can shi

Chapter 465 Ghost Offensive

"Water Dragon Wall!" Just as everyone was worried about Qinger and the island, the Hydra appeared in mid-air at the right time, spitting out a column of water to surround Qinger.

The water column made a "chirp" sound when it encountered a hot flame. In a burst of white fog, the flame on Qing'er's body gradually extinguished. And Qing'er's eyes also darkened and fell into a coma at the moment when the flame went out, and she was taken into Ling'er's arms.

Since coming to the Canglan Sea, Hydra has arranged everyone on this island and has never appeared again. Now that the Hydra appeared, everyone pointed their spears at the Hydra, saying that they knew it was the territory of Ghost Island and arranged themselves and others here and so on.

The Hydra shook its nine huge heads and denied its mistakes and said faintly, "I understand what you mean. It's good to be close to Ghost Island, but this is what the young master means, and I dare not disobey."

"What are you talking about? Do you mean Yuran? That Yuran wanted to..." Chen Yu's eyes lit up, and Huangfu Yuran deliberately arranged everyone near the ghost island. Is it possible to say that he had the intention to attack the ghost island? It's just that Chen Yu didn't say it clearly. All the people present are smart people. I believe that everyone will understand if Chen Yu doesn't say it.

"The will of the young lord... I dare not guess the holy beast, and I just follow the order. If there is something unclear, wouldn't it be convenient to ask the young master directly when he comes!" The Hydra shook its head and said.

Linger shook her head gently and muttered, "That's what I said, but now Yuran..."

The Hydra interrupted Linger's words and said, "I'm here to tell you that the young master is about to arrive in the sea of Canglan. I believe you will see the young master in the future."

"How did you know?" The first question turned out to be Lin Yang. Lin Yang and Huangfu Yuran married Jinlan. Huangfu Yuran saved Lin Yang's life again. If you are most worried about Huangfu Yuran, except for Linger, I'm afraid it's Lin Yang.

"I am a holy beast, and I can feel the breath of the young master. He is getting closer and closer. Before the young master comes, you must defend this island and resist the attack of the ghost island. I will help you. After saying that, the Hydra turned around and got into the sea and disappeared.

In fact, Hydra has said so much that there are only two points that really make them pay attention. One is that Huangfu Yuran is coming soon, and the other is the attack of Ghost Island... Wait, the attack of Ghost Island...

"Everyone should pay attention to be vigilance, such as Yan and Fenghuan, you two guard the two children, Chen Yu and Dian Yun guard the east, Li Qing and Lin Yang guard the north, uncle guard the west, and I guard the south. Once one side is attacked by the enemy, immediately send a signal for help and support from other directions as soon as possible. Linger deployed the following vigilance in an orderly manner.

"What about Linger girl and me? What do you want me to do?" The barbarian king asked with a big knife and his chest.

Linger looked at the barbarian king, squeezed her lips and said, "You are with Qinger. You are our biggest trump card. You have the art of escape. It's best to attack the enemy by surprise. If either side needs support, you can get there as soon as possible!" To be honest, Linger really doesn't want to pour a basin of cold water on the enthusiasm of the barbarian king.

Seeing Linger's words so well, the barbarian king agreed without thinking about it. As long as it can help everyone, even if the barbarian king hides, he is willing to give in now.

I don't know why Ghost Island chose to act at night. Maybe it really regards itself as a person of Jiuyou Yin Cao, and the night is suitable for them.

When night came down, a sad whine came, which also kicked off the battle. The strength of the people on Ghost Island is not very strong. The key is that their body skills are too strange, and even the attack methods are so strange that they make people fight a cold war.

The island where Linger and others are located is not big. Almost at the same time, enemies appeared in four directions at the same time. Inexplicably, a pair of dry and blue hands stretched out behind several people. If it hadn't been for several people's special perception of danger**, they would have really said to them. After avoiding these ghost hands, the people of Ghost Island would have appeared.

There are more than a dozen floating people floating there in each direction. I don't know whether it's because of the skill or something else. The people on Ghost Island have been floating in the air.

It seems that this is intentional. The people of Ghost Island are not in a hurry to attack, but wander around several people. From time to time, he jumped up and grabbed several people with his extremely ferocious hands, but cleverly avoided Linger and others when they wanted to fight back.

This is a war of attrition. The defending side always needs to be on high alert and will definitely be out of spirits for a long time. At that time, won't it become the fish on the cutting board and be slaughtered? But suffering from the strangeness of the other party's body, they can't relax their vigilance.

This situation persisted until dawn. When the fish belly was white in the eastern sky, the people of Ghost Island finally stopped swaying, but scattered and disappeared. Just when everyone thought it was over, a more dangerous breath came.

There is only one person in front of them this time, but the body method alone is much higher than the original cultivation. The four people were divided into four directions, and after they appeared, they couldn't help mentioning the weapons and began to attack.

Several people guarding the island after a night of tossing. Although they were a little tired, Zhenyuan did not consume too much, so there was still a power to fight at this time. Seeing the other party rushing, he didn't dodge and greeted him directly. After holding back all night, he could finally vent his anger, so there was no room for him to take action.

The personal law of Ghost Island is too strange, and it is difficult to fight for a while. Linger and others wanted to kill the people of Ghost Island but couldn't seize the opportunity, and the people of Ghost Island had to weigh the pros and cons if they wanted to hurt Linger and others.

The first ones who couldn't hold on were Li Qing and Lin Yang. Their cultivation was already a little different from Linger. At this time, the two of them fell behind in fighting one. People who are controlled by Ghost Island everywhere have a fire but can't find a place to send it, and several times they are almost damaged.

Li Qing still sent a distress signal. Now is not the time to show off. Liu Ruyan, who was in the center of the island, shrugged her eyebrows and turned to the barbarian king and Fenghuan and said, "Li Qing can't hold on. Who can we support it?"

The barbarian king waved a big knife and smiled, "I'll go. You're here to protect your two children!" After saying that, his body turned and disappeared into the ground.

Since the barbarian king learned to control the earth elements from Qinger, the speed of action is indeed much faster. Besides, suddenly coming out of the ground can also play a deterrent role. At least it can be unexpected, and the injury to the other party is secondary.

When the barbarian king got out of the ground, it happened that the man on Ghost Island was grabbing the defenseless Li Qing. The barbarian king didn't want to cut down the arm of the man on Ghost Island with a knife in both hands. This is the trick to surround Wei and save Zhao. Of course, the man can catch Li Qing, but these arms...

This nonsensical knife really worked. When the man on Ghost Island cut off the barbarian's knife, Ma* withdrew his hand and floated back a few steps. After the barbarian knife fell empty, his body rotated and rushed out. The knife was across his waist, and his whole body looked like a spinning blade.

Although the barbarian king's speed was fast, it was still a step slower. By the time the barbarian king turned to the man's side, his body had been scattered into white bones on the ground. The barbarian king was stunned for a moment, pointed to the white bone on the ground and said, "I haven't touched him yet. Can't I help beating him like this?"

"be careful!" Lin Yang timely reminded him, raised his hand and stabbed the void behind the barbarian king. The barbarian king felt wrong when he heard Lin Yang's reminder. Before he could react, he felt that his back was kicked and staggered forward a few steps.

Lin Yang stabbed away with a sword. He really saw a virtual shadow dodging away from the tip of Lin Yang's sword. The next moment, he appeared in front of the staggering barbarian king, opened his hands and grabbed the barbarian king's head.

Li Qing also dodged in front of the barbarian king at this time, turned around and kicked out, and shouted, "Cool!"

The man's reaction was also agile enough. He saw Li Qing kicking this kick, put his hands together in front of his chest, and floated out backwards with the strength of Li Qing's kick. Then he shook his body and disappeared in the surprised eyes of the three of Lin Yang, as if he had never appeared before.

As if it had been discussed, the disciples of Ghost Island in several other directions also left at the same time. Just when everyone was surprised, the sound of a bitter piano came from the center of the island.

It turned out that after the barbarian left, a man in a black robe appeared nearby. The man's face was wrapped in black fog and could not see his face, but the evil breath on his body was not concealed, which made Liu Ruyan** capture his existence.

The black gas in the man's hands gradually spread, and soon surrounded the surroundings, and at the same time surrounded Liu Ruyan, He Fenghuan, Qing'er and Xiaohu. In the black gas, the man stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and Liu Ruyan stretched out a hand behind the black gas.

Liu Ruyan snorted coldly, patted the dry palm stretched out in the black air, and then sat down cross-legged, with a simple guqin on her knees. Liu Ruyan's fingers flew over the strings, and a slightly resentful song floated out, forming a protective circle around the four people.

The black gas around it bounced off a little when it touched the shield. This is not the most important thing. The function of this piano is to inform people outside to come to rescue, which is the effect of the rhythm.

Several people distributed on all sides shook at the same time when they heard the sound of the piano, and then immediately shouted secretly and rushed to the center of the island.