can shi

Chapter 279 Angry Cut Without Shadow

The two-handed sword directly pierced the man's chest with golden light and roaring sound. The man's eyes widened and looked down at the trembling hilt of the two-handed sword inserted in his chest, with an incredible face.

Lin Yang pinched a sword formula with two fingers, pointed to the two-handed sword and pulled back, and the two-handed sword flew back from the man's body to Lin Yang's hand. Lin Yang said lightly, "Shadowless sword is indeed a very good swordsmanship, but your cultivation is still shallow. You shouldn't come out and show your face. Don't be a true practicer in your next life!" With that, he waved Zhenyuan and smashed the man to pieces.

A white light shot out when the man's body exploded, but Lin Yang did not stop it. The practitioners behind said doubtfully, "Why don't you eradicate it?"

Lin Yang shook his head gently and said, "Forget it, there is no need to kill him. Yuan Ying dared to get out of his body in the early stage. In the end, he still has to dissipate and let him live and die!" After saying that, Lin Yang turned around and condensed Zhenyuan to destroy the wooden ladder on the moat. Unexpectedly, before Zhenyuan took action, he felt that more than a dozen swords had rushed to him.

Lin Yang looked up and saw that more than a dozen people dressed the same as the man just now appeared on the opposite side of the moat. Lin Yang frowned gently and glanced at the dozens of people and found that they were almost the same as the man.

Lin Yang said lightly, "It's a little troublesome. Is it a shadowless sword again?" The latter sentence is naturally for more than a dozen people who have just appeared.

One of the dozen people stood up and waved his sword and said, "Naturally, the shadowless sword is a sword move and does not specifically refer to a certain person, otherwise your sentry will not be killed at the same time!" When he said this, a sword spirit had already flown from his long sword to Lin Yang.

This time, Lin Yang really didn't see how the man took action, because his wrist would shake when he took action before, and the man threw out a sword spirit while talking and laughing, and there was no sign at all.

On one side of Lin Yang's body, he smashed the sword with his two swords up and said coldly, "What? I can kill one or several more! The cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying..."

As soon as Lin Yang said the words, he saw the dozen people raising their swords above their heads at the same time. Lin Yang's eyes immediately paid attention to the movements of these dozen people. Just when I didn't see any movement of these dozen people, more than a dozen swords had been shot at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang hurriedly held up a shield. After bearing more than a dozen sword spirit, the golden color turned a little pale yellow, which could be broken at any time. The three people who flew down with Lin Yang took a few steps forward and stood beside Lin Yang and said lightly, "Lin Yang, we are fighting side by side with you."

Lin Yang looked at several people gratefully, nodded solemnly and whispered, "The shadowless sword is extremely fast, and you can't see the shadow of the sword. Everyone should be careful. Put your mental strength out to capture their bodies and pay attention to avoid sword spirit. As he spoke, his body shook and dispersed several swordsmanships, and a layer of golden shield outside his body came out.

The dozen people in Shura Hall held their swords, and their bodies gradually became blurred and finally disappeared into the air. Lin Yang and others also closed their eyes at this time and put their spiritual power out of the body to feel all the movements around them.

Huangfu Yuran, who stood on the tower and looked at it, frowned and said coldly, "It's not a traceless sword, but a shadowless sword. Lin Yang is in trouble! No, I'm going to help him!" With that, he was about to fly out.

A practitioners behind him took a few steps to pull Huangfu Yuran and said, "Yuran, you can't be impulsive! They are all people with Yuanying's early cultivation. I'm afraid there are more difficult things to deal with behind them. How can you rush out now? Don't be impatient. Let's go and help Lin Yang. With that, Huangfu nodded.

Huangfu Yuran turned his eyes and said, "Well, then there will be many seniors." Because they are all free people, it is not early for Huangfu Yuran to start, so he regarded himself as a younger brother. If it is really based on the generation, Huangfu Yuran's generation is one generation higher than them.

Fortunately, no one cared about this. The man nodded, turned his head and called a few brothers and flew out. With the addition of these people, Lin Yang and the others suddenly felt much more relaxed. At least Lin Yang and others were not the only ones who came here.

Those dozens of people also appeared at this time and stood in a formation to surround Lin Yang and others. Lin Yang turned around and looked at the dozen people who surrounded him and others, and said faintly, "The magic array? I didn't expect that the people of the devil's way would also have this kind of formation. The demon array was originally used to deal with the people of the devil's way, but it was used by the people of the devil's way.

Everyone is a disciple of the righteous and free school, and naturally knows the horrors of the demon array. Originally, it was used to deal with those deeply cultivated demons. Once it is included in the array, it is difficult to get out.

When I was thinking about it, the array moved and changed according to the change of the demon array. More than a dozen people are constantly flashing and never stay in the same place. Every time I dodged, a sword spirit would rush out of my body and fly to the surrounded Lin Yang and others, but I don't know how long Lin Yang and others can last.

Lin Yang supported his shield to resist the chaotic sword spirit, turned to the Xiaoyao practitioners standing next to him and said, "Brothers, it is very bad for us to go on like this. We can't wait to be beaten like this and form a formation! Xiaoyao Jianyu!" With that, he loosened the sword in his hand and pointed the sword to the sky.

Lin Yang's two-hand swords slowly flew into the air after leaving his hand, and others also pinched the weapons in their hands to the air like Lin Yang. After Xiaoyao sent everyone's weapons to fly into the air, they slowly rotated, and the phantoms separated from the weapons one by one. Then the Xiaoyao people pointed to the people who formed the demon array of Shura Hall, and saw the weapons suspended in the air immediately turn around and rush to the people of Shura Hall.

The overwhelming weapons and sword spirit fell on the ground like rain. Although they may not necessarily break the magic array of Shuratang, there are still some flaws in the array. Some disciples of Shuratang still messed up in the face of the long sword.

Looking at this opportunity, Lin Yang shouted coldly: "This is the only way to defeat the magic array. Kill me!" With that, he rushed out first.

Lin Yang moved, and the disciples of the Xiaoyao School who followed him also followed Lin Yang and rushed up. Lin Yang has waved a sword spirit in the air, and he himself accelerated to a disciple with both hands holding the sword.

The two-handed sword flashed cold light and split down from the top of the man's head. The Shuratang disciple's wrists trembled and several swords flew out of the sword. One blocked the long sword falling above, and the other smashed the sword spirit thrown out by Lin Yang, and then several of them were right. Go with Lin Yang.

Lin Yang narrowed his eyes, and Zhenyuan in his hands suddenly gathered on the two-handed sword, and a cold light burst into two-handed swords to split the man in half. A white light flew out of the man, and Lin Yang did not care about it and rushed to the other. At the same time, he shouted, "Their cultivation is not enough to pose a threat to us. As long as they are close, they are a dead end." As he spoke, he waved his hand and killed another one.

But what Lin Yang doesn't know is that the shadowless sword of Shuratang can't hurt him. The main reason is that he is guarded by the shield king. The king's guardian is condensed by the spirit of several generations of emperors of the Qin Empire. It is not easy to break the king's guardian even if it is comparable to Lin Yang in the early days of Yuanying.

And others are more or less worried that they don't have the almost insoluble shield of the king. Because the sword spirit of the shadowless sword is still enough to pose a threat to them, although it is unlikely to be fatal.

It's just that since Lin Yang said that and took the lead in doing so, others also followed the shadowless sword spirit of Shura Hall with shields and rushed to them one by one. Sure enough, as Lin Yang said, as long as they are close to Shura Hall, those who are only cultivated in the early stage of Yuanying will not be vulnerable at all.

Fortunately, this demon array is composed of this group of monks in the early stage of Yuanying. If their cultivation is a few higher, it will be difficult for Lin Yang and others to escape.

It didn't take long for Lin Yang to kill all the people in Shura Hall with a group of practitioners. Out of Lin Yang's precedent, those people's Yuanying flew away, and Lin Yang and others did not kill them all. This also laid the root cause for the future, and later it really took a lot of effort to solve these things.

Huangfu Yuran stood on the tower and watched Lin Yang and the others win a complete victory. He curled the corners of his mouth slightly, and then frowned. He always felt that things could not be solved so easily. The real battle has not yet begun, and this is just a prelude to warm up.

After Lin Yang solved the shadowless sword, he thought that the matter would come to an end, so he turned around and went to destroy the wooden ladder across the moat. At this time, a faint voice came from the sky: "What? Do you so-called righteous gentlemen also want to take action against ordinary people? What's the difference between you and the devil?

After hearing the sound, Lin Yang looked up and saw a man standing in the clouds, dressed in a snow-white robe and dancing in the wind. Holding a folding fan in his hand, he was shaking gently, and the evil smile at the corners of his mouth made people look very uncomfortable.

Lin Yang looked at the man coldly and said faintly, "Thousand-faced Shura?"

The man smiled and replied faintly, "I don't know how you recognized me, and I don't want to know. Yes, I'm a thousand-faced Shura Liuyun, and the kids you just killed are my people.

I didn't feel much fierce momentum from Liuyun, and I didn't even feel hostility. This is what Lin Yang felt strange about.