can shi

Chapter 67 100,000 Mountains

Huangfu Yuran turned his head and said to Qing Lingzi, "Master, we are going to 100,000 mountains to practice next, right? Then let's go!"

Qinglingzi nodded, held his fist and said a word to Leng Tianfeng, and took Huangfu Yuran and Linger to rise up in the air.

Just as soon as the three left, Leng Lingxue ran out of it and shouted, "Wait for me, I'm going too. Take me with you."

Leng Tianfeng turned around and stopped her and said, "Yuer, how can you be so fooling?"

Leng Lingxue stamped her feet and said, "Dad, you have recognized the wrong person again. I'm Xue'er! Where can I be fooling? Didn't he go to practice? It just so happens that I'm going to practice. Why don't we just go together?"

"Don't mess around. You have more cultivation. How can you go out to practice? It only worries your mother after going out! Not allowed!" The cold wind coldly rejected Leng Lingxue's unreasonable troubles.

Leng Lingxue grabbed the sleeves of the cold wind and swayed coquettishly and said, "Dad, just let me go!" Besides, isn't Qing Lingzi still there? Why can they go, but I can't?"

Leng Tianfeng drank Leng Lingxue, who was excited, and said, "Just keep this idea in mind. I won't allow you to go out. In addition, the relationship between father and Qinglingzi is not as good as they seem. If you go out with him, he can't take care of you. He came out with his apprentice to practice, and there was no time to take care of you. If you don't want to give up that boy, you can go out to find him if you have enough cultivation in the future.

Leng Lingxue's anxious expression instantly turned into shyness. She turned around and ran away. As she ran, she said, "Dad, why do you bully Xue'er? Xue'er ignored you! Who would be reluctant to give up that bastard? Humph!"

Leng Tianfeng looked at Leng Lingxue's shy run away and said with a smile, "Sure enough, as I expected, it's not that enemies don't get together!" I don't know whether it's good or bad? It seems that the rain is also... Alas!" He shook his head and walked back to the castle.

It is said that Qinglingzi took Huangfu Yuran and Linger all the way to the 100,000 mountains, the destination of this training, and he only stopped for a short time on the way. Even so, it took nearly a month to reach the 100,000 mountains.

On the way, Huangfu Yuran asked, "Master, what are the 100,000 mountains?"

"100,000 mountains? To put it bluntly, it is just a deep forest, but it is full of crises. I don't know how many years these 100,000 mountains have existed, and they have existed since the emergence of this land. The generational reproduction of the spirit beasts inside is in this deep forest, and the level is slowly divided, from the outermost first-order spirit beast to the ninth-order spirit beast inside. Further inside, there are holy beasts and mythical beasts, but no one has seen them, and the mythical beasts will not stay in these 100,000 mountains. With your current cultivation, you can hunt some first-order and second-order spirit beasts. Neither of you two can win together. Qing Lingzi thought for a moment and said.

Huangfu Yuran narrowed his eyes and thought for a long time before saying, "Is there really a holy beast and mythical beast in this world of cultivation?"

Qing Lingzi said, "That's natural. The holy beast is in the deepest part of the 100,000 mountains, but no one dares to provoke it. As for the mythical beast, it may only exist in the legend. No one is destined to see the mythical beast at all.

Huangfu Yuran seemed to care about the mythical beasts and casually asked, "So can Master tell us what mythical beasts are there?" With that, he also wined at Linger.

Qing Lingzi turned his head and looked at Linger and said lightly, "Mythical beast, according to records, there are green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, Xuanwu and Bai Ze. These five mythical beasts have their own capabilities. The green dragon is the main water, which belongs to the East and is the main attack; the white tiger is the main gold, which belongs to the West, and the main physical struggle; the rosefinch is the main fire, which belongs to the south, and the main magic attack; the Xuanwu is the main soil, which belongs to the north, and the main defense; Baize is the main wood, which belongs to the middle, and Baize is the most special one, and there is no attack. And the defensive mythical beast has a prophetic ability, which can be known 500 years later. At present, that's all. There are also some mythical beasts, that is, some holy beasts are only a line away from the holy beasts, such as Kirin and Phoenix.

Huangfu Yuran's eyes widened and said with an incredible face, "So many? Is there another mythical beast? But they are not perfect! Is there any kind of omnipotent mythical beast?

Qing Lingzi stared at Huangfu Yuran and said angrily, "As a true person, how can you still have this idea? Don't you understand the so-called miscellaneous but not refined, even these spiritual beasts who open their wisdom the day after tomorrow? Being able to major in a kind of cultivation to become a god is also gifted, not to mention omnipotent, which is impossible to exist!"

Huangfu Yuran was scolded by Qing Lingzi and muttered aggrievedly, "I'm just asking, why are you so fierce? If not, there won't be any. Other mythical beasts are not bad!"

"Well, the mythical beast has the merits of mythical beasts, just like the unfavorable attack of the white tiger, the dripping defense of Xuanwu, the continuous offensive of the green dragon, the hotness of the rosefinch burning everything, and the premonition of the white prophet." Qing Lingzi nodded and summarized.

Huangfu Yuran continued to ask, "What about the holy beast? What is the holy beast in these 100,000 mountains?

"There are only two holy beasts in the 100,000 mountains. These two holy beasts occupy the center of the mountain. They are Kirin and Phoenix. These two holy beasts are sworn enemy. Although they have fought for countless years, they are at peace.

"Master means that there are holy beasts in other places besides these 100,000 mountains?" Huangfu Yuran asked in consternation.

Qing Lingzi smiled and said, "Do you hear this too? Yes, although there are only two holy beasts in the 100,000 mountains, there are other holy beasts beyond the 100,000 mountains. 100,000 mountains are only in the middle. In addition, there are Hydra in the Canglan Sea in the east, Qiongqi in the violent wilderness in the west, Zhu Yan in the frozen demon field in the north, and Jinwu in the south. These are the holy beasts known, and they are all characters that can't be provoked. Once this spirit beast reaches the level of the holy beast, it can speak out and even fly in the clouds. The mythical beast can be transformed into a human form. If you don't take the initiative to appear outsiders, you can't see it.

Huangfu Yuran muttered after listening, "Holy beast... mythical beast... Er, by the way, Master, you just told me and Linger to hunt spirit beasts? Can spirit beasts only be hunted? Is there any benefit of hunting spirit beasts?

Qinglingzi said, "Spirit beasts can not only hunt, but also tame themselves as mounts or battle spirit beasts to help them fight. But you can't tame it now, but it's useless to take out this second-order spirit beast, only to be killed in seconds. After killing the spirit beast, you can take out the spirit beast crystal nucleus. The spirit beast crystal nucleus is similar to the human golden elixir. Absorbing the energy in the crystal nucleus can increase cultivation.

Huangfu Yuran heard that he could increase his cultivation by absorbing the energy of the spirit beast crystal nucleus, and an expectation immediately appeared in his eyes. He couldn't wait to go in and kill a few more spirit beasts to get the crystal nucleus.

Qing Lingzi knew what he was thinking when he saw Huangfu Yuran's expression and said, "You'd better get rid of this idea quickly. The spirit beast crystal is not good for cultivation. Although it can increase cultivation, it will slow down and even stagnate when you practice later."

Ah? How can it be like this? Forget it. What do we do to hunt these spirit beasts? Master?" Huangfu Yuran was shocked when he heard Qing Lingzi say that his cultivation would stagnate and decided not to fight the spirit beast.

Qing Lingzi knew that he would retreat and said with a faint smile, "It's not us, it's you and Linger, and I won't be with you. Hunting spirit beasts is not the purpose, but the real goal is to increase the experience of skill. I will watch you not far away, and I won't take action until the critical moment of life and death. Remember not to be smart with me. If you deliberately fall into danger, die here!"

Huangfu Yuran was scared. Are these 100,000 mountains still dead? I didn't say anything when I came! He frowned and said, "This is also... to increase the experience of the match, isn't it also possible to compete with your peers in the sect? Do you have to be in such a dangerous place? What if I die here?"

Qing Lingzi knocked on Huangfu Yuran's head and said, "Are you afraid before you start? How to achieve great things? If you are afraid, you can go back now, and you will no longer be my free person!"

Huangfu Yuran heard that Qing Lingzi said so seriously and knew that he had said what he shouldn't have said. He hurriedly said, "Who said I was afraid? It's just a few spirit beasts. It's strange to be afraid!" With that, Linger also looked at Linger, who also shook her head to indicate that she was not afraid.

But what Huangfu Yuran didn't expect was that when he entered the 100,000 mountains this time, he met not only a few spirit beasts, but a few, but groups of spirit beasts.

Qinglingzi sighed, it seems that it is better to stimulate it in the future. He smiled and said, "Well, get ready to go in. I'll drive out the spirit beasts above the third level on the periphery first." After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Huangfu Yuran quickly called the light spirit son and said, "Master, how do we know those spirit beasts, and how do we know if they are spirit beasts of He level?"

Qing Lingzi did not turn around and threw a jade slip casually and said, "This is the introduction of all the spirit beasts in these 100,000 mountains, including the appearance and habits and preferences. You can study these spirit beasts here first. It's getting late. Just go in tomorrow.

Huangfu Yuran took over Yu Jian and asked curiously, "Why don't you go in today?"

"The spirit beasts in the 100,000 mountains are mostly active at night, and the activities during the day are relatively weak. The spirit beasts that come out at night cannot be calculated by individuals, and often move together in groups. Now, do you still want to enter 100,000 mountains at night? Qing Lingzi explained with a smile.

Huangfu Yuran had a cold war. Thinking that he was going to face thousands of spirit beasts, he felt that his scalp was numb and his back was cold. He hurriedly said, "Forget it. It's not too late tomorrow, and I's not in a hurry at this moment, right?"