did you get what you want?"

Hearing the old man say this, Huangfu Yuran was shocked and thought, "Does the old man know the secret of the religious heart?" But no, if the old man knows the secret, that is to say, the old man is at least 400 years old.

Thinking of this, Huangfu Yuran shook his head and overturned his absurd idea and comforted himself that he should have pointed out something else. So he nodded and said, "Live up to my expectations. I found some. Senior, please take a look and see if these kids can take them back." He waved to Linger to put the books brought down from the second floor on the small table in front of the old man.

The old man picked it up and read it one by one and said, "You can take it back, but this one and this one won't work." The old man said and picked up two books.

Huangfu Yuran asked reflexively, "Why can't you take these two books away? Is there any difference between this and those?"

The old man put the two books in front of him one by one and said, "This Yuling swordsmanship can't be taken away because most of the disciples will come to read this book. If you take it away, others will have no need to read it. Although not many people read this spiritual rhinoceros method, Qingyu girl personally told me that these two books can't leave the library, so you can't take these two books away.

Huangfu Yuran said with an embarrassed expression on his face, "But the boy is the most interested in these two books. Do you think you can... accommodate them?"

The old man shook his head and said, "It can't be accommodated. These two books can't be taken away."

Huangfu Yuran saw that there was no room for manoeuvre, lowered his head and walked out, looking frustrated.

The old man said lightly, "Although you can't take it away, there is still another way. Are you sure you left like this? Yes, you got better than these two books. I'm afraid these two books are for this girl!"

Huangfu Yuran heard the old man say that there were other ways and turned around excitedly. But when he heard the words behind the old man, he was still blushed and scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Hey, nothing can be hidden from the senior. I don't know what the senior can do to let me take these two books away?"

The old man waved his hand and said, "It's not easy. Just copy it directly without taking it away."

Huangfu Yuran thought it was a good idea, but there was no other way to think about it. In a blink of an eye, I looked at the two books lying on the table and shivered. How long should I copy such two thick books?

Huangfu Yuran smiled awkwardly and said, "Senior, are you joking with the kid? How long will it take to copy two thick books?"

The old man sighed and shook his head and said, "You can't be taught. Can practitioners copy it with paper and pen as ordinary people? Forget it, I'll help you once."

After saying that, the old man turned his hand and took out two jade slips. With a wave of jade slip, he floated up and floated on the two books, emitting two rays of light from the jade slips to cover the two books.

After a while, the old man took back the jade slip and handed them to the stunned Huangfu Yuran and said, "Okay, you can't take the book away. I have recorded these two books in these two jade slips. Take them back and read them slowly. I don't need to teach you how to use this jade slip, do you?

Huangfu Yuran took over the jade Jane handed over by the old man and said with a smile, "No, no, the boy will use it. Then thank you, senior. I'll leave first."

The old man didn't say anything more. He waved his hand and closed his eyes to refresh himself.

Seeing that the old man stopped talking, Huangfu Yuran asked Linger to take other books and go out with Lu Qing.

Out of the door of the library, Lu Qing asked, "Kid, what happened on the second floor? Why did you stay so long?" It turned out that when Huangfu Yuran was talking to the man, Lu Qing went down to the first floor to wait for him, so he asked this question.

Huangfu Yuran didn't want to talk about this problem now. He said lightly, "It's nothing. It's just a yuan god hundreds of years ago. He was sealed in the library for hundreds of years. Now that the seal is broken, he comes to me to chat."

"What? Yuan Shen? Isn't he out of his mind?" Lu Qing asked with wide eyes.

Huangfu Yuran glanced at Lu Qing and said, "Is it such a fuss? Soul-catching? What is soul-catching?

Lu Qing explained, "When a person's cultivation reaches the distraction period, the yuan god can get out of his body. If these people's bodies are broken, the out-of-body yuan gods can attack the yuan gods. Soul capture is the so-called gend attack, which drives other people's souls out of the body or kills them directly. The yuan god entered the soulless body and was reborn.

After listening to Lu Qing's explanation, Huangfu Yuran also broke out in a cold sweat. If the yuan god had attacked him to seize his soul, he would definitely die. But I don't know why, so that the Yuanshen did not attack himself. But now that I think about it, it's nothing. The yuan god has dissipated.

Shaking his head and no longer thinking so much, Huangfu Yuran opened his hands and said to Lu Qing, "Let's go back, Uncle Lu."

Lu Qing turned his head to look at Linger and found that Linger was still holding the books found by Huangfu Yuran in her arms. Reaching out, he took the book in Linger's hand and turned it over and put it into the universe bag. He picked up Huangfu Yuran, who was still opening his hands in one hand, and took Linger and flew into the air with the other.

Soon after, the three returned to Yuling Yazhu. Huangfu Yuran came down from Lu Qing's arms and walked straight back to his room. Lu Qing felt slightly curious about this, so he wink at Linger. The two followed Huangfu Yuran and walked in to see what Huangfu Yuran was doing.

After entering the door, Huangfu Yuran naturally heard the footsteps following. Before Lu Qing and Linger entered the door, they said faintly, "I want to practice. You can go back first." What he said is also true. He wants to practice, but what he wants to practice is the skill given to him by the yuan god on the second floor of the library. For the time being, he doesn't want others to know about this matter, even Linger can't do it.

Lu Qing, who had just walked to the door and was about to lift his foot and walk in, suddenly heard this sentence. He was in a little embarrassed. It was not good to lift his foot to enter or retreat. Huangfu Yuran was not like this before. He went to the library and came back to close the door for himself. Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Qing stepped back with his raised foot and asked, "Well, if you practice well, I won't bother you. What about the books you brought back? Shall I save it for you first?"

Huangfu Yuran walked to the bedside without looking back and said, "I may not read those books at any time. How can you take them away? Put it in Linger's room first. I'll take it after I practice.

Lu Qing promised to turn around and take Linger to turn around and walk away. Linger opened her mouth to say something, but finally she didn't say anything and followed Lu Qing back to her room.

Seeing that both of them had left, Huangfu Yuran walked over and closed them. Back to ** and sit cross-legged, my mind sank into my mind, and I turned out the skill of the yuan god imprinted in my memory in my memory.

Since you have promised that person, whether this is the right way or the magic method, so what if you continue to practice, it is evil that is related to people's hearts rather than skills.