can shi

Chapter 172 Plan the Life

At this time, Chen Yu patted Yun on the shoulder and said, "Don't be excited for the time being. With the current cultivation of you and me, we will not eat the enemy of the head of the Shenfu sect. This matter needs to be discussed from a long-term perspective, and a momentary impulse may mislead the big thing!"

After saying this, Chen Yu turned his head and looked at Huang Fu Yuran and asked, "I have something to see your opinion, can you?"

Huangfu Yuran looked at Chen Yu curiously and looked at the cloud, so he nodded and said, "Brother, just ask."

Chen Yu rubbed his hands, which seemed to be embarrassing, but he only felt uncomfortable, so he sighed and said, "I have a good friend. He was not a true person. Because his teacher favored his talent, he brought him back to the mountain gate for education. When he went down the mountain and went home, he still found that his family was destroyed, and the whole family was slaughtered!" Speaking of this, Chen Yu stopped and looked at Huangfu Yuran's reaction.

When Huangfu Yuran heard this, his heart moved, but he thought about the greatness of the world, and there were similar encounters. For a moment, I was only curious about why some people were so similar to their own experiences, and I never thought that what Chen Yu said was himself.

When Chen Yu saw that Huangfu Yuran just frowned and knew that Huangfu Yuran seemed to be moved, so he continued to say, "After several tossing and turns, I learned who killed his family. But what if you know who the enemy is? His own cultivation is not enough to avenge, and the other party is powerful, which is not to be shaken at all. If this matter is put in the place of the brother's platform, how should the brother's platform deal with it?

Huangfu Yuran's eyes drooped, and his meditation was still fruitful for a long time, and it was difficult to answer. Chen Yu pressed each other, as if to get his answer as soon as possible. He asked, "Why is Brother Tai so hesitant?"

Huangfu Yuran sighed and said, "That is, for the revenge of the family, we should avenge it immediately, but the cultivation is insufficient. It is unwise to rush to avenge and hurt his own life. If the murderer is ignored, what face will he face to face Jiuyou's ancestors in the future? This is unfilial. It can't be an unwise move, and it can't be an unfilial person. I will put up with it for the time being, wait until I have enough cultivation, and I will kill it quickly! It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. As long as I can avenge this in my lifetime, there will be no regrets in my life. When he said this, Huangfu Yuran had completely expressed his grief and indignation about the family, because what Chen Yu said was so similar to what happened to what happened to him.

Chen Yu clapped his hands and said, "What a gentleman's revenge for ten years, but what if he still can't revenge ten years later? Do you want to be that unfilial person?"

Huangfu Yuran shook his head and said, "Although he is not strong enough, how can he be unfilial? Since I can't do it alone, I will ask for help. How can the hatred of the family and the country be guaranteed? I just don't know who my brother is?" Huangfu Yuran has wanted to ask this question for a long time.

Chen Yu smiled and said, "I think you should also think that the person you are talking about is your Huangfu Yuran. I think your family has been killed by practitioners, and your current ability and cultivation are not enough to avenge. Your enemies are all over the world, and I'm afraid it will be a difficult event in ten years!"

Huangfu Yuran's eyes were wide open. He never thought that what Chen Yu said was himself, and it was true. From what he saw, his enemies were all over the whole world of cultivation, and there was no way to start. Don't say that you are the only one, even if you add Zhao Xin and many other brothers, you can't act rashly. Huangfu Yuran quickly asked, "How much do you know about this?"

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "If I say I know everything, I'm afraid you won't believe it. In those years, after you were taken away by the Xiaoyao faction, Inorganic Gate and other sects began to plot this matter. Five years ago, the Inorganic Gate united several sects of Zhengmo and killed the Huangfu family in his sleep. Now you are facing several powerful sects. How can you shake these mountains by yourself? Among them, there are also many people who hold a gruish against the Huangfu family, such as Yi Xing, the chief disciple of Tianjianmen, and Jue Jian Shi. Every sect has it, and as long as you integrate these forces, revenge is not impossible. Just for your own selfishness, but to destroy the stability of the world of cultivation, you have to think twice.

After listening to Chen Yu's words, Huangfu Yuran fell into meditation. Chen Yu's words were not unreasonable. For his own selfishness, he was bound to disrupt the world of cultivation. It's just that the big revenge can't be revenged. Even if it destroys the whole world of cultivation, it will not hesitate. Huangfu Yuran's eyes were cold and said, "Do whatever you want, and the true temperament is for those I want. If you don't take revenge, it's really difficult to sleep. What's the harm in practicing the real world without peace from now on?"

Chen Yu and Dian Yun looked at each other and said with a smile, "True temperament! OK, the two of us will help you. I wonder if you have any plans for this matter?"

Huangfu Yuran shook his head with a little gloomy eyes. Since he knew his enemies, he is still muddle-headed and doesn't know how to deal with it.

Dian Yun thought for a moment and said, "Brother Yu has some ideas, but I don't know if it suits you. Just listen to me for the time being. A few days ago, all of you went to the inorganic door, which has shocked all sects. Now they are strictly guarded and are always looking for your place to settle down. It is thought that 100,000 mountains will also fall into strife in the future. For today's plan, prepare early before they move, in case of emergency.

Huangfu Yuran nodded and then asked, "But I don't know how to prepare, what should I do?"

Dian Yun drank a cup of spiritual tea and said, "You should look for those who opposed the slaughter of the Huangfu family, such as Yi Xing and Shi Wutian."

Chen Yu then said, "Since you have the entrustment of Bai Ze, you should make good use of this trump card and take all the world's spirit beasts for your own use. Once the war starts at that time, you will have a back shield. After doing these well, the first machine will be destroyed, followed by the mountain of beasts. Wan Beast Mountain destroys the spirit beast. If you destroy it, the spirit beast can also admire you a little.

Huangfuyu nodded repeatedly, and what the two said was indeed the most suitable for the current situation. Chen Yu continued, "The two of us will help you find out the news for the time being. We are going to calm the war of ordinary people. This is the communication jade charm of the two of us. When to attack the inorganic door, just send a message to the two of us.

Huangfu Yuran took over the two jade charms handed over by Chen Yu, handed back his own jade charm, hugged his fist and said, "Yuran is very grateful for your great kindness. In this way, Yuran went back to prepare first and said goodbye!" After saying that, he took Leng Lingxue out.

Chen Yu and Dian Yun did not stop them. After Huangfu Yuran walked out of the door, Chen Yu looked at the door and sighed faintly and said, "This son is unlimited. There will be no peace in the world of cultivation!"

Dian Yun said with an evil smile, "What's the matter? It's okay to help him! Don't you and I want the world to be in chaos? That's not what I want!"

Huangfu Yuran flew to the bottom of the mountain with Leng Lingxue, which breathed a sigh of relief and felt very depressing with Chen Yu and Dian Yun. He seemed to be unobstructed in front of the two of them, and everything was exposed to them.

It suddenly occurred to me that this place is a frozen demon realm, and the yin and yang valley where the soul-shaling hall is located is near to the left. Why don't you take this opportunity to go to the soul-shaling hall? So Huangfu Yuran said to Leng Lingxue, "Xueer, you can go back to 100,000 mountains first. I still have something to do, and I'll be back in a few days."

Leng Lingxue immediately said, "I don't..." But when she thought of what Linger said that day, she swallowed what she was about to say and said, "I know, you should be more careful." After saying that, he will turn around and go away.

Huangfu Yuran stopped Leng Lingxue and said, "Xueer..." Leng Lingxue thought that Huangfu Yuran regretted taking him, and turned around and looked at Huangfu Yuran in surprise.

Huangfu Yuran flew to catch up with Leng Lingxue, reached out and grabbed it, took Leng Lingxue's hand and flew forward. As he flew, he said, "Ice Phoenix is still waiting for me. You go to find it with me first, and then you take him back to the 100,000 mountains, and I will do my own things."

Leng Lingxue's little hand was caught by Huangfu Yuran, and she had been confused for a long time. At this time, how could she hear what Huangfu Yuran was saying? Just nodded blankly, allowing Huangfu to fly forward.

After a while, the two arrived at the place where they saw the ice phoenix that day. Huangfu Yuran fell to the ground and shouted, "Where is the blue rain?"

Then I heard a sound from behind. Huangfu Yuran and Leng Lingxue turned around and saw the ice phoenix flapping out of a snowy pile. After the ice phoenix appeared, it fell in front of Huangfu Yuran and bent down on the snow and said, "Ice Phoenix has seen the young master, and Lan Yu has been waiting for the young master for a long time."

Huangfu Yuran gave a faint hum and asked, "Lan Yu, you may leave here and leave the ice and snow?"

Ice Phoenix was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and thought and said, "Blue Rain is a holy beast. Not only this place can live here. There is no place for Blue Rain to live." Thinking of something, he immediately added: "Except for the fire, water and fire are not..."

Huangfu Yuran laughed and said, "That's good. You can leave here with me, follow Xue'er to 100,000 mountains for the time being, and come back to meet you after my matter is settled."

Ice Phoenix bowed and said, "Lan Yu respectfully obeyed the young master's instructions, but I don't know these 100,000 mountains..."

Huangfu Yuran knew what the ice phoenix was worried about. He was worried that there were two holy beasts in the 100,000 mountains, and I'm afraid it would be difficult to accommodate himself. So Huangfu Yuran said, "But it's okay to go. I have informed Phoenix of your arrival, and they will be happy because of your joining." After saying that, he motioned to Leng Lingxuedao Ice Phoenix on his back.

Leng Lingxue reluctantly let go of Huangfu Yuran's hand, jumped on the back of the ice phoenix and turned to look at Huangfu Yuran and said, "Yuran, you..."

Huangfu Yuran knew what Leng Lingxue was going to say, so he immediately said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine with you, and I'll be back as soon as I'm done." All right, you go."

Phoenix spread its wings and flew away into the distance. Leng Lingxue still looked back frequently. Huang Fuyu looked at the distant back and smiled at the corners of his mouth.