can shi

Chapter 293 Flowers bloom on the other side

Huangfu Yuran frowned and said, "This is not funny at all, and now is not the time to joke. How to solve this 18th floor of hell? You don't really want me to go to the 18th floor of hell, do you?

Huang Quan waved his hand and said, "You boy don't know happiness in happiness!" The 18th floor of hell is the most enjoyable floor among the 18th floor. You should be thankful for putting you on the 18th floor! Also, the Pluto guy is in hell on the 18th floor. Don't you want to see him? Isn't this just an opportunity! It seems that the Boy of Hell is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he will directly kick you to Pluto!"

Huangfu Yuran said in his heart. At this time, he happened to hear the words of King Yan Luo's question, so he casually said, "No comments. Just listen to your arrangement." After saying that, I turned my head and looked at Huang Quan, which means to see if my answer was feasible or not. Huang Quan nodded without expressing any opinions or suggestions.

King Yan nodded and said, "That's good. Black and white are impermanent. It's up to you to take Huangfu Yuran to the 18th floor of hell. This time, you are the only one to ask! Go ahead!"

Bai Wuchang and Hei Wuchang turned their heads and looked at Huang Quan at the same time. The two of them were unable to say anything. On the way, they met Huang Quan and robbed people. Naturally, they would inevitably be punished when they returned to this Yanluo Hall. Now he wants to throw this hot potato to himself, and Huang Quan is still staring at it.

Bai Wuchang said awkwardly, "I...king... Shangxian...this...this..." But I haven't been able to say anything for a long time.

Huang Quan saw the embarrassment of Bai Wuchang, so he raised his hand and said, "Take him there. I'll go first. You take him to see the spectacular scene of the 18th floor of hell. You have to leave some memory or something when you come here!" After saying that, he took a bad look at Huangfu Yuran, and then disappeared into the hall.

Huang Quan disappeared, and the king of Yanluo and Judge Lu were relieved, reached out to wipe the cold sweat that did not exist on their foreheads, and then said to black and white impermanence, "Okay, you two take Huangfu Yuran over quickly. In addition, none of us can afford to offend the immortals.

Black and white impermanence came to Huangfu Yuran, and now they have the courage to lock Huangfu Yuran up again. Bai Wuchang said kindly, "The matter here has been settled. Let's go and take you to see the 18th floor of hell and the Senluo Hall along the way."

Huangfu Yuran gently shrugged his eyebrows and said, "What the hell? ...Well, let's lead the way, but don't go too fast. I'm a little tired."

As long as Huangfu Yuran does not embarrass them, they have nothing to say. They nodded and walked out of the hall first, and Huangfu Yuran also followed them step by step.

After leaving the Yanluo Hall, Huangfu Yuran still looked back at the majestic gate of the Yanluo Hall with deep meaning. This trip is also worth the trip. At least he has even entered the Yanluo Hall, and then there are 18 layers of hell...

Black and white impermanence turned directly to the left with Huangfu Yuran. At a glance, the left side was in the dark and could not see anything. The unknown in the darkness made Huangfu play drums at the bottom of his heart. Similarly, I am also full of curiosity about the 18th floor of hell. The things that must be experienced in this life are about to be faced now, and I am still a little nervous.

Bai Wuchang turned his head and looked at Huangfu Yuran, knowing that Huangfu Yuran now has a lot of questions in his heart. So he pointed to the front and said, "There is a portal. In fact, the whole underworld is not on the same plane, that is, it is not in the same space. Maybe it sounds a little strange. When you really see it, you will know that I am not groundless.

As they spoke, the three had already reached the darkness. From a distance, it was completely dark. When they came closer, they found that the real dark area was only a round hole wide for two people.

Huangfu Yuran thought that this was the portal mentioned in Bai Wuchang's mouth. He walked a few steps forward and walked around the back of the door and looked at nothing. Huangfu Yuran turned back and pointed to the black hole and said, "Here? Do you want to go in?"

Bai Wuchang nodded, and Hei Wuchang stretched out one hand and grabbed Huangfu Yuran's hand, and the three walked into the black hole at the same time.

Huangfu Yuran felt a darkness in front of his eyes, and then saw a completely different scene from the outside. The darkness that was originally empty was no longer dark at this time. A path appeared in front of him, and the road was covered with unknown sand. Both sides of the path are full of blood-red flowers, and the whole space is a blood-red ocean.

The delicate blood-red flowers stood alone on the branches one by one. It was strange that the flower did not have a leaf. The air is full of strong fragrance, which makes people feel rippled, and I can't help touching the sweetness.

Huangfu Yuran took a deep breath and bent down to the roadside to pick a flower. Bai Wuchang stretched out his hand and pulled Huangfu Yuran up, shook his head and said, "You'd better not touch it. It's for your own good!" Huangfu Yuran frowned and asked, "Why?"

After asking, Huangfu Yuran thought of a rumor and said curiously, "Is this...the flower on the other side?"

Bai Wuchang raised his eyelids, nodded and shook his head and said, "To be precise, it is called Manzhu Shahua. It is rumored in the outside world that it is called the other side flower. This is the wheel circuit. Those who walk through this road are all people who are about to step into reincarnation. There is a very beautiful story about Manzhu Shahua. After all, the flowers and leaves are mistaken for their own reasons.

Huangfu Yuran looked up at his back and didn't find the black hole when he came at all. He pointed behind him and said in surprise, "What's going on? Where's the door?"

"There is no way to hell, that's it. If you step on Huangquan Road, you are doomed to not be able to turn back. You can only walk forward and experience 18 layers of hell reincarnation. He was impermanent and said lightly.

Huangfu Yuran blinked his eyes. Now that he has come, it is impossible to turn back. So he turned around and said to Bai Wuchang, "Do you think there is a beautiful story about the flower on the other side? Tell me..."

Bai Wuchang stretched out his hand and pulled Huangfu Yuran's body and said, "Speak while walking. There is still a long way to finish this story."

Huangfu Yuran hummed and walked forward along the flower path first. Walking in this bright area, Huangfu Yuran felt that his mood was slowly becoming quiet and calm.

Bai Wuchang walked behind Huangfu Yuran and told the story belonging to Manzhu Shahua: "Manzhu Shahua was originally the names of two people, Manzhu and Shahua. He was originally a loving couple, but some things were not as perfect as imagined. For some reasons that can't be influenced, Manzhu, a near-perfect woman, unfortunately left the original world. Manzhu came to the underworld with her deep love for Shahua. At first, she would rather die than drink Meng Po soup than go to the bridge, because she was afraid that she would forget the love of this life. However, there are rules in the underworld, and Manzhu, who was forced to jump down the Yellow Spring River resolutely. Once the soul body enters the yellow spring, the soul will fly away for a moment.

Bai Wuchang paused for a moment and continued, "It was at that time that Huang Quan helped a soul for the first time. Huang Quan was felt by her true feelings, turned her into a seed, and then brought her here, because this is the only place to go through reincarnation. Manzhu took root in this way, and soon bloomed bright flowers, just as you can see now. At that time, only that flower existed, and there was no such fragrance. Until Shahua appeared on this circuit, and Shahua just hurried by and didn't even look at Manzhu. Manzhu's heart was stung and the flowers gradually withered. She had to wait for Shahua's next reincarnation.

Huangfu Yuran couldn't wait to turn around and ask, "Didn't you say that the flowers and leaves on the other side don't see each other? Hearing what you said, I didn't mention the leaves!"

Bai Wuchang waved his hand and said, "Listen to me. Don't be impatient. By the next time the flower blooms, it will no longer be a flower, but many more bright flowers. It turned out that Manzhu thought that one of her flowers could not attract Shahua's attention, so she bloomed a few more. However, once again, Shahua walked through this road and still did not notice the existence of Manzhu and stepped into reincarnation again. I don't know how many reincarnations have experienced, and the flowers on the other side have filled the whole space. They are no longer waiting for the opening of Shahua reincarnation, but blooming every year, waiting for Shahua in her mind. However, after several generations of reincarnation, Shahua still didn't look at Manzhu, and he didn't even look back gently.

"Then how did they meet?" Huangfu Yuran was fascinated and wanted to know the result directly.

Bai Wuchang smiled and said, "Manzhu released her own fragrance. Finally, after Shahua smelled the fragrance, her body paused for a moment and finally couldn't remember anything, although the fragrance was so familiar. At the next reincarnation, Huangquan still told Shahua everything, and Shahua saw Sanshengshi and knew Manzhu. With the help of Huang Quan, Shahua finally found Shahua, that is, those flowers. But at that time, Manzhu was in a state of withering, so Shahua did not see Manzhu. Looking at this familiar place, Sha Hua finally thought of the fragrance in his memory and regretted that he had passed by Manzhu in several generations of reincarnation. Manzhu can wait for several generations of reincarnation for Shahua, and Shahua can also wait for Manzhu. At the request of Shahua, Huangquan turned Shahua into the leaves of the flowers on the other side. When the flowers bloom on the other side, the leaves will wither and wither, and the flowers and leaves will not see each other, and they will be wrong!"

Huangfu Yuran said to himself, "It turned out to be like this. It's really a sad story. The flowers and leaves don't see each other, and they are wrong... That's right, Shahua knows about this, but what about Manzhu? Does she know?"