can shi

Chapter 418 Chasing and Interception

The man in black glanced at the yellow warbler, sighed and turned around and left. Since the true yuan of the yellow warbler has been sealed, there is no need to be afraid that the yellow warbler will leave the palace again. Just tell the maid to take good care of the princess. A true person without cultivation can't make any big waves.

I don't know how long it took, the dazed yellow warbler slowly came back to her senses, slowly sat up to wipe her tears, took out a fast dragon-shaped jade pendant from her arms and gently stroked it, and her eyes were full of tenderness. He muttered, "I knew you would come to me, because you promised me!" I know you will take me away. I'll wait for you!"

At this time, Huang Ying's eyes showed a firm look, and she had prepared for the worst in her heart. If the Mingxiao Empire came to welcome the marriage, and Huangfu Yuran had not yet arrived, the yellow Ying would choose to die and leave the world first.

So many things have happened, and Huangfu Yuran and his party have more or less noticed that the practitioners flying high in the sky are out of reach for ordinary people, but they are also practitioners, and the fluctuation of the true element during the flight still attracted everyone's attention.

Zhao Xin and others also told Huangfu Yuran about this situation several times, but Huangfu Yuran didn't care at all and still sat in the carriage and watched the flowers slowly. All the practitioners went towards the Cangyun Empire. Huangfu Yuran saw this in his eyes and thought about how to deal with it.

But he was afraid that there would be some special situation, and he was also worried about the safety of the yellow warbler. He unconsciously accelerated the speed of the journey, and even wanted to fly in the air like a true cultivator. Huangfu Yuran buried this anxiety in his heart. Even Linger in the same carriage didn't notice anything. They only knew that the speed of progress was much faster now.

All this has not escaped the eyes of people with intentions. Yu Jie and others have long been waiting in the dense forest outside the imperial city of the Cangyun Empire.

Yu Jie pointed to a piece of parchment on the ground and said, "This is the map of this area. Let's plan how to surround Huangfu Yuran."

Everyone looked down at the map on the ground and couldn't help admiring Yu Jie's ability. Although the map was a little abstract, it could be said to have everything. It seems that Yu Jie has put a lot of effort into getting this kind of map in a short time.

Yu Jie pointed to one of the largest palaces and said, "Here... is the imperial city of the Cangyun Empire, and we are here now... Huangfu Yuran is in the northwest direction, which should be this position. There are three ways to enter the imperial city from the northwest. This is the official road, with a wide view of the plain. This is a mountain road, during which you have to pass through Cuiyun Peak, and the last one is to walk through this valley. I will tell you the general situation in one breath,

"So Brother Yu thinks that Huangfu Yuran is most likely to pass by? Is it an official road, or a risky mountain forest or valley? Luo Bin stroked his long beard and asked with his lips slightly.

Yu Jie frowned and thought for a long time, and finally said, "To be honest, I don't know... I can't figure out what Huangfu Yuran is thinking, so..."

"How to deal with that? I don't know which side he is going and how to ambush?

Yu Jie looked around the dense people and said with a smile, "Since it's not clear, it will be blocked in an all-round way. If we come to so many people this time, I'm afraid we will fall behind if we let him go. In this way... Our soldiers are divided into four routes, and I will take a group of people to wait in the official road. Luo Bin and Shi Wutian took a group of people to ambush in the mountains and forests, and the Ye Dynasty took a group of people to ambush in the valley. As for the Xiaoyao faction... Brother Lu Qing and Lu, your body is the best, so please take people to wait in the sky.

Lu Qing said doubtfully and asked, "Sky? Don't they ride carriages and horses? There is no need for the sky. Can't their horses fly? Lu Qing is too lazy to waste Zhenyuan and has been floating in the sky.

Yu Jie waved his hand to interrupt Lu Qing's complaint and said cautiously, "No, they are all practitioners. How can they be judged by common sense? Can't they abandon the carriages and horses and fly over the sky? Take all factors into account. As long as he comes, he will be unable to escape unless he does not come to the Cangyun Empire. It's just..." he said with a mysterious smile at the corners of his mouth.

Everyone felt curious and wanted to know what the smile at the corners of Yu Jie's mouth meant. They were busy asking one by one, "Just what? Is there any reason why he has to come?"

"What is the reason why Huangfu Yuran angrily broke into the Qin Imperial City at the beginning?" Yu Jie did not say it directly, but asked an inexplicable sentence.

It is impossible for practitioners to completely put down the mortal things. What's more, what Yu Jie said was related to He Huangfu Yuran. They nodded and said, "Oh, that time he broke into the Qinhuang City because he wanted to save Lin Yang. What about this time?"

"Yes, Lin Yang, the fourth prince of Daqin, practiced in the Xiaoyao School for ten years and had an unusual friendship with Huangfu Yuran, so Huangfu Yuran left. And this Cangyun Empire also seems to have a disciple of your free school, and it seems that the relationship with Huangfu Yuran is still very ambiguous!" Yu Jie said and turned his eyes to Lu Qing.

Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, and then understood who Yu Jie was talking about. Except for Linger, Huang Ying was the only one who had an ambiguous relationship with Huangfu Yuran in the Xiaoyao School. However, Lu Qing still misunderstood Yu Jie's meaning and half squinted at Yu Jie and asked, "Bai Xiaosheng, you are also sinister enough. Do you want to use Huang Ying as bait to lure Huangfu Yuran?"

Yu Jie shook his head, denied Lu Qing's speculation, and said lightly, "However, there is no need to deal with Huangfu Yu. Huang Ying is the princess of the Cangyun Empire and is about to marry the second prince of the Mingxiao Empire. Do you think Huangfu Yuran will not come to such a big thing?

Huh? Where did you get this news? Is it reliable?" Before Yu Jie said this, there was no sound at all.

Yu Jie waved his hand and said, "Well, that's all I said. As for how I got the news, I naturally have my own way. Just go to ambush according to my arrangement, and don't be afraid that Huangfu Yuran won't appear.

After saying that, Yu Jie turned his hand and took out a piece of parchment with a portrait of a person painted on it. Yu Jie handed the parchment to everyone and said, "This is Huangfu Yuran's current appearance, but he is very proficient in transfigation. However, it is easy to recognize that the sick face is the best evidence. The seriously injured by the killer did not recover so quickly. The others around him haven't changed their appearance much. It can be seen at a glance, and then it's up to us. After saying that, he turned around and left.

Others look at each other. It seems that they can only follow Yu Jie's method at present. As for the marriage between the two countries, they have nothing to do with them, so they don't bother to ask, and it won't affect the world of cultivation!

The righteous people will take action, and the demons will not move. Without Bai Xiaosheng and Tianyan divine calculations, they can't get useful information from Huangfu Yuran, but they are not stupid. They blatantly entered the imperial city of the Cangyun Empire, and their eyes always stay on the righteous people.

Since you don't know where Huangfu Yuran is, the right people will definitely go if they know, then they can find Huangfu Yuran. However, these demons really miscalculated this time. They should not enter the imperial city directly. They can't tell the ears and eyes of the people.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and it still happened in the imperial city. There are eyeliners in the palace. Huang Ying knew the real purpose of these practitioners at the first time. For a while, he began to worry about Huangfu Yuran, who seemed to have forgotten about his marriage.

Most of the reason why Huangfu Yuran came to the Cangyun Empire is because of the yellow warbler, which Huang Ying still understands. But if Huangfu Yuran is in danger for this reason, Huang Ying still doesn't want to see it.

However, Huang Ying's cultivation is now imprisoned. Zhenyuan can't use it, but he can't send a message to Huangfu Yuran. He can only secretly pray that Huangfu Yuran won't come. If you die... there will be a lot less trouble and a lot less worry...

Huang Ying thought of suicide. If the news of her death spread, Huangfu Yuran should not have come, and the marriage between the Mingxiao Empire must have ended. But after thinking over and over again, he still didn't make up his mind, not because he was afraid of death, but because he really died, so where did he put the empire? Where did you put Huangfu Yuran?

Without Huangying, the Cangyun Empire and the Mingxiao Empire will inevitably turn against each other, so under the multilateral attack, the Canyun Empire will be in danger. In other words, with Huangfu Yuran's character, I'm afraid that even if he dies, Huangfu Yuran will also come...

"Okay, then I'll wait until the Mingxiao Empire comes to welcome the marriage, and then you...I..." Huang Ying held her hands on her chest and prayed with her eyes closed.

Huangfu Yuran was on the verge of danger and did not know it. Maybe it was his confidence in his cultivation or his firm belief. What Huangfu Yuran saw in his eyes was only resolute determination.

Looking at the distance not far on the map, they walked for more than half a month, which is also one of the reasons why they used carriages to walk. The speed is not fast, and you can't travel day and night. When you meet the city, you can go in to rest. Walking and stopping for more than half a month can also see the shadow of the imperial city.

"There are still more than 50 miles away from the imperial city of the Cangyun Empire. Are we going to abandon the carriage and fly directly into it?" Dian Yun, who followed the side of the carriage, asked coldly. Naturally, this was Huangfu Yuran in the car.

Huangfu Yuran opened his eyes slightly and said faintly, "If you want to start a war immediately, just fly in. I'm afraid those practitioners will be happy to see such a situation!"

The meaning of Huangfu Yuran's words is still clear. If you fly, you will use Zhenyuan, which will attract the attention of practitioners. If the practitioners find the whereabouts of Huangfu Yuran, it is bound to cause a bloody battle.