can shi

Chapter 438 Taisho Elder

Outside the inorganic gate, a white-haired young man stood in the air, and the strange-shaped weapon in his right hand emitted red light, and the red light flashed from time to time in his eyes was more enchanting than the red light on the weapon.

Along the way, Huangfu Yuran did not feel tired or calm down because of the long flight. On the contrary, his bloodthirsty desire became stronger. All the practitioners encountered on the way died under Huangfu Yuran's knife, never asking the reason, as long as the practitioners did it.

At this moment, Huangfu Yuran has really become the devil of the world of cultivation, but no one has evidence to prove that Huangfu Yuran did it, because everyone who has seen Huangfu Yuran is dead, which is the so-called death without proof.

Standing outside the inorganic door, Huangfu Yuran felt a burst of excitement in his heart. The fluctuation of Zhenyuan in the inorganic door attracted Huangfu Yuran, and the idea of the ready-moving soul-stricken sword also dominated Huangfu Yuran to come to this Xiuzhen faction. Ignoring the reputation of the inorganic door in the world of cultivation, now there is only a heart full of killing.

And inside the inorganic door, I don't know that the demon has arrived outside the inorganic door and may come in at any time.

In the council chamber of the inorganic door, a group of elders and leaders are discussing something, and the atmosphere seems to be a little tense. The head of the inorganic door frowned slightly, looked at several elders and said, "Yu Jie still hasn't heard from him yet. We don't know what happened. So what should we do next?" This is to seek the opinions of several elders.

Bai Xiaosheng and Yu Jie went out to hunt down Huangfu Yuran, which is known to the whole sect, but there has been no message. This has never happened before. No matter how busy Yu Jie is, he will send the information to the sect as soon as possible, but this time it seems to be an accident.

This accident caused a strange movement in the whole inorganic door. It seems to be an ominous sign. Everyone feels that kind of uneasiness in their hearts and can't let go for a long time.

Several elders discussed and couldn't say why. They thought about many assumptions and were eventually rejected by themselves. There is one thing they don't want to believe in their hearts, that is, Yu Jie has died in the hands of Huangfu Yuran.

However, Yu Jie's real identity does not allow such a thing to happen. The former head of the inorganic door knows Yu He, that is, the current elder Taishang is Yu Jie's grandfather. If Yu Jie dies, it will be a blow to the Taishang elder, a blow to the inorganic door, and even to the cultivation world.

While they were still discussing Yu Jie's life and death, a little disciple ran in in a panic and shouted, "No, the leader is not good!"

Huh? How to speak? Isn't the head good?" One of the elders stood up and said coldly.

The little disciple settled down and trembled and said, "The headman, the news from the infinite sect... is about Uncle Yu Jie."

As soon as the elders heard about Yu Jie, they immediately raised their spirits and listened carefully, but the head said calmly, "Don't worry, take your time. What does the infinite sect say? Where is Yu Jie now?

"Yes... Yes, Uncle Yu Jie led people to encircle and suppress Huangfu Yuran. As a result, the whole army was destroyed. Only Wuye of the Immeasant and Shi Wutian of Tianjianmen escaped back, and the others died. Uncle Yu Jie also died at the hands of Huangfu Yuran and was killed with a knife. The little disciple described it vividly, as if he were there at that time.

The head of the inorganic door could no longer sit still. He frowned and stood up and asked, "The whole army was destroyed? How many people did they take to encircle Huangfu Yuran and others? How could the whole army be destroyed?"

The little disciple tilted his head and thought about it, and said firmly, "There are about 200 disciples from several sects." In fact, what the little disciple didn't know was that none of the people of the Xiaoyao faction were sent back to the Xiaoyao faction without death or injury.

The inorganic leader frowned, waved his hand and said, "Okay, I know. You go down first." After the little disciple went out, he muttered, "More than 200 people were killed by more than a dozen Huangfu Yuran, and there were also practitioners in the distraction period. This Huangfu Yuran's cultivation..."

An elder frowned slightly and said, "How should we deal with it now? As soon as Bai Xiaosheng dies, the news of the cultivation world will not be so well-in-known. And...the elder of Taishang..." Yu He, the Taishang elder, has always said the same thing, and he is even more spoiled Jie. If he knew that Yu Jie was killed by Huangfu Yuran, I'm afraid he would immediately go out to find Huangfu Yuran.

Before I finished thinking about this idea, I heard an old voice outside the door: "I know all about it. Do you still want to hide it from me?" The door of the council chamber was pushed open, and an old man in a gray robe slowly came in with a crutch on his head.

The old man's hair is white, the traces of the years on his face are obvious, and his eyes are deep and shining. This person is the elder of the inorganic door. Although Yu He walked a little staggered with a dragon crutch and looked weak, it would be a big mistake if he really thought that Yu He was the kind of old man. He was a practitioners with Mahayana cultivation.

Seeing Yu He coming in, everyone, including the head of the inorganic door, stood up and bowed and said, "The elder!" It's just that there is a light of surprise in his eyes. Yu He has been closed to practice since he gave up the position of inorganic leader, but this time he suddenly appeared here.

Yu He nodded and hummed, went to the position given up by the inorganic leader and sat down and said, "Jier's original jade charm is broken, which means that my grandson is no longer there." Yu He was direct and explained his intention as soon as he came.

Everyone suddenly realized that it was not surprising that Yu He knew so. The elder has never asked about the world. Who can pass on the news to him? If it hadn't been for his spoiled Yu Jie's death, I'm afraid he wouldn't have come out.

Without waiting for others to say anything, Yu He turned his head and looked at the inorganic leader and said, "Step bye, do you have any news about my grandson? Who killed my grandson?" The eyes are shining, and it seems to be suppressing the anger in the heart.

Han Buyu, the inorganic head, said respectfully, "Master, it was Huangfu Yuran, a disciple of the Xiaoyao faction who killed Yu Jie."

"Oh? Huangfu Yuran? But the doll that shocked the world 20 years ago? How can more than 20 years of cultivation reach the level of killing Yu Jie? Yu He obviously didn't believe that Yu Jie died in the hands of a little doll who was only 20 years old.

"Master, you don't know anything about the world. This Huangfu Yuran is naturally a material for cultivation. He has reached the divine period in more than ten years, and now he should have broken through the divine period. If you don't restrain yourself, I'm afraid it will endanger the whole world of cultivation in the future. Han Buyu exaggerated Huangfu's cultivation as if it were against the sky.

The shock in Yu He's eyes still can't be concealed, but now he is curious about why these cultivation wizards are enemies of the inorganic door and why they killed Yu Jie. So he frowned and asked, "If you don't practice well, why do you have no opportunity to compete with me?"

Han Buyu looked at the elders present with an embarrassed face, and then said, "This is the thing, master..." Briefly talked about how to destroy the Huangfu family and how to hunt down and kill Huangfu Yuran.

After listening to the narration of Han Buyu, Yu He's eyes suddenly widened and snorted coldly: "Nonsense! Where do you put the rules of the cultivation world? What are the lives of hundreds of people in the Huangfu family? No wonder Huangfu Yuran will hate the whole world of cultivation, and no one can stand the slaughter of his whole family. You have been deceived by Ouyangqing. Destroying the Huangfu family will only make Huangfu Yuran's child more radical and make him enchanted.

"This... what should we do next? At the beginning, the apprentice was confused for a moment and didn't think so much... But now Huangfu Yuran's cultivation is beyond our control. We..." Han Buyu was already a little panicked. If a demon was created on impulse at the beginning, then all the cultivation sects would not be blamed.

Yu He closed his eyes and sighed and said faintly, "Let it be. Now that it has been made a big mistake, there is nothing you can do. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Let's take one step at a time.

"But... he has killed so many practitioners, and also killed your grandson. If he is so indulgent..." An elder said with lingering heart, he meant that he wanted the elders to take action. After all, reaching the late Mahayana period is not comparable to them.

Yu He half narrowed his eyes, looked sideways at the elder who had just spoken, and hummed softly, "You don't need to provoke me in this way. Even if you don't say anything, you will go to him. After all, he killed my grandson with his own hands."

"No...not good!" The door of the council chamber was knocked open, and another little disciple stumbled in. Looking at the expression on that face, he seemed to see something terrible, and his eyes were full of panic.

Han Buyu frowned and the elders at the same time. Han Buyu shouted in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

As soon as the little disciple saw that all the elders were there, he immediately knelt down and said tremblingly, "The mountain gate... There is a demon in the mountain gate, and he is about to come in!"

"What? What kind of person is so bold that he dares to violate my inorganic door!" Han Buyu was very shocked. It has been hundreds of years at least. In hundreds of years, no one has dared to attack the mountain gate so boldly.

The little disciple pointed to the direction of the mountain gate and said in horror, "The man is dressed in white and has white hair. He kills people at the sight..." It seems that he was really scared. His body was still trembling when he said this.