can shi

Chapter 79 On the Eve of Departure

Liu Ruyan heard Qingyu say that she disagreed with Lin Yang and said quickly, "Master, no, Yaner will not be wronged."

Qingyu covered her mouth and smiled, and she knew that Liu Ruyan would admit it by herself. She said with a smile, "He is the prince. In the future, it is very normal for the three palaces and six courtyards. Aren't you still wronged?"

Liu Ruyan's face also changed. After thinking about it, she said, "If Lang is affectionate, my concubine must be righteous!" Yan'er doesn't care how many concubines he has. As long as he has Yan'er in his heart, it's enough. Yan'er didn't want to monopolize him alone.

Qing Lingzi nodded with Liu Ruyan's words and said, "Light rain, that's it. Don't embarrass the child anymore. Lin Yang, did you hear that too? If you have any ideas, you can tell me.

Lin Yang thought for a moment and said, "If you don't leave, I will never give up!" Although I, Lin Yang, am not a very high-ranking person, I am also a man. I have to be responsible, right? Ruyan has said this. If I still do something too much, it will be too pretentious. However, please rest assured that I, Lin Yang, will never have three palaces and six courtyards or anything, but I have a marriage contract now, and it's hard for my father to say. This seems to be aggrieved. The marriage contract was made with a royal family, which is not easy to dissolve.

Liu Ruyan shook her head and said, "Yan'er is not wronged. It's okay for Yaner not to do the main room." After saying that, he lowered his head in shame.

Qingyu looked at Liu Ruyan's shyness and said, "When did our Yaner become so shy?" It was not like this before!" After saying that, he covered his mouth and laughed.

Liu Ruyan pulled the light rain's sleeves and said coquettishly, "Master, don't make fun of Yaner."

Qing Lingzi turned his head and saw that Huangfu Yuran and Zhao Xin had come back separately, so he got up and said, "This matter is over. Let's go back first. Liu, are you going to follow this boy now?

Liu Ruyan shook her head and said faintly, "No, I want to follow my master first. When Yaner's cultivation is enough to step out of this free school, I will follow him back."

Qing Lingzi nodded and said, "That's good. Practice well. You also have to practice well. You can't let a girl compare with you, can you? He pointed to Huangfu Yuran, Lin Yang and Zhao Xin.

Everyone exchanged a few more words, and Qing Lingzi left with Huangfu Yuran.

On the way back, at the request of Huangfu Yuran, Qing Lingzi promised to let Zhao Xin and Li Qing also live in Yuling Yazhu. On the way, he went to the elder's courtyard and asked Zhao Xin and Li Qing to take their luggage and move to Yuling Yazhu, so that Yuling Yazhu would no longer look lonely in the future.

Later, such a scene appeared in Yuling Yazhu: Zhao Xin, Li Qinghuangfu Yuran and Lin Yang competed in the bamboo forest. Several people practiced together, competed with each other, and even went to the four elders to peek at the female disciples taking a bath together. Over the past few years, several people have become good brothers.

Time flies, and a few years have passed in a blink of an eye. Huangfu Yuran has reached the age of 18, that is, he is old enough to leave the sect and go home. Thinking of the place I haven't been back for more than ten years, I feel a little more melancholy. I don't know what kind of feelings it is when I go back this time?

Qing Lingzi walked to Huangfu Yuran, who was standing in a daze in the bamboo forest, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yuer, what are you thinking? Why are you going home right away, but you are unhappy again?

Huangfu Yuran turned his head and saw that it was Qinglingzi and nodded and said, "Master, Yuer has thought a lot. I don't know what will happen when Yuer goes back this time? Will my parents not recognize Yuer? Or..."

Qing Lingzi raised his hand to interrupt Huangfu Yuran's words and said, "I think too much. Even if you stop for a few more years before you go back, your parents will recognize you. Because parents have a feeling of blood connection with their children. Even if your appearance has changed, that kind of blood relationship cannot be changed. As long as you get close to Jinling City, maybe they can feel it.

Huangfu Yuran lowered his head and said silently for a long time, "Is that true? I hope so!"

Qinglingzi smiled and said, "Yuer is usually not this kind of sentimental person. What's going on recently? Also, in recent years, your cultivation has not been as fast as before. Has it affected your mood because you are about to go home?

Huangfu Yuran shook his head and said, "Yuer doesn't know why. Yuer still practices like that, and the speed of cultivation growth slowed down inexplicably. Master, when will Yuer leave?

Qinglingzi also seemed to feel the approach of parting, and said with melancholy and reluctance on his face, "You can leave at any time. It is said that when your cultivation reaches the golden elixir period, you can leave the sect and go out. I think it will be tomorrow."

Huangfu Yuran nodded and said, "Well, I'll inform Sister Linger to prepare. We will leave tomorrow. Master, I don't know when Yu'er will come back after leaving. I'm afraid..."

Qing Lingzi stopped Huangfu Yuran and continued to say, "As a teacher, you know what you want to say. Don't think too much. Master's greatest wish is not for his disciples to be filial under his knees, but to watch his disciples become famous all over the world. Besides, the Xiuzhen world is big or small, and you can go back to the sect at any time. Don't forget that no matter where you go, you are a free person, and this is your home.

Huangfu Yuran felt it for a long time. Maybe this was the last lesson that Qinglingzi gave him. He raised his head and his eyes were full of tears. He solemnly saluted Qinglingzi and said, "Disciple wrote it down."

Qing Lingzi stretched out his hand to hold Huangfu Yuran and said, "I'm really not used to you with so many gifts. Don't be sad. A man is bleeding without tears. Oh, by the way, Yuer, Zhao Xin and others also want to leave the sect. You might as well go out together and have a care.

Huangfu Yuran stretched out his hand to wipe the faint tears on his face and said in surprise, "Really? I'm still wondering when I will see these guys again. It's naturally better to be together, but do they have any opinions?

"Go and tell them about this yourself. Lin Yang can't go out with you. He should also go back to the palace. The emperor's physical condition is getting worse and worse than before. He is going to ascend the throne. As for Zhao Xin and Li Qing, tell them yourself that these two children have no place to leave the Xiaoyao faction, but they can follow you. Qing Lingzi said.

Huangfu Yuran asked curiously, "Why do Zhao Xin and Li Qing have nowhere to go?" Don't they go home to visit?

Qing Lingzi shook his head gently and sighed, "The two of them are orphans. I don't know where their home is. Naturally, there is nowhere to go."

Huangfu Yuran lowered his head and thought for a moment and secretly made a decision that Zhao Xin and Li Qing will be their own brothers in the future, and their home is their home, if the other party doesn't mind. Thinking of this, Huangfu Yuran said, "Master, Yuer went to them to talk about this situation. Let's see what they want."

Qing Lingzi nodded and said, "Well, go!" With that, he waved his sleeves and turned around. What Huangfu Yuran didn't see was that the moment Qing Lingzi turned around, his eyes were wet.

Huangfu Yuran walked back to Yu Lingyazhu. First, he found Linger, and then called Zhao Xin, Li Qing and Lin Yang. Several people sat around the small stone table in the yard and began the "negotiation".

Several people chatted a few words, and Huangfu Yuran cleaned up his mood and said, "Sister Linger will pack up later. We will leave for home tomorrow."

Linger asked with wide eyes, "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Huangfu Yuran nodded and said, "Well, it is said that we can go back a long time ago. Sister Linger can't bear to leave here?"

Linger shook her head and said, "I can't bear to give up a little. I have feelings for the past ten years. I suddenly want to leave, and I really feel a little uncomfortable. But Yuran, wherever you go, Linger will follow you.

Zhao Xin interrupted and said, "Are you leaving tomorrow? Doesn't that mean that we are going to go our separate ways? There will be fewer opportunities to meet in the future.

Huangfu Yuran said with a faint smile, "Brother Xin is too worried about this. Master said that you can leave the sect with me and take care of it. I just want us to go out together. The world is so big that we can be free.

Lin Yang clapped his hands and said in agreement, "That's what I think. The four of us can go out together and solve anything together, so that there won't be too many disappointments."

Huangfu Yuran waved his hand and said, "You can't, Lin Yang, you can't go with me."

Lin Yang frowned and asked, "Why can't I?"

"Don't forget your identity, whether you are the prince or the crown prince. Master said that your father's health has been weakening in recent years, and it seems that you should be ready to go back to the throne. How can the prince travel around the world with us? Huangfu Yuran explained.

Lin Yang said with a depressed face, "I knew there would be such a thing. Isn't it boring not to go out? Ascending the throne... Alas... Why am I the prince? Why did you choose me to be the crown prince?

Huangfu Yuran comforted Lin Yang a few words and turned to look at Zhao Xin and Li Qing and asked, "What do you mean by the two brothers?"

Zhao Xin and Li Qing looked at each other, and Li Qing said first, "I'll go out with you. I just want to go out to see what the outside world is like. I'm tired of being here for 20 years."

Huangfu Yuran nodded and looked at Zhao Xin, waiting for Zhao Xin's answer. Zhao Xin thought for a moment and said, "I'll forget it."

Huangfu Yuran looked at Zhao Xin curiously and asked, "Why? Brother Xin, don't you want to go out for a walk? Didn't you still want to change the world? Don't you have that kind of pride now? Going out is a kind of experience, which is also good for practice. Brother Xin, please think about it again. Huangfu Yuran himself felt that he was in ** Zhao Xin.