can shi

Chapter 388 Scaring the Enemy

Liu He walked over and examined the wounds on the two people. After thinking for a long time, he sighed and said, "This is not a simple illusion array. There should be a killing array hidden in it, and this last blow is definitely not the effect of the formation. It seems that there are people who can control people's hearts in this array."

"What kind of formation can have such power? Not to mention the fatal wound, even those extra small wounds are enough to kill them. Moreover, we don't know this formation, and there are still practitioners hidden in the array. We are looking for our own death!" Some people are no longer willing to take such risks.

Liu He also frowned at this time, narrowed his eyes and said, "You can know that this method is very powerful. If I guess correctly, this should be the rumored phantom killing array! The magic array is mixed with the killing array, which makes people unconsciously die in the killing array when they are confused by the illusion array.

After hearing Liu He's words, everyone's eyes widened and were shocked. Phantom Killing Array is not particularly mysterious in the cultivation world. Most people know the existence of Phantom Killing Array. However, everyone knows that the phantom killing array is banned. At this time, it is indeed incredible to see the phantom killing array in the frozen magic realm, which also adds unexpected difficulty and surprise to this trip to the demon realm.

Liu He waved his hand and said, "There will be more practitioners coming here later. We can only wait for their arrival for a while and then find another way. With us, we can't break the phantom killing at all, and we will only risk our lives in vain. The frozen demon realm can't be so quiet. Maybe there will be more accidents waiting for us after this illusion. Let's leave the frozen demon realm first and wait for the arrival of the large army!" After saying that, he turned around and left.

These people were not together in the first place, but they met on the way here, and they were led by Liu He, the highest cultivation. At this time, Liu He turned around and left, and no one wanted to stay here anymore. They turned around and left one by one.

In a moment, dozens of people left, and there were only two terrible bodies left in the vast snowfield.

Huangfu Yuran flashed back to Qingyu and sighed and said, "This is the root of human beings. It is always so selfish in the face of danger. Zhu Yan, those two will be dealt with by you!" With that, he pointed to the two poor bodies not far away.

Zhu Yan nodded and looked up and roared at the sky. He saw the ice and snow surging around the two bodies, and buried the two bodies in an instant. In the blink of an eye, it has turned into two piles of skeletons, and the flesh and blood have long been lost.

Huangfu Yuran nodded and acquiesced to Zhu Yan's practice, which is also a reminder to those practitioners that not everyone can come to the frozen magic realm, nor can anyone invade it.

Huangfu Yuran turned around and left. No one will come here for the time being. Huangfu Yuran also heard Liu He's words just now. They didn't dare to set foot in the frozen magic field again until most of the practitioners arrived.

However, it is not as simple as a sentence to break the phantom killing array. I'm afraid there will still be several lives at that time. Without knowing how the array is manipulated, someone still needs to explore the array, and naturally someone will die in the array.

Qingyu looked back at the two piles of skeletons and shook his head helplessly and turned away. As for Zhu Yan and Ice Phoenix Blue Rain, perhaps they have long been used to this kind of scene and don't care about human life and death. They now only know how to protect young masters and others, and the life of others has nothing to do with them.

When returning to the cave of Blue Rain, everyone was looking forward to it. Seeing Huangfu Yuran and Qingyu coming back, they came up one by one to ask what was going on. Huangfu Yuran briefly told everyone what happened at that time. Seeing the cautious expression on everyone's faces, Huangfu Yuran shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't worry, they didn't arrive so soon. Besides, the phantom killing array is not so easy to be broken."

Linger nodded, frowned and said, "That being said, don't forget that we are facing the whole world of cultivation, not to mention the Tianyan Pavilion, which is familiar with the array. Even other sects may know about this phantom killing array. At that time..."

Hearing Linger's words, others also echoed, "Ling'er is right. Maybe we should find a way to deal with the coming disaster."

Huangfu Yuran narrowed his eyes and looked around. He still saw a little panic but did not find any fear. This is also what Huangfu Yuran wants to see. In the face of the whole world of cultivation, it is impossible to move like a mountain. Huangfu Yuran said lightly, "It is just a measure of rights and interests to use the phantom killing array to block the pursuers. At that time, it is inevitable that swords and soldiers will face each other. Are you... afraid? Otherwise... They came for my Huangfu Yuran. If you leave the frozen demon realm, I will deal with all this alone!" Huangfu Yuran deliberately said this to see what everyone thought.

As soon as Huangfu Yuran's words came out, someone was immediately unhappy. Chen Yu was the first to stand up and said with a straight face and said, "Yuran, it's wrong for you to say so. We are all brothers. How can you face the whole world of cultivation alone?"

"Yes, since we can come here, no one will be afraid! In their eyes, we are all in the same boat, and I'm afraid they won't let us go even if we leave. In this case, it's better to do it vigorously, even if you die!" Dian Yun also stood next to Chen Yu and said passionately.

Lin Yang walked to Huangfu Yuran and reached out and patted Huangfu Yuran on the shoulder and said with deep meaning, "Brother, where else do you think I can go? Maybe some of these practitioners have been sent by the emperor to chase me, Lin Yang. It's not a dead end to go out! Don't get me wrong. Everyone just wants to fight as little as possible. You don't have to work hard until you have to. After all, you don't have to worry about firewood!"

Huangfu Yuran turned his head and looked at the crowd. Everyone nodded and agreed with Lin Yang's words, so Huangfu Yuran said, "Okay, then act according to the opportunity. If it doesn't work, you can escape. At worst, just break into the world of cultivation again."

After saying that, he suddenly thought of something. He pinched the formula in his hand and half closed his eyes and whispered a few formulas in his mouth. Everyone was curious about what Huangfu Yuran had done, but they didn't ask much, and the doubts on their faces flashed by.

However, this doubt was still caught by Huangfu Yuran. Huangfu Yuran smiled and whispered, "Most of the sects in the whole Xiuzhen world have sent people to the frozen demon realm, so their mountain gate..."

The light rain's eyes flashed and he said in surprise, "You mean that their mountain gate is empty at this time. If the backyard catches fire, the danger of the frozen demon realm will naturally ease!"

Huangfu Yuran nodded with a smile and said, "That's why I have used the soul secret method to send messages to the Hydra in the Canglan Sea, the poverty and gluttony in the wilderness, the golden black and fire phoenix from the fire, and the phoenix in 100,000 mountains. Let them find an opportunity to attack the big mountain gates. Since they want to make a scene, make a bigger noise! I want to see if I am important or the whole world of cultivation!"

I have to say that Huangfu Yuran's method of surrounding Wei and saving Zhao is really good. When the mountain gate is empty, they will attack their mountain gate. Are they still in the mood to chase Huangfu Yuran, who may not be killed in the frozen demon realm?

Of course, the fact is negative. If they enter, the spirit beasts will attack their sect, and their retreating spirit beasts will disappear. This is Huangfu Yuran's plan to retreat. Moreover, the strength of the spirit beast is not weaker than that of the number of practitioners. It remains to be seen who is the real winner.

It is said that Liu He took someone to withdraw from the frozen demon realm and happened to meet Bai Xiaosheng and others who came. Seeing Liu He take people out of the frozen demon realm, Bai Xiaosheng asked in surprise, "Uncle, why did you withdraw? Is it possible that Huangfu Yuran is no longer in the frozen demon realm? Bai Xiaosheng never received the news that he had never seen Huangfu Yuran leave the frozen demon realm.

Liu He shook his head gently and said, "Yu Jie, don't you know everything? You don't have to ask me about this kind of thing, right?"

Bai Xiaosheng and Yu Jie smiled and scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Uncle laughed. How dare Yu Jie be arrogant? Is it possible that this Huangfu Yuran has really left the frozen demon realm?"

Liu He was just joking and waved his hand and said, "That's not true. It's just that I came out without even seeing Huangfu Yuran's face."

Huh? Why is this? Since he knew that Huangfu Yuran was in the frozen demon realm, why did he return without success? I didn't even see people's faces!" The sword of Tianjianmen said coldly.

Liu He shook his head again and said, "The frozen demon realm is not as simple as we think. In this frozen demon realm, there are not only spirit beasts. We are blocked by the array and lost two out-of-body people. In desperation, I retreated and waited for the people who could break the array to come. I can't watch your Taoist friends die!"

Luo Bin is known as the divine calculation, which is also regarded as the people who know the array best in the field. The formation that can force Liu He, who has cultivated during the combination period, must not be a simple formation, so he asked curiously, "I don't know what kind of formation Elder Liu has encountered. Maybe the younger generation may be able to help."

Liu He turned his head to look at Luo Bin, shook his head and said, "Although Tianyan Pavilion is good at arrays, it may not be able to analyze all arrays. Even if your head comes, I'm afraid he may not break this array. What we have encountered is the legendary phantom killing array!"

"What? How can the arrays banned in the world of cultivation appear here? Luo Bin's eyes suddenly widened.