can shi

Chapter 222 The Power of Yuanying

Huangfu Yuran turned his hand and took out a long sword, which was not the Canyang Bloody Sword. Because the Canyang Bloody Sword was too bloodthirsty, Huangfu Yuran did not want anyone to be injured in this competition. Raising the long sword in his hand, he asked quietly, "Are you ready?" Then it begins!" With the long sword out of his hand, he flew to the man with the sword with the roaring wind.

While Huangfu Yuran made a move, the man with the knife behind his back had already made a move. He held the knife in both hands and rushed up to raise the knife and cut it. Huangfu Yuran's eyes narrowed. As expected, the knife opened and closed greatly. He did not pay attention to defense at all, but attacked blindly. Often this way of attacking and defending is the most troublesome, and it is neither defensive nor welcoming.

Huangfu Yuran unfolded the gentle wind and drizzle of eight steps without thinking about it, and his body suddenly became like willow catkins in the wind and swaying with the knife style. It is often a big knife that passes close to the body, but every time it is narrowly avoided.

At this time, Huangfu Yuran has taken back the long sword. At this time, the man who used the sword also rushed up with his sword, and the sword came out continuously.

With the addition of the sword, Huangfu Yuran gradually felt the hard work. Fortunately, he could avoid the gentle wind and drizzle. It's just that there is no way to avoid it all the time. Besides, the attack speed of the sword is gradually accelerating, and I slowly feel the pressure.

Huangfu Yuran paused for a moment and was almost stabbed in the back of the back by a long sword, and then countless splits rushed out of Huangfu Yuran's body. The eight-step third step of the universe came out of the phantoms, and countless phantoms flew all over the sky.

This time, the two really didn't know which one to attack, and Huangfu Yuran took advantage of this time and space to make a siege. Standing in the distance and looking at the two people who were still attacking the phantom, they curled the corners of their mouths and waved the magic formula in their hands.

With Huangfu Yuran's action, a tremor and stone pillars protrude from the ground, surrounding the two. When the stone pillar appeared, all the phantoms disappeared.

The two looked at the stone pillars around them, nodded to each other and ran the true qi to the weapon at the same time, shouting and scratched around. The bang sounded one after another, and all the stone pillars emerging from the ground were smashed without exception.

During this time, Huangfu Yuran did not stop moving. The formula in his hand changed continuously, and waved his hand gently at the moment when the stone pillar was broken. Suddenly, some plants grew under their feet, and the vines spread directly to their feet, entangling their ankles.

The man with the sword's eyes were awe-eyed, and a flame appeared in his hand and was about to throw it at the green vine under his feet. Huangfu Yuran appeared behind the man at this time, patted his palm gently on the shoulder, and said lightly, "No one has ever escaped my imprisonment!" Huangfu Yuran saw the effect after saying that, and the man who was patted on the shoulder turned into an ice sculpture in an instant, and even the flame in his hand was sealed in the ice.

At this time, the man who used the knife had got rid of the vines. Huangfu Yuran immediately turned around and rushed to the man who used the knife. His hands were open, and a black fog gushed out of Huangfu Yuran's body and wrapped the man with the knife.

Then Huangfu Yuran stood facing the ice sculpture with a long sword obliquely, as if waiting for something. A moment later, the crackling sound of the ice came, and the man broke out of the ice.

Huangfu Yuran smiled and said, "We are all swords. Let's ask for advice." With that, he launched a dense sword and attacked the man. The man had just come out of the ice, and his body was still a little stiff. Seeing Huangfu Yuran attacking, he launched a sword to fight back.

The Xiaoyao faction is famous, and some people know the martial arts skills of the Xiaoyao faction. Not long after the move, the man asked in surprise, "Are you a Xiaoyao faction?"

Huangfu Yuran said while attacking, "Yes, the sword moves of the Xiaoyao faction can be easily recognized."

The moves of the two are also endless, although no one can do anything about it. Finally, the two made a false move at the same time and jumped back. The man then put on the move that injured Zhao Xin. Huangfu Yuran was not stunned when he saw this posture, and his body rotated with several long swords all over his body.

Huangfu Yuran held the sword formula in his hand, and the long sword around his body slowly floated to the top of his head to synthesize a handful. After accumulating power for a long time, the man waved a sword spirit with shocking weather and rushed to Huangfu Yuran. Huangfu Yuran pinched his sword and pointed to the man, and the long sword above his head rushed up against the sword spirit with roaring momentum.

Originally, I thought there would be an earth-shaking collision, but I didn't expect that the sword and sword spirit would pass through each other. Huangfu Yuran had already dodged and disappeared in place as soon as the long sword flew out, so the sword spirit was directly empty.

But the man was not so lucky. It seemed that this move cost him a lot of Zhenyuan. He did not avoid it for a while, and the sword had arrived in front of him. Looking at the urgent sword, the man knew that he could not avoid it and closed his eyes unwillingly.

After a long time, I didn't feel the pain of the long sword entering the body. The man opened his eyes curiously and saw Huangfu Yuran standing in front of him holding the hilt of his sword and looking at himself with a smile. The man said, "If you become a king or lose a bandit, do it."

Huangfu Yuran smiled and took back the sword and said, "You are defeated. Why did I kill you? Didn't I have another brother missing after killing you?" After saying that, he turned around and looked at the black fog.

Huangfu Yuran waved his hand, and the black fog gradually dissipated. After the black fog dissipated, everyone saw the man with the knife. As if after a life-and-death battle, the man fell to the ground on one knee and gasped with a big knife on the ground.

Huangfu Yuran slowly walked over and asked, "Are you convinced? You have lost, I don't know if your vow will work?

The man stood up with a big knife and said unconvincedly, "I didn't lose. Even if I lost, I lost to myself. You didn't beat me at all."

Huangfu Yuran was not angry about this, but looked at the man with a slight smile and said, "Oh? Does that brother mean that I must defeat you in person?

The man straightened his chest and said naturally, "That's a must. What's wrong if you don't make a fantasy with me? Are you afraid of me?"

Huangfu Yuran nodded and then asked, "Well, according to what you said, I will defeat you personally. I'm not a knife person. I'll use a knife today. Can you still fight?" With that, a black gas appeared from his right hand and gradually condensed into a big knife.

The man turned his hand and took out a pill and swallowed it directly. He replied slightly and laughed and said, "Haha, okay! Don't regret fighting with me head-on, come on!"

After saying that, the man directly waved his knife and cut him over, looking at the posture to cut Huangfu Yuran off. Huangfu Yuran knew that this person's knife style was like this, so he didn't care what his real intention was. He smiled and flashed to the man's left. He raised his hand and cut it down with a knife. The move was exactly the same as that man's.

The man cut down with a knife, which was the time when the old power had not been exhausted and the new power had not been born, and it was precisely at this time that Huangfu Yuran's knife had reached the back. So the man took a step forward directly with the knife.

With this momentum, he twisted his body and pulled the knife out from the bottom up to his back. Huangfu Yuran saw the big knife coming, and he was also in the state of a man just now.

Huangfu Yuran stopped his body forward and took a step back slightly. The body turned gorgeously, and the knife cut down from top to bottom.

The two big knives collided with each other with the momentum of wind and thunder. After a huge roar, the two stepped back a few steps. Looking at each other, they seemed to see the meaning of appreciation in their eyes.

The man shouted loudly, held the knife in his hands around his waist, and his body quickly rotated and rushed to Huangfu Yuran. Huangfu Yuran held the big knife back and jumped away too much. After landing, he took a step forward on the ground with his toes. At this time, the man just finished using the move, and Huangfu Yuran handed out the handle of the knife and pointed straight on the man's chest, knocking him back a few steps away.

After repelling it, Huangfu Yuran did not stop chasing. As soon as he turned his wrist, he held the knife in his hand, and the tip of the knife rushed forward again. This time, it is no longer the handle but the tip of the knife. If it is hit, it is bound to be seriously injured, but the man really can't be hit like this.

The fact is negative. After the man was repelled, he immediately put the knife across the hit chest, which blocked Huangfu Yuran's next attack. Huangfu Yuran's knife pointed directly on the back of the man's knife, and then Huangfu Yuran's big knife drooped and swept up diagonally with both hands holding the knife.

After the man blocked Huangfu Yuran's stabbing this time, the big knife directly cut to his left waist and directly opposite Huangfu Yuran's big knife. The two retreated again. Huangfu Yuran appreciated the man's reaction, but the man was surprised by Huangfu Yuran's move. Nothing else, just because the moves used by Huangfu Yuran are his moves, which he is no longer familiar with, so he can avoid them so easily.

The man squinted at Huangfu Yuran and asked coldly, "Why do you know my knife moves?"

Huangfu Yuran smiled and said, "It's said that you were defeated by me, but you still don't believe it!" It's not you who have been to you in the fantasy, but my Yuanying. Do you think I know your tricks?

The man suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "Okay, okay! Then let me be convinced!" With that, he rushed up and launched a continuous offensive. Naturally, Huangfu Yuran would not show weakness and directly greeted him, which was also a big opening and closing trick against the man.

After the time of incense, the two's weapons did not know how many times they fought, but they still did not win or lose. Huangfu Yuran's eyes flashed, holding a knife in both hands from his head to his back, and his body began to rotate rapidly. The fast-spinning knife protected Huangfu Yuran, making it impossible for the man to continue to attack.