can shi

Chapter 303 Death in Hell

Bai Wuchang smiled and looked at Huangfu Yuran's nervous expression and said, "It's okay. It's not troublesome at all. You won't have so many problems for you to experience it yourself." With that, he was going to find his hand to catch Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran stared, and his body immediately took a step back and said in surprise, "Don't mess around. I have something else. I can't stay here for too long. I will definitely experience it myself next time I come." Huangfu Yuran really regarded this place as his own backyard, and he would come as soon as he said!

Bai Wuchang was originally to scare Huangfu Yuran. Seeing Huangfu Yuran's panicked expression, he smiled and said, "It's just to scare you. This blood pool is not like ordinary blood. This blood concentration is quite high. Anyone who enters the blood pool will break through the skin and flow into this blood pool, which is why the blood pool has not dried up for thousands of years. Therefore, entering the blood pool means that the blood will run out!"

Hearing the white impermanence words, Huangfu's scalp is numb, and blood is the spring of human life. If the spring flows out, people will only die! Thinking of this, he immediately turned around and ran away and ran towards the portal, although Huangfu Yuran enjoyed the bloody smell here.

Looking at Huangfu Yuran fleeing in a panic, the black and white impermanence looked at each other and laughed at the same time, and finally found what Huangfu Yuran was afraid of.

After passing through the portal, Huangfu Yuran and Black and White appeared in a very spacious house. There are many wooden shelves in the house, each with a person tied to it. And there is a big table in the middle of the house. At this time, a group of little ghosts are doing something around the table.

Out of curiosity, Huangfu raised his foot to the big table. Hei Wuchang said faintly behind him, "I advise you not to watch it. It's up to you."

Huangfu Yuran's body trembled when he heard the impermanent voice, but his curiosity was even heavier. Huangfu Yuran held his head high and said, "What can't you see? The more you say that, the more I want to see it!"

Hei Wuchang seemed to know that Huangfu Yuran would say so, so he made a gesture to stand aside. Huangfu Yuran took a suspicious look at black and white impermanence and turned to the big table.

Feering the arrival of Huangfu Yuran, the two little ghosts around the table immediately bowed back and gave Huangfu Yuran in. Huangfu Yuran stood in and turned around and rushed out, and ran to the side with dry vomiting.

Huangfu Yuran couldn't understand what he saw at that glance. The table was full of human parts, human visceral brains and so on scattered a table.

Huangfu Yuran vomited for a while, stroked his chest and stood up and looked at the table with lingering heart. Bai Wuchang came over and said with a smile, "I told you not to look at it. You have to look at it. Do you see it now? Are you satisfied?"

Huangfu Yuran muttered in his throat and gasped, "Full...satisfied! What's the point of this hell?" With that, he raised his hand and patted his chest.

Bai Wuchang looked at Huangfu Yuran with a smile and said, "The fourteenth level of torture hell, this hell is rare now, but this sin is very great. That is, the person who digs graves and digs will be sentenced to hell after death. It is to disassemble the whole person with knives, axes and scissors, and every joint should be disassembled.

Huangfu Yuran was uncomfortable and quickly turned around and said, "Okay, I know. Let's go." He said that he walked to the portal in a hurry and ignored the black and white impermanence behind his back.

With the precedent of punishment in hell, Huangfu Yuran was no longer reckless, and the remaining floors hurriedly asked and turned around and left. This is unexpected, but Huangfu Yuran left a shadow in his heart.

On the fifteenth floor of hell, Huangfu Yuran stood in a smokey crater and looked down at the rolling magma and flames below. He didn't know what he was thinking. Bai Wuchang explained, "Volcano hell is actually this volcano. This layer is relatively extensive. People who damage public fat, bribe, take bribes, steal chickens and dogs, rob people's money, and set fire to them. After death, they will go into the volcanic hell and be driven into the volcano and burned alive without dying. In addition, there are monks and Taoist priests who violate the precepts. He was also driven into the volcano.

Huangfu Yuran gave a faint pause, took a look at the people struggling in the magma below, just frowned gently, and then turned to the portal and said, "Go, the next floor!"

Without any hesitation, the three appeared in the next level of hell. Huangfu Yuran looked at the stone mill in front of him and asked in surprise, "In the sun, I heard people say that money can make ghosts grind. Is this the so-called mill?"

Bai Wuchang shook his head and said, "No, this is the 16th stone mill hell. This stone mill is a punishment. Anyone who tramples on grain, thieves, thieves, corrupt officials, and oppressing the people will go to hell after death. Grind it into meat sauce, then reshape the body and grind it again! In addition, there are monks who eat meat, and so are Taoist priests. The stone mill you mentioned is used to punish lazy people and grind grains.

While Bai Wuchang spoke, the kid stuffed a man into the stone mill, and after a while, the meat pulp flowed out of the stone mill. Huangfu Yuran's eyes widened, his body trembled, and then turned around and said faintly, "Let's go, the next floor!"

Black and white impermanence was stunned for a moment, looked at Huangfu Yuran's back, and gently shook his head to follow. Huangfu Yuran did not want to delay, but just coincided with the will of black and white impermanence.

In a blink of an eye, he reached the next floor, and Huangfu Yuran went out and walked a few steps to turn around and leave. Because Huangfu Yuran saw a scene that he didn't want to see, he saw a person with no body tied upside down to four wooden stakes, and his whole body presented an upside down "big" character. Two little ghosts were pulling a saw and sawing the man, and in a moment the man was sawed in half.

Bai Wuchang saw Huangfu Yuran walking in front of him suddenly turn around and said lightly, "This is the 17th layer of knife saw hell. Anyone who cut corners in the sun, deceives the top and the bottom, abducts women and children, and buys unfair people will be beaten into the knife saw hell after death. Take off the clothes of the comer, tie them on the four wooden stakes in a "big" shape, start from the crotch to the head, and cut them with a saw.

Huangfu Yuran trembling all over, and his hands couldn't help covering his crotch. Fearing that the saw sawed to himself, he was so scared that he quickly tightened his legs and turned around and ran away.

Bai Wuchang smiled behind Huangfu Yuran and said, "What are you afraid of? It's not about sawing you. You have thought about it. We are about to go to the 18th floor of hell, and you are about to see Huangquan and Pluto. You'd better be mentally prepared first, so as not to blame us for not reminding you late.

Huangfu Yuran, who was bowing his head and walking to the portal, shook his body and stopped and turned to look at the white impermanence slowly floating over, looking helpless and curious. Thinking that I am about to go to the 18th floor of hell, that is to say, I can go back to the real world immediately, and I will inevitably feel a little excited.

I just want to see the master of the underworld, but I'm still a little worried. So he nodded and said, "Okay, shall we talk as we walk?"

Bai Wuchang shook his head and said, "No, there is a lot to say. I entered the portal and reached the 18th floor in the blink of an eye, and there was no time to say it at all. So it's better to leave after talking here, don't you have any problem?"

To be honest, Huangfu Yuran didn't want to stay here, but there was no other way, so he had no choice but to nod and said, "What else can I say? Come on, let's make a long story short.

Bai Wuchang knew that Huangfu Yuran didn't want to stay here for too long. He smiled and said, "This 18th floor of hell is called a hell in vain. You know, it is not easy to come to this world as a human being. It is the opportunity given to you by the Lord of Hell. If you don't cherish it, you will commit suicide, such as taking poison, hanging and others, which will anger the Lord of Hell. After death, you will never want to be a human being. Therefore, people who are advised to live, no matter how difficult it is, they should also live tenaciously. Suicide is a sign of cowardice. Especially those young people who died in emotional failure.

Huangfu Yuran frowned gently. This hell of death in vain was very special, but he didn't know why he put himself into the hell of death in vain. So Huangfu Yuran asked curiously, "You also said that this hell of death in vain is specially prepared for those who committed suicide and died in vain. Why did you beat me into hell in vain?" Am I also dead in vain?"

Hei Wuchang glanced at Huangfu Yuran faintly and hummed gently in his nose. Bai Wuchang pulled his finger and said, "There are two reasons. First, you did commit suicide. What's the difference between suicide and suicide? Second, His Royal Highness Pluto is in this hell in vain. If he wants to see you, he can only send you here. Do you understand that?"

Huangfu Yuran narrowed his eyes and nodded, and then asked, "But I don't know what kind of person Pluto is? He and Huang Quan..."

Bai Wuchang waved his hand and said, "No one knows what kind of person Pluto is in the underworld, because no one has ever seen his true face. He and Xianchang are completely two kinds of people. At least Xianchang has a time to reason, but no one can think about Pluto's character. Perhaps only Xianchang can figure out his temper. You'd better be cautious yourself.

Huangfu Yuran nodded, turned around and said, "I know. Let's go there now." With that, he seemed to think of something and turned around and looked at Bai Wuchang and asked, "You just said that once you go to hell in vain, you will never want to be a person again?" With so many suicides and deaths in vain, isn't it overcrowding to die in vain?

Huangfu Yuran's idea is that there must be many people in hell, because people who die in vain can't be reincarnated, so they are all gathered in the hell of death in vain.