can shi

Chapter 353 Man Dance Light

Light rain is not a person with a high status in the sect, but he is also respected.

First, light rain is the only female elder of the free school. The second is the cultivation of light rain. Light rain is indifferent and does not like to compete for fame and profit, so no one knows how light rain's cultivation is, because no one has ever seen light rain really take action. However, there is a rumor in Xiaoyao that Qingyu is the person with the deepest cultivation in Xiaoyao except for the head of Qinglingzi.

Light rain coldly looked at the lightness of the storm state, and there was no mental fluctuation at all. Although the careless use of the forbidden spell has raised the cultivation to a higher level, it still does not pay attention to it.

This sudden increase in cultivation is okay to scare people, but it is in vain. Due to the unstable foundation, using this beyond-limit cultivation will also bring unbearable loads.

"Do you really want to fight with me? Brother..." He didn't turn around and still stared at the huge sword bound by himself and said faintly.

With a ferocious face, the blue veins on his face are exposed, and his eyes are red like a beast who chooses people to eat. The heavy gasp scolded in his light-hearted mouth, making the deep cave even more solemn.

He stared at the light rain and shouted, "What other truth do you tell me now? What I pursue is endless power, and I want to surpass the existence of my master. This is the path I choose, but anyone who stops me will die!"

Qingyu's eyes closed. Although he had long thought that the result would be like this, it was still difficult for a while to accept these words when he really came out of his careless mouth.

He shook his hand and sent the huge sword to the front of Qingxin, took back his ribbon and whispered, "Brother, it may be too late to wake up now. Think about the time when we practiced with the master together, at that time... Qingyu was still a little girl who could only cry, and you were always defending me as a little sister. It's you who... gave me such a good environment to grow up. Light rain... Why did you force me if I didn't want to take action against any of you?"

He beckoned and took the giant sword back to the prototype in his hand and said with a cold smile, "How many years ago, history is changing, and human nature is also changing. I am no longer the first careless, and you are no longer the little girl who can only act coquettishly. Your growth makes everyone look away and makes you a genius in everyone's eyes. You are the closest person to God. But what about this?"

took a deep breath and then said, "The past will eventually turn into dust and drift away in the memory of the world of cultivation. If you turn over a page, you will never go back to the past. Today, let me have a good look at your strength as a genius by the whole Xiaoyao School. I must prove that... I can killed God!"

Light rain shook her head gently with her eyes closed, which was the last thing she wanted to see. Light rain hates war and kills, so it has been hidden for decades and has never taken action.

The current behavior of frivolity reminds Qingyu of Qingyang's explanation and cleans up the door on his behalf, which is the task of Qingyu. But in front of him is his brother, who grew up together.

The recklessness of the rampage did not care about the expression of the light rain. Zhenyuan condensed on the sword and shouted loudly and rushed to the light rain that still closed his eyes.

The light rain closed eyes shrugged, and the real yuan under his feet fluctuated slightly, and the whole person floated up. With the careless approach, the light rain's body retreated like floating in the wind.

The distance between the two has always been maintained at about one foot, and it is impossible to take it lightly and take it any closer. It is impossible to hurt light rain at such a distance, and it is difficult to encounter light rain.

He snorted lightly and shouted coldly, "It turns out that the cultivation closest to the leader can only avoid it? Stop fighting with me!" With that, he shook his hand and waved a sword spirit.

The distance of one foot is almost negligible for sword spirit, and it has reached the top of the head of the light rain in the blink of an eye. The air flow brought by the sword spirit floated up the hair of the light rain, and also blew away the closed eyes of the light rain.

The moment Qingyu opened his eyes, his body floated to one side along the flow of air. The sword spirit roared past his ears and only cut off a few hairs of Qingyu.

He watched his sword roaring towards the opposite wall and turned his face in consterred at the light rain still floating in the air leisurely.

Qingyu seemed to know the meaning of light-heartedly and said with a smile, "This has nothing to do with cultivation. If you integrate yourself into nature, you can become one with nature. As long as your move drives a trace of air flow, you can push me out.

When he heard this, he slowly closed his eyes, quickly changed his movements in his hand, and sang something in a low voice. Qingyu did not stop the careless action. She wanted to really understand that strength could not represent everything.

At the end of the careless action, five exactly the same careless actions appeared around. And the real lightness has long been dodged behind the light rain, and a black air mark flashed in the palm of his hand to the heart of the light rain, with an evil smile on the corners of his mouth.

The light rain still shook his head gently. When the palm of his hand was about to touch him, his body was like a willow catkins being blown away by the wind and wanted to drift away. The black palm patted out from one side without touching a piece of sleeves.

After Qingyu floated out, he turned around and smiled softly at Qingxin and said faintly, "Remember... Brother, you like to watch Qingyu dance the most. Let Qingyu dance the last dance for you today." After saying that, he really danced in mid-air. At this time, the light rain has come to clean up the door for the free school, but can it really be done at that time?

I have to say that the light rain dances beautifully, like a nine-day fairy, and every move attracts people's attention. It's just that how can he appreciate this unique dance now? He is now about to kill his dancing sister in front of him.

The light rain dance began, and the light rain also moved. Six light rains moved at the same time, and one by one rushed to the light rain that was dancing. The eyes are shining with the breathtaking light, and the surrounding air is full of messy Zhenyuan.

When the figure flashed, the light rain did not stop his dancing posture. The lightness moving with the wind is undoubtedly revealed in this kind of fighting at this time. The careless killing moves are obvious, and the moves are deadly moves.

Desp>In spite of this, there is still nothing to do with the light rain that is dancing. One move is always the slightest difference in the dance of the light rain. The action of light rain shows its elegance and freshness under the background of this killing move.

When he realized that he could not hurt the light rain, he immediately withdrew his moves, and the split disappeared at this moment. Qingyu also happened to dance. Qingyu, who stopped, looked up at the slight gasp and sighed, "You are too obsessed to lose yourself. It's all reasonable. It's just that the reputation of the Xiaoyao faction cannot be tarnished. I will clean up the door on behalf of the head today!"

After saying that, Qingyu didn't do anything, and saw more than a dozen ribbons flying out behind Qingyu. In the blink of an eye, the careless was wrapped up, and the careless was wrapped tightly without even the minimum reaction time.

He struggled lightly and said, "No! I'm not convinced! Why did I practice so hard and end up like this in the end? I don't understand why I can't hold on to the next round? I...I can't close my eyes!"

Qingyu grabbed the ribbon, gently stroked the green silk of the temples, and said faintly, "I'll let you understand that your cultivation is so slow to enter the world is because of the obsession in your heart. Because you can't let it go, you can't get it! You can't even see through the world, so how can you understand the more profound way of cultivation?

"The reason why I can defeat you so easily is not that my cultivation is much higher than yours. Just because I understand the world, I am a part of this world. Imagine how manpower can compete with heaven? It's not me who fights with you, but everything in this world, including yourself. To put it simply, you are defeated in your own hands.

"Brother, the light rain can make rapid progress by letting go of all the obsessions in your heart. It's just that you have been unable to let go of the light rain. You brothers who have been accompanying the light rain all the way. And those children who want to protect light rain can give up everything, even life, for them!"

When Qingyu finished speaking, he already had a long sword in his hand. The Xiaoyao School mainly practiced swords. Although the weapons used by the disciples were different, everyone had their own sword.

The light rain slowly floated towards the lightness bound by ribbons, and the sword in his hand trembled slightly. I really want to kill my brother with my own hands. This decision has long been deeply stung by the compassionate light rain.

After listening to the light rain's words, he closed his eyes and his eyebrows trembled as if he were receiving spiritual punishment. After a long time, he opened his eyes lightly, looked at the slowly approaching light rain, and said with a smile, "I... understand. Because the obsession produced a demon and caused such a big trouble. Light rain, you have grown up and no longer need the protection of your brother. The senior brother made such a mistake, smeared the reputation of the Xiaoyao faction and apologized himself with death. It's light and contented to die in the hands of the little sister. it." With that, he slowly closed his eyes.

When Qingyu opened his eyes and spoke lightly, the sword in his hand stopped. The careless eyes have returned to the Qingming of the past, and then said that. How can the light rain still be done?

Seeing that he closed his eyes and completely gave up resistance, he withdrew his sword and ribbon, turned around and floated to the entrance of the cave. He said lightly, "Brother, you go. The light rain won't embarrass you. Just think of Qingyu and your brother's care for Qingyu for many years. Take care of yourself.

The faint words could not hide the excitement of the light rain, and their eyes had long been full of tears, but they resisted not looking back at the familiar figure.