can shi

Chapter 433

Gradually, some people feel unsupported, and the army of the Mingxiao Empire has long been dead and injured, and most of them have become the womb of spirit beasts. The whole official road is like purgatory. Blood has been stained red on the ground, and the broken limbs are everywhere, which makes people feel numb to their scalps.

Without the obstruction of the Mingxiao Empire, the pressure of Huangfu Yuran and others will be greater. All the spirit beasts are surrounded, and there are at least three spirit beasts attacking themselves around everyone. Light rain was the highest cultivation and received the highest treatment. More than a dozen spirit beasts attacked the light rain like a wheel battle, and retreated with one blow. It is impossible for light rain to pursue, and you should also pay attention to the attack of the spirit beast behind you.

Several spirit beasts rushed to the carriage, which scared the general of the Mingxiao Empire who was guarding the edge of the carriage. Although his martial arts skills are high, he is not the opponent of this kind of spirit beast. Look at the tragedy of the army he brought, you can know how bloodthirsty these spirit beasts are.

Seeing the spirit beasts rushing up, they were stunned and even forgot to avoid. But the spirit beasts don't care whether you still have the ability to fight back. As long as you are still alive, it is the target of their attack.

The blood basin was close at hand, and the general closed his eyes desperately. Only two sounds were heard, and the carriage behind him was broken into pieces. A long sword with a cold light crossed the general's ear and pierced into the throat of the spirit beast that rushed with its mouth wide open.

Huang Ying kicked the spirit beast that had been pierced through his throat and shouted in a low voice, "Now is not the time to be stunned. Pay attention!" Speaking, he unfolded his body and approached Huangfu Yuran while dealing with the spirit beast.

She can see that most of the attacks of so many spirit beasts and people are greeted by Huangfu Yuran. It's really not easy for Huangfu Yuran to take on so many attacks in a hurry. Since I have done something, I should help Huangfu Yuran more. Whether these things are for the princess of the Cangyun Empire or for Huangfu Yuran, it can't be easily forgiven if you offend yourself.

It seems that the spirit beast also knows where the real threat is, but all the spirit beasts without opponents rushed to Huangfu Yuran. Huang Ying's speed is not slow. A dodge has appeared behind Huangfu Yuran. He raised his sword and opened a strong paw for Huangfu Yuran and whispered, "Yuran, let me stay with you. I'm willing to do anything... Humph!" When he spoke, Zhao Gang had already attacked again and immediately shut up and began to fight back.

With the addition of Huang Ying, Huangfu Yuran is much more relaxed. Huangfu Yuran, who doesn't want to show his real strength, is still a little difficult to deal with so many spirit beasts. Everyone who followed Huangfu Yu also had the same idea as Huangfu Yuran, and did not show the strength of their real practitioners.

More and more spirit beasts joined the ranks of besieging Huangfu Yuran, and Zhao Gang, who had moved with Huang Ying, did not pay attention to Huang Ying at all. If Huang Ying's offensive was not too tight, he would have turned to attack Huangfu Yuran.

Zhao Gang's body dodged Huang Ying's sword, reached out and whistled. A white-fronted tiger behind him rushed up with a roar. Huang Ying quickly flashed aside to look for Zhao Gang's figure. It's just that the white-fronted tiger stared at the yellow warbler, and as long as the yellow warbler moves a little, it will rush over.

Without the obstruction of the yellow warbler, Zhao Gang directly killed Huangfu Yuran, and the steel claws in his hand shone with cold light. It seemed that he saw this claw grab into Huangfu Yuran's chest, and Zhao Gang hung an evil smile on the corners of his mouth.

Huang Ying just saw Zhao Gang's action at the corner of his eyes, and Huangfu Yuran was turning his back to Zhao Gang at this time, and the back empty door could not resist this claw. He suddenly shot out the spirit beast that attacked him, and his body flashed behind Huangfu Yuran, and the long sword blocked the fatal claw in front of his chest.

Hearing the crisp sound of Ding, the sword in Huang Ying's hand actually broke. In Huang Ying's stunned eyes, Zhao Gang's sharp claw quickly inserted into Huang Ying's chest.

"Well..." Huang Ying snorted bitterly and clenched her teeth tightly, and cold sweat oozed out of her forehead. In order not to affect Huangfu Yuran, Huang Ying resisted the heartbreaking pain.

Zhao Gang grinned at the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "Go to hell!" It is said that Zhenyuan in his hand suddenly spewed out, and the crazy Zhenyuan entered Huang Ying's body from Huang Ying's chest and began to rage. Even with such pain, Huang Ying just frowned tightly and did not hum.

From the beginning of the battle, there has been a bloody atmosphere around. At this time, the wound on the yellow warbler's chest was also bleeding outward. With the smell of fresh blood, the spirit beasts looked even more crazy.

Huangfu Yuran also smelled the smell of blood. It seemed that it was not far behind him. He waved his hand to repel the spirit beast that rushed up and looked back. Huangfu Yuran was furious at a glance, and he saw that the chest of the yellow warbler with his back to him had been penetrated, and the tip of his claws from his heart was still dripping blood.

Huangfu Yuran roared, suddenly turned around, raised his legs and kicked Zhao Gang in the chest. Zhao Gang hummed and was kicked out. But Huangfu Yuran would not give up. With a slight shake of his body, his whole body became hazy. Another Huangfu Yuran appeared behind Zhao Gang and waved several swords in a row.

Before Zhao Gang reacted, several sword lights flashed and had broken all his tendons and hamstrings. Huangfu Yuran, who finished this, seemed to be still angry. He grabbed Zhao Gang's shoulder with both hands and sprayed out Zhenyuan in his hand.

Zhenyuan, who entered Zhao Gang's body, was like a sharp sword, which instantly stirred the inside of Zhao Gang's body. Finally, in everyone's shock, Zhao Gang's body began to spray blood outside, but in the blink of an eye, Zhao Gang had become a bloody man, and his whole body was stained with blood.

Zhao Gang was still on the ground and stabbed the forehead of the spirit beast behind him who wanted to sneak up. Huangfu Yuran's body gradually began to fill with black fog, which was a sign before Huangfu Yuran's violent departure.

Zhao Xin and others took all this in their eyes and knew that they could no longer hide their cultivation. If they didn't solve it quickly, it would not be easy to wait for Huangfu Yuran to take action. So they poured Zhenyuan into their weapons one by one and prepared to make a final blow.

However, it was still late. Huangfu Yuran's figure disappeared into the black fog, and countless swordsmanships were shot out in an instant in the churning black fog. Everything within 30 feet is shrouded in the strength of sword spirit, and there is no gap in the dense sword spirit.

In the face of this attack with no target at all, the people who followed Huangfu Yuran were also stunned. Is there any reservation for this attack method? Or is this originally a killing trick? In this way, it is wise to form a shield outside your body and slowly retreat when you are not sure whether you will attack your own people.

However, their retreat speed is obviously not as fast as that of sword spirit, and they have been surrounded by sword spirit in a moment. The crisscrossed sword spirit instantly tore everything within 30 feet into powder, but cleverly avoided Zhao Xin and others.

None of the Wan Beast Mountain brought by Zhao Gang has escaped this doom, and all of them died under sword spirit. Huangfu put away the black fog, and his cold eyes didn't even look at the ground. He turned around and hugged the yellow warbler that was about to fall.

Huang Ying's chest was penetrated, and she was about to lose consciousness for a long time. She just wanted to take a look at Huangfu Yuran, just one more! With this belief, he survived and did not fall down.

The yellow warbler held in Huangfu Yuran's arms narrowed her eyes slightly, barely reached out and stroked Huangfu Yuran's silver-white mask, pulled a bitter smile at the corners of her mouth and said intermittently, "Finally... can... be by your side... You won't... drive me away again, will you? hope...look...that's lying quietly in your" he opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Huangfu Yuran quickly raised his hand and put Zhenyuan into Huang Ying's body and said anxiously, "Stop talking. I'll heal you. I promise you never leave again and never drive you away again."

Huang Ying gently squeezed the corners of her mouth and shook her head weakly and said, "No... It's useless... Yinger knows her physical condition... I just want to... quietly... quietly..." The voice became smaller and smaller until the end. His arm gradually hung down, and his eyes, which looked at Huangfu Yuran affectionately, also slowly closed, and his head slowly turned to one side.

Huangfu Yuran shook his head and couldn't believe all this. He muttered, "" But no matter how he called, Huang Ying had no response, and there was no breath or sign of life.

Reach out and take off the silver-white mask on your face, and the expression on your face is no less than the expression number of the mask. He turned his head and looked at Zhao Xin and said, "Zhao Xin, go back to the underworld and let Pluto arrange Yinger."

Zhao Xin closed his eyes and felt it for a moment. He shook his head and said in a low voice, "It's useless. His soul did not go to the underworld, but dissipated in this world with the passage of life. Forgive Zhao Xin for being powerless. It seems that Huang Ying is determined to die.

Huangfu Yuran was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at the only remaining general of the Mingxiao Empire, and sighed. Yes, this is the fate of Huang Ying, which is overwhelmed by the world's people. It may be reasonable to choose to die. But why do you have to...

After a moment of silence, Huangfu Yuran said to the general of the Mingxiao Empire, "General, Princess Yuxin is no longer there. Go back to the Mingxiao Empire to restore your life."

"You will regret letting me go today. The Mingxiao Empire will definitely provoke war, and the world will also be ruined..." The general of the Mingxiao Empire turned to his horse and said.

This may be a threat in the name of the Mingxiao Empire, because in his eyes, the Cangyun Empire still dares not face the anger of the Mingxiao Empire.